acr smarts BECAME comma or narrate VMembera oi Barrie Collegl Dnrry oi flown Hill who is second hale institute class oi 91 uhich included hut MDNMGU LEEDS The early history oi Barrie Mbllc labrary comes mm the minutes at the early record lboolts it is wonderiul that irom flhe earliest Barrie library ins ilory records have been kept in January 1354 debating tsociety was lonned rn Barrie by group oi men DArcy Boui iton John Hoar James Cotter Jnhn Wilson George Moberley ldiaries Ross and DAllon Mc iCarthy The society was to meet Thomaweekandtheieewaato ibe ilvs shillings year The membership rose to to and horn wlhs records the meetings were hluli oi liie and vigor Later in the year this society became mock parliament politics on lered into the picture distension prose and the October meeting was the Ian Macasnncs msmmra However month later seven men who had been at the last tmeeling oi the mods parliament lgaiirerld together to diSClIS lorrrring Mechanics institute lhe forerunner oi the Public Ll brary oi today lhla institute divas to be estahlbhed in this county tor the purpose oi in tellectual and scientific improve ment by means of library reading room lectures and also ees oi instructlolj it was planned to ask the iedaral government or dart tar and later to seek grant irom the provincial govamment 7The citizens oi Barrio were to be urged to become members ï¬t live shillings year For the leotures planned motion was tbassed that with the exception board members iernaies and all under 14 years oi age an By MRS urï¬nn Aaronstrivean Og in 1861 the Mechanics lastl jlule becunze incorporated The stamp used on the library books vioday bears this date Evidently the iir Zliiiiou years and in 1871 he jilrectois William Boyes Joyce Charles Ross Da vies hiorrow King and Dr McCarthy planned an extensive campaign to secure ï¬nere members and to have the ivitics such as lectures anti fstudy classes arranged There were no night classes in the high school those days William hoyes altered $200 iorthe pur rehase of magic lantern The board accepted this gilt and it 3vas decided to buy $200 worth oi slides lor same Six sets oi gpheolters and two sets at chess were also purchased mama nooru in 1372 reading room was unstabllshed and good num ber oi English periodi were right yearlylgrant was now eceived mm the provincial go Vermont and irom governing My oi Barrie itseli and with dhe members tees 100 year liaier reduced to 75 cents iuiifclent tunds were avaliable gt to buy books and periodicals The problem oi library quar ers was serious It might be gala thatthe library went from plllar to post and from post to lilsr First the library was in room rented over McHeggiQ anlt then to room inthe fchonrhouse mm there to room bver the Bank oi Toronto ren Jed irom Ardagh and lhenceio rooms in the Brown Block 100 Dunlop street East allith all this turmoil oi mov ing the library minutes repor ted the circulation oi boolts and lold oi the lectures given many oi the speakers coming from Efforonlo Oiihe classes held 4hcse were business instruction free hand and mechanical draw and music Prizes oi money ging iromfllo 4132 were to the best rdrolars at fold of the terms by lire so years later was to become Premier oi Outsmhir Dran SOHO uoo oi this Nu lilo pmvlndai gram many SOCIETY literary aodaty was iorrncd under the auspices oi the Me cbanics institute and there on records at these meetings mm 1881 that In looking over these records was startled to read at one plane thatvat the deal meeting there would be do bats Whether women or ll quor uuaed the crime Humedlvl tuned to tire min uta oi the neat meeting to llnd that there was not one word on this debate it must have bees decided that it was too danger as when newspaper an item dated that the ledures and literary debates oi the II atltute and Literary Soei were well attended and that en all the theirs were tilled the late cornerIm on the woodplle MASONIC TEMPLE For years the directors had been planning for building of their own At last in 1891 by the truly bermlean charts at these men library building was erected an Owen sum it is now part oi the building hour tbe Masonic massive and exhausti pble efforts the directors had ar oused great interest in this pro irons lsltin front vrow Most of these students made prominent aamaï¬ior led and scarred many doca want building lard womenoigreiownubwere ROI Oil rary headmehthnemeldoo indoor lair musleal evenings etc These ndted meaia reading room and ball or auditorium this later was used by many or anlsations oi the town oi FREE PUBLIC In loss by Act oi Parliament all Medianiu institutes were now to be called Public Home ier do ion by vote oi the citizens the Barrie Library be came tree public library For years member of the board acted as librariln However alter 1902 members did not Villl this position and paid librarian was put in drarge An annual report or 1901 shows the library dmlated lo 72 books APPLY ro CARNEGIE In the minutes of board meeting held in roll it was sta at that ainoe thésmlIijbéraï¬ymhad me res ery the issue at book had inereaer ed ioruiold and the present bulb ding was inadequate Application was made to the Carnegie Cnrporation New York themm and History Library Carefully IRveCorded or $15000 ior the purpose ol erecth public library The grant was given and by Septem ber oi that year the plans and specifications for the proposed Camegle lhrary were in the bends oithelihr board Gran man and MG in Toronto were the architects and the tenders irorn the Bali Planing Mill oi Barrie ward accepted or the erection and iuralshing oi the building When the high school burned down the Owen Sreet library was rented to the Board oi Edu cationand the library was mov ed lo the new building beiore it was ï¬nished speciai0penlng was held in June 1917 hope all citizens know the Barrie Pn blic Library it was built on lot owned by the townat the southeast corner oi Collier and Muicastar Stan its present loca tion Mr Mowat Director oi Libraries for Onlario Visited the library several years ago and said the Barrie and Owen Sound libraries were the two most attractive libraries in the province Mrs Sproule was lib radian at the time oi the open ing oi liremew library in 1817 and held thllposition until 1912 looking ack on the early iris Fiom one Centenarian to Another Congrqtu1ationsgto The Barrie Examiner on its 190th Birthday Houdini in ladtfihe samalyeér that The Bsrr Ericdiner was Ifounded as fledgling Nowa tnrlynational institution with a7half million customers and One administrationCanada Trust 11uron and Erie The Barrie best wishes to gt stone in itshiaioryp news er to the news of the commuhit into the homegsgt Barriey was founded in London lluron and hieSayings farmers of that era clear the andlhe world eaidentsCanadalusi umnhrid Erie Canada West under its original name The and Loan Society to help townspeople and land and build their homes offices in 28 cities coasttovcoastv Billion Dollars in assets under proudly extends very aminer as ltmarks thisiniporlantmil £53 iiiis i=5 mummï¬ Miriam was Downb rarlan tor over two years In 1348 drilthns librarl wuaddedtothestaitAvery attractive childrens doom was openedlnonepartoilhellb rary Mall Molly Brown graduate Vlaorla College and 01 the University oi Toronto library School was engaged and is still in charge Miss Jean Knight who succeeded Miss McPhee on retiremeny resigned and the board accepted her resignation with regrets The lady was mar ried to Quentin Hardy oi Barrie The Library Board was very iorlunale in obtaining as librar ian Mrs ErbsnNelson grad uate oi the Halveslily oi Brio ish Columbia and also oi the University at Toronto Library Sdmol 19 The members oi the Library Board are appointed 0111 by the town ts lbreerby the Public School Board that by the Separate School Board For 1984 the Board members are Mayer Cooke en olilcloi Victor Knox chairman Cameron CLaw George Longstailc Charles 11er nay Mrs Frank Murphy Wl lorium Miss Marlon oLo nonrandom than nos mm Hotel in Barrie onnorthslde DanlmStabbut 1385 This line hosieiry was Oonllnued from page list young people up anddown the main thoroughfare In addition no the hundreds oi Barrie iamilies who were to dollJag that their sons and brothers and iathers would soon be inaneu vans angling KmuP PBl HWY the end oi the Second World War For tire 60 Chinese in Bar rie it was the end oi 14 years oi war with the Japanese Wednesday being holiday all stores were closed and that day was devoted to services oi thanksgiving and elliclai parad es but in the evening and into the early hours at Thurs day rimming tha noise oi cale bralion went on POPULATION TOPS 13000 Barrie steadily iorged ohead la the years which lollowed The population incensed topping the 13000 mark in 1951 The Town Flaming Board announced that during the ilrst seven months oi that year building in the town had almost readied the 31000300 mark This was an increase of 5700000 over located ism nte Eatons it armed lire one night in 1915 ï¬es artQueeasrwaa built later Havanas all the iigure tor the same period in 1950 Statistics which were released in 1550 showed that on the basis oi money earned lathe town during that year and the amount spent in the local retail stores Barrie took its place as one oi the richer markets oi Canada This was revealed by sun Vey oi buying power prepared by Sales Management inre bi scale oi business activities Barrie it was pointed outwas indicated by the tress1000 in sales chalked up in the local stores The prev us yearslig ure was $15610000 The chili ialclor in the htlrgg ger spen ocaly was better earnings Barrie lam llies the survey explained Data available mowed that the 39Wiamllies in the town hada net disposable income ob tained by straight division oi $3767 per iamily This was high frmtbï¬n thgasgillyniesmlnas per no it was also in 1951 that Barrie had the unique honor In the Pro vinoeoi Ontario to have we man as Mayor Mrs Matlode Walls and Colvln Serving The Finest wuhrhonmra Queens Hamilton By winning the riurtber west in sarneblook andnamedBarrlelnn anr ltwaspurcbasedbytbeiflm Bros ltmnnarnedQueena camstheiintwmnanin tolllldlhatmiudvhloven lUlLDlNG INCREASE Building Inharrle hit an all imhldhoihhid 33$ car ried on This ilgure was piled by the Town Pinning Board on the basis oi values oi the We anuury lo owing year it was announced by Mn Assessor Lloyd Partridge that the town had population by 196i of 15 Thus it Can be clearly seen that irom the hlnnblebeginninga the Town of Barrie had when Hudson Bay Company agent more or less accldenlaib stum glad ago ere emerg ged city with wonderiulhit tory of quiet achievement be hind it and the possibility of onitllnuing glorious iilhlra ahud PIONEER PRUum Alired Barraud pioneer photographer oi Barrie in the ram gainde national repu tation for his artich output GET vucL momn 9r 17 pic£r LIFT Barrie its the new standardoi nomiort and elatv Chew ddltion truly lndl mrely éwdsmsem lnrnentand new nigh