Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Jan 1964, p. 2

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03 smarts noon roots or Need More Inducing Aid Smith Declares 51 Mrs Stewart for rss Dunlap St permits val Iled at 8111 DH flf Igrub Allen Inr ll Warslcy so permits valued at 640 INDUSTRIAL Repairs and Alterations iiol edo Commutslor at Canada ior nos Dunlap St One permit valued at $1000 MISCELLANEOUS Miscellaneous and heaviness Ible Partridge ior ts Eccics St imperial Oil Ltd Ior 21 Bradlord St Em En gineering Ior ms Dunlap Three permits valued at 50 MONTHLY COMPARISONS Two new dwelling permits is sued in December 1962 at 000 two in It 432000 pit to mass of 000 5111 other residential permits issued in December toss at $2600 eight in 01 at 314475 an increase at Slims Two commercial permits isr sued December loss at $13101 tour in flat i15000 do erssse at $0000 No Industrial permits issued December 1902 in 1000 an increase 0131000 Twomiscellaneaus and non Ihe number and vshse at building permits lowed December showed subsumi increase over those Issued can in December rm 1Vhlli the total value at 100 permits was less than the pre vious year there was do crease ior nanassassbia build ings scootmting ior more than tits net loss Such buildings as ditches and governmental lces are ciassllled as nonessen sble Total value at 1901 permits was 3453501 whlcll was bllless In 1962 ccreaae or nonassessable buildings totalled 79164 Aid Pred Smith chairman oi the Public Works Committee pointed out that Bsrrles biggest concern is commercial and in dustrlal growth Our industrial growth is up this year while our commercial growth has Isilan by the way side We sragolng to need more industry l1s said however that too was good year ior Barrie and we can look iorwsrd to 1m with coniidenca tor continued expansion RESIDENTIAL New single Ismlly dwellings hi Veltch Ior 139 Grove St Veltch ior ass Duckwotth St Two permits valued at 331000 Repairs and Alterations hicCutchcon tar 35 Wellington St Vsuse Ior nos Bay iield St Borgo Ior 34 Strs mg 5141000 my bane Ave It Smith tor Day no view Dr Bethune ior 111 Strsbsne Ave live permits val bed at $11750 Accessory Buildings 0w sas ior sts antield Si Arksey Ior 170 Peel Sl Kll gour Ior 121 Vancouver St and 111 Vancouver Three permits valued at $2725 COMMERCIAL Nsw Dundss tar 299 Blaks New Other 1011 150 101 112 2141 lildl 1691000 1a7sst Average in 122 120 185 Two New Members loin smarts talth misery three the it permits De cember too are valued at to the ll issued to in are valued at aim the increase on the year is £1453 man COMPARISONC 00 hundred and seventeen new dwelling permits issued in valued at MIN lid in its at stream an increase at 3112300 No hundred and sixteen other residential permits issued in 1961 valued at 4mm 1115 in 1001 at $183M In increasa at $6003 Sixtysix commercial permits issued in 1962 valued at $87 Sdl 7b in 1968 at $855530 decrease oi 31731 Ten industrial permits issued in 1m valued at $329200 is in 1561 at $127300 decrease at 541900 Ninety mlscslianecushnd non assessable permits issued in tour valued at 02011521 ltd In toss at 31407114 denuse at $579164 Four hundred and ninetyainc permits issued in 1962 valued at $5105353 407 in 1001 at legs Hesidentl Comml Indusil 000150 two snonsoo tumor 111s050 1060 1505000 lisfiliddddlgdt 1001 1001000 100000 toasts 073301 100750 mm sponsor 100s 100am 103307 ssssso The Wasaga Beach Council Two new members at the War sga Beach Council were sworn in at tho inaugural meeting Man day night All other members at tho idolcouncil were returned Councillor Peter Smith who replaced isck Timlock and school board member Belly Lsodrevlile joined the other members council in the cere mny Clerk Ken Blanchard oi cs Olilcers were as Ioilows lla eve Anthony Beck councillors Art llutcheson Maurice Bent Mrs Marge Dyer and Peter Smithseschool board Cisuds tltsboro Norrie Miller isok Car beti Dorothy Bent Doug Angel rice Bent and Peter Smith Pol ice Maurice Bent and Mrs Margo Dyer new committee was also es tablished ior 1964 Members ol the complaints and General Committee are Peter Smith and Art Vllutcheson Figure Skaters To Try Tests About as members at Barrie Figure skating Club will try50 Canadian Figure skating Asso elation tests at Barrie Aens Sunday and EettyLandrcvlile Public Utilities Commission Ernest Osborne and Ronnie Goldsmith $4531501 decrease oi 0110 851 hilac NonAssess Totals 52 555 225555 4510405 101 050 855466 0794119 140 574 0291709 4349146 171 669 1667307 0480064 90 499 329200 7022575 5103353 10 111 591 0814 1140381 5450040 ll 85 407 147300 1442704 4504501 72 148485 1415030 ll 446600 77 117260 60 10 70 wrnrnrn Synopsis Colder air is mov ing southeastward towards Northern Ontario whore light snowlaiis Wednesday will be to lowcd by rapidly tailing tem peratures Another mild day in snutham regions on chnesday will be mainly cloudy with snow in western sections by alternoon due to developing disturbance moving eastward IromCsio rado Lake St Clair Lake Erie Lake Huron Lake Ontario Georgian Bay Haliburtoo Windsor London Hamilton Toronto Mainly cloudy and mild Wednesday with snow be ginning during the afternoon or altering Winds light Algoma iimagami southern White ttlver North Bay Sud blsry Mainly cloudy and milder Wednesday with occasional light snow beginninx during the alter ssn numnvm spéss er at lastnights Ys ideas Club meeting shakes hands wlith NeilTaylor while Ys BllitlliEAGENTSXPLIIINSETJ WMmavnawwmmwmr Wrenme Mens president Dali Nesbiit looks on Mr Taylor who is returning to his native Aus traliancrt Saturday has re sided in Canada tor the last six years and has spent lhs last direeandahsll years teaeoing ItCalnn Borden Dis glctmilllh School Examiner Air And Steam Lines NeedTrc1vel Agents Barrie travel agent Ian Dunlevic told the Barrie Ys Mens Club latt night that sic lines and steamship companies could not survive today without the services oi the travel agcnt lie was speaking to the club on the subject 01 therola oi the agent in the travel industry Mr Duniavia laid lhatlor in ternational and domestic 1011b ist carriers to replace each tra vcl agency with Iwoman oliicc it would cost 0268 mill iumlonfwhilrliirflmierllfliifi selves take only $00 million doll ars in commissions on lures in addition he added agenc Ies spend 14 per cent at their gross revenue on advertising and ii the carriers had to pay Ior this it would nddtanolhcr it million dollars to their costs To REPRESENT The primary value of the tra vel agent to the carrier Mr Dunlovie said is to rcprcscnt the carrier in places such as Barrie where they couldnt otherwise ho represented The agency does this he ex plained by representing all ira vel buslncsses and thus doing volume oi business which an individual company could not do The tool that agencies sell 25 per cent at all domestic airlines tickets and 7s per cont all international airline spacc ha said has led carriers to recog nize the travel agency as their most important roles iorce This has led ho oddcd to relationship oi mutual trust be tween thccsrriers at tho travel ling public and the travel agen aids The carriers are agents as the creators oi new be said For the traveller the agent savcs time and trouble by sce ing to all the arrangements Ior ii Ils mailcr oi squccring bigger commissions out at the lriinea for taking business con tracts he said At present the commissions are only live per cent on domes flights seven per cent on international Iilghts and 10 per cent Ior ocean cruises and ar ranging tor hotels and or ran buslness is said Theres 35 per ent commission on insurance against travel accidents and dav mage or loss at baggage so am lam may album ma Elsie PUC Chairman Public Utilities Doin It its Iinaugural meet Barrie mission Illuucd term basis In order to rovida continuity The idea the usages that under the present the whole commission could be turned out oi oiilco some time leaving all The Ontario Municipal Elec tricai Association and the AM elation oi Municipal Electrical Utiiiuu meeting will be held In Tomato March and at York Hotel it is es the lldyal peeled Iuil commission will ANNEXED AREA The Public Utilities Commis is also is preparl ior thstake over irom Oniar Hydro in the area oi Vern inwnshipso nosodbyBIr Wilson modulo in as Is an 11 mean cmoo manageh at PUC said the dreamer valves complete plant invent tory must be taken by Ontario and his now Commission Arrangements must be nssdr lor the Ontario Hydro to move its meters and the Barrie Commlasioo to instal its met with little or an interruption tax service to customers It is anticipated that approx lmstely its new customers will be added to the commission rot cords This brings the total number at customers to roxlmsta am gt on 11 ANNUAL CONVENTION The Canadian Homebuliders association at which Al oxander is vicepresident will hold its annual convention in Windsor Jan 17 so and as ur Elsan ma Since the PUC member at the Barrie Home builders Association it was Ieli appropriatethst member at tho Cdmlttiasion be suihorizcd to attend the convention rsnn PRICES BUTTER TORon CPI Churning cream and butter print prices wars unchanged today Butler prices Canada iirsi grade Ontario tonderabic51 tool 51 nontcndcrablo Sill51 all truclr in light trading western 511 loomirsal SOYBEANB TORONTO tCP Soybeans than bushel to dcnlers 1011 country shipping paint GRAIN WINNIPEG CPIAdvanced in active 110x trade tortured opening action today on the Winnipeg grain exchange Rye developed some selling iiis lrtp The agent can also advise the traveller oi the cheapcst route the most scenic route or 01 any other special routing KNOWS LOCALITIEB lniormsllon on all special plans being altered by travelcarrlers and can give lniormation about the locality to be visited The lroedom tram worry about making arrangements his Dun levis said has led to many large llrms hiring travel agencies to take care at all 01 their travel arrangements Although this trend has brought increased bus Incas in tha lorm oi contracts lt has increased the load to the point whore agencies must in crease their commissions ior to the public is in their ability tours uneciaily tor the traveller sald BETTYTOWN The special value at the agent Mr Dunisvia said to arrange The travel agent who must himsail travel in order it in addition he is able in give hi markets can tell such things as which hotels cater to your people which to old talks and so on mistake this red ccl he The Barrie Nationol Employ ment Service ottice exceeded the placement quotaset or 1003 csnruin persons alidar NBS Exceeds Placement Quota influencedth clinea Prices showed an easier lone Barley received some atten tion iram shippers with prices showing stirm undertone Oats trade was light and domestic LIVESTOCK TORONTO lCll SPECIAL Ionic Am CLASS Now FORMIqu improved 1565 conditions strengthened the tie msnd with at classes and grades at slaughter cattle sciir ing activel at steady priccs oi the Onlsro public stockysrds ay Cows rogalnod Mondays asses Voal call prices werd lower Hog prices were lower and sheep and lamb prices were steady Slaughtcrcsttio 2061 Choice steers 222150 with sonic tsncy lcediot steers up to 2315 good 2022 medium 120502050 com mon 15111 cholco hoilcrs 2150 21 good 1021 medium 1119 common it choice led yearling 2345 good 2128 gflud cows tots medium li5thlt5n nmnnycanncmndvnitcrrm on heavy bologna bulls 1020 com mon and medium 1mm Calves 000 Choice veaiers as as with ddd sales to so good sacs medium 2811 common 2028 honors 1010 llaga 124 Grade at Tornntd 249025 currently selling at handling this business by 100 or total 01 4100 an increase 01 11 per cent over the previous ysar ll hicCurdy Employment Branch Supervisor said there Now you can train to be prdtlical Nurse llngle Ind mpg14 woman In urgently nndsd aI Practical ciin lvsic bnma 11151 nabsumW Book in doctor1 oili iilsh school education helpful but uipmsrrt suppliad Bpsra tiara Gills 01 Worshippers Iii Illiar fime as Kings To Iesusf Trinity Anglican Church was host last night to the second at the services in Bartles Week 01 Prayer Rev Jay minister oI Central United Citurch con ducted the serviced the Von Read sector at Trinity preached the sermon Cltorai music was provided by the Trinity choir and members at the Barrie Citadel oi the Salvation Army The solo the Canadian caml Twasin the Moon oi Winterilma was sung by Bruce Owenihree boys oi Trinitys Junior choir Inn Jamie san Gary Owen and Dean Met colicsong We Three Kings at Orient Are Opening his sermon based in the Gospel account at the Epi phany Archdeacon Read re marked on the deep signliicanee ot the Week at Prpycr on the eve oI thisancient Iestivai Ha pointed outthat for the Church the feast day at Christs show ing or manilcstation to the non Jawish world brings to close the iwelvsDays at Christmas Archdoacon Bead drew par allel between the giftsrof the kings to the Inianl Jesus and the slits which worshipping Christians lay at Gods altar to day Gold lte likened to the best people have their Ictlvscon corn for the material and spirls ual needs at their Icllow man Franklncense he explained was the act blottering prayers and thanksgiving Throne naannwinds suulhdlat to wed nesday Northern White River Coch ranc Cloudy with intermittent snow and turning colder Wed nesday Winds northerly 15 Wed nesday Because the tests starting at 210 pm will last Iorabnui hours titers will be no regular skating classes Skaters not trying tests pap ents and other interested parties are welcome to watch the tests were 717 unpisced male on piioants and 370 uopiaced Io males registered for December He said this is to below last year Iho Iiguras include 223 can ntrucllon laborers and 110 truck drivers womans service occur pations 104g clerical workers Ito and sales clerks as There are its vacant positions Ior males and 71 tor temples Party of these are executive and prolessionalyaaaocles for no and men Including nurses medical technologi swingsnaturesattint rims srsotAL rstcss endianusmt an Inn pariod at ractioai LECTURE 1113115030 Mrs or evening cflussl Oat lull inlo tionior tree booklet on ma CourseMail coupon 111 oblrsauon Wally Miiisr was appointed Warsgo Beach representative in the Caiilngwood District Colle Iisia Board He replaces Lila Edwards Committees were drawn up as follows Road and Sanitation Anthony Beck and ArtHutche son Finance Marge Dyer Firs and tile Art Hutcheson and Peter Smith Legislation Mau Nfl dial lesson or Practical Nursing lungs IL Toronto Ontario ms without obligation your use how est hscorns PHAciiOAla considered the vehicle for carry iog prayers to God Myrrh Archdeacon head can tinned was the symbol at the humble placementbeiors the loving caring God of the wealt 1tesses defeats and iaults of all men Serving also as prophesy at Christs life this traditional pertums 01 death and omhalming foretold the humour in 111s in carnation His death upon the Cross ior our weaknesses FUTURE SERVICES Services tor the Week oi Pray er wili continua tonight and to marrow evenings at Trinity An glican Church beginning at night oclock Captain Randall oi the Barrie Salvation Army will con duct the services tonight with GILLETTE Rev Atlanta at StAndrews 73c in Blue AouA ventsonset is TAMPAXIlegulororSupar10s 5n 47 that ii Sliviltillli Shampoo 1291100 03 shatturntlsrstoost29 gist Still AMP K11 General Electric Save 100 1795 37c HOILYWOODWAVESET on DAYMultipleNVttomIH 1111119151 dinWI Forecast Temperatures Lows tonight highs Wednesday rav EXAMINER wanr nos Ws 38 PHONE HON Mount Forest ingham TODAYS STOCK PRICES Hamilton Compiled by Flynn It Dunlap BttEr Barrie Toronto Peterborougb Trenton INDUITIIIALI Kins Did Sass Doro Found Don1 Stores Dom Tar Falconbridgo it asks Papa WP Gal Hordes Farms lek Clddslly 110an Oil Hild Bay 1411 EIII Isl Hudsons Ely gs grip Tiaras Cdn Aviation loih Impyoil cdn imp Bk can Bali tno Accept CdJI Braver 101i Inland 41 CPR g7 inter Nichol Can OIIIIII 044 Inter Utilitial Chsmcall Enlikrpfllel 1th oc ttb llii ststt Union Gas WlUter cow Cs Iry Paws Can Mill Sm to Davy Lshvlsnd Walton id Zenith Can Pa Cons II Dora Bridle MlNlNfl lath Copper Iao Gunner saints ll Hailingr hrslorn coo Kaslay Campchib 375 Km Cdrl lap all 11 LIltfldnl al bah DisIIllll Lencourt Lorsda lasrittmas lisdssn Multithtn Irav fiasco Normstsis Moo Pow Hit 111 Hussy Pars iiia 111 Noralds all Igor Duct MG oars Mcln Pare Paciilc Pele Peta Pigs all Page liarst 121 Power Corp no nos Nat Gls BoysLBsnic Salads Foods slmbsons Shell steel or Cam TonDom Bk Trans mm Irsd Fin Texaco Asbestos Abltibi Algorns Steal Aluminium Alberta DlsL filthrte DsaTi gua Amos Pid Atlantis Bugsr Bk 14an Bank NJ 53 or 14 6M as tori Knpuskasing White River Timmins Moasanea Can To llama Council 0an CPILMM Joan slmcoc to mother at Iour Monday became the second woman to be elected to the Roma lodian Reserve Council Her predecessor Mrs Flor ones shining was elected to councilln 1059 Alsaelected tor twavyesr term was Irvin Douglas chief mm and three other councillors mm Ramsltuerva is near 0r11 wrnams Collier Street United Church Choir Ior the evening will be Norlhnla irons Collieriinilsd apanrtrsa PIIIVD Rio Algonr Bllvor Miller snow Trihp Unite 011 Unitad Kl Old Testament times has been DEALER WANTED of million on Canadian who Mall orda on PW dealingin complete range of depsstmontstore 1n mhnndlaeraouirer Exclusive County pegler The Companyselislovec 10000 itemsby catalogue on MODERN pseudo restores Alum nowaortas rrI Indushlllallpjfl roaoNro industriats up warn some asocrs 711 gainer OBrien Willroy YORK AVIIAOI nnun up 1l Utilities up scans sxcaarro Lu Golda p10 slams SPOT EMOVERID Brand 1001 750 who10111101100satiric Eor COMMERCIAL AND consenting INSURANCE AcuNoALr asuos thrro Eats Road gt on Mass nuns saascANr finsugaptcs AGENCY LIMITED flfipniow CALDWELL onus 66 001110 Siredi

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