iliid WOOL suit in orange and white check worn with an orange muslin bluise is lrom the spring collection of Jacques Helm lhe bob hat lie of glazed white straw AA Wimphotol drvv fwd yw nooroorn CHECK suit in blue and white is feature oi the Paris showing of Pierre Cardlna collectlm for Spring ï¬enitiswoonwtth on blue silk blouse mushroom hat and blue rose on tbs shoulder AP Wimphotol PEOPLE AND PLACE Phone Eileen Dixon or Audrey Coulson PA Notes are intended to cover the general aocisi tile oi the city and district Wedding In inlversartes birthdays bridge parties consists oiau par ties station and travellers nrs all items ol inth to women readers at this page Your help in supplying this news will be greatly appro elated Please phone The Barrie Examiner at PA Mm Ind ask for Eileen Dixon or Andrey Coulaon at the Wom Department ldih BIRTHDAY Mrs Willard McDonald anion Italned friends and relatives at her innisiil Street residence Jrlday in honor oi her mother Mrs Andrew Miller who was celebrating her 88th birthday 1WEEKEND GUESTS Mr and Mrs Bill Spaaizel oi Queen Street entertained Mr Spaetrels father Deiton Spaa tze andsons Ted Philip and Donald all of Beamsville dur ing the weekend Mr and Mrs Bell of Letitia Street were weekend guests at Aneaster RETURN FROM SOUTH Mr and Mrs Wayne Heamsn have returned to their Welling ton Street East residence alter three weeks vacation in hit aml Florida Holidsylng with the Barrie couple were Mr Hon mans parents Mr and Mrs Murray Heamso ot Park Hill GAMES NIGHT The annual Games Night tor members oi Grey and Simone Foresters and guests will be held Friday evening at tho it Squadron olï¬cers Mess Lt Ben Barrette assisted by Li Wayne Stewart and Jack Oates are in charge of arrangements Following the games bullet supper will be served caniaanaa cninsa Mr and Mrs not of Duodenald St have returned mm Caribbean cruise on riving in New York from Mal ion the couple embarked on the SS United States Highlights of the cnllse included visits to Nassau Bahamas Curacao NW1 Fort De France Martin ique and St Thomas Virgin islands 51 MONICAS PTA Marcel Racine will speak on Guidance at the meeting at St Monicas PTA tomorrow ev ening in St Monicas School Guests will include the pupils at grades seven and tight slant BRET AND JACKET in white wool with black stripes neonates the trend in Pl erre Balmalol collection for spring and summer The out tlt coiled Marlee is worn with black plclserod blouse AP eropboto College Tour Led To Career GUELPH Ont CHA tour of the Ontario Veterinary Col lege here was the start of career or 24yearold Sandra lielk of Toronto The city girl found Job on farm alter her high school grad nation so she could qualify to enter DVC Then one oi two girls in her class she now is assistant proiessor of small anl mal medicine at the school Dr Kclk is the first woman to hold such post since 1555 There are 11 female students in this years OVC freshman class Her work is comparable to that of an inteme in hospital She helps to examine and real ï¬re 5000 animals seen every year by the resident veterinorb 8M lm learning more here in year than would in three years in general practice she says The only lobs she does not do are the ones requiring great strength such as setting the leg ot large animal Dr Kelk is concentrating on surgery and plans to specialize later in medicine and radiology She has passed Calilomia vet erinary examinations because she thinks she might like to work there for while she wants to travel before opening mitt her own clinic Customer Relations Sï¬ï¬‚ér From Indifference Rudesness Lay nonanra Reason 3Whether you run your own hueiuess or work for somebody gelse how seriously do you take ihe lob oflreeping the good will of customers who are so sure rand steady you might call them blrde in the hand Oddly enough surveys show that not enough businessmen work to please faithful clients edespiie millionsyof dollars each tyear to lure new customers into becoming as steady as ibirds in the hand Atthe present time however an organization in Philadelphia known as the Cusiutner Rela tions Research Foundation is recognizmg this business short coming and doing something flbout it Endowed by business tlrma fond believed to be the only on ganlzatton oi its kind theloun station is conducting original so sheareh into customer habits and ihereasons why some busi Inesses make it avproctice it moms to alienateisithml cus tomers so far their studies point an accusing linger at inditfereoca as the No way for business to lose customers Wide this as danger signal what can you do about it it youve developed the habit oi being lndltterent to peoplal The answers srein this 12 polntrapmonuh to successful customer relations Bo courteous instead of dls courteous under any circum stances LNever stop showing that you appreclato customers business andiare grateiul to have him with you indicate that youre con cerned about peoples needs as wellas with collecting money from them Be human can win annrgmnentbnt lot customer in the bargain Always ssylhank You When thermistomer is in rush move faster When customs it all dont tell him he doesnt Ba tacttul be undera ding about customers problems Listen to complaints and answer letters It your carrierhss not arrived by pmlp 72342433 lAnd Copy wuraeroenmeo rogers no THERE IS NO CHARGE EOR TH ill Givo compliments when ever theyre deserved 11 Polish up your telephone mowers For eithmple dont say fWho 77 ins voice toll of question marks when you dont get persons name This belittles his ego 12 Always show customer youre trying Hell be more pa tient when he realises thl GIFTS oneinci ya 41V mlzJJMlpaL JJWMWMIVÂ¥I urine wwmyrflwmi Vraiï¬smusxmmarJaicstiutaw transmammalian Spring Salutes TheWpol Suit storcstromoouttoooen ieégs milliguldoptod and can designers it influence at internal living on fashion are women are travelling and those who stay home also went mulllpun pose clothes that span the oons The prettiest wool fabrics in years and soft rained nil silhouettes that are easy to wear also sccoimt tor the use rent suit boona But this doesnt mean that last years suit will do Fashion mash certain fabrim and lines definitely Spring Mi The fabrics Pure woois in two main textures lbps are tho airy nubby tweeda la subtle monoioues twotone mixtures or medley at several eolom ihese include plaids and bound tooth checks from miniature to tlatd MAM the Next and newer thbugh not so plentltul are the clearsup laced worsted twitls rebor dints and whlocoids And theres in sprinkling of chalkstripes and mens weer worsteds The colours White way out lnhontupeciatlyfortrouswth Cscr Christmas amino tyre navigate cl Emma ewor doublehmsted biases Pash ton noto lapel suits should ho mitflmi cc certmes Sottnms is the key to the oven Ill look Shirts are Illsnbut easy sometimes with pint or two Jacket fit Only slightly and many are open without buttons cut to irons the hlonss minimum at destruction re lsnails in casual comfortable There are lots of sottty tail ored loogenlsoket suits gently lb and bolted It the Waist or pilot Military influence is seen in doublebreasted nits some with brass bottom and yoked slightLv wider shoulders popular llcape apooaflrtsh in any sever angibl matching skirt or as little shoulder or that fastens to nil in st Stockings Must Be Mailed By Iune3ll meeting at the Barri corn mlitso of the Canadian ave the Children hind was bold Moo day evening at tho home at the treuiner Mrs John Dohson room of the yssrs activ llles was composed for the an nual meeting of the National Canadian Save the Children hind which ll to be held on April it and 17 at Prudhommea Garden Centre Vinelaod with the St Catharlncr committee acting as host Mrs John Hicks and Mrs Coxall chairman and secretary of the local branchyare on the executive ot the National Board and plan to attend No other members of the Barrie commit too also exormsed their desire to be pmeni appreciation was expressed again tor the land thoughqu noss oi the Crown Hill United Church in donating the results of their White Gltt Sunday for the third successive year CONGRATULATE WORKER The knitting and sewing turnlt ed to constantly by Mrs Man cheater and other workers is mentally acknowledged The Hour Transport is deserv Ing oi special praise as they have delivered numerous certain to Toronto absolutely tree at charge This kindness is deep ly appreciated by the local com ee Interest in the CEO has been shown by the Menu oi Forest Hill Sohool Midhurst who so oueeted information on the as soclation and published an elite torlai on the fundinthairschool newspaper The children of Grades and are selling their paper and plan to lend the money to thoCanadian Save the Children Fluid CHRISTMAS ETQCUNGS Chriabnas stockings which helpto cheer llie worlds un fortunate little children mint Willem bhyl Julns so hit and or to away places they may be made oifelt denim cotton or strippedflanneiette and should measure it inches trom top to venting shopper Loan mumom Dads suit wuss out Let HFG one ymroutht your whole family Gotcaahtorhop at myltore intownicr the best clothing Hoalnes degetvyms rcpayinent oonwéni lently This year shop senaiblyrmwithï¬ cash am am Ask Aeourcoeorr uselusumce on Loans AT Low snow was Gotsnllfc 2102 th contents should in some crayons pencils peas scribblere coloring books picture books hails marbles mall hand games combs tooth brushes todh paste soap wrappedi hard wrapped can dy ills savers and wrapped gum The ball or soap should be parked at the bottom and melt toys pencils and crayons should be put inside the scrib bler or coloring book and placed in the leg section Sew across the too of the stealing and le bel with felt pen the sex and I3 for which it is most suit it is felt that by keeping some Imltormily as to the else and contents of the stockings there would be less chance oi oonr parlaon in the minds of the children Here is protect for clubs iamilles or individuals which is really iun oscr pawns Your nicklts dimes and yes your pennies dropped into the Penny Beggar Banks help re lieve the unutterable misery of children irom hunger These banirs are available upon re quest Phone Mrs Tumbull 7288595 The Canadian Save the Children Fund is con tributing member of the Free dom from Hunger Committee JDRDANS SENATE The Jordan Senate is com posed oi so members chosen by the king from former prime ministers ambassadors and other highly placed persons MASSAGE BY SAUNA rocx STEAM Private BATHS APPOINTMENT 72371 Mom needs new thingy he erg wIondortui wonderful ALKERs tow STRETCH STRAP STRETCHSTRAP COMFORT WITH LUXURIOUS