MISS ANNA LILLIAN ttROCK marked her 100th birthday at her residence on st Vincent Street on Dec She was born at Onkville 0n lit 1953 iario and ii the daughter ot the late Mr and Mrs William Recs Brock The centenarian is shown abch as she blows out the candle on her birthday cake at reception held at mm umw vs wnm Wm mun her residence With Miss Brock are tmm the ieit lllrs Ada Noble lira Ev Natali the ceiebrunts great niece and Mrs Davis Miss Brooks niece Examiner Photo VVltmen MakeiThe News At Home And Abroad Grief achievement and toy were themain players on the stage at world women during 1953 and the greatest of die three was grief Blood spattcrcd the flags of two nations and women suff cred woman soared into the heavens in spaceflight and the achievement captured the worlds imagination And there was joy with the announcement that four mem bers oi the Royal Family are expecting children duringtuot woman led to the disgrace and resignation oi minister of the British Crown and almost toppled the government VORLDLOSS sitlcnt John Kennedy itivDiiiittS Texas Nov 22 and his wile was with him The president wasshot by an sassin and ssyearold Mrs Kennedy was left without husband and her two young children withouta lather And the world lost leader The loss oi her husbandwas not the only griei Mrs Kenne dy had to bear during 1963 Their second son Patrick Bou vier Kennedy died few days after birthtn May understand fully how you feel Mme Ngo Dinh Nhu ca bled MrsKennedy shortly al ter thcprcsidents assassina tion lltme Nhus husband and her brotherinlaw president Ngo Dinh Diem of South Viet Nam died violently in an Octal ber coup while the South Viet nameso first lady was on tour of the United States She is now living in France And on June 19 the worlds tlrst spacewoman Valentina Tcreshltava landed in Russia alter ts orbits olthe earth The pretty ornate1 astronaut later married Andrian Nikola yev also space explorer PAYS DEBT Jail is whereihe 21yearoid girl friend of former UK war minister Johnjroiumo now is Christine eeler the London prostitute who alrnost toppled Harold lliacmitians Cans va tive governmentth sa er was imprisoned in December for nine months for conspiracy to obstruct justice and per jury Princess Margaret wife at tormer society photographer Antony ArmstrongJones au trounced Dec Zshei expecting her secondchild in ing fourthe number of Bri tish royai births expected in the newryear Princess Alexandra betha tour should arrive in late February or early March The Ducluns olKent ardectrbcr ï¬mmm Closer to home Mrs heater ald surprise visit titBarrie when she ae computed her husband speaking augmenthere hill March MIL P9850113 inlpotitics took more lan portant turn when her husband was elected Prime Minister of Cara onAprti canon south in theaters ahead with his MRS IIEBER SMITH In the some election Mrs He her Smith wile oi the Progresv slve Conservative candidate for Simcoe North assisted bar has campaigning which led to victory Mr Smith entered federal politics in 1957 and has served as Member at Parliament from this riding since that time It was big year for the tteher Smith family with the arrival of daughter Victoria Ruth Elizabeth born at Royal Victoriattospital on April 21 an transits Dear Ann Loaders am 325 yearold girl who lives at home with my ntsr Last nigh very nice fellow had dated only once hetero came to the house to pickme up My father was in the living room sot brought the young man in to introduce him think should tell you Ann that my father has very odd senseof dotstand him The first thing ntvvtather satd to thejellow was What is your zip code number The poor guy looked startled and re plied dont know My dad turned to me and said dont think you ought to go out with tellow who is too lazy to memorize his zip ï¬r to die lhauledtheguy outer Tit on FALSE otBrltA FRtSKlï¬ CHECK JAEIStReuterslBea petingher Miss France will he risked for ialsles An airline hostess afenrale doctor and aheauty specialist wittcarry at the checkbo iorelhcguh parsd onvNew Years Eve iorthe title Th tough new measures toilowv volvi fathers FunnyBone Fouled Up HerDate humor and not many people un wanna hurnlhatedrl wanted editor of Chatelaine Magazine spoke at the annualdlnner meeting of the University Wom ens Club and told her audience or the new dual role women must play in Canadas future HONOR STUDENT Miss Christina Cnrneronvwon nine out oi lit possible grade 13 awards losing out on the lath only because she had won the mnnfmam number allowed student Miss Cameron had stood liratin each of five years as student at Barrie North Collegiate with scholastic average oi 914 per cent Ste is also outstanding in sports and was juvenile junior intermediate and senior ï¬eld for the outstanding girl athlete Tire University Womens Club the Constance Sheppard schol arship was also awarded tothe Barrie student who now en rolled in social and philosophi cal studies at Trinity College Toronto 59 YEARS The final highlight oi the year was the celebration of the wed ding anniversary oi Barrie couple Congratulations once again to Mr and Mrs Welling ton Paddlson oi Victoria St who celebrated their 69th wed ldtng anniversary on Dec 19 the house immediately We had lousy time because the even ing got off to such poor start The fetlow seemed to go into shell Please tell me what you think about me moving out of the house girl work with has been asking me to share an apartment with her and could manage it tlnancratly with no trouble DAUGIttER OF war Dear Daughter 25yearold girl who is sellsupporting does not need an encuse to move aut other parents home Your dad may have an odd soasowthumonbupthatginle who went into his shell doesnt have much at asease ot humorelther REPAY runner Deer Aan Loaders Myhus band never smoked1 was heavy smoker since theageot 17rrThreemonth oomyvlh Miss Jean Yuck associate duty champion for the school and was awarded the trophy Mus ROIlY ODONAL oi Sunnidale Road is the lone woman elected taserveoa the Barrie Public School Board The Barrie homemaker and Toorpa Most Canadian fashion tie signers contend that extreme plunging necklines as invthia British gown are too much for most Canadian women They say woman should beiladylike and leave something to the imagination tCP Photo to put it back on the line for second bet But this time agree on time limitlike eight months Dear Ann Lenders Please wire collect immediately the aerosol the woman who wrote and saldshohadE and was able to tell in advance what was going tohappen will gladly pay her ex penses to Chicago and witlper£ sonallyeseort her to the Board of Trade From there we will go to Las Vegas then onto Monte rlo After the travelling will pprly set herop on Park Avenue in New York and buy band betmei $100 could not quit smoking took his bet in the presence of two witnesses tiewrote out the check and cashed it the next day Everything wastineuntil last week when my mother tele phoneddromdtonirealrtnd had severe heart attack and she asked one to get the plane was so upset that when man next tonne on the plane ottered cigaretterlstook smoking heavily since leave for home tomorrow and Im going to stop stroking the minute hit Euifalo Do the pined in sailing new novel died The Who Came In train The Go one at the most terrifyineg tea and significant tones overwritten On sale tbpok stores in its hardcover edition totalsthis best seiie ashrWeokl mother at one daughter Sara is tamer high school tea cber and obtained her degree in history and English at Birmingham Universiiyuttlxv amlncr Photot ltIRIIE MEMBERS IF the Hospital Auxiliary of Barries Reyal Victoria Hospital were honored at the annual Christ PreSident Outlines 64 Objective At Final Meeting Of Year Mrs William Richardson was hostess at the Christmas ineet ing at the Churchill United Church Women Mrs Allan Todd presided and to members answered the roll call and sev eral visitors attended Mrs Todd led in the special missionary prayer Following the opening exercis es there was short business meeting Tire presidentrepor ted fully on the executive mcct ing and announced the tinnn clal objective for 1964 Plans were made to help serve the annual Sunday School supper it was agreed to accede to re quest for oulltlng protect tor member and the executive with the various conveners will meet early in the year to draw up the programs for the com ing year Reporting or the nominating committee Mrs Jack Campbell presentedthc list of otticebear are as chosen This was accep ted by the society and the in stallation will be conducted by Me Page at the January meet ing which onthe invitation ol Mrs Page will be held at the manse The offering was received and dedicated by the president The program was presented by Mrs GeorgeLucas assisted by Mrs Mae Stewart and Mrs Iiobert Campbell The Christ mas Story astound in St kc STAYNER NURSiNG HOME STAYNER ONT Fur elderly and convdles ent patients Excellent lacllltres for private or semiprivate Hot and cold water in roomsï¬ttegisterh ed Nurse in attendance HMARSliALL Rea PHONE 124 was read Christmas readings were contributed interspersed with carol singing interspersed withthe presentation at ser mun Lcta Keep Christmas written by the late Rev Peter Marshall who gained fame as young Scottish minister in Wash ington DC Mrs Lucas closed the mceci ing with prayer CHEER UP HOMES NORWICH England CF Studcnts at Noriolk teacher training college are taking EGHIEO with the aim at helping senior citizens rcdecnrate their homes on weekends Fort THE swantsr SHIRTS wucar 44 armor wasc as DUNLOP nose CLEANERS LTD CALL7285531 llfli ï¬lhl in interior decoration mas dinnermeeting held at Laidlsw residence Lilo mem bership certificates and pins were presented to the above thin in recognition ot years at HIM MODEL lullIla in anna or an pracou sewingmam the hmtfll fabrlur Con out console whines minor ï¬nish numberm The wise buy is Singerultramodarn and quiet $12995 111 avw gw was srwwvmmrvwwewo seacmme mm sum inithlut service with the auxil iary From the leit are Mrs Fred Epictl Iilrs Russell Het iron Mrs tiny Christie pre sident tExumlncr Photot route surest noon nan WflvlnlflhiI Suns found ro veto With any $9995 ECONOMY ZIGIAG Maude patch our cub Exclusiv dsvp In front bobbin with 314995 uhtoet mounds gum wittr every part made by Singer to ï¬t together perfectly work smoothly for yearstAaie about Singer credit and matuhless Singer sorvlcel SINGERS WING CENERS 28Dunlop St West II II II II II JLII ItMDDlAItK DIGEI WAN Barrio 72879860 Irans not an Namely semisinter