Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 Jan 1964, p. 1

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rflmvwfn nuoravrmr 14 ruvrl WWWTMWWH sr5nu wrrwwsw miniMW luavmmmrwmwwywwmw wmms tirediota Estimator Barrie Ontario Ce Not More Then Per Copy14 Local Weather Cooler rnnldrt Sunday mainly cloudy occasion light snow Low toninrt to roar tomorrow 31 Full unrnary on page Our iOOihA Year This newspaper will celebrate It Centennial in last We will con tinnetn intorm our readers and ms with Barrie and District 100th Year No is Saturday January l3 I964 ReExamine Stdnd On RedChincr PM PANAMA crrv an US embassy personnel were housed baleiy in the Canal Zone today alter Panama took the final step in severing diplomatic rs lations with the United States Meanwhile Soviet Premier Khrushchev threw Soviet sup port behind the Pannmanisns and denounced US action in the Canal Zone Most mus rpmbassy stall members and their dependents were evacuated to the Canal Zone Friday night shortly be tore an antiAmerican students demonstration and several itullrs after Panama said it wps recalling the remainder of its diplomatic stall trorn Washing ton Panama asked the United States to recall its embassy strrif from Panama City but US state department official said the request did not apply to consular officials Peace Corps volunteers or members at the US Agency for Interna tional Development Because of the exceptions the United States does not re gard the break as final US nstlon Is lighting twihters batties snow and cold wea ther Be Davis 17 thig fischooll senior at Amarillo Te Supports Panama Denounces US Beds Recognize anyone enormous While most of Texas and the titling breaklrorn her Poalin of the Armys Quebec Command Headquarters ia was member of the third lield engineer regiment lrntl his last May 17 when he was elliciais also indicated that President Johnsons trou bleshootcr Edwin Martin planned to remain in Panama Peace etlorts are expected to continue to loosen deadlock between the two countries over 19W treaty which gave the United States perpetual control over the canal Zanzibar Govt LONDON lReuterstThe So viet government has recognized the new government or the Republic oi Zanzibar and Pemba the Soviet news agency Tass reported today In telegram to the president at the republic Soviet Premier Khnrshchev said he hoped the relations between the Soviet Union and the Republic of Zanzibar and Pemba will do velnp on the basis or the principles ol peaceful coexist ence in the interests of both countries and or lasting peace in the whole world tennis game for refreshing drink of cool water The skies yesterday were crystal clear sndthemercur mbed to comfortable 50 degrees tAPI Wirepboto principal PRESENTED WITIi CITATION FOR MEDAL copy or the citation for the award was presented to Sergcont Major Walter Leja left by Colonel Gaston severely injured when ten rorist bomb exploded in mailbox in the Montreal an burl oi Westmouhl tCP Wire photo Cyprus Solution Sought By Sandys LONDON Reuters Com monwealth Secretary Duncan Sandyr today started an allout weekend bid to find settle ment or the problems at the troubled Mediterranean island of Cyprus lie was scheduled to meet delegates got the two rival communities in Cyprus the Nrklsh Cypriots and Greek Cypriotsin an eitort to get them to agree to political settlement to their dispute that led to bloody proChristmas fighting Meanwhile special United Nations envoy was scheduled to leave here for Cyprus alter arriving by plane Friday tor whirlwind series of meetings withBritish Greek Turkish and Cypriot aides us and Orders Caribou Planes WASHINGTON AP The US defence departmentdoes not intend to buy any more Can ibnu aircraft but plans to de velop an advanced model at the Canadianbuilt plane In an announcement Friday the department said most of the 1m Caribou planes ordered from Canada have been deliv ered The US Army it tried out the twin engine transport in South Viet Nam Last September the US Sen ate rrnnrpectediy turned down defence department request for $31700000 buy an addi tional 45 Caribou crnll Liquor Taxes May Increase TORONTO CPt Liquor prices are to be increased throughout Ontario Feb Vi it was learned Friday Liquor Commissioner Harry Sheppard and other otlt clais oi his department rnet after receiving proposals tor an increase lrom Ontarios dlstll era One report said the increase might range between 50 and 75 cents for loounce bottle The report said distillcries have received directive trom the board saying prices will he raised Feb but there should be no leak or the news to avoid pantebuytng by the public quart of rye purchased at an LCBO store generally cost from $415 to $450 and up de pending nu the brand Gip prices are about the some but scotch is higher In 1961 liquor sales brought in prollt ol m500000 to the Ontario govornrnent Another 5000000 came in sales tax The increase would be the second recent step to raise pro vincial revenue Late last year the govemmcnt increased mo tor vehicle license lees by $5 each Premier Iohn Robarls has announced that major tax in creases wiil be levied at the current sesion oi the logic lature Cigarettes May Be Taxed TORONTO CP The Globe and Mail says the Ontario gov ernmeut is considering am on cigarettes as new source of revenue Tire newspaper says tax oi 10 per cent could yield the province between $80000000 and $35000000 ayear With the release the US surgeongencrals report on the dangers or smoking Covar ment oftlcialsat Queens Park are reported to be taking an even closer look ata cigarette tax the neWspaper says The theoryls that the can cer references in the report have scared some smokers but many will keep on smoking just Third WcrrOver the same that human nature being what it is persons expect to be punished for doing some thing wrong and that there is no better penalty than taxa tion Four provinces Quebec Manitoba New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island now have cigarette taxes The Globe and Mail says gov ernment ultlcials are also list enlng to tobacco growers and tobacco firms which insist that cigarettes arcpireadyunder heavy lederal taxation and ruin iect to throwercant retail sales tax in Ontario and argue that iurthar taxes would reduce consumption and bring drop in revenue Claims Official OTTAWA CPtThe Third World War is over without shot having been tired The speaker was senioroifi cisi in the defence department Another authority said What were in now isa sort of cooperative unilateral dis armament The United States announces defence cut Then Russia does And we do our lit tle bit Is the present East West dctente really this heady It is obvious otticiais said that neither the US nor Russia nor any other power has dis omwa toe is Cana dian Construction Association complained Friday that the in dustry is considered fair game so for as taxes are con cerned and moths interests of an capanded economy there should be some relief ripage briet from the asso ciation to the Carter royal com mission on taxation saidthe construction industry is sub iecled fto multitude obtaxes Face iiiuititude OldTasted Building Association Says the three levels of government in Canada This brought on additional problems iha keeping oi records making of payments claiming of refunds obtaining interpretations rulings profes sional advice and resolvrng of disputes It George Moller vice prest dent of RobertsonIrwin Limited of Hamilton said the recently immaad sales tax on building materials has actually doubled theclerical work inttbecou and assortedlrnposts levied by struotion industry Prediéta rokvo APtAttorneyGerr ernt Kennedy predicted today the disputants in the Malaysian crisis will gather around the crmiereoce tableto settle their oliterentes Kennedy President Johnsons peaceniaker lathe dispute round up aninliinl round of talks todny with Indunesins President Sukarno Malayatafs tpponent gt At press conierence Ken nudy disclosed he will cooler attain with Sukarno in Jakarta next Wednesday alter or ex change views with President Dluadadp Macspsgal oi Ths Phillipparea in lMadila and Over Malaysia tormerly British North aar Talks Prirfle MinistdrfTunku Abdul Rohmanvof Malaysiawinllsiu Lumpur Kemdi appearing with Io doncsias Foreign Minister Su bandrlo said an Asinnaummit meeting of Malaysia Indonesia and The Philippines is fvery possible The Philippines which claims the Malaysian state of Sabah neo also opposes the new lederationbut less vehemently than Indonesia Macapagal has tried to moderate Sugarnon crushI Malaysia5 com Sukarrro regards Msiayst lorrn at British uaocolodlalls mantled anything military which it considers vitalto its security But military reductions are nonetheless being made Wit ness President Johnsons state ment in his Stateof the Union message that production oi en riched uranium will be cut 25 per cant even in the abrence oi agrecment with Russia MAKES CUTS Defence Minister Heliyer has seized on the deteata tomake maior reductions in Canadas military establishment It is true that in the world scale of armaments our redne tions dont amount to much it anything one olticial said But it is also truethat wr out the present detente and general teeling in West and East that military cuts are in order wed have found it more difficult or impossible to make reductions or our own The official who maintains that the Third world Waris over explained that in his view this doesnt presago world dls= armament All it meant was that the US and Russia both realized nuclear exchange would be suicide We nowshouid he consider lng how to fight the Fourth Worldswarr he=sa meant he said conflict with Communist Cilia Indonesians Ear to take commercial ores zali indonesla Corporation dir or Schwarz retused H6 To Capture wedge JAKARTA Indonesia lteutc ersiLeitwing workers today failed in an attcmp over the BritishDutc lJni veré Corporationona AntiSmoke War Started By Govt OTTAWA tCPl The lad oral governments $600000 spe cial program on health boards associated with smoking is un der way and government action maybe announced later this month health department spokesmen said Friday The rat recommendations for program ot public educa tion to discourage tceaagers from picking up the smoking habit have been torwarded in Health Minister Iudy Lndarsb for her consideration The accommodation were dralted by health department advisory committee which met last week The suggestions new are bo lng discussed with provincial health authorities medical pro lessional associations ond vat untary groups connected with smoking and health second advisory committee is being set up to prepare research program into the harrntui components oi tobacco on rrnro $25 rusrvrs LATE TORONTO CPiLcoaard Red Kelly Liberal mem ber oi Parliament ior York West has no parliamentary immunity as far as Toronto hldple Leafsfol the Na tional Hockey League are concerned The veteran centre was fined 525 Friday for showing up late for practice There is on fine for be lag iataafnr Parliament Pearson Ends French Visit Says Recognition Diiiicult PAftlS CPiPrime biirdsler Pearson indicatedFriday that it Communist China no longer in sists on recognition of its sover eignty over Formosa as con dition of diplomatic recognition tiren Canada would how to take another look at her policy ot nonracognition He said however it would be dillicult for Canada to accord China diplomatic recognition as long as she insists on recogni tion at her sovereignty over the notionaiheld island The Canadian leader com pleting visit here during which he held talks with Presi dent de Gaulle and other French oinclols mode the comment following an address to the Dip inmatic Press Association The suhicct arose during subsequent question and an swer period when journalists reterred to reports here that the Communist Chinese in talks with the French no longer insisted on this condition Later France formally was reported to have advised the United States that she will ac cord dlplomatlc recognition to Red China Pearson attended the press luncheon shortw before flying to MarvillerFranco for visit with Canadas NATO air divi sion there He returns to Ottawa by air today CANADA DOES BUSINESS Pearson told the journalists that the Canadian government recognized Communist China in th atltdida great deal these with the Pa king governmentFthat is tom of recognition Regarding ll at diphr matic recognition of China we do not believe we should take any step that would require Proposes draconian To Promote Great Lake Ports CHICAGO APtA Kenoshs Wis pnrt commiminnerpro posed Friday that the Great LakesCornmission send group to Europe to promote the ports on the Great Lakes George Epstein told the commission that the ppportunb ties to stimulate trade and to develop the economic err psnslon oi US products as well as the importation of European goods are fabulous He addressed ddegates from eight states at the annual meeting ottbe Great Lakes Commission The commission announced it will sponsorin Cleveland on March Gan institute to study the operation olvthe Sthaw renee Seaway Harry Brockel director of the port of Milwaukee and bead ol the commissions seaway navigation and commerce com mittee submitted report rec ornmending that the commis sion be represented at any feds erai hearings in the US mid west on possible revisions oi the St Lawrence toliway struc Europe any recognition oi the rule of Peking over the people at For mesa Turning to utter questions Pearson said he believes the meetings at Arab nations in Cairo will prevent an armed conllict with Israel nver Isra els ltplanncd diversion oi wa ters oi the River Jordan for ir rigation SHOULD STEP IN However he said it con flict threatened then the United Nations should intervene with peacekeeping lurcea He said he was unrepentant in this view even alter two days at talks In Paris an ap parent reference to reluctance on the part of France to share the cost of UN peacekeeping tasks The prime minister also was asked about the tulure of Can ndas air squadron stationed in France as portal the NATO contribution in the light of French objections to loreign nuclear weapons on French soil The Canadian squadrons were to have played nuclear role with NATO fnrces Pearson said Canada and France are work log out perfectly reasonable solution to this problem so that Canadian squadrons will be able to function eliectively Canada also was reconsider ing the role ol its NATO air dir Vision to make it more effective and as result the problems of nuclear weapons on French soil may not arise lie apparently wnsrclerring to his ststemcrrt on television recently in whichheladlcated that Canadas NATO role in the future is likely toinclude smaller nuclear involvement Pearson said Canada would be happy to sell uranium to France but indicated there might be some strings attached such as guarantees that it would be used or peaceful pur poses and not tor the produc tion or nuclear weapons When asked about the sales Pearson noted that Canada had made sales to India for exam ple for an electric power devel opment lie added that it France required it for that pur pose and on those conditions Canada would be happy to sell it HERES ONE Big Sister Whats the idea of wearing my raincoat Little Sister You wouldnt want me to get your new dress wet would you hire

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