firrmppflvpny in any if Barrie representatives oi the barrio Furious and Pro fesslonat Womens Club who attended the first meeting at the newly organized AIlistoa and PW Club src shown unanimous Wéd at Stayner above from the Icit Mrs Grace Murphy Mrs Lillian Jones Harrie President and Mrs Dorothy Aycuile Alliston Business Women Form New And PW Club Business and pmicssloaal wo men at Allistou have united and formed new branch at the Business and Professional Wo rncns Club The Iirst meeting was held at the Library Hall The speaker was hire Ethel ArmstrongColllns national or ganizlng secretary who gave most interesting talk on the and PW clubs history Its aims and protects There are clubs all rots Can ada with members oi over 150 types oi businesses and protes gions she explained The Can ndian Federation oi Business and Professional Womens Clubs la national nonsectarian or ganization composed at women in business Industry and proton slon it was established In 1930 by lederal charter and In that comprised 174 clubs with membership totalling 74oo the speaker said in Geneva Switzerland in 1930 the Canadian federation joined with four other national tederations to form the Inter national Federation of Business and Professional Women whoSe memberghip in 1962 totalled over 351000 women caround the world AIllIS 0F CLUB The purposes oi these clubs are to develop and train wo men ior leadership and respon slblllly in business industry and proiessions to work toward im proving economic employment and social conditions for we then to work ior high standards of service in business industry prolesslons and public llie to stimulate interest in federal provincial and municipal affairs and to encourage women to par ticipate in the business oi gov crnment at all levels to co operate with the International Federation oi Business and Pro iesslonai Women and to imple ment its aims and objectives Over the years the clubs have tratulated their oblectives in terms at specific protects which the member clubs thnnselves actively promote these in clude appointment at women tram every province to the Sea ate of Canada appointment oi qualitied women to policy maklng administratlve and judicial commissions and boards oi govermnent municipal ted eral and provincial women on Juries enactment and haple mentation of iedernl and pro vinclal laws providing equal pay ior equal work repeal of pol Ieles and laws that discriminate azslast women elimination of unfair and unrealistic disabilities in taxation wnges salaries career opportunities lob levels and employment bcueiits such as hospital pension and retire ment plans which discourage women to take employment and penalize them when they do ac tive support of worthwhile corn munlty projects eliorta to alert the general public lndustryand business to the talents latent in women workers measures to ltindle in each club member con fidence in her own ability am bition In her work faith in her calling and in beneï¬ts It can bring asweli as the determin ntion to build better busi ness and proiessiunal world ior better position ACTIVE NATIONALLY These clubs are also active in national studies oi minimum wage laws hnplemcntation oi Service 0t Communion Precedes Presbyterial Annual Meeting Darrin Presbytery and Pres byterial met in Essa Road Pres byterian Church Allandale The meetings were opened with Communion service con ducted by Moderator Rev Townsley of Ailislon assisted by Rev Young Collingwood and Rev Bell minister at Essa Road Church and eight elders Mr Young conducted mem orial service ior all ministers missionaries and elders oi the Presbytery Who had passed away during the year lass Mrs McClungElmvale Pres byterlal president presided and welcomed the ladies viho were also welcomed by Mrs McCurley president of Essa Road Auxiliary This being the Presbyterlal Annual Meeting reports were received Irom secretaries oi all departments and showed good work and financial increases in the past year At the noon recess the Press bytery and Preebyterial met in the spacious dining room where the ladies of Essa Road Church served delicious dinner Therdcvotlons ior the alter noon session were led by Mrs Herb Rowe and Mrs Norman Conwell oi Meatbrd Mrs led by Mrs Leslie Walker at the organ The oticrtory prayer was giv en by Mrs Patterson ot Mentord INSTALLATION The report oi the Nominating Committee was given by Mrs Norris Cochrane and Rev Tawnsley installed the otiicera as iollnws Honorary Presidents Mrs Eaton oriliia and Miss MacMurehy Coiling wood President Mrs lMe Clung Eimvala First ice Prelt sident Mrs Ross Adams Bar rie Second Vice President Mrs Norman Post Orlliia Third Vice President MrsR McKee Nottawa Correspon ding Secietary Mrs it War nlca Barrie Recording Secre tary Mrs McAuley Elin vale Department Secretaries Adult Alternoon Mrs Mc Kee Noitawa AdultEvenlng Ciurie Cookstown Young Womens Mrs El kins Girls Work Mrs Leg gett Ori Childrens Work Mrs Cochrane Angus Home Helpers Mrs Brown Mentord SuPlIIY Mrs Cumming barrio LIie Mem bership MIsaAnnte Ross Mid land lfres Butt whom Rows Mrs McCiean Elaivaie Ad ry Board Mrs arrie Mrs Nabb Preeideatsï¬Soctlnps Cali rlllla Sectional Vice equal pay laws pemlon plans employment problems for single and married women taxation laws as they aifect women lob opportunities inheritance laws status at women In private law Mrs ArmstrongCollins was thanked by Mrs Willis NEW EXECUTIVE Mrs Norma Cook was elect ed presldeat Mrs Thompson first vlaeprcsldenl Mrs John Hailey second viceprcstdent Mrs Stakes corresponding sec rotary Miss Hamett recording secretary Mrs Milligan treas urci Mrs Fitzgerald Ilnanco chain man Mrs Moore membership chairman Mrs Willis program chairman Mrs stolen public ity Mrs King public alialra Membership is open to all business and professional wo men in the area who are gain iuily employed and Interested In the objectives and the programs at the clubs The acuprcsldcnt Mrs Cook ordered the first metiag oi the Allislon and PW Club to be held Feb 13 Miss Irene Shaw oi the Stevenson Memorial Hos pital Board most graciously of iered the named residence as creation room as locale ior the first meeting it will be decid ed then by the members where and when the future regular monthly meetings will take place vote at thanks was given to Mrs Ethel ArmstrongCollins ior her wonderiul help in tonn Ing the Alliston and PW Club which is the 22nd club she has formed in Ontario Auxiliary Plans Valentine Party AllanCohk was hostess Auxiliary to the Lions Ladies Auxiliary to theLions Club oi Barrie at her Wellington street East residencegiast eve mag Twenty six members were present Mrs Hamid Forster read letter tmm Georges Terrin the foster child of the auxiliary thanking the members for their assistance Mrs Tony Sara and Mrs Rowereported on visits to siek members Valentine party was plan ned tor the Retarded Childrens School to be convened by Mrs Ed Myers assisted by Mrs Art Elabster and Mrs Harry Nes Mrs Forster extended thanks on behalf of the Childrens Aid Societyfor sewing and knitting completed by theauxliiary Follwrng the business has stun program committee in cluding Mrsi Cecil Cook and Mrs Art Wabsier arranged sat erai tablesoi court whist High and low score went to Mrs Bruce Johnston and Mrs Hob ert Hancock respéctively The March rneetiog will be lireid ca illsI nutmeg Mrs Bruce en an aylloadou March Tba February meeting oi the Ladiea Auxiliary as thaSIxtb Barrie Cuba and Scouts will he held on Monday evening at Cen trailinited Church ancutine theme will dominate the pro White dtryunthamurm white carnation and candelabra de eonted the altar at Cptcanicl United Church ior the marriage oi Joyce er daughter oi Mr Mn Walker of Stayner to Harry Nixon Jomu rob and Mn Eric James Ionic Rev Presser oi fldated at the dollble cere the bride is graduate at Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie and was gold medalist oi the clue at 81 The soloist Mrs Ivan Daley sang Wedding Prayer and Tho lords Prrwer Mrs Clarence Brownridga was organist Given to marriage by her lather the bride wore full length gown pear de sole styled with long lily point sleev es and tilted bodice lecturing spray oi applinucd flowers caught with seed pearls The lull billowing skirt formed large pleats felling Into chapel train Her fingertip veil al illusion tulle was held peau do sole Grandmothers curl In Midland Spiel The invitational Grhdmoth ers honspiel was held at the Midland Curling Club on Wed besday Many Barrie grandmothers members at the Barrie Curling Club attended the overt and rink shipped by Mrs Jack Corby walked all with second prize Her rink included Mrs Smith hire Hugh Gibson hire Ken Walls rink skipped by Mrs hioliy Livingston ot Camp Borden won that prize Other Earrle rinks competing were Skip Mrs Amy Valr with Mrs Jack Kennedy Mrs George Seymour and Mrs Ralph Hayter Skip Mrs Robert Pea cock had on her rial Mrs Stan Cook Mrs Russell Hill Mrs Jack Butler Another rink was skipped by Mrs Sally Napier with Mrs Hill Johnston Mrs Jack lrauh Mrs Gordon Spring ANN thrusts Pass The weddingrtng band accented with seed pearls She carried headset oi white room and stepbonotis with white ribbon inseam BRIDAL ATTENDANT Mrs Robert Jam oi ihorn bill was matron of honor Miss tiail McMortIn Ind Miss Mary Gilchrist at Toronto were brides maids They were gowned alike In streetlength dresses bl blue is do sole with scooped neck nc fitted bodice and three quarter Mgth sleeves in hell skirts featured inverted pleats on each side and caught with bow Thrlr matching beatkireues were wedding ring bands and short tulle veil The carried scantcascades of white carnatioos with tucka oi blue ribbon Robert James at ihomhlll May was groomsman and Jaw Me Fartno Stayner and William Wail Tbronta were ushers RECEPTION Following the ceremony re ception was held at the Masonic Hall The brides mother he ccived wearing cranberry wool crepe dress with matching peau de sole hat and black as cessorles with corsngs oi white roses The grooms mother assisted wearing blue velvet sheath with matching hat oi velvet and leathers and black acces sories and acreage of red and white roses For travelling lhehrlde chose gold wool boucla suit brown coat and matching accessories Alter retumlng irom their wedding trip to the Unich Slat es the couple will reside in hit tle Conant 34 rcewrwvrmnrrrva raw gap iraawr rum PublicRelations later Mrs Kneeshlw gave the dir ecton report and mounted the also in less to It per mere committee was appointed to Iarmulnta plans Ior tho district annual to be held at Bond Head 18 The Guelph cooler ence will be attended by Mrs Hannah the reading oi let ters received irom tanner Bond Head WI where by Mrs Harman Harvey singsong was led by Mrs Alice Lloyd The remainder oi the meeting was directed by Mrs Amey and Mrs Dixon Mrs Amey tutor dated the speaker district president Mrs WIce whose topic was Public Relations the theme oi the meeting The speaker was thanked for her intonnatlve lecture by Mrs Dixon contest on Current Events was conducted by Mrs Philips and Mrs Dixon The winner was guest Mrs Thompson of Iottehham Mrs Sutherland gave brict resume oi Christmas visit to Vancouver Barrie Iaycettes Disbuss Plans To Visit Ont Hospital Patients visit to the patients at the Ontario Hospital Penetnng was discussed at the Wednesday eva nlng meeting of the Barrie Jay Bird Seed To TheOllice Canary Dear Ann Lenders There Is this girl who works in our oifiee and her desk In directllY behind mine will call her Doris be causashe thinks she is Doris Day She rings from nine till tive and my only reliei from her is during lunch hour understand she sings during lunch hour too so go across the street and eat in the drugstore The funny thing about Doris is she can remember all the lyrics to every song since Back In Your Own backyard but she cant remember that special delivery stamps want up to 30 cents year ago am led up to here listening to that canary Telllng her tn pipe down does not help have tried What can you suggest Drlven to the Brink nearDram suggest you team few lyrics yourself and sing along with Doris SURGERY Dear Ann Lenders Please do not think lam agcrazy vain mother who wants her children to win beauty contesta This is not the base am writing about aprobiem which has been hailed back and forth in our family tor three years our son is now to years old He Is finaIooking little chap but hiaears stick out at right angles He has been teased about his ears ever sincehe started school The other night the fellow halted me pathetic slly If thought it would help it he slept with his ears taped back with adhesive lbave heard that this prob lem can be ï¬xed with surgery My husband is against it He says Its nutsense and not worth the money or the rial1 Doyou know anything about the oper ation What would youradvico betNeeding An Answer do hope the doctor will per suade your husband to change his mind Your son is obvrously sell conscious and unhappy aboutbia ears and this could have permanently damaging effect on his personality RETIREMENT Dear Anabandera The letter iromNot So Golden Years prompted me to write this lat ter She was the woman who complained that her husband is now retired has nothingio do but get In her way and that she was dropped from her bridge club because her husband stood behind the players and kibrtzed bet me say this it the old geezer has reached retirement age and hasnt found himself hobby he should have his head eXamined Four years ago lwaa kicked out oi my job and Il anded on the sidewalkright on my pen sion lve never been so happy in my life wish the week could be extended to eight days oi so hours cacti rlbere Isnt lime to do all the things have to do and want to do And as ior Mrs NotSoGold enYeara Ilahe has spent years at her life with nothing more to do than pitch the pasteboardsover bridge tattle she should have her head ex amlbedtoo Maybe she and her husband can now get together rcevalunle their lives and strive ior somer In meaningful Uncla Doc Dear Doe Take lesson oldsters Coniidentialnto Silver Spoon Sounds more like rusty kntie to me What youseem to think is Selectivity Ia really nothing but snobhlahueaa Pboooy to such thinking my dear cellos Mrs Wayne lterrthur will be in charge of arrange ments for the trip which will take place In March Members also discussed the possibility oi purchasing use iul gilt for the Hospital Mrs Willard Everton was hostess at the meeting at her Hoary Street residence Mrs Doug Moorehouse convened the meeting CHAIRMAN REPORTS Mrs Don Allan chairman oil the Winter Carnival Queen Cons test announced that is appllca lions had been received to date The chairman also urged as many members as possible to attend the crowning which will take place at the Dinner and Dance party at the Continental Inn on Saturday evening During the business session plans were outlined tor the an nual spring rnmmagesale to take place in the spring Mrs Ken Fraser was appointed con vener NEW OFFICER it was announced that Mrs Fraser will accept the oiiica ot vicepresident replacing Mrs Warren Trimbie Jaycettes present ineluded Mrs Don Allan Mrs Wayne McArthur Mrs Ken Fraser Mrs Terry Conneli Mrs Doug Chick Mrs Doug Moorebouse Mrs John Maloney Mrs ho bcrt Hooper Mrs Dan MacDon ald Mrs Willard Evertoa and guest Mrs Andy Howden The next meeting will be held at thahonse otMrs Ken Fras er oi Agnes St in the term at Bravol Oheeral SEMI mums TopicOiMeeï¬ns hr relationships nurse manner use Guest Shocker Will Outline MissionarysWork In Italy The Feb media at lb Penman ma Clral at th Hint Baptist thumb was held at the home at Miss Iris George on hleadcy evening the meeting opened with sing sing and the minutes were read and approved The null call was answered by the name glin nduionnry to Angola Several business items were discussed Including the Spring ibankoiiering meeting to he held Feb with Miss Stella Gsveriunk as guest speaker manual on the white Mis nlrys Work In Mrs Ivan Simeon read Irom STAYNERs NURSING HOME STAYNER ONT For elderly and convolu cnt attenLe Excellent lacill es for private or rendprivate Hot and cold water In rooms Register 04 Nurse in attendance Reg MARSHALL PHONE 124 and caution ht box 01 lung cancer This conclusion Damaged lunl calls usth bronchial smear wars prunt specimen trons nnolarr in not even consider making tent containers John card no In devotional netted on the tabled oi the ring water which Jesus given season at prayer ioliowed Mrs William Hardy goven newscast concerning the latest developme In ttriie torn Ita goll and Congo Iirs Harold Walther presea ted the topic oi the evening on the Baptist work with the Six Nation indianr near Brantiord Ont Plans ior the now baptist Church It Obswegnn in the can tap oi the reserve were explain The meeting was closed with prayer and reireshments were served SAUNA ROCK STEAM Private BATHS master av Aprourrnmm 72871 4CillClMllritlr Bun Terminal Toronto Ont WHY QUIT SMOKING bars been rJnrrIns smoker ior many yam II ooh now would be less likely to develop lung user or is the dllllga already dons studies conducted by the AmmslnCsncsr societv show that ellrote makers who live up wanking thereby reduc thn risk at develole was reached alter comparing Insokm lXIDflkcll Ind nonmokm titan Iound In 93 per cent or per cent of pool mans row Iormr makers and in em or specimen trons ndnanokerl CIGARETTE SMOKING in like simpls direct lblwlr to this onerttoar Why npsaplo moire cigarettes Frmkly we dont know and it uerna that matters dont know than surprising propon lion oi smoker express dlultllhcllhn with tltnlr amaktal habits than regular maker in eight does pleasurable up report that although they enjoy HOth they do not eomtder It worth the east Only no or regular matters report that they consider tb asblt pislnusblo sale and worthttts coltI Minotaurthe diagnosi wrud Lrutmant oi dhuu Ls the inaction or tilts patientl pemnai hyslclln We parting prtltrlptlam In rats elflc Int cori talarrs that protect the medicine against possible barmlnlyetfecta at light air or maintain Another We package prescrip tIcnI In Ille elite that protect the medicine against possible barin iul cllecla at air or moisture ARPERS It It JACK HARPER BSP PENETANG AT ST VINCENT BARRIE PHONE PA8 5407 ANYTIMEI FAST CITY WIDE PRESCRIPTION SERVICE OPEN WEDNESDAYS AND SUNDAYS sorternorm MANUFACTURERS OF VFINE LEATHER PRODUCTS as No3 MIDHURST DAv7sAIEfV 5pm rataisti rorttaruaticpr FINE LEArHeasnMPLEs rectum SHOWN AT THE ruautruas snow IN TORONTO roor srooLs MAGAZINE RACKS wty Shop anus and ahasroots wasrs shatters mats are 51 ratoavajsArurinAvrssJaa 2n9 sunnnv sea 12 Noon to