roooonarura ChestIXRays Reveal Many Other Ailments 10$ IllNB ID Bur Dr Holler Would can cer the lung be revealed by enordlnsry mobile unit lB chest may it so would the rson so allecied be notiiied millMn CA Good questionsone hard to answer one easier IH chest svrays oiten disclose the presence of conditions other than tuberculosis Respiratory railmenu heart eulargrrient or abenlgntunsortttnayhea calrliledapotleittromaome previouatltoesswhetherlBor histoptssmasis or something else in some cases skilled nano ioation oi the may plate may give reliable answer as to the condition Again it may aiiord shrewd guess which then can be verlited by some other moans Or at times the on the xray plate may require considerable investigation belora Miss Marion Arnold lbronte bu spent the Christmas boils days at her home here Her mother Mrs Arnold has en ioyed the holiday the lamiiy home with her at ayaiiisawsaam Mrs Clarence Atkinson an boys were slipper guests on Sat urmwn rmamamu mmmum muv aveW Iruuaanaammmmum urday attba home at Mr and Mn Harold Pearson oi Allis Miss Susanne Finlay spent low days during the Christmas holidays innarrie at the home of her uncle and start Mrand Mrs Burns and Finlay Mrs Douglas Forbes and son Kim oi Hilton Beach were re cent visitors with the lormers alatcr and hrotherinlaw Mr occasionally other things come to light The report mm mobile unit ls not sent to the person it nothing worthy of mention to found thats the end at the mat ter Hut it anything suspicious is found this is communicated to whatever doctor has been desig nated by the person having the xray or statement to the patient to have the xray re ported for checking purposes This means that some lalse alarms will be soundedthere will be something which looks suspicious or needs lurther tn vestlgatlon yet in the end some oi these will prove to be harm less This may worry the patient naturally out It Is wise pre caution Bctler sele than sorryt Now will such on may re veal cancer Yes and not Extremely early in develop ment as we know trim the Pap smear technique noth lta natureinnocent or danger ouscan be determined Thus the TB chest xray does not oiien give Hat yesorno answer concerning lung cancer But it does give an indication oi whether something is wrong and does let you know if there is reason or you to go to your doctor for moretests And it you hear nothing about your chest any why thats 800d news Dear Dr Mother Years ago my baby sister had asthma it seemed that every time she was asked to do something or mild not get her way she would start coughing and carrying on though she was having an at tack Then mother and lather would give in Recently read that some asthma is emotional Would you commentlMrs DJ Emotional tension can trigger an attack It the person is sub lect to asthma My guessand Miss Eleanor Peacock and Jim Stewart Toronto spent the Christh holiday with the tor mera parents Mr and Mr Peacock Mrs Denney spent Chrlsh mas with her daughter Mrs Macladden in Barrie Week end visitors with Mrs Denney included Mr and Mrs Elwood Gaulay Mrs my and Min lrene Denney Baxter Mr and Mrs John Denney and totally and Cecil Denney Fallport Beach Mr and Mrs Denney and iamlly Toronto Jack Jamieson Mr and Mn George Oreto and iamliy Tun oath Mr and Mrs John Wild er Ancestor visited their par ents Mr and Mrs iarn icson during Christmas week HliwltESTONlI My MRS HARRISON JULIET JONES Vlslton Sunday with Mr and Mrs Cline Rawn and latriin in cluded Andy Bartholomew ol Guthrie and Mr and Mrs Lloyd Bertholomew3rtaaaodlndy ol Hawkeatone Mr and Mrs Mel Sage and Catherine ot Sonnldale Corners visited New Years day at the home of Mr andMra Harry Train and Norman Train Mr and Mrs VanderZaag and loudly ol Alliston spent New Years with Mr and Mrs John DONALD DUCK log less than microscopic cxam inatlon will disclose the presence oi lauliy cells which constitute conccr Not even xray will show that Later as the tumor begins to grow larger the shape of it can be pictured by way But even this does not neces sarily mean cancer it may be TELEVISION its only thatis that your all ior learned early in tile that it she get upset enou things she would trigger an at tack And that would result in getting her own way TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE nil214 PROGRAMS CKVRCHANNEtakBARME sounururwanaFm Pattlcnat Junction Patty Dtlkl non cmy mm Page Challenge Nawrinaaasins Quest 30 Mike wanuasnu swear lid Tart Patten limit Nltlona Schools Chas He ena Nursery School Romper Room Noonday R215 Still Union Address Movie Destination Big itoun Password Scarlett Hill Take 80 Friendly Giant Mtatarorers CIMIU Kld Poocyes Party Rlule Danie Woody Woodpecker Prnvlvnclcal Altlltl TV Derby CFTO CHANNEL TUESDAY JANUARY Kl Mickey Mollie Club 80 Kiddv 500 Iqlho Brillndt 1M 730 The Great Adventure NO 1000 isssss 582228 Jnny Billion Show Eleventh Hour or has someone you know immmMMV new home Your Welcome Wagon Hostess will call with gifts and friendly greetings from the com uno tuition tnpyflillï¬eynelimed To Younileins THERE iStNO CHARGE SSE so F59 823238838 815 Breaking Point Wit 1200 IMO 100 130 Camera Pitll Silvers Show Red River Jamboree Perry Mason Festival CDC TV New Weather Sportr New Elm heneolet TDHERHDAY JANUARY who one rv km In Weeniesmggu Sport 1100 Test Patten National Settan ches Haiana Nursery School nnipar Room Poptyea Party Nonndly ltlport Movie Model Wile Password ginkrlatt Hill Thirty Friendly Giant Mlsterogera gr llperpmy opayaa Rania Darrla Yogi Bear Tombstone Territory 223 Dr Kildare lna lacy Show The Serial Grtndl Parade Naked City cnc TV Now liali Thllllli TORONTO uno crv News 11 um Final it nrta fleets and aannuatr Channel Nine Theatre 1140 mo Douglas Fairbanks Prerenta WEDNESDAY JANUARY Neill Ind Morning Report Homemalkers Health Club on em Berton Hour 010 Miss He 930 100 Morning Magazine Noonday Report lava Lucy December Brid Our House The Millionaire All Star lheatre 100 Heros Looking At You People in Conflict git about ca er Sport News Wallhlr Sport Weather Sports News Playtime with Uncle Bobby Mr and Mrs Frank Harrison and Tom spent Christmas with Mr and Mrs Hall William Maxwell ls spending law days with Tom Harrison Several lrom Hawkestone at tended the luneral oi Gordon Joslin Sympathy is extended to the lamily Rev and Mrs Jennings spent few days with relatives to Toronto Mr and Mrs lrvln ltcha hon enlertained Rev Talia and children of Toronto Rev and Mrs Lighthourne ot Barrie and Miss Joyce Jamorl olToionto By JAY South dealcr North South vulnerable Homo e482 exqu 36 was near goo exec process on chino proves as who gt A1 ss our nexus Thebindlnl loath West North East Peel PM arrr Opening leadqueen of spades You dont have tube math ematical genius to he good card player In most hands all you need to know is how to count to ill Take this hand where South is in three notrump West leads the lad oi spades which hold and shllts to the ten of hearts Right at this point South can reasonably assume that West started with two spades and East with live Declarer takes the heart with the ace and leads diamond to the queen East takes the ace and returnata spade inn which West discards heart ICONTRIICT BRIDGE Mickey Moun Cltlh Kiddo Chanel Theatre Amalie Goa Hllllt Bllko sports Weather News Bert nl Groucho Dick Van Dyke My Flvulttn Mutton NHL Hockey The Twilight Zone News Metro Final ma Media aououots Fem Berton Show tun Douglas Fairbankl Prereats chanson ranuanv unionsand Me lte rt coo Hammakers this call can run Helen 030 Playtime with Uncle Booby Morning Iilluins Noonday Report lava Lucy December Heidi Our House flta Millionaire All Star Theatre lions Looking At You Fe lain Conflict Mlo ey Mouse CIIIII Mtddo Chemo Theatre iDrt MD Tn Tellglha Truth 900 Zorn One no lack Parr lOJIIl lie Bltko Show iioo crv National News Metro Final Sports heels and Bouquets Elem Barton it runs SERVIQE When South now plays avdia mood to the kingWcst shows only ChpsSwoan across Wu hour stores DOWN LKlndof sheep zeroedyv dDoorpart Memalerufl 21Mo Elileer embank 10 match ofndian 113 18 Spiritual luatenauoe It Perfumed Articu hm silt oDevioe tole something dJflthol Yemen whom 1min 01ml Innis OMetai bearing veins unearth 2DHuntedtor o5rvntt otwork ILAdheaiva dBMualoriote DeGorter and family MIs Williaman and Mr and Mrs Raymond Ward and boys of Edenvale spent New Years withMr and Mrs Ar chie Waniess and family Mr and Mrs Alex Finley and lamlly visited on New Years at the home at the iormera mother Mrs Finlay oi Mid hurat Mr and MrsSteve Rawn and Mr and Mrs Cline Rawn and lamily spent New Years at Schomherg with Mr and Mrs John Wilson and Sharon BECKER LES Clitoral out this time discarding club Dcclarer does not see Wests cards but he knows now that West started with precisely two spades and one diamonds This hearts and clubs He has dia carded one of each so for South does not know yet how many club tricks he would win if be cached the AKQ but he is already In position where he can guarantee the contract He can force West to reveal his original distribution and than take advantage oi this knowl edge to make three ootrump This he does by cashingtbe KQ of hearts When East shows not South has complete read tlon West started with two spades iivo hearts one did mood and hence ilve clubs Wests last live cards must therefore consist of one heart and four clubs South by this time has diamond and tour clubs So alter cashing the queen of clubs South leads the seven of hearts toiorce club return lmm West into the MC in West Is compelled to ohng and South makes three on trump This process of counting out hand can he very useful to anyplayer not too lay in in dulge in the exercise It is never senseless to go beyond the num Tomorrow Highclass in idlfl manh ildu rnenh diatom time new titration 216mm rivet ï¬lament tnuitno notation MW plunred birds 3RomJoom 821mm IflIIIIIE Hldï¬ï¬‚flflflfl HHVAHHHHII ing of Wests original distribu indicates iiiturn that west nrlginaliy had ten cards in BLONDIE GRANDMA tlflflmftflffl rmunmoaucotowr IWAS EARLY aLoNnie tWENT is suoposeo TO MEET ME CORNER AT FIVE Moe alum is melons voupoomaeovoczr Her £0NA DATFTOT auiaticowiouacitmul piouswrmcez YOU WHY CAN DEAR 5u1 eLeoervourouLn Imamluscious HAVeloldNa WAS PRAISE HIM Hes SIXINCHES Aume iTALIilsAï¬TtIANDIOHE ave Hit mm POU ashamed WIDIBHREIIIIERESTIIIOFMIIE NEW snares SPECIES OF FtVCAIIIIERmOtIEW IIIEMIII dldlllitc till THE NEPENTIIESJIIEY KILL AND WITH MONSTROIIS DSVDUR INSECTS APPEIITES BE LATE LIKE