Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Feb 1964, p. 4

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connection Walls Publisher Wilton Oenaral lasagna FRIDAY FEBRUARY Plll World TurmOil By Students Appears To Be Instiguted What most does this wouldbe Caesar feed on who uses high school students to stir revolt around the world wherever it suits his purpose and who now threatens the United States in Panama and humiliates it In Zanzibar This is the question posed editoriall by The Magazine of Wall Street wbic noted that the tinting of these recalled revolts followed by the CastroKhrush chev meetings for further consulta tions clearly Indicates the whole thing la part of deliberate plot worked out some time ago to surround the United States and the West with leftist regimes designed to block US efforts in South America and distract the West by stir ring up bnrsh fires in areas around the world The Con Is at present one of the worst of rlcaa trouble spotsI and there former cabinet minister in slain premier Patrice Lumumbaa govern ment Pierre Mulelel man trained by Communist Chinese agents is leading strong band of youthful terrorists Mulelels youth movement forces appear to he aiming at seizing control of an area about 300 miles north of Leopoidvllle in an inaccessible region assist rvr 17 uv Ivaruuvmopa urmpnunmvnlwwWaverly mrfmowsrvvfiww RAW lit HOGKEY in addition to the Congo British troops are standing guard over mutinoua African soldiers in Kenya Tanganyika and Uganda in North Africa students rloted In Libya and Ghana moved to ward oneparty socialist state The pattern of the revolts the student uprisings as in Panama The Congo and other areas indicate the subversive force being used by Communists to carry out their designs to capture the world for their ideo oglca John Riddei Memorial Fund Contributions are still being received for the John Riddei Memorial Rind at any chartered bank in Barrie orby any member of the committee Immediately followin the sudden death of the Reverend ohn Riddei it was announced in Toronto that in lieu of flowers donations would be accepted for Wycliffe College from which he had graduated to the An llcan clergy But close Barrie friends elt that under the circumstances Mr Riddei would hallo referred that local donations be applied costly The Church of StGlles which he founded ministered to and developed In stature is badly in need of new or gan This was an immediate project which Mr Riddei was working on at the time of his move to St Clements Church In Toronto in July of last year No ela borate pi eorgan is wanted just suitable eecironic organ in the $8000 category to replace the present out is years aco IN rowu Barrie Examiner rob 1949 Roland Irwin appointedfire chief fulltime Donald Bell elected president Barrie Agricultural Society Floyd Lash ley South Slmcoe agricultural represen tative for 20 years became associate director of societies branch Ontario De artment of Agriculture at Toronto McGeachy addresaed Barrie Lions Club Peace at the present time does not depend on the United Nations at all but on whether the Great Powers can get along together Manager Gil Garrick reported 4502 telephones now in Barrie increase of 362 in year Royal Victoria Hospital Womens Aid pledged sl000 for new autoclave Presi dent Mrs Gable announced Chamber of Commerce officers instal led Ted Twiss past resident Norman Clarke president haries Griffin Leishman vicepresidents Sandy Couits treasurer Bert Hill secretarymanager Mr Mrs Paul Fisher entertained Russian violinist Tossy Spivakovsky and his plan lat Arthur Balsam atthelr home fol lowing Barrie Community Concert Mrand Mrs Bert Gage resigned as stewards at Community House They and moded instrument which has been iii use since the church first opened Normally In project of this kind the congregation wouldbe acted to raise the funds alone But Mr ddei did not its himself alone to St Giles His work and ability were given freely to so many Barrie organizations service club fra ternal Legion hospital board Red Cross Childrens Aid and many more So it was felt that those who were so close to Mr Riddei would be glad torpartici pate in lieu of flowers which normally would be given It Is intended that plaque be placed on the organ with some such inscri tion as Donated by the friends of Rev obn Riddei Members of the committee are Rev Walter Dyer chairman Westgate Wilfred Cadogan Rev Robert Delaney Ross Stephens Walls Earle Little Devolution LANE were honored by Kiwanis Club through President Cecil hf Norris and Lions Club through President Dr George Sey mour Successors are Mr and Mrs Den nis Casey recently arrived from Imndon England William Merrick instal led president Barrie Jaycees New mem bers RonArmstrong and Graydon Knap introduced After 80 years in bu tress Irving MacLachlan sold his furn iture store on than Roadie Mr and Mrs Curcio and will retire but carry on some upholstery work at his Tollendal home Olympia Restaurant featured music Sunday evenings for dinner and lists snacks reverting to olicy of more than 20 years ago Mus clans were Al Albutt piano Wiley bass Joe Me Neiliie violinvand tenor saxo hone In her coast to coast radio roadcast Kate Altken named Barrie Canadas Town of the Wee for outstanding com munity work by KiWanis Womens Aux iliary Mrs Robertson president spoke on broadcast from Toronto OHA suspended Paul Meger star for ward of Barrie Flyers for six games for his part inhockey fracas at Gait Barrie lady curlers organized first club with Mrs Hughes president Mrs Hugh Wallace secretary IHa sorrows ransom TOIOIIIO Symphony Scores In Barrie him it was privilege Indeed to attend concert of the Tomato implicit Orchestra III the Han audlen rie Collegiate auditorium this wck This magnificent musical organisation gave memorable performance last it could have ept on playing as far at the so was costumed Superlativeo can be overdone and lose their meaning in den criblng professional aggrega tion of this size and ability The layman who appreciates music does not think in technical farm He leaves analysis in the music critics who after all are the arm we look to for an aessment of the technical as Hence of pcrfomoance otssasuaueur wmrca OLYMPICS OTTilWll REPORT llansard Can Save laces Oi Members ranarcs mesolsorl OTTAWA While scientists are perfecting new medical cures It is whimsical to learn that doctors in France Britain and Russia are rélesrnlng treatment familiar to the Chi nese thousands of yeara ago This to acupuncture which means pricking with lice die or specifically the inscr tionof needles into living tis sues forremediai purposes The advocates of acupuncture stress that any physiologically reversible disease should be treated this way is wide ap plication Is shown by the fact that about four out of five patients visiting their doctor suffer from physiologically re versible diseases which have caused no perihelion patholog lcal damage Such ailments can be relieved by the almost pain lcas prick with financedle of the appropriate acupuncture points of which there are nearly 1000 scattered all over the auriace of the human body WHAT MRI SAY the official printed report of parliamtary proceedings commonly known as Haasard is not always an exact report of what was said in our House of Commas The report is edited but this process is not Intended to change the sense of what was said Its purpose Is rather to eliminate the super fluotis repetition and gram matical errors which are com mon features of extemporane our speaking The classic example of edit llig performed for other reasons related to the last day on which vOTHER EDITORS VIEWS HONEST DEALERS Windsor Star Reputable automobile dealers will have notear of the investigation started by the Ontario governmentlnto alleged racketeering in the used car blisiness 0nly those who are notreputahle need worry It is significant that one of the rinstigatprs of the investigation was the Federation of Automobile Independent Retailers The reason is evident Reput able dealer in any when their ield is invaded by unscrupul ous operators Barrie Examinert plexesTheyhave sense of depriva tion and sense of alienationme Authortsed uoend clue outfittersruin r33 pour Blmdlyl and auroraly Bolidnnyaufiaptod as serum warns Haitian Ill Mlm maniv arcs Accountant sh nlNNBLLY circulation Man as acrlpuon raa dall barf arm ylariy Single maul fly mldii It Olitarf M0040er at man ssoo continuum or 11 utatda tintarfn 01000 aaaaai um ar gutddflecana us commodity suffer versity of Michlg 1y that it behaves many of the oppon dangered by vehicles LINEUP UNCIIANOED Chicago Daily News water fluoridationbaitle is raging in New York City As usual the lineup of proponents is highly distinguishedtThe American Medical and Dental Associat ions the sur eongeneral of the United Statesoand er similarl wall qualified organizations and lndivi uals As usuai also the opposition consists of fear ped dlers who claim that shadowy dangers lurk in this means of preventing tooth decay but fail to supplyza scientific proof Dr Stephen egles of the vUni an last year stated flat ents have eriorlty or persecution com eocieiy said Dr liegles th ryia interesting res LL caasr KingstonWhigStanclarrlh user mason Advertising Mass Humanllfe is too valuabl hose wont or cant affordto make ESlTl chonlcaliysore mahumanrsot onus Mackenzie King appeared in the House as prime minister Several prominent MPa spoke sincere or routine eulogles of him then JeanPrancola Pcug lintnow senator but at that time Liberal MPtose to utter stinging denunciation of his longtime leader1lhe entire speech wasdeleted from the record JUDYB BIRTHDAY Just beiore Christmas there was an example of prudent ed Iting Jack Pickeraglll as House leader rose to propose the or der of business and urged con sideration of the estimates of the department othealthahd aid at parturition to discuss her esti mates and as his them of her birthday wonder Everyveteran of the Second World War is familiar with the famvuamarchlng song of the Nazisglaiil Marlene the music of which was perhaps the most valuable booty ceplured by the Desert lists when they forced the Nazis hack in tile campaign following El AIameIn Now lively controversy has sprung up over the question who was Lill Marlaaet the beautiful subject of that aong which reminded every man in uniform of the girl he had left behind clair Lewis was room in HISTORY Feb im Britain announced 11 years ago todayIn I047 that it would permit 100000 Jews to battle to Palestine It wasnt until 1940 that the state of fares was pro claimed In tho month he foreithe scheduled May to termination of the British mandate over Palestine the Arabs let slip the towns of Haifa Jails filbnrias and Salad as Jewish forces doubled their attacks in their war of independence Befora the Arab lengua could Intervene the state was established leesThe late US Nobel Prizewinnlng novelist Sin born British forces cap tured the Libyan port of Reagan timing the Second World War turnaround Till rows Tory Wounds Are Healing lorce iRebels Expanded orrswa tor me lory partys wounds are healing but all the poison may not be driven out for long time to come This was the assessment of one top party strategist follow ing illesdsya overwhelming vote of confidence in Progres sive Conservative Leader John Dlefenbaker Another said that the malls ness of the rebel grouplean than five per contshowed how few cards It had when the chips were down Ha conceded that it had looked last weekend when the Young Progressive Reserva tlves and University Student Federation held thelr annual meetings and kicked up their heels that the antiDlefenbaker forces might be stronger than anyone had suspected Butin the final analysis an other source explained the old Conservative party with many serious wounds in its history wasnt going to commit suicide and throw over its leaderea pecially with no liker succes sor in the wings WASHAPPY Mr Dlefenbaker himself was naturally jubilant For more than two hours Tuesday night he stood in receiving IIne sbnklng hands with hundreds of party sup orters and wellwish ers inclu some of the dis welfare The minister Judy We badqu subjected to rush attacks oaths sub th pension plan apd somewhat forua air1 won we on dnot make birthday present her department repomwaa and as already three op His eyes sparkled he grinned acowled mockiogly at joke and he patted old friends on the arm or the back His comment at the end of the day Nothing like It in all my political expen lence its war also overheard to say There wont be much toy in Grltvliio But representatives of the re of group and old supporters developments would entirely heal tbepartya wounds One of the antiDlefenbaker leaders who spoke briefly to him lute litlhe evening said that Mr Dlefenbaker should have called clearly in his speech for secret ballot on the motion of confidence in his leadership the Totoatolilan interpreted it Mr Dlefenbaker had told the party he wasnt afraid of secret vote because he wanted to know where he aiood with the partybut that be wentedto know where party delegates stood with him too An old friend and supporter of Mr Dlefenbaker who gained high office when he was prime minister also said secret baI loi should have been held This northerner said he recognized that the party leaderespecially if he were prime minister should not be aubicct to an an nual confidence chatleng by ccret ballot alike werent sure that the days NO SUBSTITUTE The non proieaalooata who matte up the vast majority of most audiences go for the sheer enioymcnt of hearing the per formance of skilled musicians They got what they wanted from the Toronto Symphony There is no substitute for live performance before an audience In an acousticallyper fect Hall This tremendoust complete instrument the sym phony cannot be given full lustice over the radio waves or through 1Iinch TV screen Even but which rccapturea sound falls visually are Is something very thrill about watching an 80 to 00 piece symphony orchestra In hilt High sometimes with all the stops pulled out and some times playing with aofi and gentle touch RBMARKAILB in abort the thrash Ame phony la moat remarkable or ganisation One does not have Iobeamurlcbutftoenioyit The flow of sound lublolrod by complexity of Instruments brings music that Is out of this world The soft playing which often builds up to tremendous climax the weaving of the mualcal pattern by the condom tor and the obvious excellence of the Initntmcntallais them solved la fascinating night and soon The Thronto Symphony gava us something we wont forget for long time Members of the orchestra and the conductor Walter Suukind were obvious ly moved by the warm response of Ihe receptive Barrie audience Applause after every number was vociferous and sustained This was no petite handclapp log for visitors It was acknow ledgement of performance by ope of Canadas truly great mus al organisations Lets have more of the Ton onto Symphony in this fine Bar rie Collegiate Hall Why not one or two performances year Iha ball would be packed that certainty REPORT FROM till Church Relonns To Be Debated is summed noon LONDON Proposals for sweeping changes and reforms in the structure of the church of England will be retains bo fora the Church Assembly when It meets later this month These rcfonna are apelledout in report entitled The Da ploymelit and Pay of the Cler gy prepared by Leslie Paul pt the church Information 0ft cc it the proposals which he has made are accepted traditional practices which have retrained untouched for centuries will be swept away The members of the clergy would become real Christian soldiers ready to be moved to places where they are most needed The old custom oi the persons freehold which in effect settles parsonage in Vicarage or rectory for life al most immovable except for some grave offence would be abolished The Bishop of Lincoln Dr Kenneth RlCIIESdEl¢llle this report as the most important document which has ever come before the Church Assembly POSITION OF PARSONS Mr Pauls document propos es that the parsons freehold should be turned into 10 year leasehold reachable for another five years But after the seventh year the parser would be interviewed about his work and future by the bishop This change would give the bishop the power often badly needed to move man on for his own or the parlahs good or be cause reorganization requires it Bishops too wouldbe on liayear time limit and be liable to review by the archbishop dur ing the terms of office Mr Paul recommends sys tem of honor and major par HARRY Prephre Your Car For gt Winter Drivinl WHEEL BALANCING SHOCK ABSORBER sermon COMPLETE FRONIl am ausransiou OVERHAUL roeam 27 TORONTO ST isbcs with the larger ones un der the htrlsdlction of group of clergyman each holding in cumbent status somewhat aim liar to the group practice which is common In the medical pro fession He calls the present system haphazard diatribu tion of men For instance In the dloceaaea of Hereford Nor wich ad Excter there is one clergyman for between one and two thousand people In Binn Ingham Sheffield and Liverpool the ratio It about one in 00M WOULD END OLD CUSTOM One oi the old traditional cur toms which the report recom mtnds should be ended ll that in which large landowner or Loni ol the Manor has within hiaglit the pastorate of the church within his domain This is quite common In England and the rector or vicarr hold office In these parishes at the whim or desire of the wealthy citizen who has had control of the parish passed down to hbn from centuries past Mr Paul would abolish this entirely and this is one aspect of his report which would meet with very strong support And he also has something to say about clergymena salaries He says The many fantastic dlficrenc es in pursons pay should ha lNIIBtl out by pooling all bone tits into one common stipendtsry fun with parishes being grad ed pccording to responsibilities and duties The salaries of the clergy should be geared to that of teachers with 20ycara serviceparson at the same level as the top scale forgraduata teachers SIMCOE MOTORS MECHANICAL SERVICE lRAY5 BODY SHOP Specializing In BODY WORK tOI PATH TO ALI MARI scrutinise assn11

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