vwm Wvllfl wwwrmmwwmramrrr wrqwmmutg nilwmrwsvwvr sari in Hamilton Barred thonrérawamicruihgmrouï¬mt er throoh the House at Commons Friday In In climax lo the storm which been gath ering over CBC cInceiiIiloa oi program about the prime minister he two kay developments Irlsin lrom the cum were ew ressurI was put on the CE time by the prime Eninisterlhtmsediito televise llhe our ong ocurnenlIry Pearson its also wanted the longer unedited version shown to Alis The CEO said it would tension the request Former Conservative Illi tuiiure minister Alvin Hamilton iron the oi the days Itt Ungalier repeated requests lrom Spe er Also hritisb Pariiuoeal when Iil Imdtnenta to the North America Act still must hisuraugbton to withdraw his go IiiegItlon that the prime nilnis ler Ittempted to mislead the my House in replies to opposition queries about the doormeolsry in other proceedings the Corn Inena tintrhed twoday disuse Iioa ol In Imeodment to an constitution iron to bring beneilts lrom Cea IdI Pension Plan to survivors ol contributing employees SENATE APPROVES The bill ed immediat ely to the note when It get quick approval in order that It might go irnrn 1y Continuing to expand with Barrie and Stmcoe County ngOth YearNo 145 SEN EDWARD KEN NEDY Dhiass youngest bro lhcr oi the late Prcsidcnt was injured ina pianelcrash at TWO KILLED Southampton MIss Friday night Also hurt were Sen Birch Bayh Dlnd center and Mrs Beyh right they The contrwerslsi document In prepared lor the CBC Isldsyintbeliieoltheprlnls or at cost at more It wellgllllsï¬novn the rottde it was is uels Within palladium prom in to the Commons on Friday Mr Pearson celled CBC Presl deal Alphonse Most to ask thaltheilimbeahownpub iy recttng In lsPI et oi it as it was lselore the dial editing tar Pearson uid he didnt accrued olpolillesl laterierence th CBC lndepeod were on their way to attend the Dcmocratic State Conven tion It Springtiaid Mass AP Wirephoto Senator Ed Kennedy tBadly Hurt In Crash NORTHAMPTON Mass iAPi doctor said today Senator Edward Kennedy Dem Mass younger brother ot the late prcsldcnt John Km ncdy auiiored broken back in crash oi private plane Fri day night which took two lives Dr Thomas Corrlden who supervised the immediate treat ment at Kennedy at Cooley chklnson Hospital said he saw several fractured vertebrae In xrays taken oi the 82year old senators back Corriden said oi Kennedy hes very seriously iniured Less seriously injured in the crash was Senator Birch Bayh Dem ind and his wile Both were reported in good condition today The pilot was killed in the crash DIES IN HOSPITAL The second fatality was Ed ward Moss It at Andover an administrative aide to Senator Kennedy Moss died today at Northampton hospital Dr Corriden said Senator anh auilcred hip injury and scratches on his arm He said Mrs Hayh complained oi sore rtch but was not xrayed He said neither Iuiiered ser ious injury The private twin engined plane plunged into an ap In or Iiiam chard in the western assn chuactis town oi Southam ion as it neared West Spring laid and the Massachusetts Damo cratlc state convention Kennedy was coming ilch to be endorsed by acciam ation tor lull sixyear term in the Senate seat once held by his brother the late president Bayh had been scheduled to deliver the conventions trey notc address Police reconstructing the crash said it had been raining Asian Meeting earlier in the evening and ground tog had settled as the plans neared West ringlictd The pilot was beloved to have attempted landing at Barnes Airport in Westtleld Springï¬eld suburb mcwiinessisalgi the plum was rpp it had been cut wi can opener Another said the nose oi the plane was cllunpled like an accordion Breaks up In Anger Over Demands NKYO AHPresident Su karno oi lndoneaia stalked out at the Malaysia summit contor cnce today but returned Just as abruptly two hours later as tha parley teetersd on the brink oi collapse Art Asian diplomat said the meeting the second summit session todaybroke up in are ger over Rahmana demand for the withdrawal at all lndoncslan guerrillas imm Maiayslaalhor nee within month The Malaysian prima minis ter Abdul Rahman laid down this condition tor agreeing to UN Cyprus Force Will Continue UNITED NATIONS CPI Tha United Nations iorca will continue to operate in Cyprus ior another three months but controversy continues over what iljcan or cannot do to maintain the peace Continuance ol the iorca was assured Friday when all coun tries and iterations involvedin cluding the Soviet Unionstated during Security Council debate that they will not oppose exten on But actual voting on resolu tion to keep thetorce in action until Sept 27 was postponed un til today alter Foreign Minister Eyme Kyprianou oi Cyprus in dicated wanted to speak again Fri bais disclon over the to which the am UN troops can use iorce to prevent light lag between icudia Greek and Turkish communltea on the eastern Mediterranean island BULLETIN UNITED NATIONS CF The Security Council voted unInlnrouIty todsy to es Jend the stay oi the United Notions peacekeeping loroe inCyg Itorasceondtbree months ending Sept Id Nikolai Fedoerkeno oi the So viet Union said flatly that any use of lorce would constitute in terlerence in Cypriot internal IliairaadthsttheUNruam dstertsolsotbebmdmd submit the dispute to tour nation Asian mediation com mission Philippine PresldentDlosdade Macapagal proposed the com miaslon at the ilrst session to day and Sukarno and Hahman both agreed conditionally lace However he was sure he Britisbwouldbe CBC ottlelals indicated the corporation will ponder the lost tar the weekend More mus libel decision he has been unyielding to earlier requests for showing ktltmmtum ubtect had been weed mil times this month are Iys blows IIAldllalDN HART I1 Mr Hamilton started it by di hustled to the presi dent oi Privy Council George Nearlib Mr HImlitorr wound mm to withdraw Illlplllb Houee in answers Friday and earlier in the week Mr Pearson was Mung by the word alternated which he said made it that he was deliberately studio the on At one point he and stood or iii one canoe tor the floor backed by col leagues providing noisy Ip alqu Mr is usughloa took in Pearson request tor Hunti ton withdrawal under advise ment alter twice easing the tors nor Conservative minister to withdraw us in or as Hamilton member tor the to aflololin or having Intruded on Hamilton to hir Suhtmewaa riding at QuAp lie to all aw cl VIs bad locus Housemglu anon deauHesaidbe eith enhadcooled ADMITS INHUNON Hr Pearson laid ho wanted dilution lb cilr th Mr Hamilton who said us Mr tier he would withdraw it his Mollrslth was allowed to In str his question said he could at change his qualifications hlr Diaienbsher said Mr Speaker hi aeushlon said roan Commons regretted the litulthl but he list iorhis rovedbyls Mr IlP to Anwumun eow echamher unaudited returned hrleily til upmtnotiotrumweanintroduced In to so with IlllII Fisher at the New Democrats backing the Conserv atives la the lightlly attended Friday Inernoon lung unlitoa VII the ilrst be named since 62 wheg Social Mt member her and Dumont who wIs de iealed in the toes electionn wu Pearson was all to back mu excel med ior pm siltlng flte am on ex on sixthsiaceltes Local Weather Warmer with showers Low duriru the night 65 High Sunday as For complete sum mIry please turn to was two BIG HEALTH PLAN Estimated Cost To Canadians Would Be About $20 Per Year CLING T0 BUOY Youths Rescued On Lake Simooe Three Toronto youths clung to navigational buoy mils out in lake Slmcoe ior nearly two hours early this morning bulora being rescued by innis iii Township Police 11m croii in which the were passengers sank ncar Bg Ced Ill 1faint sometime alter mid ng lion Crone and Coast Roy an get at lnnislii Township Police took part in the rescue Three other youths also on cupants oi the boot sworn to shore with the aid at their lila preservcra to alert authorities to the plight or their three com panlons Cpl Crone said the youths may have clung to tho buoy tor imm one and halt hours to two hours belore rescue Rescued irons the buoy mile out in the lake oil big Cedar Point were Arthur Kushner la Warren Ava Sheldon Goldber iii Boihurat liesiia Go la Lynhsven ltd ihose who swam to shore where Stephen sandter is Mapelh Blvd whose lather wsI the owner ottlra boat in which the youths were riding Stephen ltiraoit ll Rid dst live and John Dallas Forest Hill as the youths set out irom Halo ersvitle lust north at Eatt Ewart in host powered by 7bltboraepcwer motor SomediI lance out in the lake the occu panta reported taler to police that the bottom seemed to hit out oi the crait The youths were taittn to Royal ciorlI Hospital here and released alter treatment The rescue last evening was the ilrst this year using to point rescue service set up by Innlaiil Police two years ago Through thiI plan marina own ers and private boat eratora make themselves aval able to assist in lake rescue work when called on Commoner senate Pass Amendment OiIAWA CF Itta Com mons and the Senate unant mously passed the rain amend ment to the Canadian constitu tion Friday and dashed oil humble Iddresa to the Queen praying that me rater it to the British Parliament tor rati ilcatloo speakers in both Houses were equally unanimous in deploring the anomaly under Which the mother or Parliaments still must sanction changesin Can adas constitution in years It ter Coniederetlon they noted that Britains leg tslaiors have been anxious tor years to get rid oi this drore They cailedior new eiiorts by the iederal Ind provincialgov erameata to devise iormula acceptable to all to amend the British North America Act in Canada without involving West rnioster Johnson Hails Passage orUscivnnightsatlt WASHINGTON iAP Iha its Senate alter its days or debate tira longest in its his tory passed the civil rights hilt Friday night by In overwhelm ing Mom vote With tlrli historic hurdle cleared the bill goes to the House oi Representatives on Monday where it is expected to receive prompt approval House leaders predicted that alter brlel struggle the mess IDto arm the IEIICIBI govern ment with the greatest power since reconstruction to attack racial discriminationwilt be on President Johnsons dealt ready to be signed into law by July In San Francisco Johnson applauded the action declaring Senate passage oi the rights bill is major step toward eguai opportunities tor Ill Am cans congratulate senators oi both pa tas who worked to pas as possible look iorward to the day which will not be long iorthconv ing wheathe bill becomes law it will he milestone Americas progress toward lull Justiceiior all her citizens From the South however came predictions ol disaster irom some southern us gov ernors Alabamas George Wallace predicted the American people will remove lrorn oiiice those responsible SincoFeb so when the House HAMILTON CPI ing traces in downtown up at Hamilton diedtram guruirot coranlrion was also iniilled LATEI passed its version at the rights bill the locus oi attention has beep on the Senate where the bliiiaced its capes peril irons weapons oi delay and illlbuIter Finally the iitlhueter was broken when the Senate voted June to lor the ilrst time in history to invoke cio civil rights debate Oll NEWS rtment ear today woundin laud saoar lllOCK HITS BRITAIN LONDON iCP new barebosom dress will be an veiled in london Monday and the English dont quite know what to make at it Oillciala here have adopted waltandsce altitude the decision to appva or ban lies entirely with the courts said spokesman tor the home oiliee this is thing that cant settled In advance Anyway there seem to be considerable doubt that Eng llsh women are ready tor the topless trend despite the con tention at American designer Rudl Gcrnreich that Part tanism and the hidden body are lost disappearing Die In Car Truck Crash POINTE AU EARIL Ont CPLHarry Shorten or his wile Eva May 53 and their children Sylvia 17 and Ste pheu ll oi Toronto died Fri day in cartruck collision on Highway as near this commu nity 65 mtch south oi sudbury David Berdman It at itior onto driver oi the tutors truck was in iair condition tnhospiiai in Parry Sound where he was being treated ior iirst and sec onddegres burns Poitoasaid the truck and ear collided headoa on strai stretch oi highway where vai bitity was good Titers were no witnesses to the accident Gasoline in the trucks two tanks exploded on impact and burned out of control ior two hours OIiAWA CPIFor an extra 20 Hear Canadians are being oils ttra biggest healthpatt tge deal in thecountrys his 017 thats the price leg set by the royal commission on health services tor progressive pro vidiag topaolch doctors case for everyone under proposed iedaral provincial pre led health service program Ultimately tree dental care would be thrown in too The conunission appointed three years ago today asired the government Friday to so cool the responsibility tor lead ership in implementing health charter tor Canadians it called for lederal pro vinclal coalesetlco within six months to set the program soli ing The Liberal partys election program commit the govern ment to establishing national health insurance plan and bold tag such meeting When the Diipage report 500000 words its pounds in weight and iii years in the writingwas tabled in the Com mons Friday Prime Minister Pearson said Wewilt have to consider the recommendations ilrst to see whether it is the governments galley to implement them They ave to be studied Those which are to be implemented should be at into effect as soon as possib FAVORS CONFERENCE Opposition Leader chien baker under whose tanner Pro gressive Conservative admials tration the commission was set up endorsed holding lederai provincial conference New Democratic Leader Douglas who prior to entering lederal poiltlcsia tool was in strumental in implementing the medical care plan in asste chawsn wn pleasantiy sure prised with the report are particularly pleased that the commission proposes universal medical care insuri Ince planthat it should cover everyone he llld Social Credit Leader itromp son commended the commission for coating to grips with Cart Idas health probierrrnfl Provincial oiiiclals generally welcomed the report except tor its mention at lotteries In one at the possible means tor pro vincial governments to raise their share of the costs This suggestion brought immediate rebuils irotn all but Quebeo oiltelsis The seven member commis sion headed by Supreme Court Justice Emmett Hall envisages sweeping program to achieve the highest possible health stan dards its nightlth lecturer new deal or mental health patients and retllded children vlrtuelly tree prescription drugs Frea eye glasses and dental trealtament ior youngsters up Free artiiiciai limbs tor crippled persona Mnre borne care and out tlanta beneilts under exls ng hospital insurance schemes Provlstorr oi narcotics under supervision to dnrg addicts Frss ambulance services Fiuorldation at all commie nity Waterauppiies to combat tooth decay To make this possible the commission sees the need ior thousands oi additional doctors and nurses with construction at new training iacilltles at univar sitles and hospitals across the country