mhqurmvwaw 9WWMWWWQT gymqu 71urn7rvwqmvrwvarcmuwmmwwemmmmfmmm our lOOih Year ihls newmperwtllerldrula its Cuteoaial in it We will con tinue to inform our readers and grow with Barrie and District Local Weather Cloudy imighl win occasional snow tomorrow 141w tooldit 25 high tomorm 30 For full sum Exnmincr 0hr 100th Year No i4 ECIonSul Freed In Zanzibar 93 WASHINGTON AP The stato department received word today that US Consul Freder lck Picard seized at gun int Thursday to Zanzibar has eon released and has reached jDar es Salaam Tanganyika The arrest was made at the Holel Zamibar lhursday night Is Pleard was talking to four American newspaper men who had been detained by the new revolutionary government ear lier in the day Canadian newspaper man Bub Miller of the Toronto Globe and Mail and brillsh joumul ist Clyde Sanger of the litan chcstcr Guardian were taken intu custody along with the Americans but apparently were released and allowed freedom 0I movement The Americans one not Rarumc Foreign Minister Abdui it Muhammcd Hahn and tour armed guards suddenly burst into the hotel Following an angry exchange of Not Satisfied gWith Tax Share QUEBEC CHPremier Lo sage arid Opposition Leader Daniel Johnson discussed the NOVcrnbcr federal provincial fiscal conference Thursday and afrccd on one thingQuebec ddni get enough money out of it But there they parted ways as they spoke during the throne speech debate Mr Johnson charged that eo operative federalismf endorsed at the fiscal confer cncnwould replace the Cana dian constitution which holds few guarantees for French Canadians shifting rcgime resulting from agreements made from day to day between various tlov ernments of the country would develop to replace the constitu tion lllr Lesage said the days oi unilateral decisions by Ottawa affecting the provinces is gone However he added note of caution Until now it is only the prin elple of consultation that has been recognized We will have grace how it will apply in prac In EXPLAINS ATTITUDE The premier said his governv ments titude on federalism is realistic because it accepts the situation and attempts to draw the best it can it is pos ltivo because we are not act iog against anyone but for Que bec not by turning within our selves but by affirming our selves Mr Lesago said however Quebec is not satisfied with the $43000000 it got atltbe confer once It would continue to seek more at the next conference in Quebec City in March words Pierd was led out of the hotel mlehlnogun point ing at his back HELD BY GUARD This morning Pieard 35 told reporterr by telephone he still was restricted to his home un der heavy guard During the hotel exchange Karumc who returned here after trip to neighboring Dar es Salaam Tanganyika told Pl card You have interfered with our govommcnt He said whalevcr relations Zanllbar had remaining with the US were broken oil Picard was also forbidden to communicate with American diplomats in Dar es Salaam by telephone Arrested with him was Don aid Pettarson third secretary at the American mission Karume also told Pleard all US citizens on this east Afri can spice island were under house arrest to 75 per cent from 50 during the conference is equal to the con crete recognition and not only verbal by the federal gnvcm mcnf oi fundamental right of the provinces The Union Natlonalc leader repeotcd his call for new Canadian constitution that would be the keystone to truly bi national Canada The only al ternative is separation of Que bec sooner or later Mr Lesage did not pronounce himself directly on the issue of the constitution But he re peated there must be rap prochement between English and French Canada adding that there must be concessions on both sides son Deadlocked In Canal Dispute PANAMA CITY Panama tAPlPanama and the United States remained deadlocked to day in their bitter dispute over the Panama Canal Neither gov ernment budgcd an inch but neither government did any thing to make the situation worse High sources in American and Panamanian otliclal quartlrs said therewas slight hope that some formula would be found to get the two govern mcnts together again Reports from Washington said US diplomatic troubleshooters were working behind the scenes in the US capital and in Pan ama Manuel Trusco of Chile chair man of USPanamanian com mittee established under the auspices of the Organization oi Barrie Ontario CIRId Friday January 1719 Not More Than For Copyl6 Page May Provide Uranium For Frances AFoICe yesterday Mayor Cooke signs the contract for Barries BOSTON tAPl Two Har vard researchers said Thursday they have found radioactive element in cigarette smoke Which may be cause of lung cancer Dr Edward Redford and Dr Vilma it Hunt of the Bar vard School of Public Health described their report as the first to suggest that radioiso mmm trates building Withthe rnayoi are architect Miliet RadioactiveElements Found In Cigarettes continuing their research in an effort to determine the role no lonium may play as cancer producer conclusive test Radford said would he to remove polon iurn from cigarettes to see what effect if say it would have on the incidence of lung cancer among smokers srcnsc0nrsscr romainenameless sunburn with smile and to flourish new police fire and magLy Salter left and Kennetthen Ilia building to be loacied at nedy centre of andlJ Kennedy Contractors The formalsigningrior the $751 smoke would he nearly im possible task Radiord said Therefore he said the only effective filter would be one that removed all the smoke leavingthe smoker to inhale lvarm afl ltwonld probably be more practical to grow tobacco that would absorb little or no poloni Vespra and Innisill streets was at the mayors office Examiner Photo increased Taxes Hurt Shipowneis OilAWA CP The Cane dian Shipownors Association said today that becausa of the increase in withholding taxes practically allI ioroignewned Canadian incorporated ocean shipping companies are liqui dating their holdings in this counlly These firms represent more than half the 27 oceangoing ships owned in Canada said the association in brief to the royal eommlssionon taxation dinavia next June PARIS Canadian Prime Minister Pearson said Thurs day that President de Gaullo has assured him France wants the slxeountry European Com mon Market to be an outward looking factor in world trade The Canadian leader also dis closed that Canada is Interested in selling uranium to France where it could help build Frances independent nuclear force Pearson related this to press conference following second long talk with the French president in the Elysee Palace this time in the com pany of French Premier George Pompldou ch Foreign Minister Couvc do Murville and Canadian External Affairs Minister Paul Martin This complemented the pri vale talk of an hour and hall between Pearson and de Gaulle Wednesday afternoon We were assured Pearson told reporters that France hopes and intends that the Com mon Marketqs soon as it gets its own affairs in orderwill be an outward looking orgardza on We were told that France feels the Common Market must not be regarded as closed my Pearson said this was the ex presslon employed by the spokesman for the French side presumably do Coulis himself Pearson de GaulleTallts Cover Common Market Policy The prime minister said he could not disclose exactly what de Gaulle had said in their con fidentiai talks but he said botlr sides agreed on the importance of the forthcoming Kennesiy round world trade negotiations in Geneva to reduce commer cial barriers in the free world Pearson made this eomment in repiy to question on the not look iar Canadian farm exports to the Common Market Pearson acknowledged thcre were differences of opinion be tween himself and do Gaullo on the foundations of the North At lantic Treaty Organization and the role of the United Nations in world peace but he said do Gaullo is firmly convinced of the need to maintam strong Atlantie alliance fhe prime minister said he told de Gaulle that Ottawa feels the United Nations can be very effective in certain circum stances in preventing little disputes from becoming big ones Pearson implied that do Gordie would be happy to have Canada take mediating posi tion between Paris and Wash ington on certain issues Pear on said he intended to report to President Lyndon John son oo his Paris talks when he visits Washington next week Pearson then added without elaboration And we were encourhgdd to do NEWS BRIEFS Paper Urges Priests Give Up Smoking BALTIMORE AP The Catholic Review official voioa of the Baltimore archdiocese urged priests Friday to stop smoke log An editorial said Catholics should examine their consciences about th morality of smoking and children should be kept from smoking as long as it is possible May any Motown snooknoen ffleularsl The Swedish Norwegiaikand Dan iday ish govornmenm are considering jointly buying bullet car for use by Russian Premier Khrushchev when he visits the Stockholm daily Dagens Nyhcter reported American Singer Dismissed From Club dd SYNEAtrthtA niW Mr Johnson said Quebec Amerroan States met Thursday tapes in tobacco are involved in sewnmug mlanlum from the mm mm the be es hflsgmï¬isgiisgï¬mmeg gin gaggmeiï¬eflhacghgmi should have demanded all ran with Panamanian President no the production of lung cancer night club here unpmfessimr conduct it Was reamed Fri sonai and corporation taxes herto Chlarl and Foreign Minis While it has been show that from Ottawa not just onequar tee and allsucccssion duties Mr Lesage replied that the fact Quebecs share of soccer sion duties had been increased ter Galileo Soils Later ltueno met with Edwin ill Martin the chief US nego tiator in an eitort to resolve the crisis Ionizing radialion can produce cancer in man Radfordsaid we cannoisay at this time that we have proven that ra dioactivity is cause oflung of the element poloniumin to roost mooning PeepingTom Tricks Blonde single girl with more than 30 summers in her past was asked what shedesired most in husband brains wealth or day club spokesman would not give details Koreans lieftrm Body Of Captain appearance PANMUNJOM Korea AP Communist North Korea Friday rods iilr°°d 2r up one area was nor cow ass Suit spoons Impersonatesv Police Officer sit maid acne enney rscuss TOKYO AP llldonesian President Sukarno meal lng today with Attorney General Robert Kennedy re affirmed his intention of seeking peaceful solution to the Mn laysian crisis Kennedys press secretary Edwin Guthman said after the ailminute talk that the attorney general nodthapresident the Malaysian dispute 11 cold be solved by consulta on President Diosdado Mdcapagal to seek peaceful solution of the crisis resulting from their opposition to the Federation of Malaysia Aspokasman for Sukarno said the KennedySukarno meeting established afavorable ell maie for future summit meeting of Sukarno and Macro Apagal with iPrilne Minister Tooku Abdul Rahman of Mo laysia Spokesman for both Kennedy and Sukarno said their first conversation today was very friendly and paved the way for personal exchanges among the atbree Asian government chiefs involved in the dispute An American spokesman said the talks would continue Satur daysltar Kennedy breakfasts with the president in Sukarnos otclcliite Solution To Malaysian Crisis An Indonesian spokesman the Notiona Am the talks were carried out in friendly smooth way and there were no difficulties in finding ways for the solution of tho problemSwhlch shnuld be solved through consultations by the parties concerned Astronaut Glennf arrearsrestraint Runs FormSelnate COLUMBUS Ohio AmLt Col John Glenn made the plunge from the space program to national politics today He formally announced he is Democratleeaodidote for US senator from Ohio The 42 year old Marine Corps lieutenant colonel will face 74 year old Senator Stephen Young in the May primary topiek the party can didate Young strong sup porter of President Kennedy and President Johnson has trounced his candidacy for sec ond term Glenn and his wife Annie were greeted by rev at hint dred persons lhursdo ght at Port Columbus Al lust hoursafter hisroalg item Sp Ad trail bacco They determined that po lnnium aitaches itself to smoke particles and is carried into the bronchial tubes and lungs loionium may constilula significant initiator of neopola are abnormal growth in the bronchial epithelium lining of cigarette smoker their re port said Redford tolda press confer ence that he and Dr Hunt are Asked about the reports that hewould ho candidate Glenn said hate to dodge questions but we have to announce this everyone at the same it Glennand his wife pausedto shake hands and sign auto graphs before leaving the air port lna rented car enroute to his parents home at New Concord Ohio about 70 rnilos cast of here Young asked if he is in the rimary race to stay replied Indeed am Not only am in the racohut our yishall be nominated for Uni dmicalJndlï¬lEtlaaaedrlhaHCYE or TORONTO CF pret 25yearold blonds testified in court here Thursday shewas tricked fnto posing nearly node for man who posed as peep ingtom photographer and po lineman Magistrate Robert Taylor said the woman must not be idea fed She testiï¬ed at the preliminary hearing of Bruce Roberts 29 of Toronto who face two charges of fraud im personating polleenffieer and extorfi making indecent phone calls and ithaftï¬of under $50 The woman said she receiver phone call fromia man who called himself Sergeant Arm strong and who asked her to collaborate with the police do Arab LeidenInltoreenient On ltoerojtori jIsrae Plans CAIRO iAPt Arab leaders entered the final day of their locouniry summit conference today with an agreement to strengthen their military pos ture agalnst lsrael and develop thelrvown prompt for the wa teravoftho Jordaanlver Despite the public facade of annual eat ti lpartment by doing whatever socallcd peeping tom asked of her This included posing in the near nude and having sexual in tercourse She was later phoned by the same man and was told the peepingtom had surrendered to police and was released on bail She admitted seeing Roberts for several months during which he told her his wife had died andbe had cancer him $810 to pay bills he allegedly lostrln his photographicbustness and for back tax bills Roberts yids arr at idst September when the womans roommateipallod police the meeting to give rou no approvai to tourpoint resolu tton already agreed upon by th foreignvministers conference spokesmao said the Arab leaders had approved tharesolution whichenvisions ponllttva measures againstl