Wrwanwsvvmmmmwm raw5 umnr rtrvrsrtzvrrï¬rrzy vrm privy KENNEDYS ATTEND RIDES Mrs Joan Kennedy wila pl Sen Edward Kennedy and and his brother in law Stephen Smith ieavo St Au gustines Catholic Chumh in Andover Mass today alter requiem high mass or Ed ward Moss administrative aids to San Kennedy Moss runsaar was killed in plane crash iri day night in which Sen Ken nedy sullered broken back at Southampton Mass AP Virephoto Immigration Unfair Discriminatory MPs OTTAWA tCPi Demands for an overhaul oi Canadas im migration regulations were tossed at immigration Minister Rene Tremblay again Tuesday in the Commons as backbench MPs charged that the present rules are uniair and discrimin story One oi the stittest attacks came Irom Liberal loe Maca luso Hamilton Westt who said he wasnt sure whether regula tions are designed to bring in immigrants or keep them out lie called on ilr Tremblny to make sweeping study oi the situation The present system is rotten said Andrew Brcwin NDP Tumntn Greenwood and the minister didnt need promin ent lawyer to tell him some oi the basic Iaults hir Tremblay Mondays an nounced the appointment of lor onto lawyer loscph Sodgwick as oneman inquiry into allega tions concerning the detention of illegal entrants to Canada There are lawyers on both sides at the House perfectly capable oi telling the minister some elementary rules oi law said Mr Brewin One oi those basic rights involved the rights oi an individual to be hearda right that had been denied im migrants EADANAI REPLIES Hubert Badaoai parliamen tary sccrctary to Mr Tremhlay said Parliament had imposed heavy responsibilities on the im migration department to protect the country from an invasion oi undesirables Persons who enter Canada il legally do so to avoid normal saieguards and then expect to have priority treatment of their cases ahead at those who on ter Canada legally He said the Commons should he more patient while the gov emmeot studies the Immigra tion Act and regulations lle ad mitted he was impatient during six years he was an opposition MP but said he now knows how complex the problems are Mr Eadanai also said that perhaps his minister was loo soit in his demands on the gov ernment ior larger appropria tinns ior his department The department was short oi stait and neededmore money to em ploy more quatilied personnel The smart way to save and travel Extra coach car conveniences to make your trip more comiollable For other economy White at Blue Fares call Depot Ticket Otilce 1284152 City Ticket Oiflce 7256525 CANADIAN NATIONgr thisaing President George Mclt To Fill Revenue Fireworks Post Shortly WAWA CF Prion Min ister Pearson said in the Com mons Tuesday he will make decision shortly on tilting the cobinet vacancy caused by the death last Mud oi ravenuo minister Garland Opposition LosderDlelen baker raised the question ny tng that the voters of Saskatoon Mondly decided not to accept the ploiemd cabinet position In the Saskatoon byeiecllon Liberal candidate Sid Buckwold who had been promised coir inel post it elected was de iertrd by Mrs Eloisa Jones crvative hir Pearson said be had born living thought to the cabinet vs entity for several weeks and decision will be made shortly Since the dull oi Mr Gm and who was Liberal HP or liraith oi the Privy Council has been acting revenue minister Mr Dieienbaker said the de partment needed full time minister Marcel leeward SC Lao St Jean asked Mr Pearson whether he would consult back bench Liberal We on support tor Benson bKingston Is new minister ltir Benson has been mentioned irequcntiy as cabinet possibility Mr Pearson did not reply to Mr Lessaard Earlier in the day political Both blue Reg $999 SAVINGSPRICED SWIM SUITS TAKE THE PLUNGEI AND YOU SAVE $202I Two to choose from floral screenprint suits of stretch nylon in the one iece look with plunging back or the popu twopiece based look pink or yellow in sizes 32 to 38 lnIormanta raid the vacancy is likely to bo tilled soon and that Mr Bucholdr detest virtually assures Mr Barron oi the port Parliament lit ii Glance TUESDAY Jllnn Labor Minister iiiclinches announced that the winter works and housebuilding in centives will be continued nest winter Prim Minister Pearson said he will let shortly on cabinet uplsccmmt tor Rev enue Minister Garland who died in March Eldon Woottlarns PCBow River called on Mr Pearson to resign or misleading tbs House on three recent occae sions ioo Mmlnso lLiiamilton West said immigration regu lations seem to haaimed more at keeping people out than bringing them in Erik Nleian PCYukon said Mr Pearson had lied to the House in denylol the gov ernment censored iiim about Mr Pearson Douglas Fisher iNDPPort Arthur said he believes gov ernmmt interierenco led to GRADUATION star succession Explode 0n Barge NEW YORK AP works laden barge upiodad nresday night on the Hudson litter killing two mus thorn nnds oi spectators cheend Err tbousht it was part oi tbs ow till lnilllo persons lined the rivarbaalu in Manhattan and New Jersey for tho lire works spectacle blunt pro duced since its by Macys do parlsncnt store so other barges Hews apparesiiy were unaware oi the total accident continued tiring mkets intotba sky John Serpico president at in ternational Fireworks Company said low burst that appar ently ignited shell on the 24 tbs hsrgs cursed tho espio on Less than an hour earlier an explosion destroyed an nmrnunl tion mom in the subbaserneot ol Manhattan armory where about as national guard resetw liftsm were attending weekly Nineteen were inlured the CBC to cancel the TV iilm WEDNESDAY June The Commons meets at 230 pm to resume the de bate on an interim money supply bill The Senate stands adjourned to June so SWIM srvtsron YOUNG MISS EVerpopular tank suit drastically reduced Styled in sleek stretch nylon with spanking white stretch binding for accent Redhroyal or black in sizes ll to 14 nmmmwmarmulyi Dymond Opposed To Medicare But Ready To Make Plan Work TORONTO CPI Ontario saith Minister mom says bolapreparedtohelpmaken national medical cars plan we coed dupita tbs last he is per sonally op to soresomen operated in cm Dr Dymond said in interview Tuesday his first resuion to the report oi the royal commission on healthwas bmtbtlkinl and something that requires much and carciul study lbs seven member commis sion headed by Mr Justina ï¬n mett Hall at The Supreme Court at Canada in report issued last Friday urged compre hensive government spon sorod prepaid health insurance plan that would be available to all Canadians regardless oi age condition place of real denco or ability to pry Dr Dymond said such plan is the tread oi our times we must determine to make it succeed He said nitbougb Ontarios proposed medical health plan is philosophically dliierent imm the one proposed by the royal conunlssion our thinking is not completely incompatible lie said any proposed notional plan must be operated by the provinccswhich would set up their own priorities in inspire menting medicare plans lie said he thought private companies should be glventha chance to do the Job it itl proved beyond the shadow at doubt they canrun it as well as clinically and as economi cally as the slate Ontarios plan was reject by the royal mmmisslon contended that the Ontario so could neither pmvklo cat can as cheaply nor as unison nily as the state Rabies Tanned Serious In North suoauav CPlThs inel dence of rubles in the Sudhu area has reached very no nos proportions Dr bolt diredor oi Sudbury disiria health unit raid in day There were no sitiva was at rabies report in 1963 out already this year there have have been nine positive identiti canons Dr Cook laid He said he was particularly worried abort the number wild animals running at in in populated areas UNEAliTHED MEN Pcatcuttcrs in Denmark his uncovered men preserved tor Loon years in hogs their cell lar and muscular structure urn touchedby lines HOLIDAY Drive sway Jet away Sail away but some to Zollors First for thou SavingsPriced Holiday Noodsl TOP VALUE iN KIDDIES SWIM SUITSI ONE LOW PRICEI Little girls takoto 406 amour maven mo water like fish in these adorable styleai Tank suit with contrasting binding in red or royal sizes to daring tWoi iece Bikini with irilled braidtrimmed ottom in red4turquoise aqua sizes Buy Your Holiday Needs The Easy Way AntlChnrge llii Viiradii Florist REG 10 911 NEST 0F Vinyl suitcases satiation all travel edsl Sturdin constructed with fastening outs checked cottonlrnlng Small size 16 11 medium 12 large ran it all Lovely biuo shade CHINO CHECKS ibese cotton chino jeans will see lots of activityi Boxer gt vatylswith pateh pockets snap opening and double knees tor Ioog swear Neat allover ï¬ï¬‚recksin size to lit 146 1urnlsstthATrSHonri MPlioiiEMENT FINANCING PiIiN nobles onto remodel landscapo Ind modomtso now transesrvteo tAwu rumours Schools out cycling ontheir all Canadian made Zelco bikes 26 24 and 20 models in fire engine red for boys electric blue for girls Features elude Canadian Dunlop tires and Jill While iii81ng Chm ZForSummer Manidoors miort attractrv Plated 3mm mrnlturoteaturasaiupdy eatberproolalnmmu gt tubing andwide iPolyiwebbing Mixornra coloursofgreenyolloworred sovouutoa or errors 72s2439 perso Your banned large or allle be bundled promptlyin strictest conti denuWrito telephone the Aazoogtoo ar Whywait for the improvement your ironic now Anecdotes Home Improvement engine an willprovide the moneyyou todayi Aawoiateato nib Borrowip Dlana forwreap nubio Reg $1991 MENS BATHTNG TBUNKS Laniax Beach Boy with knitted panel aaiety pocketlilarlr royal gold so Willi Cottonswlrn trunks with elastiowalatdn FINANCE COMPANY 99 rtnrlr ilnlflnlimlm