Walls Publisher Emotion Published by Canadian Newspapen Limited FRIDAY JUN 16 Hayfield amt Barrie patina Wilma General Manager use Barrie Summer 4chrmivciI Could Attract Thousands The Barrie Chamber of Commerce lens for summer carnival are most nteresting Developed to its full potential the carnival could prove to be major tour isl attraction for the city and district At the moment preliminary plans call for wide variety of events with spec ial unphasts on water sports Also being considered are parade beauty compe tiqu and an evening Thefirst carnival will be held next year sibly in August This will give the Ch schedule of attractions to please voung and old Perhaps the public could be in vited to offer suggestions to bring great er imagination and originality into play show ber plenty of time to prepare Tire Chamber has enjoyed signal rucc cess with its annual winter carnival which has become an institution snd magnet for thousands of outdooren thuxiasts from many parts of the pro vince and beyond summer carnival blessed by good weather could be an even greater auc cess It could be geared to people of all walks of life and to all age groups Prop erly publicized it could bring tourists who look for fun and excitement during the holiday months gt The Chamber deserves the full sup ort and good wishes of the community in this effort to provide entertainment at time when Barrie and surroundings are seen at their best Cost Of Quebec Separation Speaking recentlyin Montreal Hon Maurice Lamontrgne secretary of state in an eminently serious and thoughtful address drew striking word picture of what separation from the rest of Canada might mean for Quebec From the practical point of view to which Quebecois can never blind them selves separation Mr Lamontagne main tained would result in substantial fall in their standard of living Standing alone the province would have its own imml ration and tariff laws industries now ocated in the province and serving all Canada might find their markets cur tailed New industries would be reluctant to establish in the province while some established industries would in all prolr ability move out So would the head offices of some nat ional concerns banks corporations railways etc that are now located in Montreal That ort would become Quebec part ra er than Canadian out let and would suffer in consequence The upshot would be economic stagnation and massive unemplo ment Nor was Mr Barrie Examiner June 21 montagne optimistic about Quebecs chances for survival by itself in the cultural field He ninted out that it is quite impossible is todays world to isolate culture Even in an independent Quebec the in sistent voice of America would continua to be heard if the province or nationl was economically weak and its people dis contented it would be even more sus ceptible to this voice from across the boo der Frenchspeaking nation of the sire that Quebec would be surrounded by sea of Englishspeaking peo le those in the US and the rest Canada would retain its cultural identity undilut ed only at the risk of complete isolation and stagnation Even more sombre were Mr Lamon tagnes views of what would happen to Quebecs politics if that province became independent The economic sacrifices in volved would require to be arbitrarily im posed on the population by the govem ment and this could onl be done by dictatorship which in eend would give rise to plea by Quebecera for an nexation to the United States as way out of their difficulties DOWll MEMORY LANE iii YEARS AGO IN TOWN CNR southbound passenger train Co mgwood to Beeton derailed on bridge over Mad River near Glencairn Conductor Saunders Barrie and William Tooth Beeton were injured Robert Car man Angus won Canadian Forestry In stilute ftfedai itirquefferson and son Kenny of Barrie arrived at SoestI Ger many where Capt Jefferson is ser ving with lst Canadian Infantry Brigade Retiring president of Barrie Curhng Club Tony Sasoxpresented honorary lite membership any to Armstrong Mrs Patricia Orme first woman to be in itiated member Barrie Branch Canadian Legion was welcomed by President Al Giles and directors Memorial cairn to Sir Frederick Banting unveiled at A1 llSlCll District High School Raymond Arbour succeeded Ambrose Rivett as Grand Knight Barrie Council Knights of Columbus Mr and Mrs West arthTaylor returned from threeweek oliday with his family in England Elwin Malcolm Mac Macaulay succeeded Osmond Rowe as president Darrin Lions Club His Worshi Warden Smith Campbell presented mcoa Coun ty historical essay awards Top Barrio winners ware Luana Young and Sandra Rankin of Prince of WalesSchool Robert Dobson oi King Edward David Hum phreys of HiiicresL Reeve Eldon Greer of Barrie accused County Council of pushing through report of assessor Deputy Tom Lambrick of Orillia count ered by charging Greer with stalling William Sarjeant was installed Will of Kerr Masonic Lodge St An drews Church marked completion of re novations with rededication service Among 300 donors at Red Cross Blood Clinic were ill members of Barrie Works CGE Barrie Theatre Guild arranged program of layreading for summer months istrict Govemor William Garner and Mrs Garner attended annual ladies night of Toronto Central Lions Club at Royal Canadian Yacht Club Mr Garner introduced the guest speakers In ternational Director Stanley Fowler Mrs Hood superintendent an nounced Barrie nuraln division of St John Ambulance place fourth in nation wide home nursing contest Mrs Ernest Lackie was captain of local competing team which included Mrs Emest Bow dery Mrs Muriel Pfrlmmer Mrs Mor ris Logan and Miss Pearl Sheppard George Johnston MPP announced that Lands andForests transfer of Adamson from Midhurat to St Williams has been cancelled Gordon Sinclair nominatedWal er Cook of Barrie for Father of Year award by Canadian edv itors and broadcasters New Crystal Chapter Lodge No 50 instituted in cere mony at 10°F Temple with Thelmi Tompkins as Senior Preceptress OTHER EDITORS vrrws THFOUEENS VISITTO CANADA Ottawa Citizen Prime Minister Pearsons statement that the Queens virit to Canada will go forward as plaHCle will no doubtba welcomed in Quebec as in the rest of the country To alter the plans now would be to surrender to the threats of the extremistsa course that should be no more palatable to moderates in Que The Barrie Examiner surname Port no or palm and em nun rtmnnt Ottawa some in ma bury Honda and notqu Rauln use ted KENNETH waau nauim Vlcmn mason General Ianan MsrfllllDN angina uim MUIBAY ml amnth soonest oomau Elihu ldernbor or ring llaherl MIMItints in muumuu or united to in fed they do not epeak bec than to anyone else in Canada The Queens visitwlllconstitute an importantpart of the procentennial ob servance marking the beginning of the negotiations that led to Confederation and the establishment of the Canadian nation in its modern sens To the sepf aratists both Confederation and thoco cept of Canadiannationatretchln from sea to sea are anathema That is the real reason that inspires them oppose the Queens visit It is not that 4533 wwnervawmsrnm we Vfllflablaeflor Jerry The ï¬rst also made you look mammoth OTTAWA REPORT Average Consumer is Often Confused PATRICK NICHDHON OllAW nomy also really bargain The poor bewildered con Iumer cannot tell this without mathematical training and sliderale And since the con Iumerwhn has to answer this question Is generally the harassed housewife this means that fathers paypacket can only be protected by mother if she is able to do some ready reckonlng with aliderriie in frontof every shelf in the gro eeteria There are other oucst which the consumer should and have answered for his wn protection too according to Dr Pauline Jewell when she ad dressed the CanadianAesocie tion of Consumers on the topic The Consumer and Govern ment it is almost impossible now adays for the average com Iumer really to know whether the products he buys meet min imum standards ofufety ity and efficacy she to know how much he eal paying for consumer credi whether one prepared food has more nutritional value than another whether the perfor mance of product will in fact meet his needsend whether the ierge economy size really is bargain NEED GOVERNMENT HELP in what are sometimes called the good old days the house wife who ventured into the mar ket pllee was protected only by her native cunning and the empty phrases caveat emptor Tits men totes ia the large ecoe iei the bum beware Today however the tendency is to expect the government to look after us from the womb to the tomb and in line with this political scientist Dr Jewett makes npvel suggestion let the government set up special department headed by cab ioet minister to protect and in form the consumer Nevertheless Dr Jewett paid tribute to the services rendered in this direction by the Cana dlan Associationof Consumers Considering that it has been voluntary organization work log on limited budget really done tremendous in said the rising Liberal new comer to Parliament Dr Jewell listed our rights to which every Canadian should be entitled making up what might be called an effective Conaumers Bill oi Rights to help every consumer every day These four rights are The right to safety imply ing protection against the mar keting of goods which are her snious to life or health The sight to be Informed withprotection against fraudu tent in outstanding advertising or labelling Thiï¬lght of choice between iy oi products or services at competitive prices The right to be heardwith protection of his interests when government policy is being formulated or implemented WIDE OPEN FIELD Dr ieweti who represents the urbanrural riding of North timberland eu ge ate it thst Ntlsieléie Kéellsf 0urHeérts in the buggy with him to the next stopon his rounds enirlrimea To more you have to re eailt warmer is thEgl Nosta at an lnteri distance call on the telephone kneth once some relative iï¬uatybe dead or killerreï¬nes withduta rolling pn ora basement without av tub and waahbonrd they are against the Queen herself ft is that they are against Canada They see in the Queens visit source of strength for thecoucept of Camden singlepcontiriental nation The Crown is symbol of national unity Wanting to separate they hate and fear this con cept That is why they refer Queen as symbol ofxfcoionialis to her visit as provocation out is only the separatists who nse rprovoked And as nearly can be judgf peoplojof Hnmlt at its teeth The orite twoline joke was this Who waa that Indy saw you with last night That wes no lady that was my wif Elizabeth yl is promlaln lld actress illiche Repair costs around the house were negligible in tha only mechanical gadget that ever needed fixing was the well pump in the back yard and Air mndiiioning wes pie 0n hotsummer days housewifecoriid always cool by taking her rocking by Christmal shopping for dad was now emif his only necktie was still ln good thepe he could always do with new pair of suspend schoolteach Wlhn wanted to keep her job would think of smolsing cigarette in public You were real sport if you wore Irpalr of pearl and gave the bar adlme up when you got iircpt in HWY oer ditod version merely made you look like on idiot Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy night Lord my strength and my re dkerrrer Plains llrld litany of us have found this to be one of the most precious prayers one to pray as long as we live rM much could be done to programshut it is time the consumer was given full and effective voice in Canada the best way to assure this is through distinct government department with its own re rponaibie minister Dr dewetfs common sense and fan proposals will strike welcoming response among con sumers And they are interest ed where Defence Minister Paul ellyer has recently shown nwarenas of the need to defend Canadians against certain internal foes He referred publicly to an edvertisers claim that his breakfast food served with fresh fruit and milk is nu tritious dish to stem the day We all know that fresh fruit and milk are nutritious com married Mr Hellyer but what does the cereal add Has science established that has nutritional component CENTENNIAL PLACHBACK Barrie jSoldierTells Story Life PrisonerOiWar retail in contrast to some of the tales of horror which earn from accounteof immanent in some of the Next risen camps during the Second arid War It Is interesting to read of an interview given to The Ex aminer in October llll Pei Vale Wiiilifnlleli who til then rocently returned in Barrie aft an absence of three years most of which had been spent as prisoner in Germany Private Bell had enlisted with the 3th Battalion in Tomato in IS and had reached France early in rare lie was one of party of la in listening post which was blown up by mum fer trIine which the enemy had dug beneath them After the mine blew up only five came out alive and three of those were killed in the open after wards hurled by the explosion Private Bell and companion began digging themselves out using their french tools and herb rnels for shovels mr took from before noon until dark and when the two Cenucks emerged they found Ihemselves behind the German lines for the enemy had progressed as far as the British second line of trenches SPUlTED BY ENEMY They wandered around for four hours seeking way out beiore they were captured Al together members of the CMR were taken prisoner at that time The prisoners were first sent to German headquar ters and their to the dressing station to help care for the Bri tish wounded Then they were sent to Zonne bake where they met number of other British prisoners and they were all marched from um until pm when they were entrained in cattle Inicka for Dulmen Westphalia This Wu main receiving camp with capacity of 10000 The prisoners wcre uartered in knockdown huts wit cap acity of no men double tiers of bunks lolsof windows door at each end and stove for warmth This was one of the best camps for treatment the prisoners not being bother ed too much Aroundthe camp was mile and half of bar bed wire with guard every 300 yards and outside of these was another line of nerds toasanmo cane Most of the country In that section was wasteland so apart from cutting heatherand putting itlin holes for shipmurt their only work was that of cleaning the camp After two months here Private Bell wasshipped to point near the Holland bor der to fell timber One of the party of prisons who was an expert bushman tried to dispose of two guards by telling atree on them and only missed by inches with the result that after nine days during which time Brita of pick potatoergand in her mag bacidnmmmen lit room had to change at aim and walking from one station to pnothu gave them an opfoflun ity to see the city which peered tobeveryguict women and girls seemed to work at all manner of tabs Two days after Chriatmube was sent to gowrnmeat farm at Stickingmuirw and it there that he laid his plans for escape After thing abrf for four hours lid coming the decision the it was ded he tried to DIS wllk right into the waiting sentry For punl howls given it days and water WORK IN MI in March he in rent it we In sine smelter at Duisburg an the Rhine but on hip 114 remembering the old with school boys rhyme the memo birthday if you dont give us holiday well all run away and an Australian derided to make break for freedom VII fortunately once more by unsuccessful and was sent to Munster longer in Watphall with sentence of In den arrival there Private Belltooio ill and was put in hosp it where doctor pronounced tuberculosLs so he was event 1y sent back to Dolmen in In m7 to await exchange This unfortunately did not take place for in August he wad sent to Slemm in Prussi where he worked with threahi lung for three weeks and again made futile attempt stesnlpeAls though he managed Io he capture for five days he eventually caught and tenth to the farm and from thereto factory where he was mp roughly treated than ever ore BOARD OF EXCHANGE Finally he was ordefli gambit lll Dlecemcber torill as ex an ya while there he had the ï¬r not tion of cheering when all ere made night rat dry at the end of December he was taken to Switnerlhnd where he stayed until Juneau from there he was sentw oer gland where be spent months in hospitals until he nu ed for Canada fnSepteiTiï¬T rav enthuse wanr PHONE man an DAY CITY HorsrernNo Nrrous ano nonsan wont Bearrtilul Sample Free Estimates therewere other plans for en cape the German guards de clinated to further accept the responsibility and they were sent back to Dolmen From there Private aeu wu sent in October to Warsaw to rs eavsisto swish am Upholsterill in 0a sin Im Not Just etainn sun iT cosrs voo ONLY insanMoNTH REA