ltirs Audray Povin Ieit rand Miss Mary Sloan shown here seated at the same table at iarowsii narty giv in Miss Sloans honor re cently in the innlslli Township oillces strand The party ALLISION Special Miaa Irene Galiaugher won the Taylor award lor the best bouquet oi pconlce in the Alliston Horticul ï¬n Society rose and peony held recently in the lib rrsry hall Carol Anthony daughter oi one oi the local club members won the provincial prise lor the best scrap book on gardening She Is member oi the Alliston Junior Horticultural Society The judges tor the show dem onstrated ways ot making boue riots ni modernisllc design will illowera they brought to the show These were given away later in the evening Seven members at making coresgcs under dir tiona lrom the experts then are them lor the evening This year the rose and peony show was combined with the June meeting Mrs HBurns president welcomed the largest attendance ever to turn out lor the rose and peony show Mrs Ellaibert introduced the guest shakers and Mrs Berritt thanked them LIST WINNERS Prize winners were hybrid tea yellow Mra Anthony Mr Rog so Mrs ï¬lms hybrid tea red Mrs rns Mrs Annie Bates Mrs gerson hybrid tea pink Mrs Burns Mrs Holbcrt Mrs ireland hybrid tea willie Mrs Burns Mrs Neil Patrick Mrs Downcy Winners with Hoses FiorlbunlII spray were Mrs Patton Mrs Mlowney end leach Sn rarses Poiyantha spray Mrs HBums Mrs Downey Mr Leach roses grandifiora spray Mrs Latimer roses dining table arrangement not over so Mrs Blair Mrs Horshurg Mrs Latimcr roses arrange ment using three to live roses Mrs Antirony Mrs Downey Mrs Horsburg container at iiorlinrndi Mrs Downey EIs Clerk OAKVIEW BEACHStaliI Sunnldaie Township Council cut abort an evening meeting hers Thursday to why the hospital ltg oi the retiring township treasurer Don Dull Mr Dull was host to dinner party at the Long House Sunnldale Cora flll Abother council meeting will be called later In July to deal with nlinlshed business Last nth council passed bylaw appointing township clerk John rogue as treasurer to succeed Mr Dull Besides being clerky mariner lrorn now on Mr Pogue is also tax collector weliare oitloer and secretarypl the planning board Council also passed motion transier the bond on the treasurer lrorn Mr Dull to Mr Poguc Another bylaw passed author Ind application lor supple mental road expenditure aim Cooler construction Property owner Hill ssaga Beach had request referred to the townebi plan if ping board lor study He wants to turn three iota he ownson ill or ltd Wln oakview Beach log tenlingpark to be called BayouCam rag Park Mr Hill tod council his land 245 leet oi riverirnntsge in test on Ferndale St l1rerc Is also small island in the river whichhas been clear landscaped lor campl are well lit up Mr am told Councillor Evertou Lawrence era is lots of water rpm ran pointwsil township planning board woslrl Jliiis request then lls roved ii rarer srosa actress Alliston Rose Peony Show Brings Record Attendance Mrs Patrick hlrs container oi hybrid tea Mrs Burns Mrs Latlmer Mrs iii Downcy arrangement oi ros es with other flowers or ioiiage Mrs Horsburg Mrs Downey CLASSB were pconles Mrs ll Bu Mra white one bloom Mrs burns Mrs Latlmer Charles Miller pennies red one bloom lilies irene Galiaugher Mrs Blair Mrs Charles Mil ler pennies bouquet blooms red Miss inns Gaiisugher oithe audience tried their hand rï¬tmil pink Mrs Hlair Mrs latimer Mrs Howee peon Mrs Charles Miller Mrs Pat dean con was given by tha township employees and attended by members ol council Miss Solan has worked in the town ship oiiice tor nearly so years Mrs Pavia has joined the ol tlco stall to replace her Latirner Prize winners in this class Angus peouiea lee bouquet white live bloom rick pennies bouquet live bloom lixcd Clarence leach SrMrs Blair Mrs burns beet bouquet at live peon Ies lor Taylor award in the show Miss Irene Gailaughcr CLASS Prize winners were deiphin lurn one spike blue Mrs Burns deiphinlum one spike purple Mrs Burns bowl oi panslee Mrs Frank Anthony Mrs Horsburg Mrs Blair arrangement oi seasonal ilow ers Mrs Anthony Mrs Patton Mrs Neil Patrick iiiy one stem white Mrs it Down ey lily one stem any other sol or Mrs Downey Mrs Miller Mrs Burns Tlse Alliston Horticultural Soc Iety Is planning bus trip to Niagara in July to see the rose gardens at Carlyle the stokes Seed Co at StCstharines and Niagara Falls The summer ilower show is to be held in the areas on Aug so This Is bigger show when ast era dshlias and many other stunmer flowers will be shown 55 garden at the real soaking was beyond os timation hour would not he an overesti Believes wear Millionslo Fanners We to these parts really as the rain Thursdcy It may have wet some hay that was cut and but thaw ltmgalva the VII nothing oi the berries that dml new and all the that will beuelit It Alibi It might estily be said that million dollars an mats IUlY HOLIDAY For oaedsy holiday innia iiiPsrtrraaiiygotsbg ahau oi the holiday traillc in tact by midanemone the problem was to llnd parking there The crowd had been lg on lira provlous weekend but it was close enough to the met ropolitan area tor drive the holiday and the parts was tilled with picnictrers The camping area also had ad dilloasl guests One to whom we spoke cams irons Youn town Ohio and had read ta dascri lion oi the camping groun in the literature sent out by the Ontario Department which mentioned llrepisce He was supplied with cutdown drum iowhich legs had been added making place where one could cook or barbecue with charcoal The new electric system has been extended to most oi the camp ground lor which the tenants pay extra per ay new park site is likely to be subtle oi discussion at next wee council meeting Following the special meeting this week some oi the members went oil to look over property which might be part oi the pur chase We have been asked to leave the place unmentloned un til an option has been made One oi the reasons for the addition al perk besides that oi making it centennial protect Is to have piece which the rural lolk may enloy without being crowded out by city dwellers ROAD RESURFACED Residents oi Minets Point who slept in on the morning oi the holiday awoke to iind that their main road from the highway and around both sides at the bill and out to the new entrance had been resuriaoed with new PLANNING BOARD needed meal Beets with out the are lor which ELMVALE SpeCIaI when Harry Martin appeared heiors the EirnvalcFios Planning Board at Its June meeting here his re flunt wee approved subject to usual provisions Mr Martin sought the Boards approval lor lira aaie oi piece oi land at the back at his pro perty at RR Eimvaie to oronto buyer The Planning Board assured him the proposed sale would be recommended ior approval when necessary conditions are met approval authorised with program loliowirrg ew Sunnidcsleigllrecreurer John Rogue Ontario Department oi Health and the Department ol Travel and Publicity Anottlor Oakva Beasts prop erty owner Glen bowls wanted council to put into eliect iadges plan on land he owns in Oakvlsw Beach between the Nottawaaege River and the beach area LONG GRAB cant get access to this property Mr Lewis said We only been able to cut the grass there once thisycar because genitglghbors wont let an in report received last sum mer founddelicienotealn mess urements in six or seven plans In that area Mr Pogue said To clear the contusion these plans stu be corrected in one and theproperty owners con cerned leit the cost was lusti lied Front councils point oi view doubts exist becauseihe plans are all lathe annexation area Until the annexation appeal is carried through there isno way oi telling it the land will rem In in the tovmship or go to War ga Beach Sunnidale Township hniu later Sunnidaiewould still have to pay its share as per cent oi the oustolihe ludgea plan was equally sure the in event ol annexation emsbless be considered handed out amiss bonut um unityduo judges plan provided council ateslhs action now and the land does go to Wasaga Beach Mrangue inslatedMr invis costs would be tranirierred to Wasags Beach That means the propartyto be or Paul in To provideiniormation on this topic consultant will he in vised to councils next meeting coats bsv AM was will WNG TIME SPAN the longest measurco In thatworidthe kaipa Hindu calendarls equivalent to 4230000000 years MO Ii dï¬ilsrial touyths lull as ma improve will many as °° lii tméiti iii song the Point the road VIII so narrow that vehicles could not pass and tool traiilc had to walk to the dust to allow car to proceed Mlnels Point has large nusnbar oi perman eat residents besides those We still have mnmer places there nrequalltyoitbelobdoneby Miller Paving is such that at iaast iiv ayesrs wear shouldbe expected beiora any main are lhpby CANADIAN RECIPES Recently we have onloyed din ner at one oi the new Barrie ibiiiiinéi if to say ass Is good We avanotauit to iind with this and it is appreciated not on but hundreds oi dinners are ta ken out daily ior llorne consum tion However we eel that here In Canada we should be Ibis to serve lust as tasty meal on purely Canadian re clpe and give patrons at our restaurants Canadian cooked The Tourist and Industrial Committee at Simcoe County has placed new cook book has tore the public icaturing dishes made lrom meats lieh traits and vsgctahicsgrown in the area and bearing names such as Modonte Pot Roast Bradlord Sour Cream and Devils Glen Cake 0i course we realise restaurant must cater to the desires oi oustoin era but we tecl they could also lecture iocsi specialties which many would try The county cook book ls available at the various county museums notionl counters and gilt iiopa through Brick and rolling pin throw ers will be out Saturday night the elimination decide six best players on each team who will make up the interns tlonal team or the contest on July is The site will be in item at the IGA market at Stroud The event is being phm tograrired tor NBC it is ex pected that good crowd will be to attendan at pm Ldnd Sales Get Nod At Elmvcrle sold must be surveyed by an au thorized Ontario land surveyor One copy at the completed sur vey must be returned to the ElmvaleFlos Planning Board Mrs Jane Laitose also attend ed the meeting She had two deeds approved at previous planning board meeting stamp ed and signed with the boards Payments totalling to planning board members were These George Law seven meetings sto Stan Furlong llva meets ingkï¬‚ï¬ Frank CoughiinSzor John ONeil three meetings Bartram three meet Cecil Tinncy live aJSS Boas Ritchie six meetingsw and John Bell secretary4100 inciudedr BARRIE HURONIA DRIVEIN THEATRE Iv Lass TIMES oltrollr NEY vaovs ovsaf DARLING there contest the time in the Fedtures 33 part at tha avanlru waa certttéthapupiisoitbe oi it in lilli with their school ptnsiha lcisl pwards were then presen 1dPatlact attendance is granted bany man my Shopgerd Pantsiio back and BillyGillespie Ares Walter lad go as us was lea to Smarwuann The Annie Gibbon Mentorlal tor the Grade student with the best scholastic acbisvr meat was presentedby stun goon torroer secretary oi TBA No to Barrybplilman Allen Saarnaa and Debbie Booth on behal oi the school presented Mrs McDowell BIG BAY POINT Ieiomo tions at Big Bay Point School are as iollows so Grads Sharon Barnard Jlrn Chapman Virginia Chan tier Gale Fslgarton hlarie isoo Dennis Hanna Brian Jackson David Jackson John Kelly Ava Lee Judy Dachklw George Mandel Janice McKere Folk Concerts IltiBracebridge Begin July 11 Bracebrldge will be the Cub ario centre ior Iolls music this summer Through BumFolk Productions oi Tbronto the bracehrldge Chamber ot Com merce will roduce six tolls con certs with the next two months An engineer an artist and high school music teacher are producing the Muskolre Folk Concerts Tirey will be held out doora at the Rainbow Ridga Ski Resort in Bracebridge starting July ii and running through to Asia 12 In case at rain thaconcerts will move Indoors to the Brace bridge Community Mcmoriai Arena which scata overmoor People The Chamber leclsfltha con certs will attract resort area visitors and campers as well as local people who will help prom ote the nameand hospitality oi the town AlanrMiils ie the icaturod ar tist oi the lirat show Others ap pearing withhim will be The Itesmen Ted and Marian and lchsei Sherman Childrens concerts will be held on July ll and Aug min the Memorial Park at pm There will be no admission charge tor the younk loik Fea tured in the llrst childrens Con cert will be Alan Mills IMPERIAL THEATRE rnsanrarcsr wavenuns alacsusll reassureI snares ELEVOVER Ilti lilltlotl Nliflttlluti NOW SHOWING Arcana Bench ceases Trieplty Awards music wiser with bou oi gladldl RADUAIION ML ii student awards wont to tire allowing pupils grade as grade Nan Ml Douala and Wilson Susan To Grads Ii Aodrade Timo thy Clmlti Beverley am al James ltonsld Law nar Mouod Donalda Mc uod Helen Palette Leo ï¬repherd Nancy end Stamen burg Kenneth Ilo Grade lt Benson Frank rascalsBecky Gillespie John 1mm Phyllis limecly WilIA ism Mciaod James and Ye alu Cathy To Grads Audrade Debo school Results At Big Bay Point ney Maureen ltietcalte Mary lou Penman Kathy Taylor but Van Lange Ike Van Large and Glenn Wamlea To tirade Ix David Barber Itich Cook Sally Cowan Mary Jo Deee Dianne Edgerton Fai ward Emma Walter Holman Fred lrwin Terry Luohiriw Catherine Robertson Rosa Stark Jane Tyndale Sharia Vallay Mark him To Grade 1r Donald Bowman Brenda Davis Wesley Fellows Hill Goodyer Helen Lynda Metcatie Janice wl 1b Grade Stanley ber Lynn Brown Douglas Ce aron Theresa Che entice Ber nadette Dorian Mi sel Dorian Larry Durkee Bert Howard Ambrose lreland Harry Kuy pers Chris Luchltiw Judy Met caile Debra Nelson Grog Owens Wayne Sanford Susan Taylor Len Trumblcy Teachers Mrs Holman and Miss Pi Cumming Nyasaland Newest Nation Imilynlght new state oi Malawi mier Dr Hastings Bands manAllan BLANTYRE AP As lire worlts light up the slq red black and green tricolor will be unfurledbeiore 40000 cheering blacks in Blantyre aadlum Sat At the stroke 0LmIanust Ili ricae S7ih independent nann will be born The British Nyar stand Psoteaorata becomes the The Union Jack will be hauled down aiter IJ years and Prince Philip will hand the instruments oi government to Malnwla pre rlh Audrade Mark Aotuatk Dale Booth elite Sta us as KeanedyMVittoda laborers Brian Martin Mic but Monstea Sloa Sprtos an Gertie Mstflraa Walker Paul Watson Janis andYeatcs Cairn ason To Grade BudsIv Ihlly Hoebea Ibnt imbott urarlosra Johnston Bill KIM Gall an inn Wilson timers lh Grade Solid David James ï¬erce and Martatt June ta Grade and ti Andradt Csliender Linda Hoe Waddeil Mat ew To Grade Gossl dDavid James Tommy Lucas Jerry Lyddlait Cathy and Watson lsine To Grade Ir McBrina Rides and and Spring Robert To tirade As Fagcnts math Hoeban Tlni Law Janet Lyd dIatt Laura OrtonDdrora and Van Geilin Sonya llo Gntle Alder Brenda Audrade Esther Gillespie Wit Iiarn Gould Karen James Cili ard Mariatt David Molirino Wayne Roach Sharon Spain lJlmer Yeatas Gordon The Senior is Brand Sephon and imhoii Allan To Junior ix June Hogg Teachers Linyd Ellsworth Mrs Vsicekauskss princi pal Mrs Doris booth ELICAN Sea PHONE 72891 03 lll ililii iiil ll Wauï¬wlflv 3995 were sraa Hm mar snags nu songs saline macs we CHANGE TORONTO CF No dram Is expected In Canadian lime prices In the wake ot drarp rise this week in US prions apokcunon tor the Cansd an in dustry said Thursday The rice charged Toronto bakeries Wan flusrurrï¬liil cl $150 pounds mm mm Ill lall said Peter Large oi Toronto managing direct oi the Bakery Cornell oi Canada THE CLUB OF Two LEV Eis Ownlsac Lodge ow IM till it NOW APPEARING Tad MocGiIlivrny Roe the Finest in It Music JIIII Outside Orlllll Miles irons Alberto Upper Level Calico lawcr Level Licensed Adm 0100 per person Hootenanv Sunday Night Live Foils Entertainment Funny IIIANIY BAY mm AND wrvgï¬ ssrusosv sum cravings FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE mnemi arrI EVERFIIMEIII tililililtllitlttllEMlllliltlls liliiilllflOiDlllMtlliR hernias M4 groupware ï¬st ml or