WtWN mva warm en rwflmmmmwarflgt qï¬arrr mmemnpwlmq We rrrawmrmnm avWV nowaw rseel MdiorBrédle to soon with Total Abstinence Reduces Weight Fast By JOSEPH MOWER MD Dear Dr Molasr have read with iatrreal about new con oept to weight reduction where by palient ia hospitalited and paced on rerimeo ol total abstinence oi load or several weeks depending on elm atancea llu this been mouthed in my area it so how eonldl be included in such treatment grouplJ The American Itiodical Aaro cIaIIon and number of other groupa have had reporta on ihia type at reducing and there have been several aritdel con eerning extremon int people whoi have lost lot at pouoda yllre treatment worka it bar to work It you deprive atlent oi all or earentlally el cal ories meantime Watching him testing him and taking precau etions ageinat harminghim in the course at ouch drastic procedure Its expensive 0n the average the coat is about $30 day to keep anybody In tire cast uptodate hospital lhree weelra oi that II more than 8600 Even more important the iotaoi weight doeant mean anything unless the patient learns In lhoae three weekr aomethlng that he didnt team In all his lite How to anti He must ieam that when he gets tat he Ir eating more than Ia required to keep his body op erating etiicienily He must learn to control his appetite to get slang and be happy on less In an enloreed starvation diet watching the patients health is only small part of the doctora job The big part is talking to him at length not only explaining but convincing him that he will he ea well eit TELEVISION Chonnel Barrie MONDAY MARCH on you em one nanla Dania HO Cheyenne alo Newa Weather lperia 100 as invent iauuan uo Don lieoer Garryhtoora Piaydate 1000 Inquiry 1050 Arid Orttllth new itll limit 53h El If Wl ll Eguad illBallAY ntanca so are Test Pattern and as Alien Tim iono National schoou lib it tlim array not Romyar Room 1200 Popryaa Party 1115 Noonday Report mo aravle Brother Orchid Psalm mandly Giant nilrterogm nun Denaliw Gumoko Nawl Waathar eporea 5TH luoett Pltb Duh Bela Carey hoot Page Challenge Nominalato Quart it it ea er aw IMO Mill Hammarl Channel Buftolo MONDAY MARCH Lilo Capt Bob Yogi Baar The littlestran Today soar Buntlaydirinltlay Nave Bachelor Bltilll Monday Ni¢ht WI The so steps Hollywood and the scan SLIil Along With tliteh News Weather Boom 10th Show Lid llaport MD auasnar MARCH ro 100 Today Show 900 Hike Douglu Btrnw 1000 Say When Ill NBC Newl 10 Word For Word 110 Concentration 30 Miaainl Link 1223 mm impression 12 or Coma Mitt 1155 NBC Noon 100 Divorea Court one uta Make Deal Nawa Tha Benton loretta Young You Dont Say bar nxavurvan WANT ans PHONE maria caamaj anrraeo caauuauaanara auararo in roaomo cnartuaznraurraro cnaerreL arononao omen aorta RRIHA MW Pal in tact better oliiii he will make hlmaelt abide by what he knowa is to no way to reduce la to eat little lees each day Dont expect to get into treatmeni up each patienthas to he treated as an individual and watched to bee that he doesnt sneak out tor doliara With oi candy aral Dear Dr It What caurea drIlicrrIty in breat in boy ot in He has compla nod irequentiy lot about two years Doctors have checked hire In eluding cardlogram and have iound nothing wrong It matte me ve upret no he wire and cant eep Will be outgrow this la it iuat norvoua nest or one doctor said MRS Dilï¬culty In breathing in un naual In youngster child baa asthma or condition you might ex ex crane inationa in thise case would cor tainiy have uncovered these it they existed lhcrelore the nervousness ausgoatlon makes sense lied auspeot aorna psychological dia turbance The crying impliea it too For clue observe hia play pattern attitude toward achool relationship to ride or memhm oi the lamiiy it you and the doctor cant halve the problem you might consider consulting child peyehologlat Note to reader No leu kemia is not contagious The exact cause of it however la not yet apparent allhough this Is under considerable atttdy ANNOUNCES PROFIT Vancouvers Paclilc National Exhibition had 1961 proiit of about 50000 and 1000000 visi toraa record PROGRAMS Channel Toronto MONDAY MARCH 00 Mickey DIM Club BO Kiddo Channel Nina Theatre The Gun Runner aeo Nawn Waathar Sport loo Farmerr Dauahter Burkea Law McHanl Navy Phil Suvera Show Tn Chance Dr Kildara ClV National lel hielm Final Sports Beata nd Bouauato Piano aertnn TUESDAY MARCH 10 Mo Focus and Morningitaport Cartoon Friend Mil Mill Helen it itll it ny one or nela hobby not Morning Maurine 1200 Nooatlay Report 1230 Lava Lucy 100 December Bride 130 our Honaa it hmimiiiiiiu Pro is ongaa tea Mil Herea kaolin At You Fee to Ill Conflict one an oy Home Club L50 Kiddo roo Channel Nina Theatre tylhaTaxan Malta Calamlu arra Nawa Weaflrar Moria airman er ay tm Untorrlvan Joey Bishop ovanlh Hour 11M CKV News 15 MILN MIL ll Snorta Brain and Bouquata iuo Pierre oerton Bnur did 700 Mil Channel Buiioio MONDAYMAHCH too The secret Storm aso hi 500 615 640 re itlb Beaver Elie oï¬oelr Shaw eadline awavan Sparta cas Evening Nam 1011 Zane Grey Theatre 73 To Tell the Truth 300 ivaGot Soï¬lt BAD Tha Macy 510w 700 The Nanny Theron soar 930 Star Perromance IDM nutsido West Side 1101 Late New and Weather ll Sportl monum Us Double Attraction False thoeas Btrad imp Warsaw manna marten so no Sunrise Sonnetr it $35 it yaa avtrouaa rono CB5 Heroin Nova 1vo iimtuvy inf mï¬nishers II mill Nnenrvuwa 1115 Speaker of the Booed izso Semi Morrow The Guiding tom Meet The Hilton Iu To World mm Art uonnrh tlor llou Part More nu nu mm cps it on HthE DEMONSTRATION on rouit PRESENT 11 hi Tutti an to ay on tullï¬ ltt It our Tllhilr itlltliintlolt tea 0995 and M50 month commentJag at on tree damoltf ONLY iSVeADAVY mmaomraom neural In Desalination MELBOURNE CPIAr one at the worlda driert and iltlrat lest oontlneoia Australia Ia try ing to eoavert aee water to homehold ave already out the out oi removing ralt irom aler by stipu aunt in the years They still want major breakthrough but are coniideot that within another five to to years deoallnaled are water could be payial Propoaitioo tor ranchera In open parturo country where tha groom water it brackish in thll care the ranchera running sheep and cattle would uao desalinated waler from ar teslan borer Scienilaia lorenart that In the big coastal oltlel deerilnated water would go late domeatic tape with the help oi parhapa nuclear power This baa already been pre dicted by the iouodationa hone orary director ol reacarch Proi Munro protessor of civil engineering at tba Univer lity at New South Walea Some authorities believe that nuclear powered electricity flannating rtatlona with derai atien aa byproduot on large reale are that around the oorner Proi Munroe raid But at nreaent he said durina Iotrndatloa meeting in Ada laide the capital at South Atta traiia the only application he could we tor deaatiaation was in luxury condition regard breakthrough In desalination ioilniter more the portant than putting rodet on the moon he laid The toundatlun picked Scour Australia tor ita that board oi trusteea meeilng tor 19 at Australias driert state in country where the average an nual raioilll is only let Inther compared with world average at no inehea CONTRACT BRIDGE By JAY BECKER Earl dealer NorthSouth vulnerable 110m use Noon aura nasa aeea vgioreaa we AKQIM ORB OAKI ho bidding Eu Bonus Wort North Pu it Para Pan has 69 am oaoo sosa dorm Bridge may be acieotiiie game as played by experte but youd never be able to prove it by this band played In the match between Italy and the United Biatea In toot At the ï¬rst table Belladonna playing the Roman Club sys tem opened the bidding with one diamond tiorciiigt Avnreiii made the natural responae oi two diamouda whereupon Bel ladonna revealed his true colora by jumping to three apadea Recognizing that Belladonna had big hand on the bidding Avarelli jumped to six die mnnde which became the final contract It war not particu Iarly good contract but wheth er the system was at fault or lhé players have no way oi knowing Whatever the reason tho hand turned out to be lucky one or the italiant Ihe Ameri can Wert decided to lead the ace of hearts and this disae trons lead handed Belladonna the contract The spades turned out to be well divided and Bri iadonna racked up twelve tricks and 1570 points as re sult With any lead but heart the contract would have gone down one Tim was the bidding at the mood table with an limeri can pair now holding the North Soulh cnrda Thia was certainly not the best possible contract either with North at declarer Played by South three notcurnp could he made against may lead but played by North the detonso could have snatched at aix tricka with heart load However the Italian Woat had such nice attractive lead against three ootrump thathe opened the queen of clubsout of turnl The American deolarer do aided to accept the lead which was his privilege and wound up making live ltotiump for 860 points So the United Staten team lost rro pointa on the deal but it could have been worae Tomorrow Opportunity kitten but once DIIILY crossword atmoaa ammo Bloelqura Writing alumnusy implonteht rule W6 twin Cityllad arm Ora the at External ooean 1am Porter poet to bet to Solemn 11 Out promlao 11 Bingle unit 1380156 ID Villageica 19 quill mu Mar mammary numb aiine ILBow uremia aboolc muV arlolorarne 13 Striped counts so auburn1p moor Tm towed all nlDwasta latauleya Aaawl 38 Bow ieut mittll hIAwtng atanmp tha root outing Incl In AUTOMOTIVE DONALD DUCK ULIEI JONES LES CANAD ENS flfl YDU GET GOOD DEAL AND GOOD DEAL MORE 75 BRADFORD ST TEL 72859 userireneratzaoaaeré nus ovavo scatterore was atmaoouom MIME TRADERS PLAN FOR EVERY SALE mmmmmmmm homeroom am magentataaaumammonm WillES HI SWDENLY all curries anemone surracrome ammomint HEAD MMXWM 41agerrldol CHRYSLER DODGE VALIANT DODGE TRUCKS Vocabuloire do in Semoino All eotrr wursrlaams unormmtm Mthaeadotoaaolr Nntdoy connilrarrolme mum commune councilmanu Ereaanssn Ml aa To aacape littltilllk1e use when nutterto meoeea RICH mlrttttw tidï¬ttoiit us AV THE FUN SHOPPINGTIA oomeJHmes