FASHION commentator Mrs Eoyd Robertson is shown left wearing wit drwmsku suit of blue Heather Shetland topped with blue mousselino turban enhanced with tiny brilliant clip Beside the com mentator is Mrs Bill Pratt modelling is frock in third gt PERFECT addition to wedding or garden party cos tume would be the graceful picture hat worn by Mrs Ro ert Tarfiush The lovely oped crown of Swiss straw Is surrounded by oversized silk flowers in beige and col tce tones accented with green The hat is worn with sunple sheath of beige pure silk shantung URGES FLAG vorn WINNIPEG tCPt Jusgc parlittg president of the dimensional print of tie silk in muted shades of green and while The neckline is scoop ed to surpllco front while the skirt is softly draped With it she wears dainty brimmed floral bat with con traatlng ribbon brim Exam lncr Photost PAUBINO FOR lubmlm ule blimp in the mirror Mrs lion Adams sets an no list from Mrs Arthur More Mrs Adams is wearing leg bom stelsoo in beige with rose and beige silk flowers en circling the crown the ideal ehapesu for her beige llnen suit which she fashioned me so many spring boo neu tit choose from selection is difficult but Mrs David Hoey president of the we de Fashions For SpringSumme Shown By ShAndrews Group No sign of the red mbin bobbln nor the soft kiss of balmy breezes but in the in shioa world its spring in fact as far back as last September the fashion experts were beginning to say what they now coming up for this spring Heres rundown oi few trends they saw which blossomed forth at the parade of spring fashions previewed by Barrie women yesterday to the color spectrum they saw lightened look with while most important followed by paling oi falls rods to pinks and lilac They saw all colors on the softer side except for the hide where navy rode to on me of renewed interest MANY MOODS Barrie women aw what the fashion experts predicted was move towards the romantic fashions which took second place to the sportive fall lines Along with this general trend they saw ruffles capes also lrnpon tent in the sportivo moodt soft ness flares raised waistlines trims of flowers and bows Frnmone at the romance landsranothor trend is on the waythe Spanish or South of the Border look Suit necklines and blouses were built up with some suits featuring white linen collars and blouses with large pussy eat or butterfly bows to bar oeazno sun rarer in rich shades of aqua blue and white fashioned the draped sheath worn by Mrs Gordon Patterson fheshirrod waist band and novel draping of the skirt is soft and flattering gtan with blue petalled clocbe it is the perfect cos buno for spring or sum mer wedding guest Royal Canadian Legion Wed nesday urged national refert endum on the issue of Case dian flag Llusrhttnvm dildo Hush Puppies bleathlnbrusbadpfnsliinhyereb WOMENS 5895 $995 $695 mw estate were off centre in afterfive fashions nook llnes have dipped The crystal genera predicted this too since neckline had been at station ary high for quite some time The lower neckline also fits in much better with the move to fliekmore feminine soft romantic MILLINERY TREND Wonderful things have hap pened to spring mllllnery The This is the severely tailored look of pre eeedlng seasons has softened land the results are more fem inlne andsurprislngly young and romantic Sailors andBretona provide much of the new influence ap peering almost schoolgirl in their styling little girl bows and contrast ribbon streamers trim those high rounded Eretons some time called saladbowl Brotons Sailors were shown in ilno sewn braids and delicate look ing straws For the sophisticate there are several offthefane styles which are both dramatic and imagin ative fashion show would be in complete without at least one dramatic creation and it re qulrea tall model to carry it off Awhite capo fashioned of French eouturier wool houcie worn by Mrs Robert Tarbush is one of the newest Vogue sty llnesfor spring The cape was tailored especially for the mo dels tail figure SUITED FOR SPRING Mrs Don Gibson wore smart suit of confetti linen iness girls tbetnovei double breasted Jacket with brass ut line with seifbnw The slim start was designedwith kick pleat for walking comfort llfrs with gold Milan straw hat black and white ensemble worn by Mrs Joyce Richard son featured dual spilt over duster worn ovens printed bladr and while sheath Joyces padre bat which looks like it could have been stolen from an Anglican bishop had its first showing at St Andrews Pres byterian Church Hall Since mauve is one of the cocoon ONLY cotueleiauo CtAPPERTONSTS NEAR oowwroww wo WORTHS snide Minmnanv tolsnoaearsowareé MORE ssrrHeeA slNriisHiowsaraeelcsr NEEDS AND FASHIONFIRST PATTERNS AND weave very practical for bus ton trim featured is rolled neek Gibson completed the costume 33 or Barrie popular shades thisreason Mrs Robert Wells wore acaprlng and summer walking suit sheath dress with softly scooped neckline topped by duster coat with bell sleeves pill box completely covered in mauve peony buds was perfect with the costume Proving that walking suits are going to be very popular this spring Mrs Gordon Pott erson modelled beige stub linen ensemble Illa dress cut on empire lines featured jawel neckline end straight irt POPULAR KNITD Three piece double knit suits are very popular for spring and Mrs Bill Pratt were one which is designed for the fuller figure double knit In springs most popular shade of soft pink would be perfect for many occasions Mrs Pratt comple ted her ensemble with dell cate pink textured straw with corded silk fabric on the brim Dresses for afterlive wear featured softness colors are softened too Pink is standout followed by turquoise Almost all colors Were on the softened side with the exception of ite Fasblons were shown from Jean Christies Shop and hat fashions were fmm the Hat Box tears oral The women responsible for the Spring Garden xlea and Bake Sale deserve great deal of credit They include Mrs Paul Meger Tea and Fashion convenes Mrs David Huey president of the Evening of the WA litre Boyd Roberta son commentator hire John loamlien tickets and publicity lltra Alex llfclfinnoa pianist Decorations convenes Mrsud Morley was assisted by Mrs blaukwlilnh isalwaysaiayor Circle 51 way the year on aided no delicate pink flow ered clocbe would be perfect for any draaup occasion Watson Mre Fred Smith and Mrs Creighcsd Models wereMrr Ross Ad arm Mrs Robert Wells ltlrs Joyce Richardsonldre Ron Stewart Mrs David hlcCly mont Mrs Alan Sundry Mre Bill Pratt Mrs Robert Tar Dusb Mrs Gordon Patterson Mrs Don Glbsonhlrs Arthur More assisted the models be hind ihe scenes Tea convener was Mrs ltd bert Watson assisted by Mrs Alan Gundry Mrs Robert Store tools were Mn Cimnlngham Mrs MacAIthur Mrs it SChlabt Mrs Christie hirs McClure Mrs Don Spencer Mrs Merely Mrs Apnlo ton Mrs Sorleant Mrs Steele Mrs Hooper Mrs McLennan Miss ht Mc Lennon Mrs Craigheed Mrs Watson Mrs Dareh hire lit Amos Mrs Marshall Bake tabla convcncrs Were Mrs Mel Robertson and Mrs Ada Hooper Niueery was Mrs MacDonald and Mrs lsaacs Mrs Cecil Young Asalov In charge of nIonwlvtrv we tart urnnu rrrr7Wu tenets oouki become highly nraeeufniwtculturlet on THE PRESTIGE GINGERJIitE Itsotts TH£ STARS SA in dialed in June October and December and ï¬nancial up trende are promised in mid June midAunntglefe Novem berrcod elr December Make the all opportunities during the aforemeatloned po rlode and you should wind up therlgbt side of the ledger Personal matters should run smoothly too Except for brie periods late this month and early in September demodle affairs will be unusually bar monlnnl and for the single new romance is indicated late this month to Augiut or mid December Look for travel op portunities in July Novemhe and for December child born on this day will be endowed with great integrity and with love of outdoor in ward BAYSTAIRS LODGE Mlnoll Point Minutes From Downtown Barrlei Beautiful grounds photograph ers delight Enjoy privacy and convenient parldn Sane and mostreasonable rates Tried and it proved by many de lighted rides It Food it for queen Our experience and counselling are ree Refreshments may be served under 1030 Permit YOUi Dancing until midnight if you wish 7235l93 Anytimet REDEATOF SPECIAL PUngHAsE orflvew SPRING PRINTS 397 Value to 593 Two styles two fabrioein multitude otbow Spring printe Chooaebntton front or pullover style silkI In aural orsilkalub weave fabric Sines 1min wonderful selectionofpamltonodflonlpmh