eraxaasnmnxmnmi THURSDAY JUNElgl EARLY Michael James Hoiiman is learning early about being blood donor He attended yesterdays Red Cross blood donor clinic in Trinity Parish Hall with his mother Mrs ANN LANDERS near Ann Landeni My wile has been bugging ms ior the last year to let her dye my hair black Marge used to he beautician According to her id look at least in years younger which would help me in business because the younger men get the piomotioas lm to and dont mind the gray in my hair at all Further mnre ld be awiully selicon scious about suddenly turning up ivith coal black hair because all the people work with know my hair has been gray ior years You are pretty senslba dams and like to hear your opinion yes or no tram you could have lot oi inv iluance on me SILVER THREADS Dear Threads Some men dye tor dear old youths sake and only their barbers know for sure Speaking strictly tor my sell like gray lu mans hair Itsobvious that youd ieel sellconscious turning up all of sudden with coal black hair so tell your wile ixnay lONELY OPINION Dear Readers Do you recall the letter several days ago from the woman who complained vehemently because her hue bands exwlie sent him several pairs at shorts and undarshlrts or Christmas The gel blew her top and in isteri that her husband return the shorts and undershirta be cause it was tar too intimate gilt under the circumstances told the wile to target it lhat it was not worth lighting about tor six months and that alhough the gltt may not have been in the best taste it was certainly practical Unity Of Churches Discussed By UCW The Bond Head United Church Women held its June meeting with is members present Mrs Green led in the wor ship using the tileme iEvery Time Feel thaSpllit She was assisted by Mrs Lang reading the Scripture said nam lng the Fruits oi the Splri Several hymns relating to the theme weresung and the wor ship was concluded with re cording ot George Beverley ghee slaying How Great Thou The program on One limise hold ot Faifli Ecumenical Night rwas conducted by Mrs William Watt fllmA Pilgrim Church was shown at the Church in South India of which onehalt are Angilcana one iourth Methodists and one tourtin Presbyterians and can gregntlonallsts Guests of honor included Mrs Hannah oiVSthohns Angli Vcan Church Tecumscth and Mrs Murray Fails ot the Scotch Settlement Presbyterian Church who with Mrs McKay tonnei sa tion ct anychurch is lost when ABOUT GIVING Bob Hoiiman She was among the 350 blood donors who at tended newcomer to Bar rie she has been blood don or on other occasions Ex aminer Photo id like you to know iolks that nearly £000 readers tram coast to coast pins Alaska Honolulu and Puerto Rico wrote to say they did not agree with me My position remains unchanged but it may please you to know that am lonely minority POPULARITY Dear Ann Lundem am it and eat that lite is Just about over it there was ioreiga legion tor girls ld loin up Three weeks ago the dentist took the braces oil my teeth wore them ior almost our years You cant imagine how dreamed oi the day when those horrible things would come oil To me it was like the unveiling of the Statue oi Lib erty or the preview oi Cleo pairs thought everyone would noticeespecially the boys counted on this event to change my whole liie Well nothing happened Absolutely nothing Not one single boy has asked me turn data lm so disappointed dont know what to do Can you give me some help pleasaIBor TOM OF THE WORLD Dear World Youve lust learned iirst hand lesson Ive been trying to hammer home ior years It is as follows Good looks are not the key to popularity The girl who is interesting up to be with and can make boy leel comiortabls is going to he sought ontyeseven it she does have smile like bird cage lack around Toot ale and youll see plenty oi evidence that smright Go to work on the things that count and watch your iii shape up Members then formed intol groups to discuss the question Why cant We have just oiie church in our community The discussions were lively and lengthy but constantly interest ing One group thought the community should arrange joint services or the eununer months STRESS UNITY Others felt that there are some mature and sincere Christians in ditlerent churches today Who hesitate on the brink of closer unitybecause they par thevposslble loss at some cher ished element in their churchs tradition No distinctive trail it is invested in the Masters prayer for unity Another point wasithatr the way to unity is love Do Atlaih kirlsts command it points the way to unity on the local level thadenomlnatlonal level and the world level Durlng the business period an invitation was accepted iroml Dunksrton UCW and members use withthem on June 17 groubs were allot catering eve Passed ho Aplcnlc will is hot tin July indtbere will PEOPLE AND PLACES Pbons Eileen Dixon or Audrey Coulson HOBHCULIURE Barrie Horticultural Society will be represented at the On tarle Horticultural Convention being held in Guelph today and tomorrow Barrie members at tending the sessions include the president it Heath and Mrs Heath treasure Mrs Jim Wat soa Miss Yeales and Mrs Harry Dale Attending as dis trict director will be Mrs lesn Gable Mr and kins McMackoa will attuid as delegates mm the Angus Society and Mrs Jean Money and Mrs Oakley will represent Vespra Horticultural Society ENGAGEst Mr and Mrs Cleary Damn stcr oi Anglia have announced the engagement at their ugh ter Cora Muriel While also oi Anglia The at tcrnoon wedding will take place in Angus United Church June I7 St Aidens Anglican Church Hawkeatone will be thesetting ior tbe marriage oi Miss lva TllEiSlARs sat WEIUTA FOR TOMORROW Planetary restrictions oi the past law drys liit now and you should have ialrly smooth sail ing in all of our interests huh shes toward worth while goeis enthusiastically and even it returns are not immedi atu you should ind sotlsladlon la the attainments you do make FOR THE BIRTHDAY it tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope promises line year where personal relation ships are concerned It you are careiul to avoid lrictloa during the early part oi December you should tind domestic and social interests highly congenial and there is also promise oi some unusual and heartwarming riences in the romantic iiel during July October and next May Best periodator travel July and the that three weeks ot Dc ccmber Despite the act that you may make some small financial advance in July and August and that late October andor late December should bring some gratllylng recognition of job eiiorts you will have to be patient until next January to see real uptrend in occupa tional and monetary alialrs Creative workers will be eh peclaily starblessed in October and like others should make real advances in early 1866 For all however it would be well to remember that despite planetary assistance within the next urinonths conservative methods will pay oiir when it comes to your pocketbook Be especially careiui to avoid extravagance and to sidestep impractical ventures tor the balance oi this month in Sep tember and next March child born on this day would make an excellent writer or entertainer and could be es pecrslly successful in any iieid that involves travelin JoAnn OBrien and Brian Ward June 21at pm The brideciect is lit daughter oi ML and Airs Victor OBrien til Hawkestone The bridegroom elect is the at Mr Ind Mrs Hal Ward oi Barrie LAWN RDWLING the gala tournament at Rlcblt mond Hill Lawn Bowling Club was held yesterday Sixteen rinks competed at the tourna ment including bowlers irom Harris Oshawa Stoullviile Whitby Ind Tottenhsm Barrie group won third prize with Mrs Vair skip Mrs Hazel aer vicesklp Della Spencer VENTURE CLUB Guests at the Venture Club dinner meeting last evening in Community House included Son optimists Min Kay Yasuneka Mrs Kay Stewart Mrs Lleweila Macianes and Mrs Mary Wise maa iormer Venturlsts Mrs Jena Mevaen and Mhs loan Robertson and Miss Mary Les Mrs Ward Goodiellow Mrs Ciliiord McKeen hira Jack Geddu Miss Maxine West Mrs Harold Martiuni ans Florence White Miss Helen Holloway and Mrs Iraser NAVY AUXILIARY Mrs Doris Ferrler entertained the Womens Auxiliary and the members oi the Civilian Conn mittee oi the Navy League and Sea Cadets Barrie Branch at her summer cottage Wasaga Beach on Saturday night The evening was spent in games dancing and sing songs Guests included Mr and Mrs Fred Teaute Mr and Mrs Norman Brown Mr and Mrs Mervin Pattcnden Mr and Mrs Ronald Young Mrs Jane Dagneault Mrs Edna Harris Mrs Alma Pope Mrs Louise Patterson Mrs Clara lilndlgaa Alter lun cheon was served by the host ess Mrs Pattenden was present cd with birthday cake in hoa gr oi her birthday the ioiiowiag ey Plastic Bags Keep Things Neat Tidy The perennial summer change oter oi clothing and housdiold items neednt be problem when reorganizing bureau and closet space or putting away winter woolens Plastic bags in various sizes ior instance make ideal containers tor almost any thing horn bonnets to blankets Plastic bags are becoming in creasingly popular as versatile aidsior more atticleat house keeping They oiicr protection against moths mildew and dust One oi the most convenient kinds oi bags now available is the plastic snapoil bags on con tinuous roll These are individ ual ready to use bags that are snapped off at periorations then tightly secured with twist ties which come with each box Three sizes are available to an swer almost any storage need Papactoes know best tndithis haste as good cs ginnihinkitisQ bread Arden hell be shunned simply delighioa the silicate for Men jrwo LOCATIONS To serve You earran andhin Miss Patricia Marguerite Finley received Medical Stat award at the graduation exercises oi the Atkinson School at Nursing at the To roato Western Hospital held June at Convocation Hall Miss Finley the daughter at W01 and Mrs John Finley at Camp Borden is an honor graduate at Camp Borden Dis trict High School Honorary Members Receive Awards Golden Star lodgeln May had ht War Grand Mistress oi Ontario West Mrs Bertha Addy and Mrs Vivian Harper RWGDT as guests Lodges re presented wcro Shyfler Baxter Hawkcstoae and Blue Haven Barrie Mrs Addy presented honorary membership certiï¬cates to Mrs Alice Henson Mrs Ellen Hun ter Mrs Elisabetta Thompson Mrs Agnes Robson and Mrs Isobel Hendrick Three mean here unable to be present and made honoury members were Mrs Agnea Wynes Mrs Char latte Bull and lllrs Annie Big gar The Grand Mistress presented Mrs Alma Purseth with pin In recognition at beirlié mem ber of the Orange er tor so years Mrs Wilhelmina Steven son received pin ior 25 years oi membership ilALKERS NE mm of FASHIONS Pot Luck Supper Highlights Hospital Auxiliary The auxiliary secretary Mrs Bruce Mun is ill and so also is another agvtime member Mrs Douglas Manchester Mrs Joyce Rotman Icpreseot ed the Junior Auxilxinary and gave any encourag report at the Ictiviliee oi the Juniors Report at the Nightingale lea showed it to be great success Mn Greta Adams was warm in her praise or all the help she received with this annual event The auxiliary held colieo break open house at the Mc Cartby residence and the stall enjoyed it very mudi The suxliisry donated nursu rdereooe books to all the grad uates oi 19 Mrs Roy Tod wrote the inscriptions in all these books and wrapped theni tor presentation Thirty incur bers oi the auxilisry attended the graduation exerclses There is to be iail rummage sale by the Hospital Auxiliary Nov Tag days will be Sept Hoar clearly again with PHILIPS marine am Home appoin mails arranged Meeting is and to and coavcmn are Miss Agnes Flynn Mrs Heiiron and Airs McVeigh The auxiliary voted to he pay ior the cost oi loam in root at the McCarthy rubi ease The regular work meetings at the auxiliary are over now un til September however the con tinuing Protect like the Sum mi Cart no shop and rentals continua daily nie sewing machines andtha gtllt haer Maddy mound diam Baiteries and Repairs to ALL MAKES SIMCOE HEARING CENTRE its Dunlap St Barrie Oppoeltas Ellens Ki 50M TEL 72617 EXCLUSIVE DRIVEJN seams Coilso 11 Summer Vacation TIME FOR YOUR runs or Slat LY Iour woos tau mar Jun Dhenl ands welludE anlbol ntolyourooor mu lton it In our mimtf auxiliixy quarters will all be spring cleaned and made rddy lor the tall season Mrs Margaretde convened the potluck supper and she was thanked or her ion EARLY AMERICAN Fine maple and cherry are long time isiorltu iih lovers oi American Ctvlpnial Now more oak ash builen out sad elmsu being used to add new grain pattern variety to some oi the newer stylbls Now too painted ilnlshelhr being blended into the ovslt decor scheme to contra ad stilt coordinate with lh total Early American look Its time to send your iurs to cooler clirnes Your iurs will be roles alonally stored our temperature controlled vaults tor the as warm season lor only Your valuation ttioooo minimum DIAL 7260259 FOR FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY BOX STORAGE Illa Iat III III at milk wt pick up th your convenience Illd proves good tastejnjashion is not expensive Minna DRESS SPECTACULAR is Sheath etyitt lilac Half Sizes am necked dress ofArnel black It 13 244 navyaqnoyellow black of Amel and cotton check Blue pink tan hitch cotton check Blue Misses sizes 12 to 18 uh