NWT commres soon Centennial Proiect ToBe Likely it appear the the ï¬t ltd Jack Garner told meet loloiBanieflecrutionurm mime last nilht Idr Garner tho marines deal stressed that nothing been settled but that the park alongthsbsyaboraiatha most likely protect tor Barrio to assume as centennial venturr 1hr our mcnlhera last aldrt discussed the installation oi nation facilities ior such park fBible Conference Here Three Days Tha public Ls cordially invite ad to attard the tint Prophetic Conference oi the Barns Caps oi tbs Salvation Army to be held today through Srmday The conference will open to marrow evening in tire Harris Ciladrl at 145 ha speak will be Alired Wiener His talk is entitled How Near aro WI in the Mum oi tho Lord Spec ial music will be provided by talent irom cooperating churdt as Mr Wicca is missionary tor the flaps oi lsraeia him rangers and coolerence speak er or the Biblical Research Society Born in Franidurt Germany Mr Wiener is converted Jew and came to Canada in mi alter being released from Ba cheawald concentration camp 11s is an author student at tho Greek and tiatnvw acriptum musical composer and keen tattlrdent ot the Prophetic Scrip El Mr Wieners addréss will dcal with Bible PMth and its rslcvancs ior tod His em phasis la avdngelisï¬c psophstie and scriptural lha Saturday siterooon sea lion will rtart at thrss oclock and at iiva minislsrs and ro presentatives irom localchurch lhelrmommddiuwinha dr mmw prantadtoamauhgdiho Isdtourtasmiscurta Manamaunwu lrGIaquflthamu Ieaday cmtlmhkaadmtenaiadst on smnsm nunWmmw her oi Cameron csntanaial MMth WMWM mm MW rityadevelopment ihaltecrutinnOommlttaleil occaideronatsiorssmailaoni hallsuctoooarmallaodooa larlaawingabdalideJonrtaa Edi ship hour supper will meet intha Srmday continue on Sunday mama tars wrnrnrn Clouds AndAShowerSV Returning Tomorrow it will be mainly elsar today However lika all good things it will come to an Tomor row is expected be cloudy with shcwara It onotinuo to be told its ovsrnlght low was to roorvs srocx PRICES Compiltd by Ftynn =E max at No aeu Tel Bruin as on Cdn Aviation can imp Bkcon Cdn amino crn Jeriy ans film nor am stools lsrnperaluro at 740 it was 52 at it ocloï¬ Predicted low tonight is Elm Friday will he so Synopsld shins is expected today as High yesterday was 01 Ind high pressuu area movaa south sastwsrd across tho provinoa Dunlap St Barrie oowqom nw rousnaaosa mammothmassqu JdrldownMIhtt mmarocxlxcm damnl mam Anrnnowmuan School auditonrm tor allow lir Wlener will answer quas lions on Bible any as WSWNIM in moor mom opman mm mm Fiddle meeting will be held Tbs evening session will start at 745 and tha coniereoes will today was Considerable aun thss £32352 A=£==er armor 535 is pounds with pldnelareaa Ind iormal lardana bandshell and oven In alr bseutthroughtothscllltsta tlonthisrummer LOCAL GENERAL Barrie Gordy Coouoittos will most tonight at City liali to discuss recommen datloos forwarded by individu als and calculations RECREATION Barrie Mention Committee roasts at City Hall Juno loat mo GRADUATE Following threeweek inten aivo training cornas at Camp Borden so oiiiqcrawlll gradu sta from the second nrotomcle mas tormrrow diamond At torney General Wiabart at atria oclock tonight at Oak who was la Rose St Vincent streets lorBarrlahIhlia Library is well Imdhway and with tho urday or seven city iathera and many Irenlonnalrsl lhs alder men and members at the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 147 will travel north by bus to study North Bay senior auteur Home ihs Barriciles will be met by Acting Mayor Aid James Kelly and oillclala oi North Bays la glon may will then tour the Keillor Manny senior eitirens booms like units on one floor operated under corporation established by tho Royal Canadian haion thcrs ilro travellers will then assemble at Legion headquartcrs or discussion At pan they visit tho osw Casseil Hnims homo ior tho aged which provides institution al oars Tbs but leaves Barrio at 730 am and arrives at 1100 am The alderman making the trl are Aid Roberts Morrow mm Garrett and Smith Clty manger Waiter Glgg and Clan Ban Straugiran will accompany Still another disturbance is ar pectsd to mcva soutirsastward to Smrior ivy Friday mo Lake St Clair Lake Eris southern Lake Huron Windsor London Mainly clear tonight Variable cloudiness Eriday Continuing cool with risk oi it cal mood imst tonight Winds light tonight aoutirwsst 15 Fri Northern Lake Huron west orn take Ontario Niagara creasing cloudiness lato tonight Fridaymainly cloudy with showers Continuing coal Winds variahla tonight and Pri Eastern Lairs Ontario Hath burtnn Mainly cloar tonight and grills cool with considerable abowe thdsllgbt variable tonight Ind Friday oaas lsta toolghiulirlday mai fldy with show my sassagaa 22332 ransom scumer PFESIPFNT Toronto Clear this evening iolinwed byincreaaing cloudi lo oï¬aars r35 mvï¬ zpnhllo icoonntsnta moat bsliocnasd und em ugioonukoa going are chair illliM PRICES GRAIN WINNIPEX GPiOoniiouad dry weather in the Rain belt produced iirm prices and so tivs having in early trade ootha Wblnipsg Grain Exdrsnga Io 3m NEONTO CP orsam andgbutterv point price war nrchangad today Butler prices Agritxrltural stabilisation Board taodarshla oariota buying to score 53 buying no score 52 selling so THrPusLIcrccounrAms councn groqu trost ï¬jday doudyewith fit him F0d ofl iortha Provinoa oi Ontario Innouooss tha alsotion of tho lol F0Ad orunto ViooPrui Mr MooIDougali RCA moon SemtsryMr Younhla 0A Toronto Treasur ar Mr Massay ARA Ancsatar Past Preaidsn Mr Ampieiord non orontox Msmbar of Eraoutiva Mr lï¬darty GA Otto borough Hamrlton All persons who Tbs Public lbesa ara gailycoiored motal Nswton Mariano more Aooountanta Cod moo mmwtvnmhv mmmmwmmpmo wmawnW completion is led Huh the newlyY library will reopen by tho end Travel To North Bay Saturday Study SeniorCiiizenS Homes organ ior North on on Sat ilcsqnartsrs In at Dangle iialda showrooms hula St Examiner Photo Ihompsoo Frank Erell lvan Crow and Ah Sullivan so Vrnsmbcrs oi tha Ladies Auxiliary whoIrI going Ira Mrs Barbara Rae thin Dorothy Wdiuk Mrs Janet Hamel lira Rose Webb bin Mariana man Fin McGlbbon president lhurlow and Mrs Gertie Dick llcrt Rae and members Bob is Blake CbIrlia Lawson Art M18 HELEN MARIE llam mond who received her bach aior oi Irts degres It the graduation ceremonlat oi St Michaels CoflegsUnlvsrsity at Toronto today will take up teaching career Following iummor course at tbs Ontario College oi Education she will teach hhrgilsh and history at Ioretto Academy in Niagara Faila She is the daughter oi Mrs Brennan Barrie and the late Frank Hammond QC Brown Jim Warlow Mesiord so make tha trip GRADUATE PROM ST MICHAELS Members oi the press will ai soaN anusran MERBICK graduated irorn St Michaela Oollrgs Univcralty at Toronto loday with degree oi bachel or at sclencsiha son oi Mr and Mrs Lewis Merrick of Toronto and grandson oi Mrs Merrick of Barrie be has accepted position with the department at transport Canadian Weather Bureau Ha will take romanth meio orological training course in Ottawa Toronto and Trenton before receiving permanent posting The Board of Directors of MansfieldRubber Canada ltd has 3ust nouncad thofollowing promotions Mr Moorswas elected Presid ent of the Company Mr Menorahs had J9 yam of experienced iir industryln sales and marketing in the United Sratasand Canada or griy VicePresidentyhnd General Sales Manager of Inlahd Rub bc Corporation Ind later beélmaGonoraiSalesManagerof tho Mans raid Tire and RubhsrCm Mansï¬eld Ohio For the put two Moore wa VieePresidanrMarkeling of Msn Jansenformsriy ViceP Executive Vieerosidentjmcerg Corporal davalopmant in willM no da rapids man has had althougha axpari North Terrchem WORK art In extarsioa mvationa in tho main bulld nioart monlh honorary oi Lihrdry Progress pleasing To Board dhmï¬l Present Schdol With Hanor Roll Manchurian rm District North Colleglaia has mado tho pruanlation to the lbs honor roll oariral tbs names at rtudenta ironr Grades through who turn Immed ed in getting marks at par out or mora on term exam lostions Students who main tho roll 15 times tha maximlnn dislog the live years are placed on tho permanent born roll The pinpols oi the honor roll Is to locmse scholarships among the students Archis Ron member at the teachers committee said that dose the roilhnsbeenup hshaanotlosd an increased iotsrsst Ind ini odoutitiahvoadthta in crease ills incentiva or more students to do wall adrolssticsi bm honor roll madeoi walnut with bronze hardwara Car Sdfety Starts June 15 Could your automohiis pass saiety check Onsthird oi the car who take the tests at in tact savers which tried the annual Department Transport saiety check last year wers so unaaia tth wen not allowed nit oiths lot The departments mobile trail er and crew returns to Barrie June 15 The stall augmented by seven local workers will pro some 1500 cars at the Ear ris Plaza Last year on vehicles wars checked within week the per iod baa bsér longthsnad to meet and meanrrertour not by air tact it hangs in the main coo ridor oi the school cm ad or In Leslie Badicl and Mr menudeou whoman re placed on rm to we an lacy Msclarur rm Elspeth Osm can not italic Joliiiia and Ulla lanlsiua ms Christina Cameron Jana lier and Jury McClaiIand it Phliowing tbs Enter undir Itlona or grade nine atudsnta 65 Brads lit students grads studsnta 22 ml 12m denta and eight grade as daptahava been placed ontha bonanroil Plans have also been roads or plaqua to carry the names at Ontario scholars to be plaopd irlltha milegiata by th may Eggr the heavy demand or checks The dates are June 15 to 19 an Juno 22 to as Tila safety check involves sa polnt tut Workman using spe cial equl mrnt test such things as hudi ts from sand man emergency In re brakear flooring windshield and wipers Cpl Ralph Barry notes that nearly twothirda oi tha motor lstswboiailthstestreturnonga the innit is remedied Cpl Berry says tho checks oft en point out dangerous dstsrta in can the its In Mr nonrandom idant of Manufacturing was alerted antintho re nufictu in tiram nufartur cUhiiad StalssvandEurops and will con