Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 30 Dec 1963, p. 2

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am am pm onusJun Scnred Front any Barrie Lad Honored Tom Varlry oi pinto Ir nor ol es Canadians to receive rdinlcni certificata mm the dye Candida Humane Anni clation lnr bravery The awards list was announced today from the associations head attire in Tomato The parchment ccrtllicaie goes to Tom for his rescue at three men clinging to an overturned cabin cruiser the night at Oct 3i 12 Saved were Bruce hlayca It ol Cookstown linger Newton so oi it it Barrie and Al Snider 41 ol lid Vancouver St owner oi the boat Frank Barrett ol Nopier St was drowned The tsfoot ouboard cabin crui tier capsired alter hitting an olr Ilructlon in hempcnieit liay of hlinets Point near Baystalrs Lodge The that men clung to the overturned boat and called tor help Evmtually their cries tor help were heard by Barry Hol riter oi innisiil Township who torummoobetpaltbchorosol hank Varley at imitates nowan MAT Torn Varley dragged small mwboat into the water to search tor the men Following the cello trorn the victims inlouad them clinging to the overttnned boat Recognizing the danger of hy ing to bring the nearly iroua men into the tiny rowboat Van ley told them to hang on to the side while he rowed back to share distance at about soo yeards One of the men was eventually able to pull himself into lilo boat but the other were so weak that all they could do was hold onto the side When the boat finally reached shore the men were rushedto hospital for treatment for shock and exposure Two were releas ed later while Mr Snider re mined in Royal Victoria Hos oils for several days Barrie police launched search broke off his llulloween rounds for Barretts body NEAROLD TOM WARLEY rilooin IN NIGiiltlll Féels Richer UFor Experience Increase Grant To The Hospital The Royal Vlctorla Hospital will receive an increase of near crnmenl capllal grant it was announced today Arthur Evans MP for Slmcos Centre said The Provincial Government has Increased the capital grant previously approv ed tor the RoyalVlcloria Hos 27 total provincial grant 73990 Mr Evans said this is in ac cordance with recent deci sion reached by the Ontario Hos pital Services Commission May Show Film This Saturday The outstanding film invest ment in Manpower may be shown Saturday It member of the Winter Enl ployment Campaign Committee said plans were to show the film out Wednesdayt but this pllai by 971012 to make the llnother Deer Bites TheSnow lcy rosdr and blizzard condi Ions over the weekend made driving hazardous but police re ported that driven were using caution and there ware only min or accidents Victoria Harbor reported threa minor accidents and couple at car skidded oil the roads Saturday night Police said dri vets seemed to be lost little lair but it didnt result in any serious accidents boon ItuIro Most serious motor accident in the district happened at the Cookstnwn cloverleal when car struck and killed deer and damaged front lender and grill Const longhorn of Brad BETTER CONTROL of traitic at Anna ldd Dnnlop streets started Saturday mor ning with the hstalistion oi To Curb No section oi Barriels more contuslng to the newcomer than the Five PoiuLs None has more gruesome sounding nickname than Suicide Corner McDonald and Owcnt But the lntorsecliodlhat ls tbo scene of more accidents than any other is merely called Anne and Dunlop The intersection may not have to be given any fancy name it may even loseits City Takes StepsE oclock in the afternoon and motorists should already start breathing more easily that theseriighl will help put Barrio on ionisatety plateaov in that year the city could boast oi not traliic fatality it was not so fortunate in idol the number oirlllumlnoted sate lor accidents in Barrie Ex aminer Photo Crashes The hope has been expressed having single out This set lights brings to 17 ford Ontario Provincial Police WWW my dubious title could be chonged investigated the accident Const Barrie took step in the dir WM EM crown mule Whenaver shown it will be at arsl hero more and arandon ot the Bradford ection to climate accidents at mpg2 song011M mliigch ol thcsd Canadian GeaerolElcctrlc detachment investigatedn minor this corner Saturday byturn installations cuts down the motor vehicle accident ing on the tralilc lighu The tide mummies ALL MINOR switch was pulled around tour if MacDonald is held at the Commerlrsi Depart ment oi Camp Borden Dia trlct High School He recon ily spent year teaching in Lagos Nigeria He writes some or his experiences By MIGDONALD The External Aid Oillcs n1 the Canadian Federal Govern ment is in charge of the pro MR aowans AND HoMEMaoE BEAR gram under whichiwenttoiti That Will Brave The Winter °° teachers are there under its aus pines My family and were there from August 1062 until slightest intention of hibernating lifelike He also has other plans MY 1953 on When one bear that has not the the large wooden bniin more this winter is large one which fordmore cillrglingbaodil if can is chained to tree on High in suia asswoo og way so not lot from Barrie whigh is lsasier to work ttllian tillls Elis1311i Sefondary cqmmfimn it lilacDONAu har er orway one oo in sgos the captain carve builalo Perhaps he this dcspitc the fact that am was head of the mathems tlca department at The United Cottage Entered On The Weekend sluiimer cottage irllnaisill High Life was the popular Now it something could only ostundayiJ nigihtlvlicllniila Harbor b9 do about mw ham rovnoa re repor ted that calls were coming in FOR Forecasts issued by the Tar thick and last and it looked like auto weather office at 430 am bad to mid It cuts but Statisticinrllizflhgrgwomngg reported nothing serious this eon and so below zero Altaiboon rmfxgwo mi Hm temperatures in southern Oni We amn Iana today an my emitted to or motor vehicle accident at the mud Nu may mm um about 10 llih Concession and 15th Side cm Wt 55 green some so degrees below mad 135 1W cement itoyat Victoria nuptial normal The coldwlll continue was attributed later conditions on sun tonight with temperatures drop ping in min zero again Some moderation in temperatures is expected Tuesday Snowflurrieo are expected to continue near on ll la miafeii 15in El sai mi evenina carve commercia spec list dump It fluofMIka we air re Hfliii WdfigiiiisSErWailtBaflrrireri memeiie The need at the school war have olemntpmemodex the it Lak °°v Ham Bord When asked about he chm mew mmhemufl good mm had with ton Eastern Georgian Bay Township was reported broken mp ilk about thebsars neck Mr Bow inch pmlcumtym tan triean in the night clubs minim Lake Emmi Windm in WWW tth 56 Ufllhfl 00S fit era sold it was put on to hero in mdu and Ich Trips into the interior wera WWI Hamim Tm Innistil Police said the cottage ahaaachm pr Wt Willis Ha taught it previously and slways exciting My wile and Sunny With New my PETE is owned by Stewart oi $1331 fled We 9n nullit willing rm given the Ian daughter were the first white MW9°ii1linl cald Wind Donsclllfc drive Toronto 59 to more data Mr gnwen who veteran Themed bum1 women to ever he in our ste My No other details or milk is of work iWndldmivovei flan organization as were most wardr village and for many miter Lake mm was mm owovcr ic owors as seas vo crap or or he is known to all his liiends mg secondary hock How JOHN THANKS diater available ern Georgian Bay Algoma 51301 50m ever about so percent at the oieheviiiitse Wrimirneiiniiiliiew Variable cloudiness with 0663 cm Gimme wish take this app and neighbors like all true art man trapping in the Nartbland money for ammo the Our employees were George on WWiiuflIEl TileWM mmim Wit 19 i3 unity to express my Sin istlsfi hIs notrentiroldy satidslied wharf he salfimhe often tried mm lmlum mm ml Mahmud who did an at Continuifld ids Wild wellelil 5mm is crea ion an inlcn to is and at in and carv to to Zn do some more carving make Jng government and the students household bores Mahomet cere appreciation for your lohnLeGarIe patronage since my arriv Wali alin BarrieMdurlIng Maytag AhIilliant novel thrills set the imgnamavfimsfiieasing Conierence Timagaml Coohrane White River North Bay Sudhury mostly clear Tuesday Continu ing cold Windswcsteriy to to lees Non Christian children WSW Pidgin for niKilt would also attend ths institu watchman Emmanuela part tion since federal law forbade time gardener and in addition any school to discriminate in we usually had small boyto the selection or studenti on re assist our steward These small iigioua or racial grounds boys were unemployed friends and relatives ot our steward km they with our atewsrds lamiiy The general picture of educa snowfall Helps Give Employment rnlical world aliiecolnes to Star anticipation to serving you Weekly readers as special bonus slaitingwilh the invest in the commg month orecnst Temperature Low tonight highs Tuesday Windsor 20 JBurton business ad the news stands now Graham To ONE AND ALL 5t Thorn 20 filming of am DSM Greenecallcditthehollspystory all slept in the boys quarters in he had ever read Alec Wau 11° Hubert dffmhtd by the the back of our compound The mime 30ml Wm fiend describedilatansbslliulespeW ward VRTWIYVI Mi night watchman would oiled Mann Form 13 3mm it Fans hinderlheiiislollwollatlsin HAppy dnry level boys and girls want risen nu day in our garage Wingham 15 thisweeksSlItWeskly The recent slorm and need for menl Branch supervisor said mar Mimi mm mail it We nil Nig Hamilton co mm snow shovellers may have helped today We did very well and be midmg yr The tail WWW WP 20 We attending swan NEW YEAR the llarrie Nationlemploymenl calls wereplaced both ways we Imam MM measuremént many Toronto 10 5mm Sconcessetaremrdioremvlny for snow shovellers and torenn hm mm meot for this time oi the year iongibles is impossible Foreign these are terms for school aidia expensive and yet by the gig found in Britain and there palmuck or me United Nations Business Otfleials do 15 meeting ll lB ployment in shovellinlt snow imam Mcwrdy Emplw ItVe placed 47 men in snow We vacation FM tie per capita spending as Kmalue 20 15 was like at Private per cent at national incomel mfiokga mDUEmYSFmEND lie said we and at or Me WWW We mm Canadarhas until recently ranked Sum 15 15 Diamonds may still he girls we makeup the books Within the some type of school 10w man we industrial mm Em be mm but Mun is the month but indications now me es of the world Sm Sle using as inuch as to per cent unemploymm is low tacos lit the atanriards or In Kapuskaging by weight at the totnldiomonds er than has ever been or his ltmctlon andm the percentage BENEFIT White River 45 mined he and also hm of students able to pass an ex Stlll Nigeria did bencilt by Ali glare glenemphm lmm lethal motivation The failure havmg qualified experienced TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS there have ever haenior this PHONE nulls time of the year rate or the whole country at teacher at very little cost The the end or what would be In countrys income was increased mamminus of Inventory of equivalent of our grade 12 was by the amount of money that WWW mm 85 per cent yet many schools and the Canadian government urlcagn Rohettv Hall Mc might go years withoutnlailure on my behalf spant within ng Cormlclt B5 philanthropist and the Western Region and the erlorOuroresence did increase grahdso cral territory olLsgnr pnm their understanding at Canada international Harvesterfiflom Compiled by Flynn as Dunlop at pints ary education is free In the widths world osny North whichvcompriscd hall or do believe we made many Beirut Lebanon William the total population attire noun friends tor Canbda both among Al ITHERE WILL BE NO COLLECTIO OF GARBAGE 0N Bladder try less than per can expatrltt JcanhoiIIvicevprenidcntottlia murmur peopirwewmmr tcs there Anti ccrtarnlymywlte TransArabian Pipe Line Com fimfiwriimlfltt oIrCisslr raw va ll Darth Found Algoma Steel sail Dom Stores relr Donlson ltllnel Dom Tar Falconbfldll We GtLaltesPaper ass ng Gal Atllblld SHE 17 Kudos Farms Bit Mflnt dth Hawk Siddti In or it arlziflan 250 Hudsons Bay 23 57 impiqltgtuacu owcr cannnoakclm oats imp Oil con brewer W4 ind Accent MVJ Inland NJ Wt inter Nickel doth llluuy Perl and arc the richer for our photo of brain tumor 1W fioranda 6J1 ences rEnolnorCaiif TAlycrtirinT ileld Jerome about is screen 4th we should live as much as writerrrwhlu tweetaitander thin nameoitcaaebbsu possible in the mannertowhich ddé were accustomed Needless any lids meant we enjoyed standard ofliving higher than Wm new gggflningr or colleague were and my 59 writer for the New Yorker For oLovely Lad times that oi the working mas gclflm 55 Choose Steel oi Can fies TMle 3t Our house was spacious part gm Humor of mitt yr of semlldetached and had 31 fawn mg rum umm three bedrooms two of which HI ermhfla zany 29 lflmm PM aircondi oned Apart mi Jockey Club 2hr osc anti mm allied the ground Awhlch were luxuriant th at the vegetation in theiroplcot rainforest waa phen aron srnnnsnn raBothrthrCansdiarlndtha Nigerian authorities intended Paothc Pet Pom Pip Pan Remy Power Corp Que Nat Gal noysi arnk Effective in I9 Tunsoav LANl FRIDAY WEDNESDAYAND sartmoay MONDAY Alli monsosv IfIunsohvaivn FRIDAY mum ohicnal Arcldll Keelny The sort fascinated us and for Hells corps Kerr Bibil Labrador the first month or two we would flint least several times week or we discovered or illthi mlnr pool with human in at sale to ly=ploce sndwheis mg on eetrnany pleasant on cunp cnio Laka Dulault Cdn Exp Goa Langia Cd Avhlibn Dd lilo Alton

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