Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Feb 1964, p. 1

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andwyvsnrzwr av l4 Rescue rom Sinking NEW YORK APiA Norwe gian iroigbter rescued the first survlvors today irom help lessly drilling British merchants man In the atormtosscd North Atlantic the us Coast Guard announced here Shortly before am the iretghtcr Frisco secured line to the derelict Ambassador and tomovod three of the seven men still aboard her the coast guard reported The coast guard cutter Coos Baymanocuvrixl to assist in the rescue The liallan passenger liner Vulcsnis was searching lor other survivors In the sshdegree water No aircrslt flew search pat terns hampered by cloud Lover ABANDON BillP Some oi the stricken lrelgh ters crew abandoned ship iues day in raging storm which had stove In her lorward batch and flooded her engincroom leaving her wallowing la the pounding seas Rescue alrcralt drop ed three zomao ilterntts that nllate as they hlttho water The Coos Bay radioed the res cue ship Vulcania at 715 am to motto is rigsag course in 1hippo oi spotting survivors add No rubber lilo ralts are adriit with tour or more men In each Baits last sighted at sundown yesterday British Govt Protests Secret GreekCypriot GunRunning iiii°lli°il°liiii$ potted LONDON APi Concern mounted In oillcisl British quar tcra today over reports indicat ing that gun running to Greek Cypriot Irregulars on Cyprus is continuing Ollielels estimated that asmany as 80000Greelr Cypriots many or themvet erans oi the prelodependenco EOKA guerrilla armymay ho isl under arms motor concern for British oitlciala is how much control Archbishop Maharios president Cyprus can exercise overtha rapidly growing so called so cret arn Then is little doubt here that thalrreguiara owe their ilrst allegiance to EOKA rather than the formal Cyprus government EOKA was the underground army which battled the British to top 1950s before Cyprus gained its independence British ministers also have been embittered by the Cyprus governments apparently oom placent attitude to the gun run ning and arming oi irregulars Commonwealth Secretary DuacaxnmSandiygs empagolapvrigo one Minister Spyros Kyprlauotl when he was in loaders last weekend in Nicosia govern ment spokesman replied that bill Cypnrs had both the right and Minutes earlier the cutter messaged coast gourd beadedc tors in New York tssnddar to only chance to locate lite rat survivors Request maximum alrcralt coverage as soon as sstbie No sit one an ittlAlt Argus and the other Gm Hercules dispatched by the coast guard were reported on the scene soon alter 8PM FREIOHIER ihc Coos ailloot cut tcr in Port Mn Indicated she had smiled the stricken freighter st afloat 000 miles southeast ol Iialliax The Norwegian vessel inlcn which arrived on the scene iuesday night also was lolncd today by tho Vulcania 14406 ton italian passenger liner Another ltnlian liner tho lc oaardo do Vlncl was the that rescue ship to reach the Amv baasador But alter reporting that she was unsuccessful In at tempts to let up survivors be cause of cavy sees the do Vlncl continued her Genoato New York voyage when the Fruen allowed up without power or operabis pumps the Ambassador llound cred helplessly the coast guard said One at the ships two Iileboata had been smashed by the pounding seas But the crow also had available two loman ilferafts which the freighter can rlcd eration Iremors also were iolt lues night on Iercelra end else in the mountainous oi responsibility to purchase arms for the socially of the state This was regarded to govern ment quarters liars as an al most unbelicvabif irresponsible response sloca took no ac on behind the backs oi the Brit sh peacekeeping force on the and Britain has sailed its NAltJ allies and seyeral sutral Ellh opean nations to stop arms shipments to Cyprus Hut little can be done from London in eheclrthe flow of weapons be lieved to be reaching the island from the United Arab Republic Lebanon and other Middle East states as well as treat the un oilieial groups in Greece and iurlrey Nap BiiiTo Slow Use Tobacco OIIAWA CF ihe argu ment over cigarette smoking will he heating up Commons de bates this session Barry Mather NDP New Weatmlnstert non smoker rciugaes from arriving on other Islands in the 7000 volcanic Asores chain today as oil American ships were put ashore on ierceirs island 20 miles away The vesselsthen headed back to San Jorgo for more role ugeea but heavy seas with so loot waves were delaying the op day were airy on reports mm the stricken island varied Some said virtually the entire population ot 20000 had assem Merchantmani Hundreds Flee Azores islands Hit By Qucrke LISBON tAPi Earthquake San Jorge began hurriedly assembled rescue tlect pressed an emergency evacuation iho Ilrst 510 islanders taken Sao Jorge by British and Azores Portuguese possession in the Atlantic I000 miles west Lisbon The quake waves have wrecked or damaged hun Thousands of Sao Jorge Inha bitants tied to port at the east end oi the island to await re moval They leased the quakes new in their sixth day oft volcanic eruptions count or 1PMMuggllng going we dam mm clephone and telegraph com cations with Sue Jorge Woni scuttle Pension Pian Roberts fissures Queens Park TORONTO CPI Premier Roberts sloutiy defended luest day his créticlam ot the iedeiral governmen proposed pens on blasts tilts the white at suggestions black It Mr Roberts said in the leg islature he could only reiterate again and again that this sim ply was not so in putting theseviaws torword do not seels Canada Pension Plan atprarnler was trying to to nor will scutlle the and anticigarette campaigner will be disappointed it gave lnotlca today ot private do not improve It said Mr restrain the use or Nob tion to his letter on pensions artai commenting on reap would rosumptlon otcthe iigh bled for evacuation other re ports put the number at about Report Gabon Coup Chished DAKAR Senegal Reutcrai The army revolt In the West Airlcan republic ot Gabon has been flushed radio received here today said The report monitored here come Irom Radio Brazzaville In the former French Congo and followed in the wake ot Paris announcement that French troops wore sent to the Gabon capital at Librcvillo this morn ng to restore order Captain Polar described as the only captain oi the Ga bon Army called on troops who ousted President lean bibs to lay down their arms Radio Brazzaville said has broadest on not meny continue resistance the broadcast said Lay down our ttrms You will come to no arm sent to Prime Minister Pearson last week The premier acknowledged that the public inquiry he had called for could deieyythc ted oral pension scheme tor year But he said this was better than ending up with ieulty plan Any criticisms he wasmalo Ing were struetivc spirit unison Narrows Aim The Soviet Union toteii the UN SecurityCoaocil today It should guarantee the independence and territorial In ieava Greekand Itrrlslsh riots alone to settle their lead Soviet Chiel Delegate Nikolai Fed luesday night the Soviet line is hands oil Cyprus He said government agrees with President Mskarlos of Cyprus leader at the Greek Cypriots council guarantee will makc an international peace him meter Fedorouhnaild tZirletUsDel force on the agatevAdlal Stevf this alter Ing on the Cyprus crisis tilt Secretary fittest was reported making pro gram toward getting agreement from Cypms Briiaia Greece ltlrsey on plan he has Iisbnta plan ior an in ternatlonaliorce toprsvent Ml impartial mediator to settlement between the islands GreektCyprIot rity put torth in can Viegrity or Cyprus and then arenlro told reporters Makerl noon attheicouncils third meet moral is put forward prlvate to deal wiih the crisis lyv uhanrfl yfMflrsvnVltnMpvyuv aim pnflgsifrlmlquvgmf Throne Speech Hit jiiard By Opposition Parties WAWA CPIThe Liberal governments legislative menu for the new parliamentary sen also contains fewer main dishes than usual But it will re ulre flenty or hard political ew The decision to go ahead with present version oi the complex contributory Canada Pension Plan in the lace oi strong criti cism irom the Ontario govern ment and others was the main Item in the speech irom tho it throne read at Tuesdays oped tog common by GwemorCen erai Vanier Iha tbrona speech outlined some other massive titsira for GOVOENERAL vnhlea Renos rwsone spacers nether arrivalolihePrenetm troops but said it Is useless to ilha gendarmerle is with its MIAMI BEACH Fla AP Laboriiaadcrs in their first lullscale row with President Johnson vow they will not re treat Irom their boycott oi as wheat shipments to the Soviet Union Theres nobody who can change this deal but me said President Thomas Gleason ot the International Longshore mens Union Tuesday Andi will not back down Gleason hadths full support ot APLCIO plflelals including President George Meony in re leeting Johnsons plea to end thehoycoii Labors altitude appeared to all at or settlement by Thaat proposed thatthe lini ternatloual force be supplied by British Commonwealth mem lba Commonwealth and some nonaligncdnatlons The diplo matic sources said that despite os rii or statement that Security Council tee would make such arden in the face at renewed Turkeys small garrison on the was expected island are Cyprua Is member of guaran the new session including study oi new white paper state ment onrielenoc policy major legislation on railway regulation and ratlllcatlon of the tan reaching Columbia River power treaty with the United States All these Issues although an ticipated are likely to keep legislators hard at worlr wall into next summer The announcemcntol the leg Islatlve program had some sur prises too Interesttree loans tor needy university students Senate reform in the form ot compulsory retirement age and the prospect or an attack on the problem oi the high cost oi gab ting eiectad toPsrllameot or developth program and new impetus tor urban alum clearance also are part at sistant Labor Secretarydames Reynoldsspeclal emissary ot the president Gleasonand Paul llall prestv dent ol the AFLCIOs Maritime irades Department Insist that at least hall the wheat be shipped in us Ivessels Hail claimed therJohason ad ministration had renegcd on the late president Kennedys prom isc that at least half the wheat wouid be transported in Amen can ships The labor leaders also are an gry because the maritime ed ministration Iutder the com merce departmeiit ed Continents per cent ioreisa stillile TsovietsgaaokMdimrmsi InéHandéOffiisPolieyf 31196953311er Cyprlot go ernment was generally sstlstl with Thnnts Master police iorcellnired to the Security Council through him Serious lighting broke out dur ing Christmasbetweep the two Cypriot commuriics alter Ma Irariosv proposed to repeal con stttutlonalrprovlsions giving the Turkish minority veto over Grain Company waiver permitting more titan 50 the sesslous schedule The throne speech came an der immediate criticism from leaders oi opposition parties who together outnumber the its Liberals in the screen Com mono Conservative leader Diefen baker called It pallld zlarg eiyzcoatalning leftovers irom last session IIe said the av erament had given no recogni tion to current economic prob lems oi rising flying costs dwindling American investment and the need or more Canae dish ownership at Canadian in dustry New Democratch sd Douglas called it mixed bag of proposals ilailing short oi the imagination and boldness that these times renuire Soclal Credit Leader Thomp son termed it not very am bltious program while lteal Caouette leader of Le Rollie meat des Creditisteasaid the throne speech contained tho ame old platitudes with noth tag or Interest to average Pro is ilhe government used only its words to announce its plan tot legislation on comprehensive system or contributory pets i1km The Canada PenelonvPlan was introduced last Year and re sultailon withthe premiers government source said the government will stake Its poll tical lite on this modliied ver sion of the complex sdremo slfeetirtg about 0090000 people in all provinces except Quebec it has been stronglyprtpotped by Ontario Premier Roberts an bv insurancellrms and other nteresto operating prl vate pension plans flhe plan taceaxan exhauail goingover actors Commons committee vAausriai thdthrone speech divulgediew details of proposed government legislatio lormante indicated some oi tharmeasures The rallwaylegislatl towing generally urellne tastes proposals oi th lsa pherson run AmquledaralJabon eodosua her vised in January Lioilowlng cone is introduced education is tha constitutional prerogative oi the provinces The government Pages the plan can start by Both Mr Dictenbalrer aarl Gilles Gregoire CreditorsLa palatal raised oaastion ol tcd eral invasion ot provincial so sponslbllltles in the govern ments plan theres no intention oi taking immediate steps to put lim on campaign spending is led eral elect one But an inquiry will be launched into the but practicable way of doing this iniormants said the study might also cover the possibility oi il aaacial aid irom the iederai treasury toward campaign 00 ilrs throne speechs program at legislation is not the final world other measures can be introduced most notably tax changes in the budget speech which are never annntmced in advance However there were some notable omissions of programs iorecast last session and in the Liberal partys election cam paign piatiorrn Among them the Canada Development Corporation to tuaael up to 31000000000 to Canadian sav lnga into industrial growth Gov ernment sources sol its sor hell Liillttels slanting aapected big buildup of investmentin the Canada Pension Piaoand the shrinkhge olflniiows oi Americanlnvestmoai capital university scholarship plan for 10000 scholsmhtps worth 000 each annually and extension niiamlly allowances beyond age is for students rc malnlng In school Revision oi the unemploy ment Insurance program as recommendedby Conscrvs vtivoappolnted special commit tee ot inouhy to put the land on sound actualoi basis Adoption of new national tingpromised by the Liberals wilhlnltwo years alter takiug olilce The government months left Unlike last sessioas legislai live program with its heavy em phasls on measures to spur the economy there was little in the new throne speech dealing with economic aliairs In general term It promised variety of mannaes toin crease arnployment raise living standards and strengthen Can adas primary andsecondary industries The government will reintro duce legislation held over irom last session to spur slum clear oncethrough a$100000000 loan hind tor municipalities and the extension of National Housing Act mortgages to older homes in areas cl urban redevelop ment nother piece oi unfinished business Irom last session is the plan to set up Independent on missions to route the bound last by federal electoral consu Nannies Job hitherto handled byspariiamcpt itseii= Among other old business will be measures inald Conadl published mdgozines pro tem which governments have tried tosoive since lassand iogiveoquni cltlsenshlp rights to all Canadians where they werab iharewas no indication pl what will go ininltiie proposed new labor code covering an $0000 ers undergiedarsl iiurisdiciion Last years Liberal ieetion program Included lairhum hourly wage at $125 Normal maximum wori weeir of iiithoura andtwo weeks national iisheriii when

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