pm wmUnï¬ rvnnwg my wmWPP WW nquï¬p wen ymwaw rm Our 100th Year Ittlluwapaperflleeletlmttl Miamislilacs lsnetohiomcurudanand Muidthrhulestrta was bran mitts mmdutmmuadu Inllonlgbtthtgtilomoirw arorqnnmrympogotwo rectumNo20 PATIENT cvsCoareo An elderly patient is evacu sled lrom the lilcdical Arts Building Hospital in Dallas CHARLOTIETOWN CF The Canadian adoration of Ag riculture has decided to con sider asking the federal govern ment for more appropriate procedures for setting labor disputes The decision was reached Thursday after the CFA at its annual meeting spent most of session discussing the advis ability of some type of labor court and the labor trusteeship on Great Lakes shipping The farmers were concerned that the action of curtain in bor group obviously ref erence to Hal Banks Seafarers International Union fndJhad imperiiled and delayed wheat exports tn rewarded resolution the CFA decided to go on record as With the introduction of the lat cost of farm machinery RCAF Opposes Units Recall To lllberta OTTAWA CF proposal has been made within the de Th fence department that most of the eightsquadron RCAF air di vision in Europe be withdrawn to the big wilderness station at Cold Lake Alta Charges In NoDiet Ads NEW YORK iAP Man hattan advertising agency and two drug firms were indicted Thursday onfederal charges of fraudulently promoting worth less nodiet reducing pill grand jury claimed millions of overweight Americans were duped by rigged television net work commercials and false newspaper and magazine dis plays US Attorney Joseph 1Hoey said the Recount indictment is the first to charge fraudulent advertising over television and represents new approach by the gdvernmeni on food and health commercials advertising agencies one dog to he held their ads he told press con lerence They will have to check closer on the claims they make for the products they are advertising Oi maximum fine of $55000 ll Sukarno Threetons Peace With Crush Malaysia Plan LONDON iAPt 115 At torneyGeneral Robert Keo nedy arrived in London today to brief Britis officials on his Malaysia peac making mission but he left behind possible govt threat to his diplomatic of While Kennedyronferred TBangkok Thailand lndonesiaa President Sukarno told acbecr lng rally in Jakarta hewould not abandon his Crush Malayv sia campai Onward never retreatl Crush Maiaysial5ukarno fold 15000 persons at Communisia dominated youth appliance ctlos but our go main the some Despitethe fiery words karno didinot retro his mm marina Do early today as fire in an ad Jolning building scat smoke billowing through the ltlioor building About 75 patients in supporting the lederal govenr ment in the tmsteeship of mar itime unions since the action tipn has been challenged Originally the resolution askeddbat the CFA consider request to the government for some Iype of labor court so the nation might avoid the harmful effects of essential facilities HAVE RESERVATIONS However delegates seemed to feel this would smack strongly of compulsory arbitration One suggested the rank and file of labor would be suspicious This would manoeuvre them into position taking away bargaining Fraud expect marked reaction in the advortlsingfield as re sult of the indictment the networks and thebther advertising media were de picted as victims of the fraud misled by false claims for the weight pills SELL MILLIONS The reducing pills were mar keted underlhe trade name Regimen Tablets and 4000000 boxes werevsold in thelast six years for $10000000 The gov ernmentforced the pills off the market last month after dei storing them worthless for weight reduction amed as defendant was Hiito Chesieyru Cliffordg and Atherton Inc which handled $10000000 campaign topro mote the tablets Conviction would make the firmllable to fndonesia border on the island ofDomeo Sukarno also did not disavow daaPrime Minister his piedga to send hierforeign 0b usual decree for his East Af rican country today after de mands troops caused himto have Brit limlnary step to summit con fsh minister to conference with the Malaysian and Philippine foreign ministers in Bangkok next month as possible pre ference of the three nations Some obServers thought Su karnos speech was intended for domestic consumption only Anti aioysiastmtiment has beenso whipped up lndone alahy Sukarno and strong fndonesian Communist party it wouldhe difficult nor him to art Kcnnelly will Secretory Butlermtg evening andihold Iuneheontnlka llx with Prhne Ministe Mtge FROM HOSPITAL the hospital located in the upper floors were evacua ted by fircmcnand volunteers AP Wirephotot CPA Fear Labor sans Threat To Wheat Sales resolution to establish more appropriate procedures for set tling strikes it was emphasized to correct the shipping situa there was no intent to cast any slurs at labor It was felt the government should make an ellortto set up 15mschinery preventing any group from in luring the economy fieup of The CPA also heard from Ag riculture Minister Harry Hays during its final day of session that started Tuesday Mr Hays urged more efficient production and outlined some ofthe plans he had in mind to help effi ciency Those includedcrop in surance for farmers hard hit by weather the possible exten sion of farm credit and an et fort to give farmers an easier way of meeting the high capi TORONTO CF Donald MacDonald read to the On tario legislature Thursday what he said was statement at claim in which top official of the Conservative party is said to have received $12000 from Melchcrs Distillerlcs Limited to secure his influence Mr MacDonald tender of the New Democratic Party said the statement of claim is on file at Osgooda Hall and is available as public document He noted that it merely represents set of allegations advanced by plaintiff who fccls that he has been dealt with unjustly in the statement plaintiff James Neal McDowell claims his salary as Ontario sales man ager for Meicbera was cut by 25 per cent because he refused to obey an order by Jules Thi baudcau vicepresidcnt of Mel chers to turn over $12000 in cash to the politician Mr Mac Donald snid The defendants are Melchers Mr Thlbnudeau and Sorto hinrchond president of Melch era OMfTS NAMES Mr MacDonald said the state ment of claim named the top party olticlal whom he re ferred toas Mr thud an in itario cabinet minister whom he referred to as Mr He said he was omitting the names of the cabinet minister and party oificial because we are not interested in the per sons but rather the principles and the practice involved in what is alleged to have hap pened here About midway through the statement Liberal member E14 marbopha of Sudbury chal lenged Mr MacDonalds action in reading it maintaining the case is before the come How ever Specker Donald Mor row allowed him to continue The Speaker said he would min later whether the document was in order it he tound it tStatement Of Claim Links PC Distiller was not he would order it stricken from the record When Mr MacDonald was near the completion of his to marks he was again challenged thls time by Allan Law rcnce PCSt George who asked lhespcokcr to make an immediate ruling on whether the NDP lcadcr should be al lowed to continue ltfr Morrow then ruled that Mr MacDonald should desist until today when he would rule whether the statement would be allowed However at this point Mr MacDonald had already read the full statement Fire Sweeps Alliston Farm Buildings on large tobacco farm near Alliston were burned to the ground last night as 17 firemen fought the blaze for nearly four hours Estimated loss is $50000 The buildings owned by John DeCoomanwere destroyed and all that was left standing this morning was furnace Thirteen kilns of tobacco were Johnson Row WithFrance WASHINGTON CF Pres ident Johnson apparently has concluded that there is nothing acted said Thursday because not only MARK but the RCAF is opposed liners during Defence Minister Hellyerscontiuujn HEélï¬Ã©riisms firm of IGstor mew sion of 200 CFttit jet bombers will become the fourth largest nuclear strike force in the world altcr those of fhe United States Russia and Britain llganda Get Back gt order Obote said the 450 British troops flown to Uganda Thursday night from their base in neighboring lfenya should not be needed for ong The proposal isnt likely to be on at least not in the The suggestion was advanced some senior officials and bl Any day now air div IiKVlroopsiielr To Normal Life KAMRALA ReuterslUgan Milton gte issued hnsioeasaa for more pay by army soldiers brought in to ensure In statement issued here Chris said the situation was normal at the Jinla the she further be can do to dissuade French President de Gaulle from extending diplomatic rec ognition to Communist China Authoritative quarters re ported this here Thursday in commenting on the US lead ers position following his dis cussions Wednesday with Prime Minister Pearson who brought the president report on con versations last week inParis sourcesmidulohnson has decided it would be best for the United States to avoid any transatlantic shouting match when de Gaulle makes the Chinese recognition formal possibly next week Instead these sources said Johnson likely will adopt anl al titude of quiet criticism or no near uture reliable sources ms 15 de Game opens his 11 lomatie front in Asia of the Quebec and OntarloCbamberaotCom there continuesto be private white House concern and bit terness however with the pos sibiiity that de Gautles atti tudes and policiesmay lead to deterioration of us influence in the Far East RECAIJS PROMISE During his talks with Pear son hare Johnson touched on the point that de Gaullc had promised tocome to Washing ton this year for talksa mom ise which de Gaulle maintains he never made ltis understood that Pearson suggested ihatsince de Gaulle spoke in French when he con lerred with Johnson on the day of President Kennedys funeral last November some misunder standing may have developed in the translation But Johnson said helreferred to the record and is convinced the promise was made toe on legislation lost shed containing many tools was also gutted The plate could be seen for four or five miles and attracted many residents in the area The farm is located one mile from Alliston on the road to Baotou Fire started in the strip room and spread to the barn There was nothing we could do butptand by and protect the equipmen nd buildings sround the barn fireman Charles Cola lins said today The house located near the barn wassavcd Sure To Approve Riverr Pact Early OTTAWA CF Parliamen tary approval of the revised Columbia River treaty seems assured well before the Oct date set by the government This assumption is based on current prospects for support and opposition expected and arring any revelations that might cause disruption oryet another look at the whole multi milliondollar project The Columbia signed Wed nesday in Washington have been labeliedas priority items for the new parliamentary ses sion startingFeh la Inform ants say this is matter liker tobe confirmed in about week by the cabinet cummltd Not More GENEVA AP President Johnsons proposals for halting the nuclear arms race ran into firm Soviet objections at the disarmament conference Thurs day and scorned headed for deadlock With an angry sweep of his hand Soviet Delegate Scmyon Tsarapkin told reporters the US plan for an Atlantic oili ance multinational nu cl or force has to be cleared away before there can be any agree ment to stop the spread of on clear weapons Western officials of the llna tlon conference were more hopeful of finding common ground with the Russians on dents arms coniml plan in cluding the establishment of war submitted to the conference Dresdayby us Disarmament Negotiator William Foster Tsarapkin is expected to de liver the first formal Russian week MAKES IT CLEAN But his comments to report ers and conference speeches by other Soviet bloc delegates gave clear indication of the Moscow stand This is that the don its plans for senborne nu clear striking force controlled jointly by members of the North Atlantic alliance include shown much enthusiasm for the seaborne force The Soviet position thus lore shadowed probable deadlock on three of Johnsons five points The nondissemination of nuclear weapons verified freeze of strategic nuclear dc livery systems and controlled halt in the production of lisslonv NEONTD CF Canada will move rapidly towards centralized state unless certain trends are reversed Maurice Labellc president of the Que bec Chamber of Commerce said Thursday nights Speaking on what he called historic occasion adinner folA lowing the first joint meeting of the Quebec and Ontario cham berMr Labeile declared Centralization ofpnwer is an incontcstable fact which has been developing since Coated ation at variable pace cording to circumstances There uow isrhsrdlyro fictdthatth federal government has wadedunder lhelpretexts of use essity of providing services that the provinces cannotg1ve Vlf centralization continued the provinces would risk be coming slmply agents of the central power Some otherprov top Conservative pistiilerics to curry Tory favor Die1 other ports of the 118 prcsl observation posts to prevent surprise attack and accidental Johnsons fivepoint plan was mmmeot on the plan next United States first muatabnn log West Germany Only the 05 and West Germany have ants TPower Centralization dOlllCEl For Copyl4 gu President Johnsons Proposal Runs Into soviet Objection able materials for weapons use Western officials did not an peel Tsarapkio to reject these three points outright but rather to engage in Medium stall ing operation Conference sources said one of the two remaining points the establish or nt of observation posts seemed to have the best chance of leading to negotia tions Canadas Burns told the conference Thursday John sons most interutlng point was for verified freeze of strate gic nuclear vehicles dilute dist France will announce recog nition of Red China next week and name Jean Chauvl 66 above as ambassador to Fe king informed sources said in Paris today Chauvel Far Eastspecialist is career diplomat with services reach ing back to 1911 AP Wire photot inc he cemented now are takins positions closer to that of Quebec nntida subject On behalf of his own cha her he said We believe in discussion In negotiation and in meetings ntall levelsand in aii organizations of Canadian society From these human con tents undershnding will grow This formula is as old as the world but believe it has never been sufficiently practised be tween Canadians of and Frenchexprcssio He invited Hurgoync publishers the St Catharines rd and preside Ontsrio Chamber to ontreatlilarcb the situation inOnta MrfLabeile said Quebe in process ofcatching in number offields such as ed ucation highway construction and harnessing of hydraulic rd rSpealrer Rules MacDonald Out Of order ronotrro iCPi Speaker adorn Morrow ruled lands Donald CMacDonald was out of order Thursday when he read in the legislature what he said wasra statement of claim accusing party official of accepting $12000 from Melcherl romeo and order Commonwealth Secretary DunoanSandy of pmmoosttr move as timingsscandal sat thctroopsha been hyPrhneMinistar tn