YIrvrrv an Mn v4 wflwmww hVu my r1114 I34ell¢nvVn rflww byflflwflflw Fears Regionalism MayeHurt Canada WM waranion on Canada mo million to total oi over cm ound 69am 1° QUEBEC CF Rene St Pierre public worira minister itreyeerehindebedngMm robebty paired tied Will raid the Meo weu Lnfldï¬mwhzfl thpe unsaturatng Raises Protest By Storm told the legislature 1pm in St Pierre said tractorr PM ported the whee roverunreal vu takeoote um the eotrid cease to exist as an iectlve political and economic entity glowing regional tones in the coudry continue uncheck ed according to illeder presiduri oi The liuiuai Life As nuance Company oi Canada At the companys annual meet in here hir Raider warned that Canadas productive elilo teary and standard at living would be endannered it the re latively small Canadian market beeornes further broken up by regional and racial preiemoes in the long nm he said by encouraging the growth oi many small organizations such policies will make it diiilcuii ior Cana dian producers to remain cont petliivo both at home and in world markets SENSE 0F WORTH The Mutual president said Can adae greatest challenge now is to iind beyond the ties oi region and language sense oi Cana dian nationhood worth preserv ing and developing in this age at paradoxes when we believe that the way to balance budget is to cut taxes rather than to increase them the challenge to overcome the bar riers which now divido us may produce the basis ior unity we ali reek he said He said that every organiza tion operating throughout Canada will be aiiccted by the way in which this challenge is met and the allng philosophies at such organ nations will help determine the outcome For this reason ior instance be said that he welcomed the move by some FrenchCanadian insurance companies to extend their operations outside at the province oi Quebec Policyholders wore told the companys sale at new liie in rurance increased by all percent over rm SALES HIGH Sales totalled $459 million in eluding tron million group insuo auto insurance in iorce rose by iii fora Mcciliiililfl uinkcutting 15 chain nwun pay ior it self In manhours sevedn welekst ryone your oea éecuiioch dealer ill give an demonstra on Direct drive torelh erounduseeSsiep automatic clutch Tnkee bars up to flaWoighsIBibs For specifications write billion Group insurance in force is approximately $1 billion Mr iteider raid the lapse rate which measures the tunrinatim oi poiiciu during their early Years continues to be the low est in the industry in Canada Premium locomoth $87 mil lion was up percent over roar Payments to policyholders and beneï¬ciaries were $705 mil line an increase often million over the previous year Surplus comings were m1 million Divi dends to policyholders totalled $169 million Another Increase in dividends has been announced ior 1961 the ninth in the past eleven Wm Assets increased bytes million to total at $830 million Bonds and mortgageinverimcnta coma prise to percent oi the total as sets The net interest rate earned was 517 peremt compared to 585 percent in 1961 The regional distribution oi the companys premium income and assets is tBrltiah Columbia 10 percent at premiums percent at assets the Prairies 12 per cent and 15 percent Ontario 54 percent and 51 percent Quebec 17 normal and to percent the Meriltilnes percent and per con Miss Me Kellen darted the clinic was closingStresatdthe vanaughendldra cilaicnnwhlanortalislneeiecamrre touaWeabouid nurses hire Patricia Kevan know in day or two MW norm of Imperial Tobacco day by poiioe Announces Layoff MONTREAL Ctt irnper tlve ailii were not ï¬lmed ial Tobacco Company on Mr Keithseld it is dliilcuit trounced Thursday the layoii oi loquM the longterm eiiect some to employees about at the report on cigarette two per cent oi its labor iorce sales 51 in postponed rerunslo tire on iederalgovernmentwhiehteu to my at Pleasant Hill Caiii and James Ginrlch of Mary nrey staggered into proa rs cnhin lhteeday night and were brought here Thurs ihey were treated at hos pilot and reiused they stumbled upon the cabin alter pushing on ioot through in rrtl as at deep snow Their car had been stranded in three feet ol arrow since Jan 21 WMHWWM throiahers beeeureoliack oi otthe mm The statement is contained in an article otthe financial prob lama lacing all in mince published in the my oh an mt tsetse Opposition leader Daniel gone into tharunota led mountain area to sell cyclopedian blinard caught themtheir that day The car had retiring in it but some book my top coat and more advertising mate rial laid Frodich We managed in get through the reeling nights by wrapping the advertisingatuiiaroundua Fine FAurniture McFadden Furniture and shortedot money Mr John at 6000 President John Keith said manuiaciuring employeca are being laid oil partly because oi the usual dropoti in sales sitar the Christmas holidays and partly because oi recent United States government re port on smoking and lung can cer iiiost oi the employees ai iecicd about ill were lllontreala ere Smaller iayoiie were being made at imperial plants in Quebec City Hamilton and Guelph Sales and ndmtnlatra Consider MetEOrs low price nyturret how Meteors extra length and width one who room But at MeteorStation Wagon give you ride and performance thatibeats all carsitr italclvaos1 Seeit7Thntfepu18big toadcarrying apacei Even with an toboggan in it youve still got room to close the tailgate Evert with six big passengers youve still got whopping gives yorimore than merely big load spaceit gives you an elegant car with the interior luxuries enjoyed irrsedarrs And bigmeans more thanjuat space and room It means easier handling athighwayspeed and auror control on corners Why Because Meteorabjg 80width pro videa wider stancewhich means moroatabiiity Big length means better ride too It stands to reasonÂ¥Meteora bigf 120 Wheeibase straddles and clrecke dip and dive Dont look now but youre already moving Itfe Meteocs Cushion Link Suspension that matron for such smooth riding This suspensionia Vrlclnsaleta wheels move Appliance Park oenrt am has an live ry in ltnrth at 400 tiny rtema rolling withthe punch Why are so many people buying Meteor Because Meteor gives you so manyextras for low pricedlcar Testdrive it at your Mercury dealers backward and forwarders well aaup and down This not only absorbs shock be death the wheelit also absorbs shock in front of the Wheel like boxer exclusive toMeteor in ite