IN ROYAL Princess Margaret shows up at an lath Centurystyle hall in London Wednesday night in what littlest mid be cailed neartopless dress The neckline dips to corseiet ornbmldered in gold and pearls win ieaturlng large butterfly clasp pinned at the critical point She wears smokey blue wig matching jeweled pale blue silk gown styled in the manner at twoccnturles ago AP Wircphoto Break With Crown Will End Nyasaland becomes the inde pendent republic oi Malawal at midnight Sunday night and the lights go on or the last act ni Eritains lnrperlal role in Ainta So tar the drama has been dillhanger it could still and in tragedy Aiter Malawi Northern Rho desla becomes independent Oct at under the name oi Zambia What the stage will be like when the curtain comes down depends largely on the periorm ance now or later oi the third inernbcr Southern Rhodesia ol the deiunct central Airican federation of Northern and Enigma Rhodesia and Nyasa Despite intermittent threats iznm Prime Minlster lan Smith at an unilateral deelartion oi independence by Southern Rho desia some well iniormrti circles in Britain still believe that time and events will dis alrade Smith and his colleagues irom taking such drastic atep Their optimism springs irom the act that the wind oi dunge is slowly moving south through Airies Only iour years ago ior instance the obstacles to an in dependent Nyasaland seemed insurmountable but now things have changed Police Get Tip 0n Escaped Nazi 3va Austria ADOoh vrcted Nail war criminal Hana Waiter ZechNenntwich who es caped from West German prison In April Thursday was reported living in South Africa He was reported seen in Pra toria last month and to be liv ing with German iriends the report was issued by Simon WreSenthal head of private Jewish intelligence or ganization who played role in the capture oi Adolf Eich mann and other high Nans ZechNenntwleh 47yearold former SS Nazi Elite guard lieutenant iled iour days alter being sentenced to iour yearr imprisonment ior participating an the slaughter at more than 5000 Jews in Poland during the Second World War Wiesenthal said he relayed his lntormation to Eraunach welg police who said they had received similar tip and were seeking cooperation at South African authorities helped Chrysler thrilled To Share JDElilOiiftAPiWfliier Reil thar said his United Auto Work Vers Union made contract con cessionsin reel to is an ail ing Chrysler Corporation alive and wouldexpectflhrysler to repay the iavor in 1964 contract talks hich got under way my The vUnited Auto Workers presidt told reporters his em to Chrysler would be We helped you when you were in trouble and now that things are going well and your urantlvea have made fantastic gains we ieel thatChryaier workersnari esngiltled to an snore more JohnDlgaiy chryale prelim retinal oorrunent on the UAW liewouid in Goodwill Prejudice have subtly ai tered White settlers horrlilcd at the idea oi negotiating with Dr Hastings Banda in 1960 now are prepared to welcome the black man as Malawi prime mrnl er Whether the same process will take place in whiteruled Southern Rhodesia is hard to say One or the factors mitiga ting against it is the absence oi coordinated opposition white or blacir to rtho present government Without an individual leader or urrliied party to provide polar attraction to Smith there is little elranca that comprom rse conierence would provide the foundation tor peace as it has with other new Common wealth countries EVERYONE Some Advertisers eexirieo House Committee Is Told UflAWA Cpl Thl CBC huabrnonthudvertistngoi id produds and services in cluding laxatives girdles bras sleru and hair restorers the Commons public accounts com mittee was told lhursday CBC President Alphonse Orri met tabled list oi the banned products and services during the int appearance by CBC oili clnis It meeting ol this stand in committee at the House He alsotabled hat oi programs that cannot be sponsored on CBC television or radio net works or can stations The list showed the Chi wont advertise sleeping tablets bath room til corn removers preparations to keep dentures in place or rude products as toilet bovil cleaners and bathroom de oderlzera Advertising plugr tor mea and womens underwear types oi iemals foundation meats iuncral parlors Ind cemv eterles health studios and lie uor also iall under the ban Mail order advertisements are accepted only it the lponaar la wellostabllshed and has high reputation No help wanted ad vertlsements may be broadcast and sponsorship oi programs by breweries and wineries is ac cepted only in provinces where it is legal to advertise such products The ban also applies to adult typo cosmetics lor children such as periunrcs nail polishes and lotions Also under the ban is the advertising oi prolesslonll services by doctors dentists and lawyers total of 10 types oi pro grams are notavallabla ior Embassy Seeks Data 0n iirmy LONDON Reuters The deience ministry has taken steps to irustrate attempts by ioreign embassy to collect in iormatlon on the organization and dlspositioning or the British army by systematic study at regimental journals and male zlnns the Times reports The newspaper does not idea tliy the iorelgn embassy it says letter was sent to the publishers oi regimental magazines warning them that the iorelgn embassy had ap proached ilrrn oi agents en gaged in the distribution oi reg imental journals asking ior mp ies oi all oi them Regiments have been advised not to supply on ies of their magazines in au cases with out ciaarance irorn the deienca ministry The Times says WELCOME VIC HALL SON RR WYEVALE Marshl lbrstncluda ans ems high pubiicciislrs ion unr Iraniansrial interviews arm iiebcriel mums certain documentaries religious programs turnsl education pro grams weather and this ioro cuts and educational program ior chiidnn nmmercil all lions eniy on reduce tumgrunt ot public funds requiredilor ltr opera engagcd ln lions Allch programs to lag eluding sponsored ones wen produced in keeping with the corporatiana policy or providing public service to meet the tastes oimli laments oi the eommunllv Mr liarknur said an nth rm ilscai year the CBC pro duced programs at out at 326500 one which were not soon programs mid luvs beenJotd through better ulu prong Mr mimet didnt um HI said the majority oi than pro grams were not the type that would be used by any sponsor an ldvlrtiling medium No sponsor would program at chambermulic to advertise his product or guru lee Another ilctor was that some oi the programs were broadcast in the utterance visa bours period when it was diiilcuit to ilnd sponsors hir Hermes nld th urea commission had stated that the mitigate reliort was not good hOulmet replied that con conclusionruched by as commandantonly to kind at orglnir MEN RECEIVE cw orsronanon No liia underwriters irom harrle have been granted the Chartered Lilo underwriter CLU designation by the In stitute oi martered Lite Under writers oi Canada They were among us graduates in Canada Entitled to use the letters CLU alter their names are Elton Parker Metropolitan idle In aurance Company and George Wilson Imperiailriie Assur ance Company lIlia Chartered Lite Underwriter course requir es written examinations in subjects including economics businesahngiiah liie insurance iundanrentala and practice so counting commereial law tax ation corporation llnsnoa psy chology and advanced llia un derwriting it is ndmintsiered by the institute oi Chartered Liie Underwriters under the dir ection oi the Univeralty ol lor onto The amuse qualities grad uates to render hlihiy compo tent service in the aids oi gen renal lilo hrsuranca program ming buslnm his insurance and estate planning llrere are now more than 2600 cure in Canada in addition to suc cessiui completion oi the exam inations graduates are reaulr ed to maintain high atan ard oi business ethlm and practice iltmwrmoonlit new MP Mn Elolre elect regressive Consorvr tivn Member oi Parllnmsnt tor Saskatoon isfweloomed by rni theOpposition leader and Mgr Jenn Canelmtn tre only or com tlvn are cur Inquiries Orderedln Deaths NEON CF inquiries were ordered Thursday into the deathaioi an elderly women whoraron said wsrrclused ad missionto city hospital and 15yearold girl who was given sedative Dr Morton Shulm ontoa cluei coroner ordered an topsies on the boileroi ioyeur old MaryIWakar who died at home Thursday oi heart at taclr and girl Glenda Oren stcin who died Wednesday night inlloronto East General liospii Relatives said Mrs Waknr was uran nway irom North western Hospitalaitcr they told doctors xha irgolng to did one girl as given sedative by herdoctorAVednesdny morn ingaiter she complained lire was not feeling well later rlnrted vamttln blnodwaa takepto hosplta hutdicd minutes aitcr admittance Mra Walters aon told police doctor atthe hospital ox rhe fullbodiedflavouroflii Formen with alasteï¬ for the greatoutdoorsiv SEEi The latest and most modern FINISH it HOUSE In simcoe County 30 200cap acitysoo hogs Controlled Feeding Liquid Manure Paflisiyslsttoclfloor Free Refreshments runny Jtltlt an 1pm to 10pm lucky Draws MASTER Frans JAMEswav roUIrMaNr administration de OiWomanGiriiniorontd amined his mother agreed she was showing symptoms oi heart attack but said she could no he admitted because the for emergEnnyvcarca Northwestern ll rpital super visor Mrr Sonia Taylor laid Thurs utMrs Walrarvw examined at the hospital and then sent home es newly nn intnodal wlia landr Al rt in oruwi Thun day nigh Mrs Jonas is ex pécled to be mmvlo soon Virephotol raldbut the woman would have been turned away it WI any cause or allnn she ltre rttorneygeneralr erlm laboratory wasordcred to con duct the rulopsy onhllsa Oren rtelna body apronr nrnnaa LONDON On Car in the so years rlnce ltr loundlng Gid eonr international had dlstri buted more than 56000000 Bibles andtutamerrtaiurmrgh out the world delegates to th annunl convention oi Oi in Can ada loaned here Thursday irnm their annual repo