awn vvrr For Tb one The annual muting oi tha Simud Telephone Com any be bdd Wednesdny will be one ot the last annual meeth at this old company which built the tint tel hes throughout the district in en the big corn oanics were Interested only in towns and cities Farmers worked together to cut the poles irom the bush dug holes and sinrng the wires so that thq andthclr neighbors could have telephone service Later the Bell System was coaxed to utter switching serv ice so that the towns could be reached Times were hard and costs were kept to minimum as is still the case However the assets which will be divided among the sharehold ers alter the tidal settlement with the Bell Company who now own the iranchise amount in rooms less the depreciated pole lines which will also he salvag ed when turned back alter the Bell service takes over In Itprli Decides other matters the an nual meeting will likely deal with the manner in which the assets will be handled when all the values have been salvaged and the total is ready ior distribu Unit The value oi the multiparty lines was bcyond estimation in the early days as even ii the switchboard was out or lines were down at least the local onlhelinc parties could know how things were at each others homes Granted that In cases when an urgent call needed to go through there were times when the neighbors troubles did not seem so urgent But for the iarm wiie on the hack concessionliic was much easier when she could discuss her troubles with neighbor it is the end at 50year era We are pleased to have been shareholder in helping to pro vide past services CONGRATULATIONS it has been pleasure to learn irom The Examiner that Mrs Dwight Nelson has rssum ed as Strnud correspondent We helped to persuade her to take this on and she did very worthwhile lob alter the resig nation oi Mrs it Black who had been Stroud correspondent for as many years as we can remember Than Mrs Nelson flaw up ssylnlgnlbe did not have time but our recent pap ers we see material irom Mrs Nelson Mrs Campbell and Mrs Bert Muihoiland so Last Tithe Stroudisoertelntykmnltha willcove enowitiaabouttime dentiooknntirn good the lab eround Painawlck and Lairetands and several oi the other important places thrwgh out the district mm The story on the root pa at The Examiner recently ieli owing an Interview with County Assessor Simpson which told oi the wrong conception lon representatives had when they brought up the request ior npedal adjustment oi iarro lands shows that the dliilcully is not in the act but in the manner in which the act is translated by the assessor it is to be hoped that when the new manual is adopted the loo council will be as ready to back the important changes that are provided ior as they were to recommend that the little ieliow he charged hundredpercent values ior his share oi public C05 CAPTURE TAMPA One at the three cities oi this triangle which constitute the Gull area was taken over by iratea this week even though deiended by warships and all precautions taken This was the 60th celebration oi the Gaspar Ilia Invasion and is reenact ment at the taking oi Tampa by Spanish pirates who dominated these shores long ago The be llei still prevails that much oi the loot they captured is buried somewhere along the shores oi Fioilds and his llicrry lirawc chosen irom the top society oi the city oi Tampa who will rule city or week until new king and queen ara crowned tor the coming year at the cor onation Friday night Tampa was also invaded by an mated 300000 tourists and trial iic jams were beyond descrip lion Boats irom all past oi the The Invaders now are Kind till New vonsr APlA you oaarnaliptane andaman bled north country That marked the beginning or one at the most survival stories attractive girl with and deep thoughts is studying isill at Columbia Unlvcrslht She has regained the to pounds she lost during the or deal and hopes to corn ole col lege work she Years ago Line Job on Barter at Alaska He Is trying to putation oi all oi nanelol bcuellts rccartiy published lm Alive enabled back to college sure hope It years to go ares toll in behind the piratcs barge and proceedings were wit nessed by spectators irom built land and water Only those who have secn the spectacle can be lieva the color and excitement The rest oi the week cclcbra lions will continue in ballmoms restaurants and on the street Free bean soup and notice will he illicd to capacity to enjoy special Spanish menus Tampa citizens are expected to assist in making every visitor lccl part oi the celebrations Quebec Liberals Permit Use 0i Staie 0i Quebec Term MONTREAL CPlThe Que bec liberal Federation has lots malty approved the use in one of its resolutions oi the term Siatebf Quebecln English The approval by vote of 60 to 55 came at the second ple nary session oi the iederations annual convention Sunday The twoday convention also appealed to the National Lite crni Federation to change its present structure The appeal which originated with the Quebec general court cil was announced to the meat Ing by Francois Aquln presl dent of the provincial group Mr Aquin bndirecently at tacked the national iederatlon as having neither the struc tures not the orientation or democratic partyx USE BOTH 0n the vote over use of the word state he said alter the convention that theQuebec Lib crals have been using the terms slate and province intan changenbly in recent resolutions and statements ihe vote on this matter wont change anything he went on It does not malra use gt oi the word obligatory tor party members 0n the question of bilingual ism Georch Lapalme Que becs cultural aiiairs minister told the convention he will re eeive in the next two months project oi linguistic home which it goes without spying wiildemand the immediate and energetic intervention oi the state lir Lapalmc said the Quebec government ah coupon om colrear Louis Gagnoh Quebec loumali the royal dingnoiis 11 any out thorough study of bilingual am He said the linguistic project is being drawn up by mouth alive committee oi the provin cial governments Frenchlan guage bureau which is made up of linguists irom Laval Uni varsltyand the University oi Montreal WONT VOTE The convention decided against voting on resolution irom Vaudrcuilsoulanges rid ing urging that liberal candi dates in iederal and provincial elections have separate organic ing committees state vote as matter of twording in particular resolu ton The vote cams unexpectedly during discussion ot resolu tion on Eskimo aiiairs submitted to English by theLiberal Club oi Sir George Williams Univerr sity Montreal When an amendment was proposed irom the floor that the words this province be re placed by the State of Que bec the president calledior vote amendment come irom French spcaking as well as English spealring delegates The convention adopted two resolutions calling on them vincial government to tough with civillservanta ap ion Nationale regime They were accused oi practising pa vmr g9 iederatton he said he served and restaurants will Mr Aquln described the in his subsequent statement Mr down sold opposition to the get pointed under the former Un is atemptstion to citizens in all parts oiCnnada who 5ch in their motorcnrslliraAincrl can goodnand are imp the American tan resiled by unripe crashed in the trout waste at Canadas ias ul inluries tern atrrrea it zero and scarcely any iood Helen Ittabea and ltalpb Fistea prayed rod struggled and some how managed to live until they were rescued to days later today Miss lilabcn an Flores to is back in the cold cotmtry working on DEW 000 ha estimath the flight costhlm omen FINANCIAth The accident forced the am bcns toes on her right tool but it has also brought her some ii Money trom magazine arti cle on her experience and her she said smiling and speaking in sott voice Ive got two up WVUCpvrw ï¬taseleota Mormon with considerable when she loohshhchoatbaaurvivaltflt maturednvsandltaaglrcn ma anewlnalgltitntollin icei bars an inner cairn now dont rely on external thingssuch aa mlnhcoat or money or travelling up be hares She isnt certain what she wants to do when she iiniahes college but she iaeis her Ilia has deï¬nitely taken new di at ores stamped out the 508 in the arrow that led to their rescue irom Yukon mountain near the British Colturtbla border the declared He showed tremendous amount at courage and Ingenu ity So much strength Aomas log amour oi physical and mental strurgth He is very ilna person he treated me like his daughter Flores who and six children still live to Seat Bruno Calii His iuiura plans are uncertain But he hopes to take an exam ination this summer In an eliort to regain his pilots licence The licence was takers away alter the Federal Aviation Agency ionnd be had violated more than dozen regulations on the flight Including allure to have adequate emergency equipment and to iollow other regulations Miss ltlaben was flying as his passargsr when the plane went down Feb 106 while on Whitehorse Yukon remarkable oi modern the late show on television ed irom cumin room so kitchen by brown log and turning no bad lug lo the kitchen liiclsel Dollars For Centennial ouoaunv col Ni dollari medalqu at several islands nit regain the 000 the cost oi the project Nickel Monument ment uptited Sudbut building Wioothigb ata Miss Kla liveceot piece and coin lecturs museum The newlylaunder Iirrn book Hey her to go holds outr Toronto over the weekend The Big Nickel project development IFYO WHO LIKES IN STYLETHEN SPEAK TO YOURMANABOUTDODE InsideiantloiitDodgeisyaï¬nely designed Collette 11 Raymond Gas too brunette and Richard homeless Mrs Audette raid the iantily had gone to bad alter watching were sleeping in the same bed Around 230 am she said heard baby Richard cough woke up ans saw the house lull oi smoke and ailra burn Niche project here will go on sale nest month to raise too Develo he steel replica oi the Canadian nonnccd Saturday that the that medallions were being struck it relented as civil centennial ALEXANDRIA Out iCPiA snow new sawm we in mm unwellmmmumuuflngalouutlmated It UNI Heroes spread rapidly through the mummy bruising and Into new wing built last year large stock at ilnlrbod products was also burned Cause oi the blue was not known The plant largest industry in this community so miles east at Ottawa employed about or poo no hornsn Ne ammosflthfl tortures sensitive nerves not sowmoo or can no 1111500030 The leader at the aoutbernera tall nervous Disks tribennan named Wlallkalm Delil claims we are or aceiul settlement But In almost the same breath he adds that the southernerr want Independence and the only thing they are wining to neao lists is seiideterminatlon plebiscite which they are con msrrt oi winning overwhelm Striking marshal mashed tribal war flow Isolated government eu may one the only said travel is by convoy Government reprlsals have sent thottunds sceklnl refuge across nearby irvnlicn The tails are lull The Sudan Airlean National Union claims t0000 Sudanese troo are held downltnmlnflr son pro near Upper Nile and pair at Gasul Conservative estimates say one third oi Sudans 10000 man army is engaged Government reiicence and the inaccessibility oi the area have served to keep em irom seep SAUNA ROCK All the The Government will Pay 7w $50000 Fine Furniture to You Buy or Our New Houses BEDROOM SPLIT LEVEL HOME 23 LAY ST eltel For Further on Information Private AM PM Contact or BATHS so ISBitANDT more By at Miles Carpenter and momma North of to an Contractor 128 11 TEL mow 93 Vaneouv St URE GAL TO TRAVEL fashionplatoDodge says beautiful abO ti yourgood taste And Dodge handles the Way gal wants car to handle ï¬ngertip easyg cartonfor sizovPeOple justnaturally look good in Dodge