Barrie Opera House Razed By Fire 1926 One of the greatest tragedies to befall Barrie must surely have been on the night oi Sa turday November ms when the Grand Opera House for years the home of fine produc tions with companies actors and actresses Min became dear to the hearts of Barrie citizens was burned to the ground Many people nowadays must look back with nostalgia to the days when the grand old theatre provided so many happy and memorable occasions On that fateful night around midnight the blaze was first seen and in very short time hecamahune of the must spec tscular ever in Barrie with the reflection plainly visible for rnil es around By the time the fire men arrived on the scene clouds of dense smoke were pouring lrom the building while the in terior at the back at the theatre was seething mass of flames which burst through the tool few minutes later Although the firemen soon had five streams of water playing on the building the fire had obtained good start and nothing could be done lochecis it it was with the greatest difficulty that it was prevented from spreading to nearby buildings LOOKED TWO runes Firemen who were first in the building staied at the time that there appeared to be two fires one in the basement under the stage and the other in the titer above the stage 1h stage it self did not catch until some time afterwards The building was oi brick and frame con struction and the wellesenaoned timbers burned like tinder tho flames spreading rapidly from the back of the building to the front to interior was comple tely gutted and practically nothing was left except the brickwork The total loss was believed to be 575000 When the fire broke out there was brisk west wind which changed later to southwest Sparks and burningemhera were carried hundreds of yards and many of the adjacent build ings were in danger tor over an hour Embers falling on boathouse behind the Ross Bloch started little lire but it was nuidrly put out without damage One home immediately east ot the Opera House wasin contin ual dangerand it was toths credit of the fire brigade that it was undamaged This house was only few tee from the theatre and with the wind blow ing the sparks and flames on to the roof the firemcns efforts to save it looked hopeless How ever although furniture was re moved the only damage done was that by water Although most people were all the streets before the fire broke out the hell and the sight at the flames soon amused them and hundreds of people lined the streets and stood on the terrace in front of Trinity Church watching the blaze immediately afterwards the manager John Powell said that the theatre would be rebuilt but although at various times the matter was brought up this never happened much to the sorrow of Barries citizens the Grand Opera House was one of the linest theatres in its day in Ontario outside the cities it was completed in 1896 at cost of nbnut 630000 During its 30 years existence many famous actors and singers performed from its stage before Barrie audiences The Dko Sls in before the height of their fame appeared there with the Robert Marks Company The theatre was opened by the WH lisrrr Owen Stock Company and throughout the years John Grii ucal flth was frequent yistor Elsie Janis played in Barrie couple of times specialism in the im ltatlons which made her famous Among the noted singers who made appearances were Madam Alhani Madam Schalki Madam irdrelll Whitney Mocksloge an English tenor who sang an en Lire program hirnseil Famous bands were also among the vial tors among them being the Gre nadier Guards theColdstream Guards and the Banderosa irom Milan number of amateur op eratic pertorrnances were also heard such as the FenrnnceJV the and the act Tamara mm on Lymau if Dumwho was mathematics master at the old Barrie collegiate on Blake StxYearslater hahccamo ir Lyman Pr Duit Chietdustree of fheSupreme Court oi Qan adan gt or ran RAYMEIt ishes To Announce theChangeOfOwnership OF mansions AlhttittiililONlNG as is avwr pu ww wwew re title railway company the people of ass COMPANY OPPOSED For many reasons it looked to the many desirable in the lollowlng years not to meet the demand made or theswitch Many obstacles the greatm oi which were only known to prao men were presented and during the 14 years various means were suggested by which on amicablesettlement oi the question might be name to be tween the Town of Barrie and the Northern itaihray Corre PW there appeared at one time to be no prospect either switdr or settlement it gen erally appearing to thh company that the people of Ernie kept asking too much Only year before the ï¬nal decision the most hostile terms existed be tween the rival interests in the person of the manager of the Barrie had shrewd person to deal with On the other hand the authorities of the town had all along been equally as zealous in endeavortng to obtain what they considered the rights of their locality MADE COMPULSORY Alter lowfought battle the people Bands at last through the intervention of Parliament had it made mmpulaory upon DELIVERLIGELBILLB It was inchiuy 1915 that the Electric Light Company in Bar rle an delivering its accounts instea of mailing them This practice was to continue for more than 50 years rig sag it is Tokens Pleasurefl Congratulating BARBIE EXAMINER ongrrs CENTENNIAL Its steadily expanding news service its forthright editorlal policy and the leadership it has given in its century of services DALTON rrnMrr Worden FRED Harrison COLEMAN Treasurer inlinita care and his so inlbth Pharmncyi between todays modern pharnracy and the of long ago is sharply pointed up Llleople oi Barrie AndArefoEor Over 20 Years JExociiIig fCtIre precision plus years of speciallud train flh may we mutation at Our knowledgafeirpérienco and skill in yourassurance thatyour prescription will always be corn poundedWith the same painstaking accuracy When you consider the countless thousands at drugsthat have been discovered since penicillin the vast difference polliacary shop Todays drugglst nntonly compounds and ttllsprasuriiitioniw as recognized authority on drugs their uses and affects he also dispenses thamnny banish pain and often save lives new nurhde medicinal than iDo Consult Your Debtor In usefOl illness 711 it CHRISTMAS firm wt winning awnmmrm Llirrng Your Prescription Us ysller for immediate Help ll liress knows tlm our pharmaciattis always on hand to fill yhur prescription promptlyl its our business to safeguard your health Let us fill all your prescriptions To lays time in humor 7235952 laconic 5r 72w34 as Es arr mmum or srrucor