Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 30 Dec 1963, p. 4

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wdlamwmspww am Wow 70 WW mynimm mmwm mmwmmm loWMMM weme inactiveaccumulator nonhumanamen Ontarios Premier Terraiéd Workingmans Friend Ontarios Premier JohnRoharta seems man has to be left with some to qualify for the title of the working able income Wm mans friend At least heiswiliing to N° VWgtW°W concede um worker is mined to heartily endorse this sentiment but it ht be dded that ll deduction keep some of his own money my gh as they are are only small art Reluctantly confirming that at the re of the tax pinch The Canadian cent Ottawa pension talks Quebec had Foundations annull survey states that insisted that Canada Pension Plan prem 1m mug m1 mmgfin tums should be at rate of four per cent cm on instead of the proposed two per cent same year total government revenues exclusive of inter overnmental trans lilr Roberts said he would not approve of such an increase because workers a1 fess was $12168 onor the equivab ent of 40 per cent of personal income ready are pinched by deductions from their pay che ues There has to be in truth governments leave the work ingman pretty small share of his In limit somew ere said Mr Roberts come The Indian W111 Work With little help Indians along Jam es Bay are being shown they can improve their position in life Under the direction of provincial de partment of welfare development office the Cree lndlan band at Moosonee has formed ifsman development board This group is concerned with providing work and recreation for the band TheIndian has been shown to he good worker outside his traditional roles of trapping and fishing says The Tim mins Daily Press The Moosonee band is using native materials primarily moose hides to fash ion souvenir items for the tourist trade in recreation the indians are learn ing to enjoy hockey skating and even hoxin But the indian has long way to go before he loses his lamented status as secondclass citizens Government ald should extend further into theffield of education including trade schooling At present few indians are educated beyond the elementary school level Chil dren quickly return the old ways of their parents instead of gainin step into modern society they rem in an unchaiviged state it 11 take awhile before the Indian fully adjusts to an ousida culture but giv en chance to play useful role in so ciety he has already shown he can be degendable and will work to better him se DOWN MEMORY LANE is YEARS AGO lN TOWN Barrie Examiner Dec lit23 1940 Six new alderman elected were Roy Christie Harry Norton Arthur liar rison Gladstone Currie Edwin Wil son Arthur Pugh Alfred Harris John Francis Dobson and George Cadogan elected to Board of Education Taxi drivers must be licensed town council decided Judge Harvie grant ed citizenship papers to lung Wah and Fong Nee Lemof Barrie who came from China 40 years ago Ratepayers by big majority voted in favor of debentures fit to $89000 for renovations to Town all Land purchased on west side oi Toronto St between Wellington and Grove and on south side Codrington be tween Duckworth and Rodney for two new public schools Harry Armstrong elected president Barrie Curling Club succeeding Anthony Sash Mrs Jack Garner elected president Woheio Class ofCentrai United Church Mrs Ken nethA Cameron elected president St Andrews WA Afternoon Group Mrs CecilecMulkinelected president Cen tral United WA Historian revealed that originally Lake Simcoe was called Lake Toronto as early as 1670 follow ing expulsion by Ira note of Huron and Petun indians from is district Paul Megers two goals gave Barrie Flyers 31 win over St Mikes in Junior hackey Jerry Reid last seasons Barrie Flyer centre star scored three goals tor in dianapolis against Cleveland in Ameri can Hockey League fixture The mild Weather has kept golf going into Decem ber Roy Merrick one of the towns staunchest devotees said he had golfed during this month severalother years but never under such summery condi tions Ronald Stewart oilhornton elected vicepresident Ontario Rural Hockey Association At Barrie Bowl ing Club top averages were held by Vic tor LeGear Robert Mallion and Ambrose ilivett Norman Munro installed WM of loyal Orange Lodge No 432 by his father Past Master Munro Col lingwoods new $200000 ice arena of ficially opened by Hon Dana Porter Minister ofEduoaiion Don Ashbee scored four goals and Paul Meger four assists as Hap Emms Fiyers beat St Catharines Teepees104 Jimmy Mc Conkey of Barrie appointed ski instruc tor at Yosemite National Park Cali fornia Charles Knight elected presb dent King Edward Home and School OTHER canons VIEWS ATHEIST AS FATHER lhndon Free Press Should aprofessed atheist automatic ally be considered unfit to adopt child Are no other factors relevant To assume thats nonbeliever will make bad par eat ldto argue that any professed Christ ran will makea good one We know that tiiisrsnotso Toronto couple has been refused permission to adopt anniniant in the care of the Simcoe County Childrens Aid So ciety because the husband is an atheist Both parents are university graduates ious belief and no one would have been the wiser As for the child hewill surely have formed his own convictions long before he is an adult There cannot be much wrong with any responsible childless couple who are eag er to assume the obligations of adopting child and giving him everythinga child should have Theremay be moreintellec tual merit inan honest atheist than in someone who gives only lip service to Christianity as any clergyman will testify Hovercraii Makes Tremendous Strides Mamas noon cowas isle of Wight in the lam oi the SaundersRoe divison oi Westiand Aircraft Limited on the isle oi Wight have been given an insight into the tremendous progress which has been made in the last four years in the development of the worlds most modern arm of lransportatlon the Hover craft it is just four years since the first Hovercreit the Sim was built at Cowes and was demonstrated as potential commercialvvchicie ad the Edge lisb channel saw it in action at the arnborough Air Shown 1959 on it captured attention by the success which attended the ado tion of new principle in Have the seal cushion of air to enable Hovercraft to speed along few feet above the surface to land or water Its inventor Christopher Cook ereli had SIMWIItIIBIIii idea of craftsklniming had poten tialities And as result great new Hovercraft industry has sprung up in hrilain 0n visit to the Saunders Roe division of the Wesiland Aircraft Limited on the isle of Wight was allowed to see four different models of the Hover craft including the original SRN which had seen in action at Faraborough just nver four years ago The progress Which has been made since then has been remarkable saw the SEN which created quite sensation when it was taken to Canada last summerand rode smoothly over the Lacbine rapids as well as being demonstrated on the St Lawrence River it was craft of 21 ions capable of car rying 7o passengers and eight tons of freight The next model known as the SRN 2Mk is much larg er crait it is 3795 tons in weight can carry up to 150 model saw was the Still smaller craft of seven tons but carrying up to 20 passengers and two ions of frelght anono reasons There is one new feature in these later models which dldnot Maybe Ii Lost Something In REPORT FROM ilK passengers and phage freight capacity 012 tons The other The mainland of Canada and Van couver island Already some oi the Hover craft have ben used in ferry services in England between Portsmouth and the isle oi Wight and names the Bristol Channel as well as being used ea pleasure craft on the Thames at inndon by have been pmvenprncv tic and economic The extent of their future development is limited only by the skill of the scientists who are working ceaselessly for the prove roentand greater liilIiiy cannonsnomaom WorkOi House Committees Returns With it Flourish OTTAWA CR Committee work returned with flourish for Parliament in the last ses sion Nine pcrmaneht committees and three special ones were at work after the comparative lull caused partly by the pressures of two general elections in less than year The special committeeon de fence iourneyed to Europe and briefly to Washington Mines forests and waters summoned witnesses irom as far away as the Arctic to tes tify eboutiuture government in that huge area The special committee on load and drugs probed the pesticides issue although United States author Rachel Carson wrote lilac Silent Spring Vassaii ing the growth of chemical pols sonsdeclined an idviiatinn to appear There was elsostudy of re vamped electoral machinery the Impact of railway technical shifts on workers the TCA and Grill external affairs and can rain aspects of veterans affairs The Senate has its own set oi study groups ialthough some times joining with MPs in linked rmiecis gt Translation PM By MN WRONTOUetarioa the Year There really doesnt have to be much thought this year Ihe man It Pro mier John Roberta Consider what lir Roberts has done Hcioughtanelectlorahnew man an untried man rookie you might say And he won magnificently lieb tinalegiaiative prom his ownma ml was red his first as leader Before he had been steering the program oi lulle Front And he showed he was able to originate profit of his own lie stepped medical In surance he did bold things with margarine and liquor He showed he was not man of fear And then he became na tional figure RESPECT BY PREMIER Areiativcly new and young man in uremic oi the pre miers of Canada he showed ataieamanship in their councils andcnded the year as man respccicd across the country There are still things to be proven about John Roberts 4W6 Renewed bloodshed in Cyprus TODilY iii HISTORY risers nni Greek and Turkish Cypriots has not been diluted in the three years of reasonably stable gov ernment since independence in fact the feeling in London is that the bitter outbreak could possibly have developed into civil war had not Britain taken the initiative and in coopera tion with the Greek fllfdmrkish era on interva ear and the incident caused gov L5 to di hmflc 355 Mm force the ceasefire order Bdiain shop this Unlied lhé troublethatcanielo 5mm Iboll going Christmasl week starte rewing man ago 033 virlmfiy bflfinng when Archbishop Mnkarlos the Ms mm when pm Greek Cypriot president an mimed new to nounced itth proposal for an 1m changing the constituton relicFranco granicd do mestichontrols to the state of Wei Nam in another step toward giving it free dom Dec 30 19b The steamship Caroline used by Canadian rebels under William Lyon Mac kenzie was burned in the Niagara River by Canadian soldiers 1113 years ago today 4th 1637 At least one American citizen was killed ernmcnls formally took note of the SCIWmEWItIlOHI com ment But iheTurklsh govern ment the third cosignatory oi prus initial rejected it immedi ately as threat to the cone the Turkish minority in the liicditerranean island ausrrcrou sure it Both Cypriot communities agree the constitution is un wieldy and in need of revision but pride arcs of misunder that chore and dent with em standing and mistrust remains man and 9ng work at he even after more than year of negotiation same time in particular the Turkish At least some the commit tees have asked leave to resume their noncomplele work early in population of 560000 will in the new session resuming in not yield an inch of their pres wooden ManOllheYear lliTEliPiiETiliG ras news Constitution01 Cyprus Has BuiltIn Weaknesses And although it forbade par The British and Greek gov the treaty of guarantee for Cye stiiutionai guarantees grantch meats moving with remar bl Cypriots liveelooncminorlty the second week of Eebruary lhls includes defence and mines External affairs also probably will get its teeth into the long rawaited Columbia River treaty if and when the fi nal ends are tied up shortly among Canada British Colum bin and theUnlted States ent power to defend themselves until they havemore than var bal assurances from leaders The constitution hammered out after five years ol terror ism during which the Greek majority fought for union with Greece had many builtin Greek Wynn ayamvyrumrwwwmmuwwpwwmmm WDwm men for the status quo aorn day he is immurcd in the inter anoe industry other that be conservative mall bet Does be perhaps he the imagination that can needed to guide us throun on public affairs at this immediat and critical moment III WON You cant any Much more will have is acen oi the man and oi in times we are living in But still me was his year You cant take it away from him lie faced considerable odds There were those many who iclthe probably would in beaten In his election There is the question oi ho much oi win this actuailwe and how much Liberal lassI But he did win And wnr big He was the man weaknesses which the in oils are accepted at the ti the grounds they were hotte than nothing The treaty ruled against Ga prus unitingwith any stat titionlng the island into Grce and Turkish communities it an couraged partition in tit ad ministration For instance the cabinet an parliament must at Greek and Turkish Cypriots the proportion of seven to thre with Greeks rvotlng only to Greeks Turks for Turks DIVISION DEEP The psychological ellcci this has been to harden the divi slona rather than blend the iw races together in nationhood Makeries claims his aim to break down these barrier to get his people thinking Cypriots rather than as Greek oriiirks But the Turks unde standahly are wary and so peel the real aim is to whiitl away their safeguards The main object oi the Bri ish Greek and Turkish gov rn speedand cooperation was restore order But the heel cause of the trouble is unsolvc and what the next step will remains to be seen lhethree govemmcnts hav altered their good offices help negotiate new agreepen in calmer atmosphere or suggestion is that they get to gather with Cypriot leaders London And it seemed likely Frida the offer would be accepted But it must be deep ember rassment to Meknrios to hav to rely so heavily on Bulls help in this crisis because was he who ledthe campnlg to get the Britons off the islan immediately Cyprus gained dependence exist in the original Hovercraft dditi in dOVALTERNATIVEbudtarodddtarhnhgofgthgcdflt Fort William TimesJournal Acceptable in every other way flInsthisinstancethewifeattendnPro testant Church and she and her husband offered to signan affidavitthat the child would attend church with its mother They would notragree however to cater pressure on their adopted child to remain in church when he became an adult it is hard to understand tiieSdcietys refusal For one thing the linsbandcould easily have lied about his lack ofmelig But all ibisactivity came omparatively late in the res Win ak varyin in depth with the model if mm p9 eiiorts to polish oti the gt NC confines Lherjiouseoljbnunonn agendahe bin it afidives fore Christmas Fihle thim The result was considerable to overlap higher obstacles and pmsm an Mp5 themselves on W5 has mum their committee staff on the esi single develo meni becauseHmmd mumps films subsidies for anotherfouryearsi ii Wmmeke P935179 tors and even on ave large Hovercraft as berries kg spam Subsjdies as rule constitute poor cross the English channel subst to for healthy management of Underconstruciion atihemo mad businessentetprise However when mtmr it 5R limb in one play although this was the operators of gold minecannotpro be aimed cm notibe rule some met morn ducerat cost that allows it to break gglgjiggiilgfimggg ins noon and nizhi and must of the iederaigovernment to carry on Barrie Examiner even with fixed price for gold at gov ernmenthashut two clioicesAllow the mine to close and create gh town orsubsidize the industry lLLEFFECTS Hamilton pectator fects of excessive game smoking should be set iiitheir pro WEI ibedafly hawk treated as annotated wiekedriessl henthe governments campaign isan Tlier havebeen fr tempts to teleolh to tum passengers and from to at obllesrrhinchfoi is on the secret thernoment biliiile eréiisis who BIBLE THOUGHT rill amountomy ml India light had authority to sit Commonsltselfirl Henceiha MP on when scanty attendance inuthe Commons was criticizedLno ref erence wasmade lo the heavy committee program Some coincidentally Quoruma he came more difficult to convene All this is likely in mean pres while on Oneo thebeat Christmas gifts is companionship louls Viche 82 cigEastview Ont left 73yearoi

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