Long Battle Winged Féfdie Tcwh Acquth Li 33 $3 eiiiirtii artaeialhepdoltor Mm OWN tillWAle AWLtltwaaamnmn tonaoocasioarnrtbelneaait wesonthatdaylorthe gt time Barrieï¬wasiglmnina electric nonun cli lmmcdialdy entered into mutantIla the mummy letascend lncanducontlight lngtheagreementtoasplreon Nmttnes 10nefmolthbdomthe arm that the town did not oiier any apecial inducement to the com Lany by practising them any ng period untract or street this date the company was given 10year franchise or the purpose oi ceiling light to private comm J11 Commenting editorially in its July is issue lhe Northern Ad vance stated in any contract which Barrio might mske there should be an unmistakable stip ulation that the illumination shall be up to standard WORK DELAYED For some time the work wan delayed due to trouble which had arisen between the Elec trio and Gas companies but on July it it was reported it is understood that the Barrie Gas Conguy has withdrawn its on si on to the Barrie Electric ght Company and the latter company will at once proceed with the work oi pia ng their plant and erecting wire This company squabble how ever was the beginning oi series oi manoeuvres which re suited in the selling out oi the Gas Company to the Electric Light Company There was some public indig nation iollowins thin move With the mono ly the new company thus able ed in the matter oi tn wwunuo douche snot ugombclonmdl theoommlttee on cc report at cumcil nest meetinmn aa ancerneol ho twat munhll andElectric Light Company tor the ensuing year or for such time as may be thought proper there was diversity oi opia ion within council on the entire malterhowevar and an amend ment was entered and carried that the tire and police com mittee receive tenders or the lighting oi the corpor on for the ensuing year and that such tenders include number oi lights time and power oi lightr Thus it can be scan that while the company had its plant in operation tor only one year this move by council made the die carding oi the entire plant and return to gas lighting or the acceptance at tenders lrom 0th or electric light companies Nsalhie However the matter was de iened tor iurther consideration andon November in 1389 coun cil agreed to renew its contract with the company from Nov 1539 to June test total oi in months flte tcnna oi the contract were rather interns Council agreed to take at are amps lot which they would pay $2170 an nually UNCLOUDEI MOONLIGHT One oi the stipulations was they are to he lighted at nights per month the nights Ei per annum the can oclodr ioriour monthru at present ior unmighu lior lg moo candlepower tmmlaal are We will iurnlsh so candle incandescent lights to burn one hell the omit It 330 all num or per annum night lhe ameedotieri tiledoon new up ml consideration at your 1MB us tenyear lease fltla olier led to one oi the warmest ddzatea in council tor many years The tire and paths committee considered the otter and reported to council that it was unable to agree with the terms criemd it asked that the matter be lurther considered by council armor INCREASE When council debated the matter it was made quite clear that it opposed any increase in the prlceoi ilghia Council also expressed the view that it tell the atronage oi the town mould be vided between the Electric Light Company and the Gas Comp First ty Reeve Dr Walla asked Reeve Burton it he leit that it was in the laterals ot the town to make along term contract ch the Electric Company ad When the Reeve said Yes Dr Wells then took an ddress by Beev Jnadc three propositions to the town it asked the same term as existing contract to aspire to yparairom date no lights at year to ior each ad ditional light and $150 or In candelcent ughta agreement to expire on six months notice wilehtaettliporyearfln gr each additional light no incandescent lights contract tor onayea ihis communication irom the company was vigorously attach ed hy the malorlty oi members oi council the prevalent opinion being that the company was will to take the town by the throat and force them to an agreement it was icit lhetthe town should not he treated in this ieahlon in View oi the incl that other electric light companies could he formed even it re turn to However alter lengthy debate it was iiaaily agreed that the company again write to council saying that they were willing to renew the existing contract or two years or without time lim it with proviso that either party might terminate italter this notice Although the tire and police committee recommended that thl otter aa inflows gas lighting were not till siiititiéet you margin at 5gb ihe YMMV tel it to the committee on ï¬re policeaudsewera On October in oi that year it was reported in council that committee had been negotiat ing with the Electric Kilt Cour petty and had sled the com to put th tame in wri ng The Nposaia slimli pfl and iranchiae to the town at evaluationto be petuedhy arbitration it necessary that the town guarantee the comp debentures which it is now ssuing Vic tor thrown at $50000 hearing interest at live per cent in consideration or which the company ames it will contract tor street lighting lor no lights as agreed for at no per light this to include Allandale and the contract to he tor to years to be renewed thcrcallcr th and every succeeding live ye at cost not exceedina the erage cost ior almilar terms in the Province oi Ontario MUCH OBJECHON Oblection iron council considerable it being reported at the time No council could accept such contract without being chargeable to either in sanity or contention Foiilowing meeting with resentatlvea oi the company Councillor Fletcher chairman oi the iinunca ocmmitt reported willing to athmlt to vote One oi the liveliest elections lollowed in am and these par ticulariy the Mayoralty contest were fought on the electric light ountion FOR CIVIL CONTROL in his inaugural address on January 11 ol that year Mayor Well said On two separate occas us the question at elec tric lighting has been promin ently heiore the electors In Fehntary last by vote or over two to one son tor in against dellnita instructions were given our predeceaeore to late action in this matter but lor reasons best known to themselves they tailed to act the recent content oi electric liming for you for eyery task 5VASTPIEFERENCEIN messes was well to the lore as you all know the verdict ol the clan toratc at large was in accord with that returned by the rec holders in tremors shall obey the command thusglvan and trust you gentlemen will feel in honor bound to susleln dei inlte and decided matures to settle this matter thcrciore propose tor your consideration the obtaining rem skilled and practical authority detailed or itemized estimate oi the cost oi constructing complete electric light system in this town or civic and other purposes when the cost oi this plant is deï¬nitely ascertained that the question he put to the qualiï¬ed electors oi this town On January ii 139 Lott tor the Electric Light Company wrote asking tor conference oi the council with the company that diitcrences might be anticany settled Al in next meeting oi council the ugmrxrwmwï¬umnvflvwmmavt rwmv mms itali matter was discussed The mass part oi the ï¬lling bygth company represen ves that the company had emit ed in the business or the good oi the town and partly to re little on the money invest that theyhad made nothingyei and that the price merged ter light was air as comparede other towns similarly situated Alter the re rcseotatlves spoken counc endorsed the Lion Phat it is prepared to re ceive oiiers in writing for newal oi the light contract street lighting GAME 01 Elm Theiollowing month the coun pany submitted urther plop silicon to council These were thnt the company would cellan at price representing the vale ue oi the plant the price idbl ascertained by arbitration and to furnish light under ltun to png cénlury ago that ELECTRICITY was made available to the peopleof Barrie ver theycars electriépower has made major contribution to the progress in both home and industry Fifty years ago énergy rateswerc over four times greater thantiiose currenin in ef feet Barrie electric rates today are among the lowest in the worldftcw ratesare made possible byyouhthe ratepayers mellting ELECTRICITYvycrk rt thehome on iheiob and lrithecommunily