nwrrnymmym gay vuun IaP enm auraawnmwmwrrv HOLSTEIN plasmas These four directors of the HolsteinFriesion Association of Canada representing East Cenlral Ontario district are shown at the annual meeting of the Association held re centiy in Toronto Seated left 1ch ul hittitlStll NOTES ult smoun Staff lniroduo tion of iwoprlce system on bull servicesto be introduced by the Central Ontario Cattle Breedesa Association on March In questioned by delegates the district annual meeting here More information was sought on the Association plan to charge 35 for the first tenice for beef and dairy bulls and sliding scale of premiums ranging from it to above the regular rate for services tmm dairy and beef bulls where the supply ex ceeds the demand Aspects of this new program were explained by Dr it Reeds Maple general manager Central Ontario Cattle Breeders Association To launch its im provement program the lime iation intends to buy many bulls young breed them to several hundred cows early in life set them aside until their offspring produce and are classified and cull the bulls that arenol pro ducing sulliclent improvement Tblsprhgram is expected to place heavy demand on the most outstanding proves sires That is why the premium rates are being introduced one member oi the audience collars from Simone County attending ta to right Roy Barker Wood bridge second vicepresldent of the Association and Pclberlctr Campbellford Sten diog left to right James MtCague Alliston and Hp Napanee Ont Malaysia Dispute Cattle Breeders Query TwoPrice Rate SYStem challenged the imposition of premium rates Hay tougheed Stmud pointed to the Assessor lions net profit of 321899 in 196 as contained in tho finan cial statement given by secre rytroasuser El Snider Maple Mr lougbeed suggested the Association had enough re sources without raising the ra tes charged to cattle raisers Simone County director Vie Small Strand said rising costs faced by the Association would take big hits out of theatre Pits COSTS GO UP Our young sires are going to cost us more Mr Small said Were competing against foreign buyers for these in 1963 Cuba bouabt too young Holstein bulls ihat boosts the it prices we have to pay Our nitrogen equipment for semen storage is very costly so is the additional building and storage space needed to use it Research costs continue to rise llr Small told his lougheed that the Association has no money borrowed therefore no interest to pay Under this program the As sociation hopes to courage the use oi young bulls by making them available to breeders who May Go Before UN roam nursrun tfteuiersi Council Discusses By 168 53m Doriand of the Depth ment of lands and Forests was So present at the regular March meeting of council to give in lormation on the requirements to be met for on open deer sea son in lunisfil Councillor Sawyer told the meeting that 31 deer were cicaned off his property in0be morning last year and his tfenees suliered considerably in thelproeess Mr Doriand said 00 per cent of the hunters will respect no hunting sign or even verbal notice but the other 10 per cent will talroa sure gtChlef Brown advised that the present no hunting bylaw would have to be amended even eso far as local blotting was concerned He said that call that year about hunters when mnswared was found to con com in Barrie group who were rabbit hunting xMr Doriand said lot oi Name is piston New Canadians for hunters faults and mishaps tann animals He said the deer are quite plentiful as far souih as Tomato The pheas ant populationvwould amount to about half bird per hunter £AFETY DISCUSSED lnnisril circumvented the bir ing at county safety inspector by passing bylaw to appoint ts own inspector to look after nonstructth safety in the town ship Council was visited by Mr Barnardi from the Depart ment of Construction Safety who said hislpurpnse was to become cousinted with Onlmcil esrpressed the feeling that oounty safety inspector could floodle the worit in the county at he assured council that an inspector could not be around all the jobs all the time Reeve Corhrane the opinion that thetownship would not go into the matterof county inspector too deeply at present lENDERS is Twelve tenders were received for the 100 tables to he pub chased tor the park The con tract will go to George Rey expressed nolds of Victoria Harbour pro vldiag that the chairman of the of Malnysia and members of his cabinet held exploratory talks on the Malaysian situa tion today and planned to to some them at full cabinet nteetlng Tuesday Rahman said earlier that the cabinet was meeting to decide whether to take the Malaysialt ladonesla dispute to the United Nations He said lt also would Premier lunku Abdul Rabinan Hunting Season parks conunittee Councillor wyer is satisfied with the product the tables will be con siructd of spruce at $150 per 100 Councillor Sawyer will bring in his report of the sale of park lands which have been signed to the township on sub divlsions and are not being it deci de whether to call up con Charge Lodger With Shooting 0i llYearOld TORONTO CP Reinhard Schaifert 0a of suburban Scan borough was charged with cap at murdcrSunday in the rifle made use of Some oftbe lands paying or an warmth boy have been valued and others will be added to the list The Dieter Strodthoff was pro de mm mm mm Itrounced dead in hospital after in special account for general park use Councillor Robert Lackia se polted on dinner of the Geor gian Hay Development Assoda tiun Ha wasinforrned that it was not necessary thats rep rcsentativa be member of council and that the association is promoting the area to large extent Council had turned down an application for membership in the association was admittcdwith four riila bullet wounds in his body Police said Schaliart ledger in the house owned by the boys parents went to police station about three blocks from the scene of the shooting and stand outside patrol sergeant spoke itillslgirn and then escorted him The boys brother Karl it heard the shooting from another room in the house He called po lice who found 22 calibre rifle in the driveway Minister Ilalls Fanny Hill Ban NEW YORK CF Cana dials born minister defended from the pulpit Sunday the con troveraial inovel Fanny Hill which tells of layearvold girl lured into prostitution He said Fanny Hill is moral book Rev William Glencair t7 yesrold native ofxiioronto told an overflow congregation at Spencer Memorial Presbyterian Church in Brooklyn where he is master that man cannot choose between right and wronc with ugh balling knowledge of them Glenealr said that the girl in the novel writtenby John the land in 1749 wasnot out for kicks she was out for love He ted several passages from the novel whichhe said illustrated this point any that if the act of sex is wrong then let the censors oi the nation start cleaning up every bedroom let the cen sors of the church the Bible beat are he bush in descrlt Mr and Mrs Emil Strndthoff were at work when the shoot ina moored ilouwnsaveï¬tu= scripts to suardMaIayslas bor ers ihe premier said that if the Malaysia lndonesia dispute were taken to the United Na tions it wlu take long time to be seltied Therefore we must make all preparations for the defence of our country he said Personally feel those reg istered for national service should be called up now With thispwa might prevent infiltra ton Indonesia has charged that the British banked Malaysian Federation of Malaya Singa pore Sarawak and Sabah North Borneo is British plot to extend colonialism Indoneslanhacked guerrillas fought British and Malaysian troops ainni the border until shaky ceasefire was arranged by US AttorneyGeneral Rob ert Kennedy in January Howard Jones US ambaaea dor to lndonesia said Sunday in Jakarta therewaa still some ground for hope that something will be worked out The Bangkok talks among in doneala Malaysia and The Phil lppines broke down fhursday over theissue of Indonesian hacked guerrillas in Malaysian omen Malaysia wanted their imme diate withdrawal lndonesta in sisted they remain until polit icel settlement was reached Sukarno spoke of an often aiva when he addressed the countrys military and political leaders Saturday about the latest developments in tha Mal aysian issue Whenyou fretultitetilbluei Theyre nolnp CN haeahso Rail batghlnj Dayanratrareagaiu Theyre doing CN haoauae Red days ass rockbottomtiradaysinthe Rid White Blue CaiandnvoiSavinga yAekfolyourivsa oopyiortay want to use them he continued By this meanstbeir will be discovered before the are past the prime of their lives added Dr Hecds referred in the new 0175000 Breeders Service Building InvGueloh now under construction The official open ing is expected some time in June He urged the Association members to attend it Half of your fees paid for semen has gone into the fund for erecting this building he told thorn its in your interests to make the best possible use all ita services once it is cont NO SWINE So farno satisfactory method as been found for preserving swine semen he told the breed era it run must be used the same day it is drawn The 1000 mile radius of the Associations territory latoo large to implement swine breed log facilities under these limb lotions Dr needs said Maybe some time its the futuretbls will become reality He cited statisch on the 198s breeding totals for the As sociation 55000 cows bred to Holstein bulls 50000 Herefolds 0200 Shbrthorn tsoo Angus 4000 Jersey 1200 Ayrshirer 2100 other breeds dlWChat plats and 1000 dual purpose Students Past To liaise Funds for School VANCOUVER CPtSix Unl serslty of British Columbia stu dents ended weeklong fast for school at Pliikwa in the British African protectorate of Bechuannlaud Bonnie Erickson graduate student who lost it pounds dur ing the publicity fast said the six who made it will have cele bration dinner Two other students droppeh out of the fast after few days third llm Warren vicepres ideal of the Alma Mater Soci ety began new that 24 hour later gt He said he wouldnt eat until the campus United Nations So ciety raised 07100 the total alitouht needed for the bdlool Theyra going CN hecaua and Saturday ttil Juuetsrtss Rad BavgainDay They goingQN becausatvvootmov savemorabysharlnpalsenlng accommodations campllmantarywlth all reservations InRath Sin territory because coach tests has on the Su woundinlngroam ounglugroo sleepingroom room iheyte going CN baeau at Earnatnitaycoaehirav are capabilities Saturday after collecting $2300 up wear uJtrn we in WHO Vic WALL right of Stroud was reelected as one of the Simooa County directors at the Central Ontario Cai will be on theboard for two yearn With him to Norman Johnston Orlllia the other simcoe County director with nematode has one ear go eann was held Fridayintha Stmdu Hail EI tla Breedera hoodlum He the AunclatlonJlrJohnatons amines MW Wilson Hold On Labor Party Maintained By LONDON AP Harald Wil son exercises complete control overthe once turbulent Labor party snatched by the belief that he is only months away both troln becoming prime minister He uses brains rather than theatrical tridsa to maintain his position as party leader Yet something about is perform ance recalls childhood memor ies of the circus Remember that breathless moment when the lion tamer walked tnio the cage He seemed so lonely and frail Magicatty he soon was in com plete control The lions stopped snarling and began rolling over house cats in catnip Wilson has done the same sort of thing to the Labor party long regarded as poorly discl ptlned political organization Leltwingers rightwlngers and moderates all how to his wishes They even profess to have for gotten old feuds in little more titan year Wil son has constructed well drilled parliamentary team headed by shadow cabinet or alternative government walting to achieve its moment of power All the individualist in the party are on Wilsons side His old rivals George Brown and James Callaghan lean over The Rendezvous Roomfl Barries Largestand Most Luxurious Presenting NIGHTLY ENTERTAINMENT rtrsuors MOTOR HOTEL BOTH DINING ROOM COFFEE SHOP OPEN DAILY Licensed in accordance with lacs Regulations ll sisheutevery Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Brains Hope blaclrward to cooperate with to Brown 49 and Callaghan up crouching his 52nd birthday opposed Wilson for the leadership after Hugh Gaitskell died Jan 18 1900 Brown the deputy leader could expect to hematite home secretary In Labor govem meat Callaghan as the shadow tablncta expert on treasury matters looks forward to be coming chancellor ot the ex chcquer the tsyearnld leader has two things going for himth smell oi victory and his own striking mental powers After 11 years in opposition the storltes are hungry for of ilce They keep taun ng Prime Minister DouglasHume with de mands that ha caila national election at once Polling must take place by Nov but the primamlntster picks the data COMING WEDNESDAY Cary Grant Audrey Hepburn play come of danger and AT REGULAR PRICES sligh RAVAGING PILLAGING PATH 0F cououssrl sonar was FIRST SHOW STARTS AT pm FittiPS ntlmt immutable They regolno cu bsnausathe swaitllno