Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 Jul 1964, p. 9

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cmcus Dunstan scene 0ft Worst Fire Now School Yard fwsaiy years ago this month III perseIa died at lsrtiard Cona is North Americas worst tireanlre Associated Press writer um lisck who cevaredths tire to me reports on the dia aeter and how it has lreted the lives at Icon Iy LOU BLACK HARTFORD Conn AP mlidren llillillll happy noises play today in yani behind modarn schoolhouse 1heyse unaware this was the citys circus ground to years Ito and the scans at North Americaa worst circus disaster On hot and humid July 1000 tire broke out dining matinee rtemlanoe oi the RinglingI Igrantharacand has mm an or one stand hedge lett res ad more so iniured many trampled to death in the others died oi burns others oi nrilocatioa The holocaust resulted in tough new police coda rt gutting canvas to llama Drool For Mrs hoes man re tered nurse and her two dren Herbert and Betsy than and the two decades since Duplicate Systems Eat Into VANCOUVER tcPiDIII rt dundaacy within an organiza tion can estinto companys prcllu aaya Charles Neuen dori director oi corporate ays toms and procedures lor Burr rougha Corp Detroit based manuiecturer oi huIineIa ma chines and computers hlr Nsuendert was here ra eently to speak on corporate comde and control systems tor management vihlch hI do Vonier Writing Ticket 0th GP Governors fleoeral Vanler apparently is ssrfilz last year as Canddas Statistics reported today writing his own ticket on how long he continues as vleeoogai normative km venue cs iiclaiiy Sept 10 but his sdvodule extends beyond that date in dudln duties in connedlon with Queens vtstt in Dabber to Gloriottctown and Quebec writerhum ener the limiting iactor and inton menta say he will be the lodge on when to leave While he sutlcred mild heart attack tn the spring oi 1008 he has recovered Spe aiJon about niecesaor has died away and the last name mentioned was that ot George Drew iorrner Conserv ative leader when he retired as ginger high commissioner in Phhhmmiih iii eor or veter that Gen Vanier can carry on He has been ilrm advocate gunamzfiaa Conflicts ng governor enerai One oi his last public gagaments was as fieat to huge st Jean Baptls Society Eclebratigtosoelnglou usl where was sauna oi ntietca Aai irom any other consid eration it is believed the gov ernment is happy to put oil the ditlicult task at successor or iii Gen Vanisr tools he wants to quit Profits scribed as program aimed hsslcaiiy at increasing com panys proiita by getting the right type at information to the rim people so that they can at iectively carry out their respon albilitics in many companies date is usually collected in separate planets or isolated islands at in lormation by the various da plartmeaia he said in an later total management intona atlon system is designed to in terrelate these isianda and an fimuage tree new oi telema on the tirst step in set up such system he said to precisely define the inlormation which you require to discharge your responsibilities EXAM GWEN As an axe ple Mr Neuen dart said supposing one man had the parts inventory depart ment another the parts in pro cosa department third had purchase orders and lburth bed accounts payable it each oi us sit down and soy whet inlermation we so out we will tind out that we have common remsnt tor the same tniorma on but wa have each acted as it we were unique and have sat up our own system Separate systemsha said in valved lneliiciency and high coatplain old dollars and cents Earls at us has set up our own ayetam when really the chances are that three quarters at what we need is identical in ionnation But he said one department needs the inionnetion Friday another Sunday and third on the 30th day ot the smooth The revisit la loeiiiclency and time legs which is costly in terms or money and people therds an adverse grinding ei loci on morale Tits and purpose oi informa tion collecting is to enable company to command direct and control its resoluces he said The obiectlvs id to provida each individual in the company with whathe requiresnot what management requiresto ei iectlvely disdlerge his duties People arent motivated by theyhut by rna have been ons long series of nightmares they say HA W0 We have awakened many nights and even now wake up screaming says lira Dunn For many years III acaaod to be caught in foldilddl think ve over every so often lied mysell getting slutty telling in crowded slha still Ice thoae ll bodies waiting to be identified in the temporary morguehut like it was yesterday we Eso an ill William Horses oi bitch tteld County aisle police lieu tenant in me Mauser was in charge oi identlilcetion can hear those screams as lain as ever ihomas arbor 61 detective aboI was on duty in the onto 11 Mrs Dunn and her children were among 0000 spectators in the big tent as Maria Evans led his bplece band through nsppy opening number at pm CHANGE THE TEMP Suddenly he switched thI band irom ballet music eait tune for the animal sotto march The Stars and Stripes Forever lha abrupt cbao in tempo signalled to circuspeopie that there was danger in the big top For moments the flame near the main entrance looked small enough to be extinguished with bucket oi water lint within seconds blown by the sudden wigd athe tiamI grass soul mun was smouldering bier Biz victims were never ldeatl lied What caused the lire lt was never oiilcially established but the explanation most generally accepted was that it started irom cigarette carelessly tossed Iside in mens room hilt outside the main entrance Six circus otiiciala were charged with involuntary man slaughter They pleaded on ma teat and received prison sen tescee Border Unrest ln lsraei Syria TEL AVIV AP No is raeli soldiers and an laraeu worker were wounded Thursday in tivehour exchange ot tire between Syrian and lsraeli altions in the lluieh reelsrna on area in the upper Jordan River valley as lsraell army spoken man amounted Statements issued by laraal Ianfii Syria disagreed on the do The Israeli statement said the Syrians opened tire at 1141 am on an iaracli military pa trol and on two iann machines in the same area The tire was returned by is raeli torcea using machineguns the apolrearnan said in Damascus Syrian army spokesman accused the Israelis oi starting the matingsng some on leyii trontier since 1arael began tests May of its Jordan River irrigation protect Quiet was restored about pm THIS WAS HE RENE in liarticrd 00nd July 10 when 100 persons died ea tire swept the main tent at the Ringling Brothers and Bar cussr daemon nuns and Bailey Circus dun ing matioee periormance At right famous clown Em ruet Kelly carries water bucket as smoke rises irom the smouldering rubble in the background More than 500 persons were hurt in the tra gedy Americas worst circus tire AP Wirephotot Children Wish To FOIget Helpless Childhood Yeors WoGlneale idli 07110 Exodus WILEEAMAEY in this new quarter we begin study at the history at iarael which takes us irom the last years Jacob and the period oi slavery in Egypt to the be ginning oi Ssula reign Jacob grandson oi Abraham was the lather oi the 12 men who ioundod the Twelve Tribes ot lerael ttirst listed in Genesis scans The story at how Jos eph one oi Jacobs sons was sold into slavery by his broth ers and subsequently became prime minister oi Egypt is vividly told in Genesis 0711 prime minister Joseph ordered the storage oi surplus crops during the lat years so when the seven years of amine struck the Middle East Egypt alone had an abundance of food Hearing this Jacob twice sent his remaining sons to Egypt to buy load in doing so the brothers became reconciled with Joseph who invited them to come to Egypt to live learning Joseph was still alive Jacob took his entire iamliy some 60 personsto Egypt Here they settled in the land oi Goshen an exceedingly fertile area east of the panes tic branch of the Nile where they could live lite apart trons Imports Hit AllTime High But Still Trading Surplus UllAWA CHimport up to an alltime monthly high in April but Canada still had greater trade surplus tor the ilrst tour months oi this year than in the corresponding 1003 period the Dominion Bureau ot This years tourmonth trade surplusexcess oi axporta over importswas $80100000 against $45200000 in the JanuaryApril period at 1003 But in April titers was trade dailclt ot 0400000 compared with one ct on chases irom other countries reached onemonth record oi 0700400000 lhis wosan increase oi 370 fir cent irom the 1000 April to at 0554000000 and up 01 per cent iromthe rcvious record or month $050200000 in May loan This brought the value oi im ports in the JanuaryApril ps mo tofl007000000 up 103 yoga nent irom 01060700000 in Meanwhile exports attained record April high oi 0070100 000 27 per centvirom that months tonnes peak oi 3517 700000 last year This brought exports tor the tirst tour months at the year to 01453000000 an increase oi 118 per cent over the January April tiguse last year at snowmen Trade ilgures totthe tlret tour months at the yaar com pared with the oorrespondlng period la year in millions oi dollera rav nxaumna ans sauna more taupe Unltcd Exports ll 10 United States 13004 1105 United Kingdom seer mp Commonwealth M7 1200 Others 0010 Total ZJEM Milli rte Stats 17100 14100 United Kingdom 1871 1511 Commonwealth 03 009 other 0771 0138 mtal 23070 1eas7 The bureau said the unusually large increases in both exports and imports in April were in fidenced by two basiciactors which resulted in the spring peak in trade coming month earlier than usual CITES FALlORd Ono tectonwas the increase in the nurrlher at working days in the month some 10 per cent more than in 1000 and the other was the early dateat which the St Lawrence ARtver ports opened The usual trade detlcitwitlt the United states was nearly double last years in April at 30000000 against 5000000 year earlier while the hustle mary trade surplus with Brit ain was slightly larger for the month seenoonoo ragainst toll 100000in April1003 Canadas rt balance in April with Commonwealth and preiarentlalrate countries was more than double that oi year earlier at etasoooooves Iua $0000000 and the trade sun pluawlth all other countries as gmyupwas mornthan quad ruple thatol April last year at 0370000110 against 00000 April Imports irom the 113 increased 817 per cc 000i 4140 tlt 000000 irom 032000000 year earlier boosting the January Aprll total 21 per cent to $1 710000000 irom 11413000000 in previous year Exports to the 113 in fire month were II 101 per cent 000970100000 tom 0310000 and tor the tourmonth period increased by 11 per cent to St 330400000 imtlt 01105300000 Thus the tourmonth trade deit clt with the us waI 0371500 000 this year against 0018000 0001a lees UK PURCHASES Pugheses irom Britain sap us For Commercial Stationery and systems Adding Machine and year earlier and by on per cent iii the Mdfloltth period to smoother irom 41100 Egyptian influences There in sepia and Jacob were reunited Planning the introduction at his tatlter and brothers to the pharaoh Joseph insisted they tell the truth when phsraoh salted thelroccupation Shape herding was despised occupa tion in Egypt and by telling the truth the geographical separa tion at lsraelites and Egyptla would be almost compulsory As expected in the ensuing interview pharaoh gives to risen to the lsrsaliies to iivsin Genesis 4710 Now tollowa passage which reveals Josephs care for his tatirer avirtua vanishing irom todays society Young people do not want to remember those long years of helpless childhood when they weres burden and care in their parents they are um mindful oi the tender kindness that nursed mamthrough iii nessea that bore with their pet ulant that ireer eecriiiced sleep and rest sitting far into the nights contrlving dresses playthings and other surprises no unwrap Were our Lord viewing this situation and knowledgeable oi Josephs concern tor his aged parents comfort surely He would admonish us Go thou and do likewise mire 1057 The material irom Exodus as signed to our lessonlntroduces period home hundreds oi years later when the descend ants ot Jacob have become multitude and msrkah drastic cheese in the fortunes lsraelitee Now there arose up new king ovor Egypt which knew not Joseph Exodus Tlte new king probably did not know oi the bi Joseph and the great things he had done tor Egypt or it he did considered those services at earlier times totally unim P0rtant to hint ihe children oi lsrael repre Remember when Bonded Stock Whisky came in that old bottle new hotels to our which Alad new label We age Bonded Stock little longer now unwell ylo make every drop test Plain scaled the whole mast ol tor eigners and slaves transported to the Nile valley during mili tary campaigns and Egyptian sovereigns always tell in immi nent danger ot revolt irom these toreigners Sophnraoh ordered the 1araclites enslaved to build storecities and other monuments to his glory ihoughme work was hard overseera oiten cruel and food deliberately lnsuiiicicni the lie hrews in the manner at op pressed peoples continued to multiply so much more drastic measure was instituted Pharaoh ordered midwives to kill each male child at birth HALE RISE Sales oi new cars in Sweden duringthe llrst quarter at 1004 were up eight per cent over the 1363 period to 43601 everywhere 531m DAY MI 81 Indian Gets Only Flowery Phrases Royal Commissions GENEVA PARK on modal 1153s beratele on the National Indian Cotsndl do scribing its leaders as renegade reel auto agents and restted her plan has better treatment at Canadas lndlana the national cured at which am director wants to take commission or settling Indian land claims worth hun teds oi millions at dollars she told Tl hill nIfhool shsdmta at tending to sluice sponsored the United Nations AIME oi Canada Manufacturer Cant Compete WASHINGNN tCPi lha Modine bianulaoturing Com pany said Thursday US auto parts makers cannot match Caa nadlan prices and unless coun tervailing duty is imposed against Canada many oi these American plants will have to told or move to Canada US motor vehicle manulso turers are drastically curtailing present purchases and cancel ling iutura orders tor USmade parts while placing purchase or ders and tutureneeds orders with Canadian parts producers under Imnlcmcnk with their Canadian slitllates the come party said in statement sub mitted to the us customs bur CIII Tr aw atrumwrmwnyumelmwm my ego um aht sssa¢tensLe wmutmywteau lndlan middleman msflll pmiitmthua him detail as Canadas indies princeas and has asked her to withdraw council activitiea connected with the Montreal worlds lair ii in tomato thussday nish Wllircd Pelletler comet asecof tlve director said Miss Hora is director as she claims has never paid member ship date and thereiore has no authority to be elect to anyi on on to own rra rue BEAUTI vur Am counrr lONED Earsare Room lounge FOR REAL COMFOIU ousrus HOTEL Thesmari way team and travail Extra coach car conveniences to make your trip more comfortable meter 7266525 For other economy White Blue Fares cell Immanuel NATIONAL 20

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