gsé LOW LIGHTS ANNE FOGAETYS dlscolh eoue dress Ia bias cut with Ilirty shirt iIounce back bow and big pull mull remin iscent ot the sor it is one ol hundred oi designs to be previewed by the lssbion press bread and custards made by sorr MUSIC in New York ltight all the decoilelage the neckline ol tilts silk brooeded evening dress by Jean tools is up to the bee it does pitch low in back thoufll AP Wire photos iiT Pol LUCK PARTY St Marys CWL End Busy Season Avwell attended pot luck eup per preceded the June meeting oi St Marys Catholchomene League in St Josephs Auditor ium special presentation was made to Mrs Leo McCanu In the lorm ot the past presidents pin lor her untiring devotion to the Catholic Womens League during her term oi oilice Mrs Zelner was presented with the prize tor compiling the sore boo which won an award at Archdiocesan Convention held at the Royal York Hotel in hilly Mrs Coleman presi dent made the presentations Mrs Ryan corresponding secretary reminded members to continue saving Canada Pack sr labels or the coliee urn Mrs Srlgley spiritual con veaer stated that the iood show er tor the Redemptorinlne Sis tars was quite auccesslul and tllanked all who contributed to this worthwhile protect SERVICE WORK Social Action Convener Mrs Beaudoln remarked that the CW1 is again knitting tor the lo cal Iliidrens Aid Society and distributed wool tor this work Mrs Stone education con vener reported that applica tions ior the CM bursary were received end the winners would be announced later Prices or catechism will also be presented the students at St Marys and 5t Monicas Schools at the end oi the current school term Mrs Leo McCsnn volunteered convene the Christmas baz ar Nov ll Mrs Woodstock convener oi the Rummage Sale to be held June lrom an 12 am in Odd Fellows Temple invited orlrers especially newcom ers to give their assistance in this big event Sales of religious articles will be held throughout the summer arranged by Mrs Coughlln altar care oonvsoer Mrs Mulsioclr hospital convener reported 100 visits made to the Royal Victoria Hos pital in May by Mrs McCIoskcy and Mrs Leo Madlgan Details tor the annual Parish Picnic at Sprl ater Park June 24 were ecussad The Elenic will begin at 530 pm aih family is requested to bring its own lunch and the CWL will provide ice cream and pop loathe children and tea and entice tor the adults Mrs Robert Golda volunteered to look eliter the kitchen for this ocean son ROME V15 Mrs Padiield reported so home visits were made In May to newcomers and shutina In the parish Mrs Schman said most successlul evening or the altar boys was held May 31 when several new boys were invested as sanotuary servers social time Ioilnwed with the parents and irieods attending the reception in St Josephs Auditorium BRIDAL SHOWER miscellaneous shower was held in honor of brideelect Miss uDonna Marie Buiiey at the home oi Mrs Willard Klnsie Shanty Bay Road The women of Emmanuel Baptist Church were In charge at arrangements llos tosses were Mrs Keith Wood and Mrs John Langman Miss Buiiey will become the brida at John Cole oi Anton Mills on July 17 specialize yinhuliisize DRESSES rearuamo out cations by LEO DANEL Sizes inflows The gt meeting ei momma Institute was bald in the Parish Hall June with president lire l1 lichen presiding Roll call wasenswared with My lavosita way at using srli by it masters Seven ltli Club girls were also pso Voluaiuszaders would be appreciated tor the nest ll pro hot the Cases Shall lira Magulra sod Mrs Pareyliuir with lira ll line as altsrnatawan appolnu ted to attend wow Train log School Nov and for the project Block Printing lira Peggy Campbell Horne Economist tor North Sunooa will conduct adios on items Preesing in Oouier Street Unl ted Church Pailowabip lllll July at 180 pm Ewryonsi welcome The members plan to atisnd the will and Rug Fair at Boa toa on July as and to meet at the school at ll am Mrs ll ton reported on the sale ol Minean ills tory Books supply Is now available at duo aaeb Mrs new tbs ell club leader along with Mrs Alan Johnston took charge at the will mun knock oli an weekly sexless data It the womans catches up with him thaguy Is not likely to discuss word delin itioas Ila may last give him belt In the chopsor worse WASTED ENERGY Dear Ann Men How it one protect Ilimasii against products with an attractive poo ter was arranged on tha lat iorm Donna Luck aspianed the varsousilems and each oi the other girls read the minu tes oi their meetings lunch wai served oinut the girls North Simcoe Freezer Forum Slated For July In Barrie The June meeting at the Dal sion Womens imitate was held at the horns oi Mrs Tom Cow ard with it members and one visitor answering the roll call An oldiashloned remedy my mother used The president Mrs Allan Brown called the meeting to or our in the usual manner SOCIAL NOTES EN ROUTE 10 WINDSOR Mr and Mrs James Muir oi Coxmill Rd Painswick had surprise visit train their son Jim who was puslng through Muir Jr has been in aldbury tor the sat three years with Ra dio Ste on CKSO and recently ace ted ltlon with station Clti InW dsor HOLIDAY lN ALBERTA ien year old Bradley Smith aaroute to visit his matemai grandmother Mrs in Mc Vcigh at Calgary Alberta is ex periencing his ilrat time away my The young son oi Mr and Mn James Smith at Napier Street will visit the Calgary Stampede Banii lake loulss and Edmonton and attend his cousins wedding during the months hoI day with relatives Bradley is curler boy or The Barrie Examiner and his customers will be looked alter by his brother Brant while he is away HIGHER THAN EVEREST Mauna liea in Hawaii Is at on test lrom base to peels 13781 lest oi the moumsln umran rims build plulon man goes out once woman who is also married and whose husband nights Fibers is no sea ved My husband swears to to aim adultery involves married person and sin Ia person It tbayan both ma ad even though not to aacbothar this is not consid ered adultery no matter what happens What is your vardlctl llttis Egypt Dear Little Egypt Your bus bsad is wrong Adultery is de lined as sun betwsan married person and another person who is not his spouse the other no can be either married or oaJuiy tarsalth Annual no motto it you must tell our troubles tell them good Barrie en route to Windsor Mr ye Mrs Wallace Cough Mrs Clarence Brown conven or at health gave paper entitl ed The use and misuse oi polo mu She also conducted con tells Refreshments were ierved to Mrs ory and Mrs Pal wick The next meeting will be held Sept at the home oi Mrs LL egoosvaNomlk Platonic Priendghlp Excludes Their Mates Aaavuadam us has line as outsidars Please put your answer the paper so in wont say latter arried with mad your same on you is it adultery It it According agls hope your husband letter was read announcing Miss Coral Jacob appointment as home economist Ior North Simcoa and that on treeser iniorraa on will be held July at 130 In at Col liar St United owsbip liail It was decided to have short course on miillnery Arrangements were made It AWNING well commented on ed by thehoetcaa art Massey iha Simcoe County Dental Nurses and Assistants Associat ion held ita meeting and election at olilceradn the St John Am bulance Building in Barrie Ilyn be my oi mun conducted the election Miss Mar Elected to oiiics were Margaret Ree presld Meg Do worn at reistionah husband up cilnlo tor the community picnic to be held as at bars Lelia Provin cial Park sports to begin at set pm supper at vn Sup per to consist oi sandw thee and dessert Mrs Gordon Jory gave an In rt on the District Miss liar Please dont tell ms to avoid him would like nothing have the same Irlsada and our paths are crossing constantly this person is videos cruai aod clevar llis tales have ouslï¬lï¬bbsllsvablilty rogues he mansgaa the III to aeoupls oi nail truths ihavalscsdbirnoaaiaw occasions and asked why he told so and so such and such lie denial everything and twists ths tarts to male it appear as it the ans who so sled story was actually liar this raps babies ma ma pass ao milu your counselvistas at Forked Taupe Dear Vler Liars asidom hsva one target You probably one oi many Paop is who and vioats what svsat ualiy and than the ties are no longer believed Your best protection against lie is your own good charac ter in waste oi time and snargy to to dalsnd your soil against Is kind at an IF saaaln LEGAL AGE Dear Ann Luldaral Please hl den rats mother at six 0hr3 oldestpsllii be soon She has another ear oi high school Ieit but she oesnt want to tin lsit In this state girl oi la is isgaily able to move out or bar parenta home and do as she pleases Her lather and have talked bribed pleadedu and demanded that she ilniah high school We oiiared to ilnanca coile or business school but she not Interested Shanants to leave home doing anything on she can be on or own All this is beginning to show on me im losing weight so cant sleep What can we say or do to make our daughter understand we love her and want what is best tor harl Dasperata Mather Dear Motherl Please dont are pedt law lines lrom ms to repair relationship Which has been coming apart at the seams ior years Unhappily you va been unable to mails the girl understand the necessity oi high ilchbol diploma and the valueoi higher education Since she ra of legal age there Is nothing you can do to keep her at home do giva her your blessiaga and let her know the door is always open Shell discover being on her own is not so glamorous as me thought When she does come home which will be soon hope please dont say ws told you so in in by lrorn heme and lirat train ioun County Dental NurSes Assistants Elect Miss Rae As President ant Miss Marilyn La llay is cording secretary Miss Janet Moeskcr treasurer Miss Beat Miss Dorcas Craigie past pre ildent The guest Ipeaksr Peter Meg Donall oi barrio who is mem bers oi the St John Ambulance Co instructedths group in art lal respiration Weare Instructed to Dispose of The panama STOCK AND no cirrus BDUNmP East AT nir tlvr POINTS EVERYTHINGMUST as sow No aeseavs srocK mowers woia claim can lelldroniond latenta Wear Toys Footwear are Etc Gents runes Musr as sole wlrmal norm on JOB LOTS LSALEaoWIINgPRoonass an alterations better but It is Impossible Wa rica Van Der Laught oubllellyt calabraola gr lsr lira milk the tourist Sheila More of Mills in laying mu on theme of the golden wedding the hostess bad decorated the dinner table with traditional tiered wedding ease flsnhd by gold candies Present at the iamity eolabrs tlou wars the couples mindset and daughter Mr and lira Ar thur More birth no son Robert Parsons Toronto their nmdaoe lilll More Barrie and gmtgrandcbiidran aria and Md Qltlar the hostess the and has husband WED Al PETERIOIOUOH nre cdabraats were married In St but Anglican Church Peter on July mi The hr the iormar Katie lrena ary daughter ot the late Mr and Mrs RL Leary Petarborou the bridegroom was born Hope Towasbl near Port Hope In me and the son oi tile late Mr and Mrs Jamss Parsons Mr Parsons who is bettar known to his tride as Chan lie cams to Barrie in ms with his wile and iamlly when he assumed his position as man ager oi the Cansdlanbsnk oi Commerce bars its began his banking career In loos with Traders bank oi Port Hope but in 1912 Joined the Canadian Bank oi Commerce He served in various branches latterly Kitchener belore com ing to Barrie He has been re tired lion 1M Shortly alter coming to bar rie Mr Parsons interested him salt In activities oi the commun ity in roll he was resident the Barrie ltiwan Club and he served Division No OontafloQuebac gMarIIIma Dis irlct Kiwanis international as lieutenantGovernor in m1 He also served as Club Secretary Ior eight years ACTIVE DDCALLY One at his main activities and llltaresls has been with the Bar ria Horticul ursl Boci and low Improvement Socaty oi which he Is Past President museurIngdaisl°elrartsr prepo ry comm tee oi liarrte Collegiate land the oenununi ba was named bah rlas see oi the Year or 1N1 According to regulations the award Is untad annulb to an whose nub service to the rm or given outside at person snormal oceu tion wI out monetary rununsrslien ClilZEN 01 Till YEAR in paying tributeto this do voted than the Ioilowlng cem msat was made one oi the Judges on the vs the praasnb ation oi the William Wright trophy as Parsons has shown wide range oi ubiie in terast and been eons tent to his endeavor to serve Barrie Not arguing ior one mom ent that bin ry l3 II GEM As member oi tbaiornw WW oi Oolllsr Street United Church now part is the value church Woman the allabia Igo man was vitally interested in the work at her church lb nuotaloos member She is lm As well as runnln her home suiclantly and day most her time to be good and mother Mrs sraooa iound time to sum on the executiv oi local clubs well as acting as president at the Canadian Club An avid bridge player Mrs Parsons shares her knowledg with group oi men and who gather at the YM CA during the winter months to lsam more about the gamellr Parsons also Is an avid player and teacher oi contract CONGRATULAHON To couple who have give so much to enrich the lives others in the community may we otter sincere congratulations on what might be termed the greatest achievement 13 reaching their golden and as snnlvarsary la hsr own quiet unassuming manner To quote one at has aelgh bors Just to know her is ivilsga Onos tits is enriched at having met her its the spirit oi her inner being She Is neighbor bagnd eempari One oi the portant assets worn can be when her hus STAYNIR NURSING HOMI STAVNER ONT For elderly and canvalss eat slisnts Excellent laclii as lol private or varivats riot and cold ter in rooms Register ad Nurse In attendance RaN MARSHALL Pbeaa ltayasr TRY EXAMINER WANT ADI PHONE mMld lalora Your Bay Para Compare As To use onaasartsnrr arm ova All ruca Lilo Inlt We ilgil not tin No Obligation asmmo asrammo acoan aroaaoa legislation oasisms Viliilillis runs Barrisa Esclnsiss lorries who makes all leila tars only Iarrts Toronto Dunlap It mas srsars ram lllli sac SUMMER PURSES $188lo$288 LADIES Black and White PUMPS AND HATS soloist83 SANDALS Available in white and tan ideal ior warm summer weather szno White and Be PUMPS $588 to use