rr r7rmmx 11 up we warp ¢nuwwmwprvavw no GRAD SEVEN and el ht tic School utoe an energetic their partnts during the pupils at Johnson Street Pla display ialbe gymnasium ior schools open day yesterday Coutts watcher intently rs Says End Is In Sight For Barries Maples hiapia trees iinlnl Barries streets are getting to the stage where they will not last much longer and will have to be re placed lto Halward propagator at no ion ltoysl Botanical Gap denr made the statement at meeting ol Barrio Hortiordturai Society in the Library Hall last night He said they would have to ONE Approves Local Resolution Several Barrio men have Just returned irom the 55th annual meeting oi the Ontario Munici pal Electric Association and the Association at lllunlclpal Eleo trical Utilities inHoyai York Hotel Among those attending from Barrie were Mayor Cooke PUC Commissioners Wil son and Alexander Murphy manager of Harris Pub iic lUtlllties and Eisen oilice manager it was approved that the 0M EA request the Minister oi En ergy and Resources to state the reasons ior this department pro mating in some areas use of gt competitive iuel distributed by private monopoly in preference to electrical energy gmeratcd and distributed by the Ontario teamwork PRICES Compiled by Er Flynn WDohlop Hi In Harrie moonsasses Dis Bug Dom Found bans Stores rma an arts can id Alumlnl also run Alth Dist 510 Alberta Gu 1e alta Ar Va Arm PM 10 Atlantis Sour 19 Hi oi Mont 59 Bank or Na 67 can an DA on 30 can Avladrn Cdsr lmkaCon W6 can Brwm get It liba all toss mm Dorn Tar Home Dil Husky Oil or OH on can Carriers manila arr er Cart MirtdrSm Corr Pa er Cons as Dora EMF hettr copper saints Bralora 015 Dunnr on Eolltnler Keeley liarr 130 on Labrador not om barrels Lehman New Hosea rev it armtall Indus down or Anupnrcrs Golds up 65 mimosa or Prices ware tteady inbuilt alluring trade today on the Winnlpél Grain Exoitan was me huyirrgï¬ior overseas account in the liar rn rkel Moderate ryotrade 1e Oat Malinda ï¬lth Li iiisbliaoii trains Falconhrtdss Gt Lara Paps Was on Hard re anus l1le Sidelan Bud Bay lite Hudsons Bl trap Tobacco Inter Nickel later Uttlttiea lnterprav ltpa sodvciub ma H0 am KI Ball lel HApil0dn Erewerles liarttirfes Steel at Canada DowJDle new roan avenues reamsms down 117 Ratio down as utilities am or NEON ITO WANG be replaced by smaller trees because oi the exorbitant cost to the ratepayers at larger van ieties but on briahier note he added There are around 105 dliicrcnt varieties growing in thl area 25 at which muld be used on your streets Mr Helward spoke to room here oi the club on shrubs and trees which were growing in Hydro and the municipalities on babe oi the people oi Ontario Tire OMEA approved Bar rle resolution requesting that study he made into methods policies and oasis of underground Electrical wiring with view to more standardization Collegiate Band Opens Festival lisrrie Collegiate Band will open the Festival oi AliStars at Massey Hail Toronto tirla evening The celebrated band under the direction at Alien Fish or won two iirsta and two sco ling at the recent Kiwanis bier liar lnw tilt Massey nu Norandr Nor our Moore Corp 11an Pore grammars em Page Horse Power Corp Que Nat Geo Huyll Bank Salads loads as Simmons shall gloat or Carr llVe 10 mi 1810 we 13 ibis 1s Preys rue Algorrr Sliver Killer am cap is trlbll Uolteliall United sens Wiiirollr Willer wind 23 807 ï¬nesse IMlhele Paint Miriam beautiful grounds ars delight point at 140 tod stuntretest the botanical gardens at Hams liter and advised members on which were suitable lor the the Barrie area He illustrated his talk with color slides or interest to the audience was display at it dilierent types oi hedge at the gardens hir Haiward promised to con duct members oi the society around the gardens next time they visited Hamilton RAY HALWARD oi the ltoyal Botanical Gardens Hamliion talks to Mrs Jenn Cold northerly winds will bid the fine weather goodbye for at least day Area temperatures are in posted to go as low as 10 de grees tonight with the predic ted high Friday insist the forecast scents extremely severe as it comes on the heels of some beautiiul sunny daye Yesterdays high termeratrna was so degrees it was at that ay The ov Hy 1130 today themercury haddropped to 42 The pros pect is ior snow to hit the area this afternoon Synopsis Cold air driven by blustery northerly winds will descend on the lower lakes this tdahle dorm as Oils down no aliernoon ending the unreason Fraser Downtown Bar photograph Enjoy privacyand convenient lENvMDNTEWLD hull Johnson Streettuhtic School Tells Kiddies Lock Bicycles Barrio Police Chiei Ed Tachirv hart has asked all bicycle own on to get the padlocks 0a He said the bicycles should be licensed and padlochcd when not in use Some in bicycles were stolen in loss in Barrie in each case the vehicle was not padlocked lhe iirsi bicycle thelt this year occurred on March when lilanlred iockhart oi 111 John St sold his bicycle had been felt lrom the arena parking Gable and Bob aeszant at the meeting at Barrie Horticultur al Society which he address rannlsancawsnrnrr COld Wecrthe Show To Shake The Area ably mild weather oi the past law days Toronto Sunny with low cloudy shifting to northwest 20 to so this afternoon Lake Ontario Hollburton Much colder with low snow ilurries by evening Sunny with few cloudy intervals Friday Winds shilling to northwest so to so this evening Noribcrn Lake Huron south ern Georgian Bay Mucb colder with snowilurrlcs andprobahly snnwsqualls this ailernonn and early tonight ma wrryrnrs scorers momma upiis go throuih their paces ln gymnasium at the sciroo open day yesterday Dick Henderson Progressing hira Richard Henderson said today her husband Richard Dick Henderson is comin alone line in the hos ital io lowing the motor or dent on Highway 11 near Hand Head morethan live weeks ago Mr Henderson received broken leg cracked ribs head injuries and broken arm when his car collided with on onoom Ing northbound car gt lhe other accident vlclim and driver at the other car Hoy Peeler it oi Wood bridge died yesterday at Queen ed on Trees and Shrubs last night Examiner Photo Low tonight high Friday Windsor 15 St Thomas 15 tendon hammering lusuuuucc mars eraser Public School ii Diane tirillen is pictuflud at work sewing Elisabetta Hospital lhronto without regaining consciousness Mrs Henderson said the doc tor hopes to have thwart oil Mr Hendersons log in thr more weeks but it will be lou wcelrr alter the cast is all he tore be will be able to touch his loot to the ground Mr Henderson also hopes to have the cast all his arm soon Hrs Henderson said he ll do ing as well as can be expected Belts Lamp Pole Driver Convicted Carl Caldweii drove into lamp pole at Camp Borden backed up and then hit it again as hemoved iomard Police constable Ralph Johnson told Barrie Magistrates Court today Caldwell Newbolma Ave Toronto was lined ill Ivlliiii H7 coats ior careless driv Constable Johnson said that the accident ornrrrsd outside in Saskatchewan Blvd Camp orden Caldwell told Magistrate it Foster must have got stunnrd or something because dont remember backing up or anything OBITllllli DYER Funeral service tor William Fawcctt Dyer oi Penetang was held in Potluck Funeral Home with Rev Warr of Holly Un ited Church oiiiciating inter ment was at St James Ceme tery Stmud Mr Dyer was born indlolly in real sou oi George Dyer and the former Sarah Ann Hoy nolds in 1006 he ielt tor Kei ileid Sash where he lormed until his retirement in 1050 Surviving are three brothers Morley and Elmer Dyer at it Barrie and Dr Dyer oi Harnllt sister rrrso 1MarrR VA Terrific Buy ruuruis land wearingl striped ticking turning handler and ventilators in sizes on so during the selloola open day yesterday Watchle her are her mother Mrs Gillan COUNTY Continued irorn page one He estimated the value oi the property at 5000000 hlirrledMlahyor Rangoon said care pro let go to the hith biddel ii thelypeo pie interested in university ior the county did not set quickly HIGHEST lid He suggested petitioning the Deparunent oi Education tor study oi the situation We must see that this valuable asset is held for the highest and best use education he said He noted thevprobiema at or saniration and oi obtaining cap able mil to new venture but said the unusual circumstances warranted prompt aetion The guest apaake were Dr Decks vice resident oi administration oi the new Brock University In St Catharines and it McCarthy secretary oi the Advisory Committee lor Uni versity Planning in Ontario lhey pointed out that the ac auisitlon oi Edsar deserved lur investigation the problem at obtaining stall is criticalbe cause at the shortage oi quali licd personnel lhe location oi the university is iactor in attracting pro lesaors Mr McCarthy urged the audi ence to lorrn Iii academic plan ning committee to design uni varsity program He said it was not use trying to lit courses to the buildings available The committee would also en sure auilicicntly high academ ia standard to draw qualified personnel he said He warned the audience that the professors ware highly paid men who wouldnot risk their careers on shaky venture Dr Docks sold founding corn Mrs Rediernl Harrie also survives Four brothers Mervyn Harry Charles and Dr Dyer predeceased CLEARANCE or cons ANDENDS roxismuesrro atuarrrrssrsw these mattresses and boxaprings are the same quality made by the same manuiactury er onlythe colours are difierent REG 950 scams resonance Save 2500 oh each 10 year guarantee FREE DiViDENDCOUPoNsWiTltE it uacHas nitrous RESSESJ iPEClAL CLEARANCE 71vrggmvu mix prawns haradhavnwmwsv Marc new mornworsen and home ooonomles teacher Hrs Catherine Stranahen Ea arnlnar Photos couriers mittee mint be termed to attract the imost important area in the community there he said are the busi ncrr executives at the iarrer corporations who are commun ity leaders with influence wills aand wltbout their commun es crrucrar srnre He said the ortehlishnrent at this committee was crucial stop This inunding committee would spearhead the drive tor developmentluod The costs at university the speakers said were tremen dous Dr Decks quoted 000 as the minimum yearly cost at merely maintaining uni versity ior 100 students Mr McCarthy suggested to the audience that their committee confer with existing universities on the costs involved in musing such an establishment The man stressed the need ior community support they said the site must be close to at tract students The community must also assume heavy its sandal burden they said WELD REPRESENTED llir Sell said he ieit the com munity support was available and said the large turnout tor the nights meeting indicated this All areas were well repres ented He saidthe Simeon Coun university would start on asmni scale with the emphasis on liberal arts course He suggested aiiiliation with an existing unlv varsity tor the initial years He also id lectures from the par ent university could be televised to the nrwcampus The university would be Uni versity of Toronto The chairman circulated pc tition during the meeting this will he sent to Mr Hallyer to ask that the request or Simone County and surrounding areas ldrthe establishment of uni