war as we mwnmwwafl they go wrraumw aware eer rurryurvyewnm urn naer Allergy Makes Hives To Erupi Suddenly By iOdEPtiJJiOlNZR MD Dear Dr Meteor Will worm that cauae tridilnoaia be kill lneteed oi aliectln eyea and by may M41 due on with hay lever or raua do an flaw frills eulilcient time will kill them may IL At ilve above zero Fahrenheit Hivea umuy was it tree It loan 10d at iive low at ieeat Ia ourl aometlmea within 20 minutea oi contact with whatever is core mu mm lol it eometlmee louder but In my mm ttsually within thirty ahort time We given the patient at lent aoortlnrdunca oi noting what has been eaten or touched or woman yam memo annualminimum oi Si Georaea horde he held in the dim heedey evening Jan 11 with aiair attendee Rev ti chairman owned the with prayer Following dlectiaelon oi reporta ol dltierent oremlaatlone elec tlon oi oiiicera ior root on heldReciota warden lrlikllll illuinoon Peoplea warden Frank Eiphlele Etdeameo con vener Jack um Harvey iternhull Ken Ruth Ronald Ellie Sr oiioart uchiuter Rota Hiulneoo Garry Dimbuli Donnie iiciiarter Ronnie tie Lay timber oi Synod all ihuetore the ante rule it Whmm Great Chapter lnieeaT Dear Dr Molaert lieterring mum my Mum to your atatemont that utn to MW Am experienced Ihortly beiore the 01 WP hiuir rnanlst hire little hivea appeared eye or anything elte Let the mm mm 11 it can be nodeand it may ladlea served delicious lunch ey ot Iaater John Ellie hir nod hire bmee Wileoo oi Ottawa are needing in with Mr and hire ihonua Mr and hire Rueaelt Coulaoa motored to Main to ueiira Coulaooa aunt lu Eileen Kelly who to patient to Lady oi Morey Hospital uraod hire thornea Broil vialted Mr and tin Harold Salim inï¬nitiwatar on Boredom Sunday vieitore with hit an John Elliï¬were an my Donna at Ihronto and Mr and IIEI JONB he that teed can be eaten aeaioodr are an example in email eunntitlee without me lion but caueee trouble In larger quantities or under certain cir cumaianoee reier here prin cipally to the preaenee oi ner voua tenaione but there are oth GT3 it can he the result at name thing you touch and lve new people break out from such di verso thinga no ahruha in gar den neighbora eat and eat an atrawherrlca Nuta chocolate vegetablel eunitght cold monetruation druga violent emotional upeete inlected extract touch an pol len oatractal are iow more uamplea li eating or contact with the particular iactor atope Io in ahort time will the hlvea lie sealed oontaotl however will ring new attache At the immediate time how ever it ie oiten poaalbie to aub duo the hives quickly Antihlo tamiho dniga ueually give quick reliei aince allergy involves an excessive release at histamine in the body Counterocting it al lowo the body to return to non lh tool in more enter and partied iariy ii the breathing la involved to the point oi jeopardy end thia can happen injection oi adrenalin or one oi the aterold druge may be necoaaary an an emergency meaaure Allergy in some iorma he tomea downrirht dangeroua when ahelled and touted with corn oil and tall are dellcioue They tutu like nuta have been eatlna two teaepoooeiui aiter mute and hallovo they heve helped keep me healthy am it plumMI have nothinl againat eun ilower eeeda ii you like them What said was that they con tain no moxie formula ior health nor doea any aingle tood There are multiple rooms for every oonetltuent oi nourieh ment lve eaten aunilower aeeda and enjoyed them lli give you another recipe iry grinding them up in hamburger meat Very tally PHELPSTON oy Nina manner The Willing Workera ili Homemaking Cluh held their at the home oi Gail Queenello leedera are the some or laat year Mrs Queanellaend Mra John Mlnnlnga The elec lloti oi oiilcere took place at thin meeting They are prel Faye Burklow vice Roaemary ONeill see Colette Chaput treat Darla iiilnnioga preel Bev Ellie and Gail hone Queo neiie Membera are looking too will eoniinue the auhlect tomor row TELEVISION cxvn CHANNEL anew Topper iiio trim Weather lporta mo 337 5W 100 Wuon lralri Cover Girl 00 Country Rundown aiowmter conierenee limit mature lithium mo rm Palten i000 the Untoueteahlaa flit ï¬ï¬‚ ï¬m iii $33 MM II no In in truth MW In 17 mm inn Country Calendar alimony nonuaoz 100 Jam mom hum Storm Over libat it In France Wonderful World of Gulf 111 Hawkoyl tail winter Ceeiilrenee lull Wreatiirix 030 Take Chance Md Golden Tel him 500 Chi deli 100 Wayne de nhuetar aoo Cloaa Canada Ciulloi 800 Ed Sullivan 000Dowiln 003 Bonanaa l00 leraet flange 1000 Second Mok Lia Eula Bunny 1030 Quentin Mark oeor ea or on oroe 100 Beverly titlihiiiiee 1110 atone 10 Zero Ona The Mammy kih CFTO CHANNEL TORONTO FRIDAY DRUM M0 Chahrl too Mickey Home Gino mm 30 Kiddo MOVING ll someone ynuknnw is moving iriendl Welcome eeil the agon oeteu writ help them eel at home Join in denying on our eommumtya irnditinnai come on the name arid ad rear of iamiiiea you know who are moving uho nav no Metro hill nae Wlnt mo Pier nommsfm erton err 10 nuaaa Fllrhma Pretentt with FEBRUARY 1000 1010 Wiritofhoaegtnlityfloil MD HUM on eoo Winter olyoepioa eao untried Oueu 7ao eon m00Wtotero nee Imp intent 1100 ward to thin lntereating protect cooking wlih milk it it called The Milky Way PROGRAMS not rn or Ninnm Juliette in art etc rv hill Nllht Villas own no Sill Llit mm loo room only of Wore 830 Andy Grtlilth eon Jack Benny NI Lat Sitil out Gunmoke Du Valle Due Mata Cartoon Sea Hawk own You Were tiara channel Nine fleet Jenninu or Oklahoma May have your nommoota ilrat meeting Sunday Jan hire William Gallo viaited hire Vern Welland Camp Borden liieiday niternoon Mr and hire Jack Hirooa and CONTilliC By JAY You are deolarer with the Weet hand at Six Spadoe North ieade the nine oi diamoode South tuition the 10 with the lack South lead the ace ot dia monde How would you play the hand KO QM aee em it would be wrong to roll and draw trumpe at lhia point because it you did you would have to rely on aueeeeatul heart lineaie lo moire the con tract There is on eeaier way ot maitln the hand which doea not depth on the location ottha king oi hearir Ruii the ace oi diamonds with the nine and play the ten of grader tn the Jack Then rut at at dinnnonda with tho queen and overtake the king oi epndee withthe ace Ceah the 01 at epadea dlrcording tho the oi henrie at which point you have nix cattle loit all winnera the ilndlng the diamond divided on amount to ataklng the entire hire Denney and Charlene oi Stioud itth Will IV air aynd lira Robert Pryde BRIDGE BECKER There it no certainty about maklna the hand alone the out come dependa on how the North Souih cord are divided but there in method oicglay that ottera an excellent Ince oi auccear The one thing it would be one to do in to win the epada with the ace raeh the king ot diamonda and then enterdunr my with apade to the hope ol and month the edit We would hand on favorable dlvielon oi the diamond autt While it ie true that the diamondl are like iy to be divided in there ia no need to rely excluaively on the diamond euit better method oi ploy le to take the ace oi epadee and lead the king oi diamonde and ever take it with the ago Now oath the queen oi dlamonda to are whether both deiendera iotiow wit it they do continue with diamond eaauring at lmt ten triekl It it turna out that the dia mode are divided lead eluh irorn dununy and lineeea the ï¬ght it South iollowe low thin line oi play will reduce iive club tricks and the tour notrump li south who dealt any oi the following hoidlnge in ihle method at play in euro to euccoed unless one opponent line iive minute an LEM 58nisitlatl homes motel Medina EA heavy out ill Poeeeaaing urea entire lingered raeiiyoan 11 Molot liberate ï¬nuitaetlm Wreetlirig Golden Tee Wiggle IggflinannL If Hi Tim All Path Weaon Train Jamie McPhentera Saturday ht atom Value For one nrealrine Paint TV more Metro Final Anewartiu lenioe 130 Mull meme ion Journal ll 00 must Nina Son Di haunt 000 Toleooli oo WaltDiadly Proante 100 Danny lhoneea tinNoun Arreot and Trial ClV National Newer acre itnai Elgar Wellea Myetery Hour HENRY DllllY chosswono giWIVHlflï¬ll cluhr Kx or MAXI Tomorrowt deli preeervattpn Clillrd LllIl ll itt HLlfliilT lllllkH IIHVAVAHI DONALD DUCK LES CANADIENS aLONDr GRANDMA WGWIVI AL BETWE YOU GET GOOD DEAL AND GOOD DEAL MORE DEPENDABLE rnAorns PLAN non EVERYSALE CHRYSLER DODGE VALIANT DODGE TRUCKS 75 BRADFORD ST IEL 728597 ii Jilillyle uh WW IWMW mammalianunannmw 41040