Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Jan 1964, p. 8

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wvM yw pmwrmurwnrvrwmwmwwwm lass Momma Publish Regulation For Demerit Scheme TORONTO iCPIibe Ontario Gazette published new regu lation under the Highway hafv flc Act Monday making It pos sible for the registrar of motor vehiclu to record demerit nts against motorist even the fine is paid out of court the regulation came from the Ittomey generals department as result of York County court Judges rulirigthat de ment points could not be charged against motorist ll Crier were paid out of court in October llarry Welder man 32 of Hamilton success fully appealed conviction for driving while his licence was under suspension for having 12 demerit points Waldermans lawyer it If Smela argued before Judge Farquhar Mucitae that his client paid an Sid speeding line out of court therefore the of fence could not be regarded as conviction As result the recording of three points against him was illegal Judge MncRoe agreed that only justice of peace magis irate or ludge could register conviction under the Highway haiflc Act lie said sending in money does not amount to conviction Works Picketed SUDBURY CPISix officials of and Metal Products Limited were stopped by pick ets Monday when they tried to enter their plant strikebound by local of the United Steel workers of America tCLC The officials were finally able to enter the plant in their autos two hours later after city police conferred with Al bert Desbiens area rcpresmta live for the union About 30 members of local 8363 went on strike Dec 30 claiming the company had cut their wages by 15 cents an hour and had refused to correctnn safe working conditions Changes Proposed FORT WILLIAM CPI Mayor ii Reed proposed organizational and administra ttve changes in his 1064 Inau gural address to City Council Monday He proposed formation of an executive control commit tee composud of council mem bers and an executive officers committee composed of senior civic department heads The control committee would ensure council policies would be carried out while the officers group would make recommen dations to improve administra tion Doubles Space LONDON CPIGeorge Drew closed deal Monday that had been under negotiations since shortly after he became Cana dian high commissioner here more than six years ago it gives Canada House at Itaial gar Square almost double its original office space The agreement was sealed at ceremony in Drews office when he handed over cheque for £360000 $1030000 and re ceived from the Royal College Would Not Harm TORONTO CPI Disarm tnent cotdd be canted out over fiveyear period without crip pling the Canadian economy Dr NormIn Alcoch presi dent of the Canadian Peace RO seasch institute said Monday Dr Alcock said studies by his institute show must persons did not believe thIt disarmament could be achieved without so riously affecting the economy Even though we are com milled in disarmament no one is going to be In hurry to disarm it he believes It is going to affect his bread and butter he added Increase Salary OTTAWA CPIA promotion and general salary increase for top public servants have combined to boost the salary of RCMP CommissionerCeorgc McClellan by $5500 in single month With hirvpromotioa on Nov from deputy commissioner his salary advanced from 7500 to the 820000 then paid for the commissioners post On Friday the government announced se ries of salary increases includ ing one to 523000 for the com missioner of the RCMP effec tive last Dec in the city Three Indicted 105 ANGELES tAPiTtrree men were arraigped Monday on an lndieirntwlt charging them with kidnapping singer Frank Sinatra Jr Judge William Go East gave defence lawyers until Jan 17 to enter motions and set Ian 20 for the defendants to enter plans The Judge ordered psychiatric examination of one of the ac cused Joseph Clyde Amster 23 former professional boxer at thueq LoLhialawyaryMoro rls Lavtne who argued that Amsier was mentally incompe tent when Sinatra Jr was abs ducted Dec it from Lake Ta hoe Calif hotel To Be Tougher TORONTO CP Attorney Gencrailirederlrk Cass said Monday its going to be tougher to establish new trust companies in the province The attorneygeneral said great number of trust firms have been set up in recent years Smaller established com ponies have started to open branch offices and larger com panies are being formed through mergers He said applicants for regis tration will have to establish there is need for trust com pany in the area in which the want to operate Govt Retreat VICTORIA tCP Oppositiln day uncertainty and retreat by tire Liberal government has led to the greatest weakening of Canadian confederation in my lifetime He told press conference the of Physicians the lease to the building adjoining Canada Honse The two buildings erected ori ginally as the Royal College and the Union Club were designed to 1020 to give the appearance of unity to complement the gen eral layout of the square Can ada bought the Union Club in lm Pearson administration has do parted from the singleCanada policy of Sir John Macdon aid which his government had espoused The federal royal commission on blculturalram would not be the answer to Canadas troubles in this field It had been formed he said to determine what was wrong with confederation Leader Dieienbaker said Mon Increase Price SAULT STE MARIE Dot CPIho of the dtys motor baht Increased tho standard mum at bruit Monday by one cent In as cents The price of loaves was increased one cent Iissist Others HAMILTON CF External Affairs Minister Martin said Monday night he hopes some communich and organizations will choose protects involving assistance to develong coun tries in connection with Csn adas 1067 centenary celebraa tions He also expressed the hope that lntemannal Cooperation Year in mi will enable groups and individuals engaged in Irr ernational work to gain in creased recognition ond public support for their work Mr Martin was addressing Inadverumznrsuu our Doctor licensed TORONTO tCPisDr Milton Stoloves New Tomato phy slrlan was accused by an un married woman Monday or de manding 1500 to perform on abortion on her The woman 24 who now lives in Ottawa said Dr Ste lova finally agreed to terminate the pregnancy for 3800 She was testifying at his trial on charge of abortion Defence lawyer John Rob Inette suggested the woman had attempted to perform an abor tion on herself before seeing any doctor She denied it The trial continues CLC Negotiates WINNIPEG CF The United Steelworkers of Amen ica CLO has opened negotia tlonrforntsrtrsrcollau is gaining agreement for nickel miners at Thompson Man The 2000 miners employees of Intemationsl Nickel Com pany of Canada Limited joined the Steelworkers in May 1002 Previously they belonged to the Union of Mine Mill and time ier Workers find Union representative Brian Kosbul said letter had been sent that week to the company to announce union demands The present contract expires next Feb 29 LONDON CPIRussia sold more gold last year than ever before probably to pay for wheat purchases from Canada and other Western countries This was disclosed by Mo eatta and Guldsmld British bullion company that has been in the business since toss Soviet selling was the out standing feature of the gold market In 1963 the company says in its usual review and it is assumed the heavy sell ing was to finance huge pun chases of wheat in the West Dred In Cruiser PEMBROKE CPICoroner Gordon Hermitte said Monday Elvin Biesentbai 30 died of pnerrmonla Monday in police cruiser while being taken to hospital to Kingston where he had been committed as an epi leptic Diesenthaly laborer passed into coma about 50 miles east of hero and was dead on arrival at hospital in Arnprior about an miles west of Ottawa Sold More Gold rlcaut Seven teachers and students fmm Argentina arrived in Winnipeg Sunday to start month long tour of Manitoba COTTAGE COVERING ancestral3 GIRLS Saskatchewan and Northwest ern Ontario and immediately tell in love with of all things our show Left to right they haps two months and some iiveloot lengths to cover an IOVE OUR SNOW are Alicia Foraabaio Ana Marie Mclfi lllnria Carranza and Edith Berlin tCP Wire photoi master thatcher needs per 4000000 reeds or straws cut in averagesized cottage Out Of Court VANWUVER CPI inns Rebrin Wanbeta unimsi lecturer who has lived under the Ihadow of deportation for five years oetabnted Chrlrtrrus Monday according to the old In line calendar of Russia Lawyer for Miss Rebrln se yeaaold lemm in Simple languages It the University of British ColumblI announced Monday that libel suit launched by her had been set tiod out of court for suan tint amount The case was settled leis thIn nroatb After she was told that deportation proceedings started against her five years ago had been dropped the way was cleared for her to apply for Ca nadian citinnsbip She was not available for comment Friends said she was observing Chllatlnll according to the Julian calendar EUED NEWSPAPER Tbe libel suit against the Torr onto Telegram publisher John Bassett and parliamentary re porter Peler Dcmpson was started in connection with storyonjlhe 1050 deportation or er Tom Draidwood Miss lte brins lawyer said in EC Str preme Court chambers that there had been substantial outofeourt settlement Justice Nfigban Nemeiz dismissed the Mr Braldwood said the amount or the settlement would nonemunme ty mover Sun said It was swan mater $11 dis Rebrtn came to Canada from limit on visitors vial in ma Born in China of White Russian parents the II on dared deported after her visa exflued PROHIBITED ENTRY the order said she was of class of persons prohibited an try to Canada as lInded im migrant She was described In the Com mons as security risk by the then prime minister John Diet enbaker She lost court battles attempt log to upset the order but was permitted to remain in Canada unit the libel suit was settled Last month Immigration Min ister Guy Favrenu said she would be permitted to remainln Canada He slid the use was relatively comp and in yolved certain delicate fac LA GRACE Alta CPIFor the second time in four years member of the Ewald Epp lam lly of La Graoebas won gov emorgenerals bronze medal for marks to Grade Judy Epp was the winner this year and her sister Ellie won it in root La Grace students have won the award three times in four years can give you upto IjNewnnnorammsurpassesan 10bettergasolinemileage 031manufacturersrequirements Should you use BA Durdfjilnr in your car engine Ifyou On The Lookout Durafiirn makes your corienginaflnn better lastledger and own late modelers orare planningthc pnicbaseoia new cost lessio operate and maintain soar WILLIAM mum HEW one IiA Durafiimrs themotororlforyour cos BA Durafilm gt the lookout for late model was created for the highpowered engines of todayfs auto ElIIy martianarmor fuel economy New on Durnfilm carsuspeeted of having been used in mssfecrncking theft fmm Homepayne Ont store last Saturday Police said the earlymorn ing theit occurred at the Hod sons Bayvstora in Hornepayne 325 miles east of here after ent try to the building was gained through washroom window The ear seen in the area about the time of the th later was reported scenin mobiles These engines are harder on component parts Valves camsbearingsnnd sparkplugs are subject to greater stresses higher temperatures And crankcascs are getting smaller This meapsgbat these more powerfulengincs have to beiubricatod with less oil40bviousiy the oil must bear lot moreetlieient has very high viscosity index Flows easily at extremeiyiow rtempemturcs and doesnot thinout at entreprer high engine operating temperatures This means that extrenie temperatures have less effect on viscosity than is the ease with ordinary oils makes your engine start easier and gives you better valvelifter performance You will get better gasdline economy up to 10 betterin city driving Youll alaousoiesseii and have lower piston ring wear Surpasses all carlmanufaoture requirements New BA Durafiim motor oil has been fully tested under conditions pro lg scribed by the car manufacturers themselves In every case llA Durafilm surpassed by for the rehairemeatsoithe most severe service team BA Diuaiiim is not just good motor oil itjgnyastlysuperiornrotoroii BA Durafllm absorbs contaminants One of the functions of motor oilis to hold contaminants such as soot dirt and water and prevent them from depositing in yourreagino wreaosnaoycaiionrnno get into the oilit broncowo and releases these contaminants throughout the engine This clogs the engine with gummy deposits sludge and rust When this happens youre faced with big repair bill New BA Duraiilm prevents this 511906 Oiircials Remain Srient SASKATCON iCPi Mayor Pere Klaehn suggested Monday BA Durafilmkeape engines cleanNewiy developed and extremely powerful detergents inhibitors have been used 5ch EADurafihn Tiiei bitors prevent oil breakdown at temperatures The detergents the en ne cleanThis hgfm gficfignm meansno clogged ilscreeno no stueclgyaive ligiters no droggy dial pistons no stuckpiston rin BAs new detergent prergmtron fouirng and engrne rumbleJA Two grades of BA DuraflimNewBA Durafilm rs sabltrtAE low30forgnostdriviogroonditions and SAE 5W20 for caisson cold 133A Durafilm Motor Oil is at your that dealers now as wellna plug deierrhrnepoliey god that adlllilfllallrflla trainees painter cyonos rmiu likewise eel cLEAN AcnosscAquA

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