mamaraw Wow mmmmmmw MURRAY chairman of the building committee for the new Westmurstar Presby terian Church hands Archi tects plans to the builders representative Les Crook Al so in on picture are William left Rev Malcolm Summers and kiss hfscPhersco Americans Initiated At The Titre Points The American tourist and his wife were sitting in restaurant overlooking Barries famous Five Points ilayfieldK Dunlap and Clapperton streets lva never seen corner that in my life the man claimed Theyre just like bunch of pigeonstbs lights turn to walk and the people go in every direction Half of them get part of the way across turn around and come back It waiter overheard the din nertime soliloqu attempted to explain the traf tc light system by describing the four phases of the signals The couple lust shook their heads inwonderment stared in disbelief at the Five Points scramble and exited in daze CONFUSES LOCALS The scramble system of traf fic control which confused the tourists that afternoon has con iather Weelink Leads Pilgrimage Father John Wealink Cur ate at St Marys Parish will lead the first annual Central Ontario Catholic Pilgrimage when leaves Toronto via Air Prance Aug fathcr Veelink has accepted to act as spiritual director of the fascinating threeweek tour called The Footsteps of the GiffTOR narroweuwwo comm gill son right receives reA cheil The dinner Co Eireits Military College Kingston The ceremony took place in jibe Officers Mass at RCAP Station Edgar Saturday even lag Looking on are Mrs WlLLaudEBY sue surfsac her home ilfVtctonISt nutter Sunday any Alice Howell bsioved Mthe mo George Wiltatflhb iolvlog mother or Alice Mrs mu pend mu Mary are Hflllm of Toledo Ohio rances um 11 Bobbetle oatrumour arms of cm room of Blrrle oven on or Newmarh on on Mrs cats at sanrtltdrl MiRolmr Jane llrte Mrs cilabe William dec by 41 grandchildren ten nus mdchlldflll in flulard year tithe Psalm run of Rich fused Barrie residents for years But confiningxor not the ex ceiientltraffic record of this heavilytravelled area speaks for itself Not one pedestrian has been injured in the intersection since the fourphase system was in troduced in 1958 Before this people were tak ing their lives in their hands to cross said traffic supervisor Jim Lowe The old thrcephase formula allowed motor vehicle traffic to move or turn along Bayfleld Dunlop and Clapperton streets but allowed no time for pedes trian traffic tn cross safely The present system devised by Mr Lowe and Horace Pratt then chairman of the traffic committee introduced fourth phase This Is fosemnd per iod which allows the pedestrian free travel in the intersection Master which will include an audience with fills Holiness Pope Paul VI and visits to pla ces of worship such as Notre Dame Cathedral and Sacred Heart Church in Paris and No trs Dame Cathedral in Charhes before going on to Jenlsalem Bethlehem Jericho Capernaum and Tel Aviv The group days in florr trip August Payment pin the aillnclus H219 wallablc for ur priced at Wilson left and Mrs an Sarjeaat Insurhnce Agency offer mprehen alalso it is divided into Walk and Dont Walk3 The first see onds permits the walker to en fer the intersections The last half allows him plenty of time to get across safely before cars resume movement This Dont Walk prevents the pedestrian from rushing across in the face of traffic lrale citizens who miss the walk signal stand chomping at the hit until the light changes The time scams like an clcrn itY but it is one minute and to seconds This delay is much less than some twoway systems enforced in major cities The 7scramhln is variation of the Barnes Dance method of tralffc movement named after its inventor an American traf flce export it Is being intro duced across the continentwith astonishing results in traffic safety Accident Sends Man To Hospital Elmvale OPP say charges are pending following Saturday afternoon mishap which caused an estimated $700 and scnt Dav id Smith of RR Vasage to Colllngwood General and Mar the Hospital with minor injuries The accident occurred on side lmad 25 of Fins Township two otherofficars FifiLt an Parker an Fl Walsh Exarnr rdwldeexperiencecoi sive pilotech programs MRS lllacherson church school superintendent turns the first sod during the ceremony held at the site of Charge man Didnt Stop Donald street man was charged with failing to stop Sat urday afternoon after his ve hicle collided with car driven by Ethel Kelly 60 of 175 Anne SI merged is William molar 23 of 52 Donald st Damage was estimated at $750 The im pact carriedthe Kelly vehicle which was travelling north on Anne to the curb The Crotaz vehicle was trav elling east on Caroline street and according to police failed to stop at the intersectio Vandal Damage Public Toilets Parks board crews willl repair washrooms at the Kins men Park Vandals broke in during the weekend to cause cohsldcr abledamagc The parks board men will also replace plants des by frost during the cold wave If weather permits the citys wading pools will be opened this week Traffic department crews will continue their centre lining Scheduled for theoew stripe of paint are Anne street Essa road Tifln street and Hayfield street the new Westminster Pmbyi terian Church Mrs lilac Pherson has been with the congregation since the church school began in the fall of ii mwnwvï¬ammmamywmww Warsawrm Damage Isl Mishaps In Three Township aideroad near Wye bridgs The car rolled over caus ing an estimated 00 damage Mrs Therrien was blinded by OPENS CENTRE WINNIPEG GP Mrtmz politsn Winnipeg has opened civil defence emergency radio centre in nearby Headlingley The centre built at cyst of 538000 links all radio units and can replace caistlogcentres in 1956 Examiner Photos TurnVFirslt Sod For New Church it was an important day Sun day for members of the congree gallon of the new Westminstert Presbyterian Church The occasion was the sod tuming ceremony at the site of the new church which is situat ed on the north side of Steel street between Downaview and Puget Before large congregation hits hlacPherson church school superintendent turned the first sodShebas been member of the congre gallon since the first Sunday hi the fall of 1558 when the church school started The deed for the property was presented during the cem molly at the site which followed the regular service of worship at nearby Johnson Street Public School James Ferric then of Knox College Tomato and now an ordained minister directed the regular services which began in May 1961 The congregation was officially formed inJune 1962 and became known than as West Presbyterian Church RevMalcolm Summers who conducted the service yes terdarJoornfng is the present Winnipeg if they are destroyed will be two storeys and cover sehnol donated the land inside with colode window in missionary He came to the con4 negation in February 1362 The building tobe erected the entire staked out area of the lot It will seat approximate ly no people and contain as well as the narthsx have and chancel Vestry office nurs ery kitchen washrooms and choir room it will also include 200 square foot church hall for Christian Education pur poses St Andrews Presbyterian Church which via instrumental ln setting up the first church The protect is being financed through the acquisition of substantial loan at low inter estralc Architects for the new church art Salter and Allison The interior new of the church is composed of 12 arches turncd gracefully upward The ceiling is the underside of the wood deck which rests nnthe arches sweeping upward Following the same curvntura the narthex Wat is of brick dammiatbeVidmll luniiï¬ereuivedilhries mmw biitunotlnmmhospifal At 115 am madmadeerl our cushiony comfort sotetoofed halting for all the familys the nulsrs of cum Stilts EATS mt in and EA Ml the centre The chancel wall is of brick with the cross illuminat edby ï¬ghtvmrca from above imam manl Safety funderfoot starts at the CatsPaw Positive non slip protection just like Mother Natures Al Ills sign of the Cats PM at ask your quality shoe repairs for exclusivs Mnelip twin grip rubber heels by Cats Pin the only heel which duplicates natufls own design for longer shoes Insist on Cat PHIsymbol at expett shoe repairing will ll to spite heels foot for them on new than tool chili PAW soft resilient RUBBER HEELS CitiZens Aircraft Conditihns ycs were ideal for Barrie lifodelAircraft Clubs flying competition The many spectators who came to the ainport enjoyed an exciting days racing There were two competitions The first was the bdckyerd rat race open to profile or stuntplane aircraft These 36 inch mfnimum wing span mod lines The rules require Leillans type start Once the whistle is blown th two competitors al lowed in each host have to start their aircraft engines and fly them 70 laps 39 other competition was sl combat open to the same models as the previous rat race Eachlalrcraft has 14foot string streamer attached with four tags pltlcedtwo feet apart from tbetail of the plane Durfng the five minutesafter both aircraft engines are run ning each mmpetitor triesto warcHronjtls els are controlled on iftfoot£ the first tag being eight feet twins Enjoy Show cutntf tag fromhis oppon ents streamer Each flyer starts with cog pnintskand increases them when he cus off tag from an op ponents aircraft By the end of the day en gines were running hot and there had been number of casualties among the competing aircraft Especially in the slow combatrace All this was ac canted aspart of the game Between competitions mem bers flew other aircraft Don Near flew his 72inch wingspan Bell Air Cobra which is powe ered by Fox 59 engine Prizcs were presented at the conclusion of the days naciog by esldent Near The tro phie had been donated by Gar nets Hobbies and the Hobby Centre Prizewinneis were rat race Gerry Peikie five minutes 36 seconds Earl Rlcketts five minutes 42 seconds Frank Jollifle five minutes as seconds Slow Combat winners Ron Maison 476 points Ed llud 10mm Frank Jolllffezof gt TONIGHT amt tussoAv LEAN LOIN FRESH cur SHOPPERS TUESDA LB PEANUT