rvmm uwnwwrnnvr rmnmerwï¬ï¬lflqti creams news Queen Could Visit Canada OTTAWA lCPt Adflllgme not said Wednesday limit expected to visit Cher Iotletown and Quebec City nest October in connection wrth tho tuillh anniversary of the confer enec in those old colonill cap itals which led to Confederation lp 1367 this rcvlously had hoped thglgtleen vlouid mark the Chars iottetown conference by visiting the Prince Edward friend capi tol Sept to formally open the new Fathers of Confederation Memorial Buildings it was thought that she would vlsrt Que bec City few days later The Queen now is expected to visit Charlottetown about Oct and observe the centenary of the Quebec conference in visit there Oct 10 51h Person Dies KIRKLAND LAKE CPI Mlchael Nord 10 Wednesday night became the filth person to die as result of tire early ltresday at Sosoklnlkn 20 miles est of here nllllchaei one of two brothers managed to escape when destroyed their twostorey frame home died in hospital David died Tuesday night Their mother Mrs rCnri Nord and two other children April and Guy died in blare llThe father and six other members of the family were away from home when the fire broke out Kennedy Arrives TOKYO APlAtiorncvaen cral Robert Kennedy arrived in Tokyo today for talks with President Sukarno of lndoncsia in an effort to cool indoncslas hostility townrdtho new Feder of Ms ays Tile iaio presidents brother arrived by air force lot with his wife Ethel it isldhisillrsl as meat Pres an nson llama diplodlatic troubleshootcr Kennedy said he is counting on bond of friendship be tween tha United States and lit donesia to help ease the dis pute He meets with Sukarno Friday it attorney gen 38 caro erdlh Mosh however that the Malaysian crisis is beside cided resolved determined by Asian countries not by our selves Say Held Down OftAWA tCPlThe Carter royal commission on taxation was told today that the Cana dian beer industry is being held down by excessive taxation The complaint came from thn Brewers Association oi Canada whose brief saidhthat tho in industry ecause organs the rrrost heavily taxed in the country hasth pre vented from growing at the same rate as other segmnnts oi the economy Beerconsumptlon hasnt been growing in line with other prod ucts and the reason is the present excessively high beer price and its relation to the prices of other alcoholic bever ages To Be Passed Out OAKVILLE tCPlPamphiets giving details on strike dls pute at the and store in Sudhury will be passed out at and supermarkets hero and in Burlington Friday night by labor council members Hcym president of the Oakville and District labor Council said the stores wrli not be plcketed We want to acquaint the public especially and Pens tomers with tho Sudbury situa tlon he said Alderman Shocked OTTAWA CF Alderman Lionel OConnor says he is appalled at the ignorance of great many citizens of the United States Addressing meeting of the capitals tourist and convention committee Tuesday night he said he was shocked by num ber oi experiences during re cent visit to Washington People told me they would love to go to Canada but they didnt know the language spoke to coloradpersons who told me they understood wc didnt allow Negroes across the border Plans Announced SAULT can attain OntL CPiPlnns for construction of sraaamo zoostudant voca tional school were announced Wednesday by the Sault Ste Marie board of education The board said the Ont department of education has given tentative approval of the schoot designed to offer db verse occupational training pro gram lasting two years Federal and provincial grants swottrld cover 75 per cent of the cos ii new Bridoe back on to the road hazard said Mr Gra oi the Macdoncld Cartier Bridge across the Ottawa River to Hull Qua bubcen set for noon Friday Ontario Highways Minister Charles MacNaugb ton announced Wednesday The structure at Sussex Drive will eliminate the de tours in use since construction began last May on the bridge Estimated cost of this stage oi the construction is $5889 borne by Ontario Contract for the second stage of the project consisting of the Ontario approaches to the bridge from Sussex Drive and King Edward Avenue is to be awarded before the end oi 1865 Soldiers Kill iii ELISABETHVILLE The Con go iReulersi Mutlnous soldiers oi the national Congo lese Army have killed to pen sons in rcptisni for the murder of noncommissioned officer according to on Wednes day from the prov ncial admin istration in the Bnudouinviile area of East Kaianga it was believed the mutlnccrs were members of the ltth bat talion Men from this battalion mure dated 13 italiau airmen in Klndu about two years ago Free Tuition VANCOUVER tCPlFrce lui tion for university students is advocated by Dr John Mao Donald president of tha Unlvcr sity of British Columbia it seems incongruous to me he said that an education sys tem that provides elementary and secondary education with out lees should charge students to go to unlvcrslty He made the comment llltsc day alter releasing report on the future academic and finan cllal requirements of the univer Production Soars OTTAWA CPI Canadas iron ore production will reach 5000000 tons year by 1910 senior mines department of llclal predicts Output last ycar was 27000000 tons The forecast is included in statement prcpurcd by Jean Paul Drolet assistant deputy minister of the federal mines department for this weeks an nual joint meeting of the Cnna dian institute of Mining and Metallurgy and the American institute oi Mining Engineers Till being held at Duluth Minn Mr Drolet said the expansion oi the Canadian iron ore indus try is direct result of the growing interest of the United States steel market in Cans dian oreiields Talks Finish WASHINGTON AP Pres ident Johnson and Rattan Presi dent Antonio Segnl ended two day of gallrs witnfladcall Wed nes ay or to Euro linked with the United States lo an Atlantic partnership in joint commun one they said political and military talks on establishing an Atlantic aili ancc nuclear missile fleet are proceeding satisfactorily They said the forthcoming round of tariffcutting negotia tions in Europe must be pursued energetically to stimulate trade and noted the need for explor ing means of improving rela tions With the Soviet Union Segni also emphasized the need for an Atlantic partnership and politically united Europe in an address to joint session Congress Shovel Snow Back SUDBURY CP Ever shovel snow back on the road after snowplow has filled in your cleared drrvewayi Youre liable to cantomoo fine cats Reeve Albert Gravel of nearby Hanmer Township lirsncpmmenl came alter council Tuesday night declared war on snowpusherbackera Reeve Gravel warned lute payers the township public works department will refuse to plow in front of driveways where snow has been pushed These people are creating car could come along an pile of snow and we are rce sponsible Aglrllciil Bradford Council Briefs BRADFORD Sill Brldfud eetnroii drew manner from bat to find out which five oi the seven members horrid sit on court oi revision in root They are Mayor Joe Mural Reeve it Bnrco Stewart and Comedian Tom Evans Fred Dow and lien Bell After wards Iomcoi council mero ban allotted to court of it vision complained about the meteor This way some counlt eillorr wind up on the court oi ovlrion yelrafter year If rotating system were used it would be more ï¬niteble one councillor suggest Tho marsh drainage bylaw passed appointed Mayor Joe Mae ganl Reeve 11 Bruce Stewart and Councillor Fred new at three commissioners for the maintenance and operation of the Bradford Marsh Drainage Scheme The borrowing bylaw passed authorises borrowing up to tire more to pay Bradfords oper ating expenses until the 1964 taxes are received Since Bradfords taxes are paid in instalments clerkdrcas urcr Margaret Davey sought ad with on discounts allowable for prepaid taxes Some taxpayers want to pay their taxes now in advance for the whole year As yet until the mill rate is Sat there is no way to compute the rose taxes or the discount an plying to them Council to Miss Davey to allow these ratc pnyera the some discount as in 196 then when the 1961 nriil rats is set the necessary ad justments can be made Grants approved by Bradford council hiesday were out to the Newmariret and District He turned Childrens Association Salvation Army 425 St John Ambulance Association 415 Memberships taken out by Bradford council for 1904 were Ontario Good Roads Association $15 Ontario Municipal As sociation no Ontario Asso ciation of Mayors and Reeves 315 Association of Assessing Of ficers of Ontario $10 Mayors and Reeves no Plumbing Association $2 No motions on Luxury Home Builders were passed by council In one council authorited re lease of $1196536 to Luxury Home Builders having received this bill for paving done by Armstrong Brothers The second motion ruled that no more bulldgt lug pctmils be Home Builders ments of the are met two page police depart ment brief was referred to the police committee for study and recommendations The commlte tea will meet Jan 22 to work on the brief The police department is once more seeking hour week to replace the resent it hour week and servee badges as sought before councillor llen ry Bail commented Seekvlocaiion lor Iail Cells BRADFORD Staff Pros pects of locating jail cells in the back room or basement of the Bradford town hall were discus sed nresdayafternoon by coun cll and sales representative of cells manufacturing firm The sales representative is to measure these two areas then prepare comprdrenstva estima tor of all alternative oomblna sound to Luxury until the require maintenanco bond tions of equipment needed to turn either of these into isil quarters He will be returning to the first meeting in Febru ary with his statistics Three cells ootrld be located in the space council was told Prices range from soon to $1 600 each for allmetal cells Cell frontsaione where concrete forms the rest of thecelll cost aboutï¬oo each with $56 per cell extra for steel floors Senior constable John Dud geon explainedconcreto block work would be needed for back room cells to overcome the fire hazard from the existing wood en walls and ceiling The wood er floor could be ripped out arid replaced with concrete floor Putting the jail in the back room would bring two immed iate problems it would block off the back entrance to the up stairs hall used by youth groups and dancing classes for their meetings Councillor Tnpling sard Also it would place the cells in the roomadjaccnt to the council chambers pro ntho Mayor Joe 115 TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 728 The Rendezvous ftoom oArsrroitsn DTH DINING ROOMS Jr COFFEE LerIl Barrias Largest and MostgLuxurious Presenting viNighily Entertainment with GQRD HATCH of the big iHAMMONO ORGAN nunrrauo oiort HOTEL mortar run wrrr larva lOlt rorrvo Attorney General and Mrs Robert Kennedy accompan ied by two of their children Michael and Kerry walk across windswept strip wrwrymswmwmmun7pcnu yerfcrday at nearby Andrews Air Force Base before leaving for Tokyo The children did not accompany their parents The attorney general is on special assignment by Frost dent Johnson and his first con ference will be with indones las President Sukarno AP Wirephotol Seek Ambulance Support From More Townships BRADFORD Staff Pro posais by Malcolm Lewis Bradford to provide an ambul ance service for the Bradford aea gained support from both Bradford and West Gwillimbury Township councils this week Mr Lewis told the two councils he would need an initial sub sidy of 33000 to get his equip ment then an annual subsidy of $2400 for five years to meet estimated operating losses His written submission to the two councils contained five year protection oft estimated In come expenses and possible op crating losses which he explain eo to the two groups Ambulances need subsidies to exist Mr lawls told them He pointed out that one of the two Newmarket ambulances had recently gone bankrupt Mr Lewis based his income estimate on 150 trips at $16 each He told Bradford council this would ho minimum charge for an average trip His service area would extend over an eight mlle radius with rate adjust ments for faraway calla Bradford definitely needs an ambulance service Mayor ioc Magnnl said Even if rt costs cscb taxpayer it in to per year thats srnall price to pay for saving lives Councillor lien nlpilng poln ted out the eightmils area sug gested would include other mun icipalities such as King Town ship Holland Landing East Gwlliimbury some of Innlstil luryllndecided Retrial Ordered SUDBURY CPD new trial in Juno was ordered for William Holloway alias James Edward Brennan of Hamli tou when 12min Ontario Su rcmo Court jury was unable ll rcachrverdickWednesday one charge of assisting prin oner to escape from the nearby Burwash Industrial Farm Mr presiding at the spring assizes said it was his first case involv ing hung jury Holloway was charged jointly with James Edward Lloyd also of Hamilton in the Nov 22 on cape of Robert Fred Elston of Hamilton Lloyd who was re leased on bail following pre liminary hearing Dec failed to appear in court when the trial began Tuesday and war rant was issued for his arrest Holloway unable to rciselbarl will remain in custody until the time of his new trrsi BET 0N SOCCER Norways statelicensed soc cer betting organisation re rted wagering interlan headroom eekdinrpos rooAv THROUGH Justice Leo Landervlile and part of Tecumscth Town ship Bradford couuclf went along with Mr nipllnga recommen dation that Mr Lewis should seek financial support from them as well as Bradford and West Gwlllimhury Any municipalities in the ser Ilce area which refused to sub stdtrs the ambulance service should the charged higher rates for calls Bradford council felt West Gwillimhury Township council fully supported the am buianco idea However as fin iirea School Board Elects Chairman At the inaugural meeting of School Area Oro held at Bcst School Berneil Mc Kay was elected chairman for 1964 The chairman welcomed Don ald McLeod new member of the school board ibe board received corres pondence from Charles Wilson Mrs Charles Scott Township of Oro Ontario Fire MarshalP Burton Accounts were presented or dared paid and teachers re ports were discussed Guest attendance of ticcr and John Currie business administrator were rahired for another term it was decided to join the ï¬re brigades of Rugby Guthrie and Shanty Bay lrusteca joined the Ontario School Trustees and Ratepay ers Association Meetings will be held on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month As in past years the regular Saturday night dance will not be held duringthe month of January WATCH FOR curt arc OPENING saucers FEBRUARY Piilillilli TickeisvAvnflabla at ZJaehonr Grill Barrfc nvn iAMDliS audit PLAYERS at 700 and one lltEAittt Featurav treaso lusty compulsion Vince an unknown world ofadverltura in Wallpaper reform Scott Mrs EEilamerc and once chairman Arthur Wright pointed out turning this idea into reality is not so simple There are so many an gles to look into Reeve Herb Hughes wanted more precise information on call rates on distance scale Mn Wright felt municipalities substriinng the ambulance should have flat rate for calls while outsiders ought to be charged higher rate Reeve Hughes asked the fin once committee to contact Mr bowls for more extensive infor mation on these points Then council could take up the topic again at the February meeting COMFORT IN DESERT IDanlsh architects have de signed women teschcrs train ing school lnKuwait which in cludes housing block with 30 twobed rooms are worth shops are slack and planning chalrrnan Ken and District thrmmunity Centre an MRI EXAMINER ITHUHBDAI JANUARY it lluI Bradiord Council Committees Ready BRADFORD Staff Chain man of tho finance committee fortownornrncillnrmlrliep Rom Prod Cook with com ttee nrethbarstbm Evans and Kat Council com mitteesfoe oforthcomlag year were named at Tuesday coun otl meeting Councillor tie Bell heads the police and tr committee with members Ken Drpling and Fred Dow fire department chairman 1pm Evans merri bers Reeve Bruce Stewart and Henry Bell Parks and tom ball chairman Fred Dow members Henry Bell and Dep li Reeve Cook Sanitary sewers lagoon and pumping station chairman Tom Evans members Fred Dow and Reeve Stewart by laws and contingencies chslr man Ken ilrpling members Tom Evans and Deputy Reeve Cook garbage and health chairman Deputy Reeve Cook monstersReeve Stew art and Fred Dow industrial Darling and members Brad Walker 0Bud Gardner Mayor ioe Magani automatic ally belongs to each of the fore going committees Council appointments are as follows Community Centre BoardArt Evens lliPP Simeon Centre and Mayor ioe Magani recreation committee Councillors Ken Tupllng and Henry Bell marsh drainage Henna Bruce lowest and Councillor KenTup ling Appointments to the Bradford Board for 1964 are Brad Walk er William Watson Jr Art ifneeshaw Art Evans and Evans fhose appointed to the Beersi aiion Commission are Mrs Dow Gordon Compton Gardncr and Ted Gapp Ono ad difional member is needed The Bradford Planning Board members named are Dr Mo GAY NINETIES in The Wellington Hotel Friday and Saturday Night FULLY LICENSED Your used tires °° tut in not torts rutrirt Well giva you aBONUB TRADE1N ALLOWANCE for your word drain trade for new Eirootonea You can buy now or bake BONUS COUPON and deter your tire purchase until Spring Either way youll get snore monay for your old ï¬ratlmlr youll overseeagatn Trade now Save now we need your worn tires for retreading while our Michal Keith Noble Clarence Rlidtle and Norm Porter Mm Doug Kneerhaw was ap polnted to the library board for awtbreeyur term beginning in letter of thanks was to go from council commending Mn Margaret Fallia an outgoing member for her lengthy service on Ihoreercatfon commisrion Conference Head Has Heart Attack OTTAWA CPIRev Fran cis OGrody 47 director of the Latin American office of the Canadian Catholic Confer ence died hero Wednesday after heart attack lathr OGrady member of the Scarborough Foreign Mission Society of Toronto had been director of the office co ordinating Canadian Catholic cooperationlwith the church in Latin American countries since May 1960 Born in Ottawa be attended the University of Ottawa before entering the Scarborough Soci ety in rants He was ordained in 1510 PERllll NOW THEATRE SM pun IM ravenous WANNA morn 1M antenna Mil pomp In DISTRESS inundation mum mute Seed Star MitEitE MOT nunmu Contlnnbna Set From urn slll souusarrowrutcs This offer is good until Jondalsf on these tonnes