sissr asmr JOB av EXAMINER tau Barrie can mans Cans an Generai Else trio is assured with plans an nounced to build substaan addition in the present locatlo on the parking lot ott Ecciu The new parking lot will be sit red to the south oi the main building oil both innisllland hradlord Streets where none was swnmpisnd nowtiliadln and levelled Plant generalmanager iohu iiiitchinson who came to Barrie in ms tobuild the local works and organlu personnel had 000 square feet to start with in me No later additions brought the plant up to its present 114 000 square leet Even that has proved insulticie hence the new building protect The latest addition will add 60000 teet at cost othaiimiliion dollars it is no legend hu act that Barries phenomanal postwar growth was sparked hy the CGE decision to locate iissmali ap pliance lactory here From that start industryaltar industry followed BARR ECONOMY gt WhathasCGE meant to Bar ries economy The inspectia told in ï¬gures Employees pres ently number set and the an nual payrrh is about three mil lion dollars For every job in each it Everyone who has The Harris Examiner delivered to his home by truckor carrier or who pur chases the paper at the corner store isa member oi iha Ex aminers elreuiation dtpart people each day who ing track oi thousands oi pap ers printed each day Earls paper we printha tohave reason tor being printe know here each paper Working Mr Don are John Steele and Mr and moose cell the plant itselt it is estimated that live more in the community been created Thus 3700 Ely Barrie Works to their This is in tenns 0i ores service stations merchan prnlessionalpoopie The company also pays Slblt eta iaiattms lo the City it tor services in 1363 its total property and business tax es amounted to 582400 and an other $51300 to public utilities P306115 CONTINUE5 The past year has been good for mil with substantial in crease prolit marginBsnis plant produces kettles irons toasters cottee makers grills irypaos tan heaters docks hairdryars ti polishers lawn mowers food mixers andl can openers More than mily hair in total areproduced each Year Blankets are produced in Moar lord irorn electric appliances suppiiedhyths Barrio plant Tooth brushes and slicers are imported andchunged to tut Canadian standards but soon will be Ittu manufactured here Many new products ara in the development stages prom ising continued growth and pro tressnior the Barriaopnration Musi Kncwï¬wheretPapers Manager States rlers trucks and cars as well as mail service are used to bring the news ol the day to th newspaper sanders The circulation at nuame er is decided by the number of paper torthemseIVes th the dreading Mre 191 1hr taro egaeg Eights LE ran the Vict ria Hotel on Market Square Onthat day merely ilav editio ria Elimins wananswered the the man1oenlertha hours and Ira wouldintorrrt Mr Staathy Willi Mt Sintiy came into the room Brennan pulled out British bulldog revolver and tired once The ded iman Brennan calmly ldt the house along Louisa tStreet climbed into sleigh being driven by another man Thom as Ambleri When they readied the market Brennan gave him up to Constable Joseph Mur He wasvrernoved later to the jail and held on charge of murd Mennwhrl The Examiner contacle murderers wife who was Toronto at the lime and nninlerview she stai ed that he hu nd had dev elopedam ane jealousy dur ing the past two years and his treatrnent oi Iheiamily became so brutal and unbearable that they parted on July last ihrea doctors were called to the Stratisy home but despite their assistance Mr Strathy died alter halt an hours intense sui tering at about 1125 am sur rounded by his family and re lations WM BANK MANAGER Mr strntisy was about iii man powerfulphyxloue He was manager oi the Bank ot Toronto in Barrie for over In years He was very popular and widely known andwas nephew alligator Gowan 5t ti macried Miss Hurley oi Ear rie originally oi Pmetangul shene alter living here for sev enor eight years he moved to Midland Later he went to ior onto where he worked up until nng asked abhut aweek before coming back to Barrier According to reports Bren nan had not had apartimiariy happy iiie When he married Mk5 ilnriey who was servant in the house ot Senator Gowan thly were happytor tinre however was intense lyieatousolhis eand alter they took up residence in Mid and rennan then had arguments Indtiisagreements with his wits and their children were put un ot hire Hurley thamother ot Brennans wile Brennan might hir Strathys counsel and aid insecuring buy on or lirepaper thlaiandteounted asiurouints Mackenzie 11dth gist an boys employed as ca eliver the rsonnel the mailing room full timagreizrdod rs nectar amine Barrishnd Disiriet For The stalkers one inning so identiï¬ed Bren nan isihamanwho had been admitted ii no Wino flndnoiynim sorry ldld it Brendan said ed he was looking torhls llhs delegates than carryout investigations sortaof the shooting At door otl llvendenltberelwn an impression in the your bank which exactly nodded with Brennansha whichanottl titledloio accused maniie stated that the prisoner admitted several times having shot Mr Strsthy Anbther witness Smith win was in the sheriffs ottieo when Brennan was arrested said the prisoner talked about his tlouhlea Brennan said hovhad shot hlr Strsthy in the region of the shoulder but it was not serious he thought 1n verdict brought in was that Brennan did tolon lously wilfully and oi malice slorethought kill and murder John Alexander strathy VOLUNTARY CONFESSXON Brennan later made avolun tary contesslon to one of the detectives handling the case This was made in the presence oi CotterI Crown Attorney and some Jail oiliciala The statement read was in Barrie on Fabnsary and met Mr Strathyon the street and asked him again to help me to ind nwlamtly He knew where they were and not tell me This time he snubbed me and said Now Brennan youve got work andyood bet yrstiektoitandnotmaksa intended to consult Law yer qular to see it the courts wouldnthelp me but knew they wouldnt and went back to the slur On Monday stternoon went to Barrie again had no intention of killing Sirathy invented to go and teilï¬thns lawyers my anxiety to my tarniiy but 2mm would make mother appeal to him first My wile said when weouar relied that she would go to the Gowans or Strathys whom she had lived with and believe ladr Strathy knew all the time where she was knewmv little daughter was in Penetangand thought the courts would allow me to have possession at her went to Mr Strathys house and tor the servant girl had adml ted mu waited ior him short time in the vestibule Mien he come he said Ihe devil Bren nan you here again milled Yes am here and want in th know when my wile Indfll dren are You know all about them and want you to tell lve told you know nothing about your tarnily He mobbed me by the collar at my big iur coat and started to push me while he opened the door with his left hand said lloid on Mr Strathy want to talk to you but he shoved me out My hat felt on the snowbank at the side of the walk step or the mo may elude the ANNI ensnnv madawhen he reached over to get his hat Ono oi his boots had several nails proieethsg little and these cussed the scrat ches ioimd on the vestibule iioor tor the nails exactly ï¬tted the grooves ihis corroborated nans statement about the strug sie Carin House at Barrie Maxis trates on the case were ii Ross it Bird sndN King The court room wnapatied with curious spectators thanrennan stood to plead there was long silme prisoner saying to plead hvwn Attorney Cotter in slructed tbs derk to enter plea of Notjguiity The prison er had no counsel as the town lawyers asked to take up the case reiused saying that they could not do justice to the case as they were personal triends of Mr Strathy Addressing the prisoner at the conehrsion ot the trial Maris trans Ross said Brennan this evidence against you is very strong An assassination has tall enpiace here and think you are guilty You are sent up tor trial ind you will be tried at tho auizes here on April Brennan wept during the Mag istrates remarks Later while in jailhers ho was examined as to sanity by Dr Boss and Dr Wells at the request of Crown Attor nay Cotter ills conversation showedno sign at insaniht and Brennan maintained that be was sane rotmn avwrr At his trial in April Brenhan was represented by William Lount QC His Lordship Chiel Justice Armour presided sei lor the Crown was Johnston QC When the prisoner entered the court he was quite calm and once in the dock rested his eyes Ion the floor raising them only aiew times during the trial Mrs Straihy the wile till deceased man was one of the witnesses called and she told ot events whl is pianin tharhome on thaday her hus band was shot She knew that man was waiting to see her husband Mrs Stratbyauidish heard voices in the hell alter her husband went down tolee who was waiting to see him haters she said she heard the shot but thought it was the screen tailing in the hall On going downstairs her husband saidio her That Brannon has shot me Finally after twoday tn Brennan was iound guilty and Nmllhfll It the Bnuriogshtlnt hank mags Ink lento cpmsd as 156nsl three maths obi tar Canadasnswsst bank itselt was chartered and with its ï¬rst brands Toronto duly loss no as MAM years sttér Barrio wn lnmrpo sled as Intowm The Bank at Toronto eamshere with the Northern Hallway whidt it help was sentenced to ho Ingest on May The detencs case had been that Brennanwas insane at thathssa ot theshooting On May howeverlhtn lonnt moved below the Divisional Court at OsgoodaJiaiilora rev servodcnse His reason wanthat Uriel iustiéeArmnur wts in correct in onepart ot his diarge to the Jury Thereserved case was grant and Sin tenca was reduced in brimmi