mw Wnmvw Wqu EARL atom is shown turning out commercial print log on Little Grant press Printing is an art rather than process of manufacture Every job that goes through the printing oifice is made to order Unlike the maker ot sta pla goods the printer cannot run up stock in dull times Unless he has orders his equipment stands idle To him conslaot is is the reason why sueccsi printing business must de pend on regular customers and regular customers can be made only from those who are well icrved The mutual interest be tween the customer and the prin ter is complete The commercial department oi The Barrie Examiner Is eqqu ped to produce all types of prin ted matter such as iatterheads Oil Speculation Hit Barrie iirea lo tau many people in Barrie had visions of great wealth and shareholders in the Barrie Gas and Oil Company emected to see derricks go up at any time when it was announced that Ihere was possibility that Ear rio would strike oi Many were the people who had dreams at money oozing up through the ground in the shape of thick petroleum until they became second editions of Rockefeller It appeared that for many years oil and gas men hadvhod their eyes fixed on the country surrounding the town and fre quentiy experienced men had stated that some day both oil and gas would be found in pay fag guantities Thonuas Cox man 14 yesra experience in the oil bus Ideas as well as in the employ ot the Geological Survey Depart meat of the Dominion Govcm spent had 2100 acres under which were made for one year with theprovisionnhat if operations were started the com pany would pay 25 cents an acre and would have the lease of the property as long as tileweils proved profitable The property owner would get onevlenth of all the oil and minerals found and 50 per year for every gas well of commercial value plus the privilege at using all the gas he required for his own use When fr Cox was interview ed in ills hotel he gave some interesting information in referV once to the operations and pros pacts for striking oil in them id gt peratlons may commence within two or three weeks It local compan formed and if the outside capitalisput in to develop the properties it may not bejlooger than six weeks before the drillers commence work 1In the event of ï¬nding oil no matter how close it would be necessary to pipe its to Bar rie Where large tankwoul be erected at the railway depot and from tiere ship it to the refinery It would lost $1500 for test wcll Firs Iovtnclt pipe would be driven severalrhundred feet then an eight inch oneiwould down another two or three ndred then six inch on usitil the oil was reached Then it would be necessary to case this and put in amplipipe to drain off the water Altogeiher there would be about $600 worth of pipeieft in the well and the operating expenses would heln tho nei hhorhood of $5900 vlf was found iopayrng quantities it would be necessary to arrange for local market and than theysyvnllid have to approach the council make arrangements With the Barrie Gas Company to mar it iJobeho flow of business is cssentlnL MODERN PLANT in the Job shop of The Bar rie Examiner Thc Examlner in addition to producing envelopes calling cards year books catalogues and so on BIGGEST JOBS The biggest jobs from work standpoint are the Barrie Agri cultural Society prize list hooks and the Collegiate year books Among some of the smaller jobs are menus and tickets for banquets Although it takes compar atively short time to print 50 or 100 tickets they should he ordA erad at least week In advance of delivery date The departmentalso prints company cheques for local firms rudiments of printing and the priolcr who understands the principles oi advertising work to produce profitable results yIhe Commerieal Printing delt partment of The Barrie Examin er ls modern plant capable of producing the finest and nea lost in all branches of commer cial printing Several uptodate presses in cluding automatics along with staff of skilled operators hau dfe the most intncatertype of The customer who knows the ing together are quite certain daily newspaperwturos out wide variety of commercial printing for firms In the city and district Will Produce All Types Of Printing let submits his copy to the off ice He states particulars as to style size and quantity This ordcr Is given to the prin lcr lie to use printers term marks it up for the llnolype operator who proceeds with the task of tumiog molten lead in to fines of type Then the com positor begins to place the type in pages to form the booklet CHECKS WORK The proofreader then cheeks each line for typographical er rors mlspellcd names or places Usually the customer has proof for the final 0K and the type is then delivered to the press department where the stock to be used is cut on an automntle paper knife to the required sires The printing press is inked and gauges set for perfect re gister so that each sheet pas ses through the feeding edgeac curately When considerable time has been allowed for the printed sheets lo dry they are Rans ferred to the bindery art meot Ifere each sheet Is to ded assembled and checkedrso that the page numbers run conse cutively The linal operation is ch ng or binding the covers customer presenting an or der for printing such as book Mancmuaoï¬ booklet which Is then on ed for delivery to the custoihke 1899 40w policy AT Malcomaon aiter teaehln Burrie to represent the Escelsio The present site and kit waspurohased oon neon Barrie Exam iner pressroom foreman ad justs the tension on huge roll of newsprint before the big press atarts turning out BOSE WAR CONTINGENT Billy hfccarthy hex Ardagh Bob Henderson and Harry Col lighcn were members of Bar riss Contingent to the South At rican War In 13991900 ROBERT OF GOOD INSURANCE ATMODERATE RATESI CONGRATULATIONS TO THE BARRIE EXAMINER ON THEIR IOOTH ANNIVERSARY GARNER CONSTRUCTION LIMITED Serving Bsrris For mwflzwï¬ImvwmMWWWMIMWW no halu stitcbcr folder Instructionsosmium uhlnderygirL my leaves the fluxes all type has to undergo series of pre Walton Placed an mm imam ed to the plate at this stage er where they are baked to uniform hardness The baking Cylinder 0i 10 955 preserves the Imprint pennan entiy and also shrink the mats to their proper size In fit into as the thousands of newspapers that are delivered by carrier or mailed to homes and pine cs of business and industry in the district TRIPS DOWN BAY Steamer trips to Big Bay Point for picnics were always popular in Barries early days leaving from Bayilcld St wharf or Al landale dock EXCAVATING GRADING nuttnoztNo TEL 7254532 tenanciesrecd 1899 For several years the MaloomsonAgency shared office Examiner in what is nowthe Wilson building also the Gerol Insurance Agenc INSURANCE resort litiii1li+1¢r school at Wyevaie for three years came to LiieInsurancn Company space with The innate received In the stereotype de partment they are carefully packed to preserve the imprint ofthe type or to comet thfdmcss sod Before the lintshed newspaper titlhercylinders of the press FINALTOUCHE The plates are then gives final touch on routing ma China to give them ported pro ductionPicturesuos produc ed in the Scaoiograving depart 39 When the rolled mats In The plates are placed on the On the ends of ends press hugetetgiig of maggot are moon pulleys pap terlrdo ing webs hesof REMEMBERwHEN Grandpa comedian Buttoday wiihFrigidaires advanced research you use auto matic air conditioners refrigerators Washers dryers and automatic ranges all designed with you in mind Labor sav ing fast efficient and sure love was the year for this modemLconvenIenca By bouncing in tho chair seat thefpaddleson thesides kept the air moving or course itwas little hard to read with allvthat bouncing and any overzealous users were in danger of receiving bruised arms unless they were well protected gt terms AGO MONARCII REFRIGERATIQN co QPENED us oooRs reserve in PUBLIC Under the efficient management of Mr Borden Miller the compass grew and prospered and today many hundreds these early appliances are still being enjoyed by their owners hecausethey were builthy Frigidaire product of General Motors Four years ago the company was purchasedby Mr Horace Beaumont who has carried on thejob of only handling the best and providing the most upondata serviceoniall makes of appliances and TV service vMr Beaumont has beenxactive in Electronics and Ar plianee Sales for over 37 years Seven years were spent as service manager with RCA Victor Co Ltd at Montreal Five years were served with the RCAF and loaned to RAFfor years with rank of Film as Senior Technical Officer Mr Beaumont lilVltES you to come in at any time for technical information his knowledge gained through hi personal experience is very valuable Monarch Refrigeration Company is now the largest completeiapplianCe store andzservice CoVislt the storeand see the complelelineof over 200 Major ppliancesiof Bet gerators Ranges Washererry ersIeep FreezersTeIevision and Stereos Sincere fcchgfmlgï¬gnsï¬ Their rimrtanermm BordenLanded in Barrie 1917 The first liratunic Camp Borden to land In Barrie pants down at the Brookdale Farm on Stmdsy evening in May 17 permission having from the late Simon Dymeot by Inn ofï¬m who were to town few days previoust looking for writable place he sum wot are but ment of the newsroom are add 31 PM cum cut heensecurud Allard came over town as for as the corner of Hayfield Street and then swung fn grut circles gradually getting doc er to earth as it approached iLs landing place 0n the following day num lancs flew over the ion