wvmgnsrav vvmnwywmwwmqmv wart rzv vv ewe7 we v1 wear an 7w3WC1TJNWM4NVGWW€ lO GOOD HEM Group Can Develop Quickly In Child by losers slowest MD Dear Dr Mnlaerr ht iouh Learold dau ler recon went bed ieel line but the wake up at raith ht havln dliilntity in braat inl ï¬le could also hardly spells the doctor said it was clout and that when the put over it aha should have hertourlla out What causes uoupl Gan Ihl lettt aralnt what does ton sillectomy have to do with ltl uMRJ DEN Group which usually comes an as suddenly as you describe is epaarn the terms re sulting irom an acute ection of threat larynx or upper bron chial tubes These iniectiona can develop with startling abruptnesa ln chlidm Since their respiratory passages are very small the rplasm makes hreathinl dllll on why rmllp occur princinallv to very young children and ecl dom past the age at live or to not known but that is the case it occurs primarily at night also ior unknown reasons but it can happen at any time ot year Remole tonsils will not atop nroup however it they are chronically lniecled this can be source ot sore throat tmeanlnl lnieetlon and4 can have an indirect bear What to do when croup de veiopat Both you and the child are naturallytrlrhtened But dont panic Call the doctor antibiotics or other medications usually are indicated steam with or without some ernnlatle material such as tine ture oi benruta compound either in an improvised tent or Just in the childs room in very heipiui tough mixture may help it the child is old enouh to take one Heres one old trick iound to work very well with my own younrstera hot path or platters on the attest Butter piece at ilaanel with one oi the medicated pastel tnumotlrina and antlphlopistlne and spread it across the chest it eaten the couph and sometimes helps the child drop all to al in some aevere cases brat in can be so retirich that lrsdzeotemy cattle an air vent into the windplpe below the laryan la required as liteaavlaa measure Fortunately this is rarely nec eulry but it used to be the last resort when dlphtherla was the cause Same oi you may have read Harriette Arnawe The Dollrnailer some years epo It so you probably never have iorzottcn the opening scans at the novel which do TELEVISION PROGRAMS Channel Barrie tausnail JUNI ll eoo Mr Pip2P hlfy Tam ton relrth bar Sports 11 Sal at Camera Canada to Naked ctr arm cuc rv an gin1m aperu Nawl av Daumter or Dr Jekyll Turniv rim is man Test return Cartoon Carnar to Allen ttrne gauntI7 altyleuy opeyee ar Nennday Report htovia taut Side or uuvrn Parawnm Scarlett ulu Take so Friendly Giant Mlatorolera ihl€ii3m Walen iraln Colltttry Hoedown The Dliandara tclaacope The Untouchablae nac TV New Weathar Sports NII Movie mm For rrudelnt lAflllAY we Test Pattern nllbolt Andi lénwtrueye dluAii American Football Team Blfltfl Game oi the Week Bowllnl Queens Plate gun Bunny fem dilma nenr Beverly hilliae Zero anew Channel Toronto titttl ii Did tl ld Kiddo 00 Five Oclock Mlttneli gum To Kong Kohl WitI Wflwu News Danna Heed Outer Limit To Tell Th0 Truth Zara On Jul Paar 1030 ortl Hot Int 1100 NatienelNewa iii II In uti ill IMO The But at herton mm rim to all Focus shaman Report Cartoon Min Helen Romper Room Pia all with Uncle Bobby Ch net Caravan It PilHlme with Until Bobby Channel Caravan Pt It Channel Nina Thlatra Hmldwey Melody ot ml giggly Ideal Club Five Oclock hiatinel ina Blactl Knithti News Weather Sports The Great Adventure Tnlne at Word Andy Orirlttla 1an Benny SF0999 858 33333833 Gunmare 01 National NI Matrn Hrili Bpnrlr fleet and Bolloqu Arrest And Tris IATURDAY rm to oso Met Cartoon Party Junior Auction cartoon Party Ell Hawk with You Were Hera up the Garden Peta Twin Bill nutr lteneeea or aunnybrenk arm Sitttrl Pretty Wm nl Alter rule Ill Time Walon traln Saturday Ni Movie lt 8888328 To Tell the mu Great aniel ithe mnetnr rm Juliette cao rrv New yeIthtvtfl rvued Pierce Channel Buffalo mmnar run ll Capt Bub Huckleberry Hound rn lunenun News Weather spam IInntleyarlnnley News straw Shun ems Precinct Dr Klldare Eaael Knit Titlatra um Warnr sports mum Show Mt them Today lvu Huntleyflrinklc Newa Iractured nteksrr InternWI showtime Bob Em that VII the Week flsat We seek Parr stun New Weather Mn also renlrht Show Loo arr Report may rune Io Aliiilliltitu U5A llr tn cat amoro Itartovn xepen Benin Heatbcate runeII xas small The lienm ry Btlliwinkll Mr Wtufd En Franc arm he Are liorare Nagysm better an an 1000 Tile13 nrï¬ï¬FF =2322$gsssas lnle Whale th arurlne Point on News Itro rtnrt am FM 55588 1115 pm Channel Buiialr nunsnar rum In no rn deem Stern Luve it To Beaver oclock Show in annoy Headline Nawa Sport one Evenlnl News Bat Mulemn Password gawhldh am trn so ea ar In tun snow Sea was FRIDAY IUNI ll 00 The cut slam LIIV It To Eu Till oclock show Senior Prom Headline Nawa Sport cns sunlnr Nawa People Funny The Great Adventure noun or mum zone Alfred HitcthCk News Weather sports The ma Show In unwp AI 10 Sum semester rrPPEHSEP 59 ssgssgsga nuu ay run sun the Tin The tiny Rulers Show any Klnr tanrlearee made stunt Review BurmaIlnamer to as wtll tell he let Asstune Known 55am awa trls Round Table the Jackie Gleason snow 11 Deiendera Phil silvers show Gnnmh News Weather in Sports Mov Stopover ram CARRIER Mlssl Your it your carrier hae antlerrtnd by pats please phone 7282433 Add AICoyy will tie Delivered To Your lionsa jTHERE iSjNO CHARGEFOR THISSERVICE VALLEY TAXI DRIVEYOURSELF CAR AND raucsz Lets llnzDut ELMVALE aymrrarmr Suedey morning at St John United Clutch iorn Knott at St Clair United asmh tloronto director at youth work oi the Ontario lthrrlperance Federation conducted the eervloe and do livnred In impressive muscle to teeaawe Rev Huh am mnducted the mornltlr sen vlu at Goldwater Mr and Mrs Georre Dickin son Mr and Mn Wallace Air ierson attended the Broderick hiciienlie weddlnl at Earlebart June Miss Cora Leslie Hamilton visited last week with her mad parenu Mr and Mra Dickin eon Mra Ernie Scott returned atter spending week with her airter Mra Fuaxhor llomhto Sunday rueets ot Mr Jack tinney were Mr nd litre Donald Piion Tomato Mra Cecil McLeod Ort Jack Beacock 1bronto spent the weekend with Mrs Silas Locke and other relatives Mrs Metheral hiirses Marilyn and Ada oi Dunedin were Sun day zuesta oi Mr and Mrs Stanley Ritchie Mra Stoutenburg spent Pie days with he scribed mother in the hill country Eertorrninz such an op eration craelt because there was no doctor within miles and her little boy was turning blue ior lack oi air dont oiihand think oi more vifld argument or diphtheria lmmunllations Dear Dr ï¬lm Can be about three months pregnant without my doctor being able to tell He told me wasnt but lm not convinced as Im pain lng quite bit ot weight mostly around the stomachMRS lit When it is dltilmllt to tell or sure laboratory test can be made which will give you positive answer This is done with urine samie no parntlon from it to ccied to laboratory animal trons rnh bits and mice are used and the results will show it you are pregnant NUIE 70 MRS NP Tape worms do exist but they are suspected too often by People who happen to have trouble gaining weight Alter the core lul medical examination youve had ld iorget about tape worms North dealer NorthSouth vulnerable norms an lt VQIH oaxoees +6 weer mas nos as 1098 once on lore emanate our 33782 33 on The biddlni North more South West so Pen Pan Pan Opening lend ten of hearts You hear lot about hrldgn tournaments and the champs who play in them but the chances are that it you watchcd an expert play without know TuxI ho he was you would not if tiy impressed fact is that the expert WWI makes sensational bid or play ht chiei stocth trade balï¬‚ï¬ he rarelymakes an Oi ngnent He depends VIEWS reasoning far more other factor and til quiet lt1 lty is not one like ly We one to stand up and cheer Take attend heme this one Invoice Oldï¬eld tier Russell Ritchie and Harold Blaa lett Monday by motor in Dawson Creek where they win be employed Russells plant our to play booty tor the win BSAILDSALL REUNION Sunday June it deoendantr at the late David Burdaetl lllh ered er the home oi Verne Beardrall with 41 present bountliul supper Iran enjoyed Comlnl imm adtetanc were Gilbert Beerdsail and tamtly oi Mndon Bob and ianlliy oi orll lia tome and iamiiy oi Bump ton Mra It Molieon Betty and oblian at St Catharina Mra Pybun Phyliui and larnlly at lellnrton unnard and tarnin oi Saurlo Paul Beardaali and la mily oi Chatbam were unable to be present PROMOIID Arthur Trace oi the RCMP Ion at Mra John Trace and the John moe oi Allenwood baa beenvprenloted tn the rank of cotyorai in return oi the detachment at Spirit River Al berta Corporal that has been years with the 11th duflnl which time he has been at Grabd Folin BC Fort Simpson Fort Smith and Edmonton Guam ar nuan The ladies and friend oi St Johns United Church met to nether at Allenwood Glureh tor dinner and meetinr the Allen wnod ladies cateriul tor de llcloua dinner The president Jean Thompson opened the meetlnl nle devotions were liv en layEve nlclr Those wishtnl to went to Wasapa Beach to bowl two names and had In In tolinbie time and several re ceived prises tor their eiiorta WONDER VitLLE lty MILE HANDY Mrs Hall attended the June meetlnz the UCW at Dalston at the home or Mra It htclun During the meatihl hire Brown who has been valued worker was presented with lite membership pin and certiï¬cate We wolcomo two iamillos Mr and hira McLaughlin and Mr and Mrs Roy Bnln to our community and Mn Strana Sylvia and Barbara Hamlton spent Sunday at Randys CONTRACT BRIDGE By JAY BECKER played in national tournament South was in our spades and West led heart East cashed the Mt and rdurned heart declarer winning with the lack Southhowplayéd dlimond to the ace club to the ace andrutied club Next came the Jack at spades which lost to the king When West re turned club dueinrer ruiied andmade the balance oi the tricks Now what did South do that was so wondertult On the face at it ha did nothing unusual He had to lose two hearts and spade and he iost them Yet upon closer observation South did do something good in the play and it he hadnt done it he would have been defeated He made the hey play of cash ing the see at diamonds beiore telling the trurnp tinesse lets suppose he had not done this Lets suppose that after he took the heart with the lack he had rutied club and then led the Jack at spades losing to the king i1 lrl that case would have lost the contract when West re tunled diamond He would have been unable to come out oi dummy without losing another tnarnp trick He would have none down one Great oaks irnm little acorns new Tomome Eehid by the op ening bidder DilILY cnosslugn ACROSS 159 511th owns Flu 10 Threaded aaahaa eyelete uJnrearrh bone Paxton mortar 14Muaium 458ka 193mm atatalebbr Jaunted intantry roan Ioth 21 color malice mumwtltly aAetreIe 42mm it Unaollad Fall month abbr rnedlotne it covered with mud II University ottlaorl 131 1am trnplernent 1h Preemtly 18 Ford to name 2U Maettoate 27 GodoHire Roman myth 80Avnndat anvme 82 Not preï¬x 3a Jargon ebbr an Bot 31 Pile zen ts 22 Yo nature okclaap 25 Strike lBlnaiiblllof JULIET JONES DONALD DUCK LES CANADIENS BLONDIE warm oeulmemsu mm semepuzrhescoereoï¬mnm new ommawauows an vomesene mormruawae roerrowm LETKOMSLE returnees team we mummies Lemon or momAthmeut flame meWhrauuwmm mummmmmvwmsm MpgV929 etewauuum mmnmmmm wrN DiDNT You uusr YARD qu onuslcuaonuoap Inna WILL wasn mow wuerr HAPPENED TO weapons was WONDER WHY cows leur arrow ANSiv 444 are and new rtasu HERE IN LOVE PM no AGAIN iN Lotzt iM 1wHo ls Ii lN Love my week ANOTHER CASE or save Ar NEST gusttr SEEN HIM HE PHDNED W5me mechanismer ollwatntssrrnws srrnmmnrme msuol momma Remommn SHAPE localize REQliistTIONS MM TllE HSHINGS GOOD FDRA DATE 15 HIS GONNA BAKE THIS AFTERNOONl 55V iliwtéliikim UFSlEAlGI 5R AND new NEWEDBE RELEASED WMLMNSXT5IWN MPMWFMMN nukes uoonuomtom WEXCEVTHMDOSS