rwu fr vu vmumvnvqsgspnne r¢Mmwwsrewv espw wurnnrmrf gemp rersmw mnm armspiwfwmqeqw 351er tor tits Girls Om hockey llr and Mrs Meredith the Leod attended the luneral or their brotheblnviaw Hr Ito Nell at Atwood Thursday Jan Ira lacked ls spending law days with her sister lira McNeil It mmdu llr and lira Robert Camp bell and Pauline niroato vlsv lied Mr and Mrs Gordon Leu der may last Hrs Ceeti Shutdown spent ten days last week visiting her MRSI bl Mm Edgartinited Church Westtun met at the home at Ira Itlroid Wright Jan 15 It nr Eleni members and one toe ana Iered milcallwlth little worse containing the word Gan den The president tire Keith teeny In the chair Memberswere reminded ol the annual meeting Feb 11 In tild ilre liiiierent KindsOiVinises bubonic plague and some oth lyllï¬ï¬‚lfl MOLNER MD Dear Dr ltloiaerr Can per son have virus lnlectlnn with out running temperaturet Whatare the symptoms Are Ihge dliierent kinds viruses Yes you can have vlrua in iedlon without lever You also can have one with ever For the simplest example you can have cold and no ever or have tlu with lever Both are virus diseases but caused by diliereat viruses Perhaps wemay have made too much use oi the phase in virus when people have some sort oi transient illness which doesnt Iit Into the pat tern at well established dis eases Just the same thats usually the right answer We may not know which virus is to blame thnre are great number at em litany diseases are caused by germs Others are not heart attack ior example It not the result at sudden assault by germs oithough some other heart ailments can be The word germs include several kinds Bacteria viruses protnroens yeasts Iungl rick ettalne which are similar to viruses For some years now we have had the antibiotics which are very ailective against bacteria but do not for the most pm hava much etieet on the other types of germs We have iew drugs which attach some oithe other terms but not very many From bacteria you might have boils starlet lever llilier ritlnsla strep throat syphilis diphtheria dysentery lockiaw TELEVISION PROGRAMS cvvn CHANNEL BARRIE IRmAY JANUARY ll end not the Pope aI Party Ran DasIII ttuesiebarry Hound Topper News Weather odor warns Train Country Huednwn The Delendltl Talsatope The Untouchables CBC TV News Weather Sports New Movie tlttnl Bride IATUIIIIAY TlBRUAR it lelt Pattern in France Harvluyo Wresillnl Golden IIa CBC do Cross Canada Curling Bewilnt Forest Ranger nun Bunny Term Time Ripeord Bevertv Hillbillies Zero one =EEEh risenF9995 83838888 CFTO CHANNEI TORONTO TRlDAY JANUARY it 400 ltllcltey MouaeCiub 4in Kiddo Channel NInI Theatre MO ilr Eolt Touch 630 News eto sport ass Weather and Ski WI 100 This Great Adventure Think at WON Andy Grillltls Jack Benny Let SI On Gunsmnlre CW Nations ltlatrn Final NEWEUMER Have you or has someone you know just moved to new home YourWelcome Wagon Hostess will call with gifts and friendly greetings from the com From viruses you might have smallpox measles polio hepa titis warts cold sores chicken pox or hydrophobla it you have pneumonia it might be lrom vinta or lmm bacteria Either can cause it There areprobahly hundred or more varieties oi viruses Till cause colds and several that cause ilu For all know there may be more viruses than isle leril 1st are still all germs We have partial answer to bacteria and national In swer to virusesandmey never have complete answer to either But lets not lose track at the basic net that germs no one at several letters which at tack our health We are none baiting all isctnrs as but we can and the more we under stand them the better we can light them Dear Dr ltlolner Does re moval ol the prostate gland prevent sexual iieilttli No It man will usually have the lame competence he had harm the operationwith one exception This has been very hushvltuah subject in past years Then have been whispers that It destroys potency and so on It man really believes this the tolsehood can allect FANCY TOUCRES ainn irelghten visiting this port vere once noted Ior their one tore appearance Now theyre beginning to look like luxury liners such as the motorshlp Bureisles lending here which is oi streamlined design with land oiithe Presbyterian UCW The social assistance mares asked ladies to begin the allo eItlen knitting also bandages tor leproay patients Mrs Dee Partridge in charge at program end the Introduc tion andlint chapter olrtha study book iroin Brahma to Christ by Tllak There will not be meeting In Febnlary The March meeting will be at pm Wednesdnv the ilth at lire Keith beea installation service lor the new executive oi United Church Women 1961 will be held this Sunday Feb at pm at Edgar United Church Mr and Mrs Robert Hackelt spent the weekend In Headline There was good turnout at tha euchre party Friday night Jan that No school Eight tables were In play and ti was conrnncr BRIDGE Iy JAY ascxen Partner bids One Spade next player posses neither side is vulnerable and you have part score at so What would you new old with each oi the lol lowing live bands was one em so axes ewe vnrrcouvran CPI nor OK 73 esa M0 V3918 one onsets eute sure the spades The meanings bids and their forcing quality are irequently aiieeted when end family Dalston visited with litre Dee Partridge motor lnvitlt ttttingt HM cat avwnav nanuanv Tl am To Tell The Truth Inn NHL Hockey 1016 Juliette rots norta Unlimited illti in Pit Wls orts use ltlnvla Pinter Squadron Test Pattern Comment Ind Conviction Inro Davey and cousin Outdoonrnan Country Calendar llnvil Iiiltiinmil one or can The tour Century The sixties Take Chance lieut es llaIIl Flashback Ed Sullivan Bonanza Hurllnn ii idiot it as ea or evil arts Movie in To It Look Down =5u5Hr9Pr9 33383283833 ll Sports Balls IT 11 Plans Barton Ehowouqum laid Doullaa Falrbanlsa 1144 Daath Valley Dara PmEm IAfllflDlY FEBRUARY soon Mata in Cartoons 1130 Sea Hawk itno ï¬leneannon 1230 Wish You Were Hen Twin Bill lhaatre And Baby Mlhl Three Dear Slayer Wrestllnl tour no an Time my menu Train Jamie Mtheeters Saturday Nlltat Movie Full of Life lX Wintlt Olympics CTV NawI Metro Hull Answering servch IWDAY FEBRUARY 100 All Presents Spectrum Italian IlrtIIntll Carnaetlo Douglas Fairbanks Preaanll Channel Nine Theatre inherit The Wind Winter Olympics lelspotl Educated Guess Wait Dianey Presents Danny flhonua Mr Novels Arrest Ind TrtIl The Hourglass CTV National ana lustre Final HARRY MURDOCK Prepare Your Car For Winter Driving QWITEEL ALIGNMENT WHEEL BALANCING SHOCK ABSORBER HERVICE COMPLETE FRONT END SUSPENSION OVERHAUL 71282201 27 TORONTO 51 lt 1232433 And Copy WIII Be Delivered TorYaur Home HERE is No CHARGE roo Tilt SERVICE TAXI DRIV ouneet cows awareness Id Shoshoneari ridge 23 Laud 29 ï¬rings into var 81 niundstI partscore situation exists Thus two diamond response would be torcing with this hand If there were no part score but with the part score the opening bidder may pass since game contract has been reached By the same token the two spade response with part score has wider range than the to points usually repre sented It single raise or part nera the spade tit than to mention the diamonds it there it slam In the hand the spade raise is apt to interest partner inr more than two diamond old would It is better to Ihow Twonetrump This consti tutes slam try since re spouse of one notrump would be suiiicienl ior game The range tor two notrump re sponse Is ordinarily in to 15 points but with part aeoro oi DAILY counselors Dressed Reappear In Ihrpunge ii Mother aiiect ACROSS Measure at land hearts Ktngor Entprror 10 Mountain mph 11 Manila hemp 13 Nil strange Season gill sheep 11 colors rlvu lb Viper 18 Epoch 19 Composed oi thin platen Vital ill Gorgon slain by Perseus Ialo 2061am 26 Worries 28 Withmight agreement 32 slow walk at Otten VAIIIIï¬IIIWA IIIIIï¬IIIIH Illflillll aistar litre Herb Shannon and litre times Wine at Knock Kr and Mrs Morrison Doan Edition Beach visited tie and Mrs Cecil Sheardown Thurs day and Friday at last week Mr and tire James Sheila weli travelled to South ltiver Seturdly Mr Indrlllrs torus Handy air and tire Dee Partridge Sundly Mr and hire Jack hlelgan ed toFaterbobfourh Sunday Jan so to their cousin ItlII Edith Dunn They also called on Mrs McLeans aunt and uncle at Port Perry Mrs Mabel Everett Mrs Dee Partridge end Mrs Joseph Stra chao called on tile and Mrs Robson Shanty Bay Tues day at last week so or more the range changes to it to to points The lump response is not Iorclng it merely invites partner to bid again Three spades thls alsoie slam try since two spade would he game bid it would be wrong to respond with two clubs which is not ioreing and which would not reveal the ode tit and the prospect oi aam The opener is expected to pass It he started with mini mum values lor his spade hid out ii be blue min in any Iashlon over three spades he says in eliect that he also is interested in reaching Item Three hearts This bid be ing lumpshlit is int per cent forcing on the opening bidder while Item cannot be guaran teed at this point there are ample values It ldgh card points and good suit to lusti ly serious Investigation Fur ther developments depend on what partner does in respnose to the iumpahilt One notrump Ordinarily the response would be two hearts but It is dangerous to name shaky suit when the re sponse can be passed The usual range at to points tor notrump respone la widened considerably in the lace at part score There should be no doubt that one notrump will he made on high csrd values It partner accepts that contract Hunts Efl noon on tomo plant so Itm Mans nick name MAwned not Mititleol respect 2mm ems WVuvlna weight Didi some 33Dwella autwey mttagod Piece Tesiudhya Ann 316lrlsname SB Ritesnoon receptions so large ll gum laiixun IRWqu GkANoMA In JULIET JONES AUTOMOTIVE BLONDIE suz SAWYER AAND sureEre DONALD DUCK LES CANADIENS YOU GET GOOD DEAL AND GOOD DEAL MORE AT 71 V56 Lt ME EOWMDN Warmer wow Moons sunsmaul BEAUTIFUL OLIVE FITS DEPENDABLE ildiiiirm ATRADERS PLAN FOR EVERY SALE cansiro noose VALIANT noose rnucvs roe rue enemas GAMEIHE same melanin tisrntinrvouaori sweeten hnwmnmmaomu mwummummm IVKN TILL Ml GET TO WORK WHAT DID DAolpLEAsa HunnvlTlu TILL FEELING NIiMB NALFPAZEV Kill SUWENLT REMEMBEB iTALL AV JOSEPH BITTNOBOW rJOOO rum sinA PENCIL AND WRITING PAPER amour ICANI We HAD QUAerEL AND ARENT SFEAKING tooiodosenmvoutLuNLocKnissetiAiivcurPs ANUIIELPMEOIITDFIIER MYCAMERAS