root Year nus camper lilioelulus til Centennial lit in We will ano onus is iruorm our readers Ind grow with Barris and Dhtrid jrooiir Year No so Strike so Sewer Works Seek Pay Hike TORONTO CHMoro than 600 sewer and water main con struction workers went on strike today halting work on about thrceousrters of such proiects to Metropolitan Tomato The striking workers are embers of three unions the nternstionsl Union of Operat ing Engineers AFLCIO the International Hod Carriers Building and Common laborers Union CLO and the interna tional Brotherhood of Teams slers ind They are seeking wages equal to those paid for such commer cial construction protects as the eastwest subway They are asking for increases ranging from 25 oean an hour for powershovel operators to bring their pay to $330 an hour to 13 cents for sandbags bringing their pay to ass The Metropolitan Toronto Se wer and Watcrmaln Association SixMonth Strike Settled iii Maritime Oil Reï¬nery SAINT JOHN NB GP Striking employees oi Irving Refining Limited will return to work within two weeks follow ing Sundays settlement of sismonlhvlons dispute Neither side amplified joint union management statement on the agreement and some points were unclear jA guarantee of the unions right of grievance had been the only major remaining issue The statement said Decisions as to merit advancement ore to Fe made by the company sub act to right of grievance only in case of discrimination No definition ol discrimination Theuhion had sought inclu sion oi industry wage rates in new agreement and the an nounced terms of settlement in eluded this point The list of rates for sub classifications used by the com pany in the operation of its merit increase plan will be con tained in the agreement the highest being in line with those generally paid in the industry The th retroactie to April 1963 will incorporate seven cent an hour increase to head operators Two Seriously Injuredu In Crash Near Barrie Threa people were injured two of them seriously in two car smashup on Highway 11 just north oi gasoline alley this morning In serious conditionln Royal Victoria Hospital are William Givens of moccasion iii Ud ney and Albert Haumey of 377 Isllngton Ave Toronto Morris Anshan of 194 Reimer Ave Downsvlcw passenger in the Haumey vehicle is alsoin RVil He received multiple cuts ree year agreement has offered an hrcrcose oi is cents an hour in twnyesr coo trad Ross Clark Metropolitan Tor onto works commissioner said the strike could affect the sub sidy received by Metro for win ter works the subsidy amounts tosspercentollsborocstson protects completed by April it Sidney Dlnsdale solicitor for the Sewer and Watermsln As sedation said that since onli it of about to sewer and water main companies in metro are unionized non union firms would price us right out oi the market if wage rates compe titive with the subway were paid Construction has been halted on reservoir in North lbr onto sewage treatment plant in the east end pumping sta tion as well as two miles of trunk sewage mains and two miles oi trunk water mains and 15 cents more for all other employees There will also he unspecified increases in shift differentials the latter effective April 1961 The new rates were not stated Before the strike started Sept Is hourly wages ranged from $155 to $230 Duringne gotiatlons the company pro posed rates up in $295 but do clined to make them part of written agreement The announced princi pal terms oi settlement said that actions between the parties in the supreme Court of New Brunswick will be withdrawn These concern injunctions limit ingupicketatthcrrcflneryand banning plcketlng at Irving Oil company properly before the settlement ao nouacement the striking mem bers of the Oil Chemical and Atomic Workers International Union CLC approved the pro posals No details of this meet ing were given cashier oneness Yugoslav universities granted nor doctorates to postgraduate cos Workers Back llt Guelph Plant GUELPII CF Day shift employees at the Guelph plant of Canadian General Electric resumed work today after weak oi idleness caused by the suspension of 360 workers last Monday temporary settlement was reached durins the weekend when union members approved proposal by trout Fina chief conciliation officer for the la her department spokesman for ideal 541 at the International Union of Elec trlcal Radio and Machine Workers tClJCi said permanent settlement will be sought in gen eral negotiations which wereto continue today in Toronto The walkout started with dispute over wages in the trans former corn department where employees refused to accept certain assignments pending ad justment in rates of pay Two men were suspended by the company and the other em ploycesrwere suspended when they walked out in protest Sigma 280 workers returned to their jobs today and an ad ditional no employees were ex pected to resume night shift npflptiatlh later REESONE traveller returning from European trip hecsme miffed at customs ofï¬cial who was poking through his trunk Must you make such mess of things he asked told you have only my clothes in there Suddenly the official straigh tened up with bottle of Scotch whiskey In his hand Youcsil this clothesihe askedsarcasticaiiy students during the fields aca demic year Oniario alePoli con stable Don Bytes said Givens was travelling west on thefour lane highway nbout three north of Barrie whéirthea dent occurred Givens tried to pass another car hit patch of slush and ice and lost con trol llis car caressed into theeast hound lanes It clipped Bell Telephone truck forcing it onto the shoulder Giveos our continued to slide vuntii ran mils Of course replied the tra velier Thats my nightcap med broadside by the Haurney vehicle Constable Bytes and Jim Sch hlvts said the two cars were welded togethegwby the impact Nmntpi urneys vehicle was inside Given car with the hood almosbto ohmsthe steer ing wheel tow truck was IailedJo separate the vehicles The door of Haurneys car Wisplied open to rcscueAnslian 12 The police investigationcom tinues gt scars showcovsn Bosnia amnesia dinner new with the other on Bayfleltl riiirr llnn cites lliidiiflld has both lira full as are strumworse urrrarnmpqnumflyr your unwmmqrmvsr Local Weather lowad Hut mebummm anshruemyss Mommturntopustn Not on Titan Per copyrs Pages BriiiahiCommander Blinds Truce In Cyprus Outbreak NicosiA Fighting stopped this afternoon in Ktirne sortie uz as snow and eieet that fail in arrrttzovemiebt io better sriollifmmher car street today llorsonStaph gum1 he Mammal folio one bomber en decided thirt second out Yoï¬ngi Took Tantrums DALLAS iAPlBarney Ross former world wclterweigbt box fog champion testified today that Jack Ruby as teenago boyused to steam up and turn purple when anyone disagreed rm Rossvsald he knew Ruby in Chicago when they both were boys The former boxer wearing darkspectacles was the sec ondaitness as the fourth week oillubya murder trial began Ruby ls charged with murder withmallce for having fatally shot Lee Harvey Oswald the secured assassin of President Kennedy Ross said he and Ruby grew up on Chicagos west side He said berandtho accused man were membersot what he called thglgtonp band at abou lie pictured liuby as youth 313mm into tantrums over We knew he obidsfeam up pretty quick and we used to pro tact Ross said Rossytesiif that so tar as he knew ttuby had never had any trouble with the police Chief defencecounsei Melvin Bell fashngossziBfliEr Ruby was given tousingprofanity The formcrvboxerv replicdin SAIGtJNA Vietnamese gov ernment spokesman asserted to day that US DeiencoiSecretary gtMclfamsr Belli asked whether the phrase son of hitch was commonly used by Ruby and he saidit was not Thequestinn bears on statement attributed to Rubyby police They quoted him as saying after he shot on vinl hope the son of bitch dies floss said lie kne Ruby as patriotic red blooded Ame lean tlkamtner Photo lie Two Seal Hunters hunters were rescued from an ice pan to the Guitar St Law rence this morning sitar bring adriit since earlySundcy Eric Richard id and Octave Richard50 both of Grlndaione Que were picked up by light aircraft and brought back to Grindsione Meanwhile seal hunting in the gulf moved into its fifth day to with one ctallty aided Civil Rights Demonstrations EndeWith ylliring Change VSAN FRANCISCO AIDSan Franciscos largest and noisiest civil rights demonstration marked by the mass arrest of 167 perms ended wills an em ployment agreement covering as major hotels Allzsides have Eutvthe tactics used 200 arm linked shouting pickets blocking all entrances to big downtown hotel has divrded endorsement and sppportito lh gdvarnrnents pncriicatlon orig the citys Negro Saturday in Mayor John Shelleys office We got everything we asked for exclaimed Tracy Sims 1th yearold Negro She led the pickets mostly collegeaged and about to per cent white during nhour protest at the Shera tonPalace Hotel Hundreds oi themstaged sitins inthe lobby of the yearold hotelone oi the cit best known Hotel officials renewed de of charges by the Ad Hoc Com mittee to endibisarinrinatlon headed by Miss Sims that the hotel was hiasedlln its hiring policies area was Cyprus under temper sry ceasetire MsiGcn Rich srd Carver British commander of the truce force announced Carver made the announce ment after helicopter trip to Ktima where new heavy fights Ing broke out this morning Mortars and machinegun ilre raked Ktims leaving at least one Greek Cypriot dead and fears that the toll would go higher Greeksprint spokesman said the government ordered an allout attempt to impose government authority on the en the town Fires ragcd in some parts of the town British srrny officials said firemen couldnt get at the flames because of the heavy shooting BLAME TURKS Graniteprint governth statement ncctrsed the links of starting the battle at down by firing without provocation from the minaret of mosque over looking Ittlmas market place The government warned it would attack the minerals if the Turkish Cypriots continued to use them for nests loyrrnnrentsiso accused the tiritlsir of protecting nirk lab will It said Greek Cypriot wsslkilled by time who fired lromliehind British rumored car The government statement machine gun added At about In am today Tur kishinaursenta mnda use of sombrero Sh hostages were mortal istllh longrange heavy weapons iir ingsgnlnst GreekCypriot se curlty forces Heavy firing was heard all over the town British troops continue to protect Tur itish positions At 1045 am ilsrklsh terroru ists used mortars in their nix tacks sgslnst Greek quarters State forces are advancing and enforcing the law British headquarters ssid matters and srrnarcd bulldos era wero brought into the ac tion ilreGreeks lcbhed mortar shells into the Turkish quarters hutlater haltedvst the request of the Brltldr truce force in Ittima Btilllil spokesman said Indiun LtGen Prom Singh Gyanl commander of the planned UN police force had planned to fly by helicopter to the embattled town after an emergency meeting with Presi dent Maknrlos However UN spokesman said it was not known if he would so FREE HOSTAGES In the mountains east ol Ktiros the GreekCyprlots re leased 35 Turkish hostages seized in the villagerof Lapl thiou Sunday Five were dead and three others wounded the The slaying of the 1for seen so retaliation for the death oi six Greek Cypriotsin the Ktlma market Saturday IA Erltish commander and in official were reported trapped by Turkish fire in GreekCyprlot police station in Ktlma buttbay were said to be in no danger 2pr Foreign Minister tIlolds Talks our user MOSCOW tAP Andreas Araouzos nclinK foreign minis ter of thyprus conferred today with SovietForeign Minister Andrcl Gmmyko They discussed the possin lty of further developing rela tions between the USSR and iheCyprus republic tho oiii cial news agency Tess reported Araouws Greek Cypriotan also ismlnister of trade and in dustryi This or distributed state ment whichit said was mada by the Soviet embassy in Cyp rus Sunday denying the Soviet Union is transferring military supplies tnCyp Tess said the statement an siweredcables the hrrkishCypr riot leader on Cyprus Vicclt can from root has so realityput royal commission on the case moves into its fifth day hearings probably will mer Sgt Henri Boys of Qriebeo Provincial Poll Wilhert Coffin has haug Feb 1956 for the 1953 slay ing of one of threat United States hunters in th Game Mr rDoyon mayaiill th stand when this weeks hearings end Thursday lie was can President Faril Kutcbulr sent to the United Nations and to the governments of Britain the United States Greece and Turk key The Greek Cypriot govern ment and the Soviet Union have signed an agreement providing for direct air route between Moscow and Nicosia capital at Cyprus Kutchuk charged the Soviet Union used the agree ment to send military aid to the Greek factions on the island Toss said Toss said that this is not the ilrstcasa oiantiSoviet attacks by certainquarters which ap pear as Agents or the aggressive North Atlantic bloc and vhlch strive toenst aspersinns on the peaceloving foreign policy of theSovlet Union Cbiiirt Praise acnues Heberts seles Assa ins rla taccuse Coffin andhe has been close ase ce it began as aresultoi the Coffin case The author testified hcvhadtrled by writing telephoning forni general Georges grime to get Mr Doyonrein