NICKS DEAD STOCK ZENITH all NO CHARGE at hours day days was RR Famiud Oularb Litch Na assess Nick will Prop POULTRY 3i CHICKS DEKALB PULLETS More and more Wilma are nosing DEKALB PUlJaETS lam ready to 501 oin chicks 0rd now or eary Order discounL For service or help on your poultry problems call Craig Hunter CRAIG HUNTER POULTRY FARM lTD STITOUD PHONE Tl FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCII Farm Supplies SerVice Case New Holland David Brown Ecaity Farm Equipment ransom HEAVY IIAY CROP FOR THIS YEAR Make sure you have enough My lug cquipmcnl tO handle it We have all you need in stock ready to go 70 BURTON AVE 7282378 CASH TRADE TERMS HANK BROWN DE LAVAL sams AND sanvrca 25 faster milking now Do Laval 100 Series biillrcis Barrie Holly Hwy 27 mom == AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR cans FOR SALE TOOT YOUR OWN HORN Get that new car now with lowcost liloinsured Vscom PLAN LOAN has BANK or NOVA scorn sass oLDsiioaitt ataxiard ahlit transmission new motor naw ii and plinh inn Telephone Halal nss cuavxnurr for Illa our door sedan AI mochanlcauy use Telephone mom or runner do taiia a4 sass rename stratociiicl door noon standard transmission or caller condition Tciupiions sssi aovaa aluminum um um curbs ceriridcr door sedan is $15 niepnona IIHIEI alter run 1955 roan Consul black with no mum liitcrinr 0000 mixer 03 down halaiic um nu mono Telephone mi lean savnsaault cylinder nio tor and be in good condition black with It walls Telephone 71mm or can nu men at as non SETApt altzr dso pas 1959 cnavaosn alimo two our air cylinder rianriaiu tr Issinn condition one own Tiiiiat as seen in be appreci Telephone mean less roan Tudor blur and whit wiih matching interinr vs mo custom radio immicuiaie condi tion no down balance $31M per inuniii Telephone 7257051 ass otnsiioaitr automatic ower brakes custom radio new um on nont goau can on bank also an tires Aairing 1150 Tell phone 7mm alter szis pan CDNVBETIBLE iisi Lincoln inim beautiiili my body new black top radio Power equippsd lulumatia transmission poworful unnoth motor aoyai Master tires H195 Teilphnno nusii Nanocan mauamcsi all lngs Or preferred drivars tnsm any drlvcr regardless an or circumstances hill coven ago arnticy and Cm cnoucrtnn at 72005 1955 CHEVROLET Convertible Na whotan and white with waits mar power steering tomato tranlm salon cilsinin ra ma Might consider trade Telephon 7ZH904avsnlnn issg PONTIAC iour door atatlz wagon heautlnil Honduras maroon custom radio iuii drama roo rack all riw um low low rise or was with 107 down Ielo on TRAVEL TRAILERS FLEETLl NE Authorized Dealer SALES and RENTALS ï¬1964 Models on Display 107 DOWN BANK RATES SCOTIA PLAN ntals $35 per week up EAST 0R0 TRAVEL TRAILERS RUSS JENNING Prop East Cro Dial 4075110 OPENEvaNiNGs WEEKENDS 11 miles north oi Barrie off in lljiighway concessiaii ii at Hawkestone $001 GENmeng Trailer ell Wm mm bathroomwfacliltlss ATE cupimnia room dlvld audition crass viagm liter MOBILE iioME TRAVEL Hartman McClnnlas Gnldan Falcoiimee the on models now on display It Greng mui rTr er sales Lucile iretl on solid mien Gabi cluaivo Gniderilslc ai or the arrrim Ia diatrch pan svcninl Pas sism ll Buyer Olen guï¬mui an up AIIuiiï¬lflell Avlilabisynnrdar an sums it PERSONALS womans minim LEARN MEETING abs beaw culture DERWIN EAIRDRESING SCHOOL 11 WORSLEY ST IO HELP WANTED MALE HELP BOOKKEEPER aisle bookkeeper for small Bar ric businss Must be mature willing to accept responsibility and able to meet the public Salary according to experience he cam Ilaidents of the district Writs to Box 91 Barrio Elm liter mass Lint TeeiiIigeis TenOrise Subway Riders In New Tori riggiliié TE ifii thswlndownfabeauw Pariorandstoieaboutssof COMMISSION SALESMAN For applianoe departmmt in malor department My Must be nest in appearance years Experience priderred but not m0aiinciudu at of age cringe benefits array or YERSONi EATON CO LTD Basins ARMY Regular pan Thursday Juiia TEMPORARY HELP WANTED Driver ago 5435 to drive trac tor trailer fiexaco Canada Ltd Needed from June 22 through to September 10M Wages $370 per month At least some high school education Contact Mr Davis 0i Tiillii Si Barrie Oats 7260262 BOOKKEEPER work at Barrie Examiner LOOKING FOR CWT cUNSmam nominates ona ear or mentally and tin evspmwing mechanics Emil now RADIO COLLEGE 121 CANAlyi Ty Parttime basis ary ariaac sic lar Mon FEMALEHELP OFFICE CLERK enca oration fringe benefits Write Box 92 Barrie Examiner MACEDNE OPERATOR Operator meat Applicant should give full in formation as to personal his tory education and cxperien Salary schedule andfuil plcyee benefits in effect GIGG City Manager Xty Hall 90 Box 400 BarrieOntario A0NI axrause PAID vii TlONl mosajwiiiiou ne ge your famrly re rep eating AVON Cosmgtlcs riteMriu Walker 72 High vauiauaan Ealcsla um weal lop at MvTellpKEIJyl nounuaean ourc lc rsiiuirc and can CANADIAN There are career opportunities or young single men who have attained their 17th but not their Lid birthday or is with Grade Sea the Army Recruiter at the Barrie Armoury from to Experienced bookkeeperiaccoiint ant for building supply com pany Typing necessary and be willing to handle other oitice Apply National Employment OlV lice File No Him or writs Box not can train you in as iitua Ia Inclal cells than In the iii lidslama You can train at hilly equipped schools at Tannin or iionirui or study at home with two inmn material rm anokiet Cuccrl in est 10 King at Tomato so Ont YOUNB MAN wamad or plant work Afpbpfllci moving Dal iiMN warnan to work in nursery also consldlredf Cooktown Nursery 44 Conn tum Ontario TeicPiwna M54560 NE MP in Sal in tilll1 no El In line of total ma as last salsa Indmp commission Familu Dart 11 1000 1121on who has an aptitude for figures wanted Ior local Industry some office and typing experi prefeired Good ieminl Applicatloas areinvttcd by the Imdeisigned tor the Wsiï¬on of CIerkaookkeeping Madiina arcalIWl Oiiiceï¬ in II can sped in the arcs and twelve of the youths were arrested lea than low hours earlier way train near Prospect Park in Brooklyn Ihcy threatened him with meat clcavcr TO HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP wasruse Wanted 000 any as Danton at VIATIb EMPLOYMENT WANTED YOUNG MAN In To would itla Job who on eras rim writ to has so Barrie 21mins WITla DD Homework by SW also ï¬nds bail ï¬llbl Teirphm LAWN EDT and trimmed Yards drains and windows citnod cm entry gainung Plastering Anv lag in work ra wphnnl mm LEGAL NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All persons having claims against thcEstats of ATHOL MONROE MARSEALL Iata of the City of Barriein the Colin Ty of Simone Gentleman Dclt ceased who died on the Nine tcmtii of November loss are required to tile proof of same with the imdexsigncd solicitors for tho Exemitrix by the First day of July 1964 alter which data the estate will be distribu ted DATED at Barrie Ontario This 20th day of May 1060 STEWART BEEN MCTURK AND MILLS Drawer 58 Barrie Ont Solicitors for the Erwinix 12 TENDERS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF CANADA TENDERS SEALED TENDERS AD DRESSED T0 The Office Man ager Jarvis St Room 605 Toronto Ontario and endorsed TENDER FOR WHARF RE PAIRS TNNISFIL PARK SIM COE COUNTY ONTARIO will be received until 300 pm iEDSIl JUNE 10 I964 Plans specifications and fonri of lander can be seen or can be obtained from the other of the District Engineer Har bours and Rivera Engineering Branch Department of Public Works of Canada on Jarvis Street 5th Floor Toronto Cir tario To be considered each tender mustbe made on the printed forms supplied by the Depart ment and in accordance with the conditions set forth therein The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted I3 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE ANTIQUE and MODERN FURNITURE tor AUCTION at COOKSTOWN Sales Barn TUESFGNTGHI JUNE pm 0ld clocks SMTiBIlEhomast oil lamp drop lest table ch cabinet buffet dresse eta plus our regular Auction at pm sham AUCTION SALE Wednesday June 17 1230 p111 Sharp EST Inl TEN MEIER Allan 10 C0 Township one in no in or 400 Highway on idlghway 20 andm Sale of Jersey cattlevdairy equipment including bulk cooler high class fami machinery grain and somshouaehold elt ec iernis casinNo remains the term 501 JERRY COUGIILIN Auctioneer See full list June 13 sAUCiION SALE Friday Evening Juneb at 0pm sharp For LUELIIA PARKE 79 GROVE ST EAST ammo ONTARIO Sale of rnoinborno and prop tidy also all household furnish Lugs includinglinans disiias so verwsre some walnuts Ir 0101 Na bWflhi Jessa Eds ET Eris E3 55 rdrubrnud counter um and took 090 mm ihe cais Although ilvs squad cars waited for the boat at the lip of lower Manhattan the opera tor oi the refmhmeot waiter Wu too frightened to ldmtiiy the maraudcrs and they were NEW 01811 ay white school lentils Miss 01mm Lipslk all was raped and killed by an unidemi 1011 person in the Crown Heights section of Brooklyn Wheat Exports Approach Record RAMONE Alia Canadiaa wheat and flour as ports by July may approach record 000000000 bushels if the current pass is maintained Agriculture Minister Hays said Saturday night Add to this Ilia $5000000 bushels consumed In Canada and you get 755000000 bushels altogether more than the site time high pioduction on 000000 bushels ot wheatlast year he told afarm audience He was speaking in this rural Alberta centre to an Informa tion fonim The previous export maid in Canada was established in the crop year ending July me at 400000000 bushels oi whsai and flour Russian Wing is the main stimulus for current de mand with record lingioor dcr purchase of 00000000 worth last October of £7500 000 bushel of wheat and flour Expert To Trim Budget LONDON ReuterslThs lai est move in the Bridihnonl Familys efforts to curb the pal acs budget was made last week When liilCIIJlcy expert Sir aa sll Smalipleco was appointed adviser on the running at the Royal household officially the stycarpld for mar head oi the British Over saas Airways Corporation will be parttime liaison chief be tween heads of departments But observers linked hIs two year appointment with indica tions that unless strict eon nOiny la practised Buddng barn Palace Queen Elizabeth will be forced to overspend the Royal budget ol £415000 This annual sum was fixed by law at the beginning of her relgaln 1952 But since then geiiml costs as well as the volumsof ad ministralivs work have rise enormously STARTS THIS FALL Sir Basil an experienced accountant among other things will apply himself to the Royal money problem in the autumn He will be responsible to Lord Caabbold the 10rd chamberlsln Prince Philip the Queens hus band caused some controversy lastyear whenhs announced tliattims and motion experts Notice is required by Aug were to he let loose on the pal must be in by sce staif to improve sfliency and cut costs Mayors Meet In Reguia moms in Probloma groping laxbun ens urban sprawland swiftzpaee oitcchnologlcai change wlil be prime topics discussion at the annual con veatlon of the Canadian Feder ilicn of Mayoraand Municipali El The convciiiloii opens today with closedrdoai sessions of nominating and resolutions committees and ms three days or plenary andsenilnars TIIEMTW government Mr Lamootagne saidlhe gov wwv mu w¢mmauummmmtpnr nmtwv ne mu infill SChool Boy Preacher StirsA Minor Revival CAMPBHLS cam Va APH boy who claims is have sea vision of Jews Christ has stirred up minor revival uniting ruidcals OI this southern Wat Virginia am iwo school tudicra and 00 students have beer wavertcd anioncold Spencer Camp Methodist minister who has observed the boy says he is having quite an influence on the local religious community The hallways at DuPont High school iii the Campbells Creek area were abuzz with religious discussion as tho sciriester closed this spring because at the Illtle country allow that God has seen fit to use Campbells influence in the high school has been as strik ing as his power in the pulpit Prayer meetings were held In nearby Prubyicrian Church during the lunch hour on school days Some of the majoreltes asked to be let out at the band because they didnt Teei right about their unilorms Camp bell said And we almost had prayer meeting in class one day he said The teacher left the room and one girl got up and started testifying EAD SEVERAL VISIONS Campbell said in an interview that he has had visions of Christ on several occasions lie described one strange thing happend to me lhadniyacrmonpre pared and my Scripture cho sen Campbell said he heard friend in the choir sing cer tain passage and that triggered grabbed the lides oi the pulpit grow uuinh couldnt even mova saw Christ open tha back door of the church and walk in Thermos vary bright light cu in ace couldnt see his lacs because of the light but cauld see his robes and his hands and the blood dripping out of the wounds 11010 the congregalion what was seeing and some of them law It too The vision he said occurred ins small church at the com raunin of Quick near diaries ton Since that night they have been recurripg rcgiilarlycamp bell said Its usuallyJesils Tree bill You never get look at his lacs Campbell said The Ilghtstno brigh Another vision happened when Campbells motherlglaa in the congregation ha saw Jesus under the clock at the back of the room he said called to mother and said Motlier could go to heavenright now if could walk BrOadcasling Study Group Is Formed OTTAWA CPITile gnvem ments advisory body 0abmsd coating will not leave him base and will pot dO its work in public Secretary til Stale La montagaes ofï¬ce said Sunday threeman coirunittee was named last Monday by Mr La montagne to take broad look at Canadas complicatedbroadr carting setup with view Io recommending legislative changes Members are Fowler of Montreal who headed the royal commission on broad casting ln the midssils Mont real lawyer Marc Lalunde and Ernest Steele recently ap pOiriled under secretary at tstate However written briefs will be welcomed from interested individuals and organizations and the briefs 0cm Thacomrnlttee is to examine the llroadcssting Act to make studies of CBC adm straiive structure and iinancln study the relationship between the publiclyowned CBC and the eminent hopes the committee can make its nunendahona New DestrOyer Is Commissioned SOREL one barithuctodesilsbiitniysaldand0tberchunhugot masher HI arc annb Campbell Itodty blonds was with the slow drawl oi hlsngloniiensalopathlctc until he took up prudslng about year ago He Is not stilliatcd with any partlaiiar eburdi lie is modest and makes Inst average marks In sdsool Ila saysheislnnohurrytntaka over fulltime ministerial duties want to stay In cvsiigei ism be said ld rather do that than have church wont try to beliko Billy Graham or Oral Roberts lm lust llttlo country icllow that God has seen fit to use lll go wherever he wants Im not in any Iiurry Revivals like Campbells hep pcn Once in 50 years said the Rev James Ii Dew pastor of Maiden Methodist Church it wasnt planned Dew ssldlt just fell out of the sky Campbells work has had good street on the am Dew BOYS received 22 ot the converts into my church aiterwards ha for $100 Barriea largest sc Ieciion of guns and sporting goods Open evenings Tflfln St West aIi Innmini mu inï¬ll alumninonma but anus ntawan Demonstrator low price special waims $2900 00 PARK SPECIAL 1954 METEOR DELUXE Boiler act fast on this popular model Comes in Tuscan Yellow with beige interior FORD 24000mile or twoYear warranty Be sure to sea JIM DICKSON on this low 7244300 539000 DOWN on Your ransom can i959 STUDEBAKER LARK An economy car kept ingoodmechanical condition forgecniiomy plus finished an ap pealingcoralwilha beige pleated lnterior See JACK MILLER on this money ver People come From Far and Near To Buy And Save At PA BUY liliE ITELEET llllYEll SAVE iiiiii iiriiiiii iiiiiiiii PARKS vsiur paras MI buy Mmdyflrciwieuhthu mmdwma Moumwdarhwm DIVme Make An Offer OnlAny Of These PE CIALS PARK day 00 PARK ltSPECIAL MOTORS BARRIE Dcmonstrofdr I964 COMET DELUXE This economy mr Is deluxe model Happy motoring days will many when you are behind the whch at this car Balance of 14 months or 14000 mils warranty Ask for Bill Ware on this specilil woara $255600 SPECIAL 09000 DOWN on YOUR PRESENT CAR I958 CHEVROLET DELRAY This door sedan is good buy at bargain piice ideal low cost transportation rexterior Scyliader engine radio li you act fast Sec MEL CLEMENTS tn 540° 00 WM 03 YOUR PEEEENTCAR 20099 Black Yours Service Special