Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Dec 1963, p. 5

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urva mum qwmmm Wm aharm 1s ssvArrWnmamvrnmwmn Wasumer mnmawwm It 1r housing starts n1issuo can ryover ofi unfinished houses coldweather unemployment INNISIII NOTES Believes Farmers Decorate Too Should 03 We must admit we did not get around to see all of the Christmas decorations In the township We have been told of exceptional displays we did not visit but we did see those that were in sight of the highways We feel the general results were not as good as last year In our opinion Painswich Heights had displays equal to any in Barrie Several residents of Strond have made real ef fort to decorate and brighten ths landscape at this season More farmers could light up their surroundings during the Christmas season Bob Sinclair who has purchased new burns in Barrie for years had ids big farm house fioodligbted it would be real lift to the traveller to look across fields and sea colored lights glimmering on the farms Santa might even find it easier to visit the homes POLICE NUMBER lnnisfil Township is soon to loss contact with their police cars from the office of the tele phone exchange This step will come in April when tho new on tomatic Bell exchange goes into operation and tho Strand Tcic phone Company ceases to exist Strond operators have read ered beneficial service in tak ing calls for police and relaying them to the officers in the cars when no one was available at the office Last summer it was decided that the chief should give part of his time to office duty during the day and that other officers should he avail able to answer calls especially when the heavy summer popul ation was in residence in the township Now there are two lines of thinking regarding polico calls and fire alarms both of which have been handled efficiently by the Strand operators One in Let us run our own show which would mean having board at Strand manned 2t hours day with icin or more pso littempt To Disbar 17 Teachers Working InGreyIisted School TORONTO CPIStep were token Friday to dlsbar 17 teach ers from the profession for ac ceptfng positions with the greyv listed Lakefleld public school nine miles north of Paterbor ongh The Ontario Pnbilc School Men Teachers Federation will neck the support olthe Ontario Teachers Federation in move to have the department of edu cation withdraw the teaching certificates of the 17 persons The OPSMIF made the decis sion at its annual Christmas meeting The federation approved the action oi their executive to the dispute and intend fullscale trial of strength that will affect teacherschool board relations across the province The issue goes before the board of governors of the On tario Techers Federation in January DACKED ay woman The Federation of Women Teachers Associations of On tarip in cooperation with the mens federation is paying the salaries of teachers who did not again positions because of the dispute which arose last spring Seventeen teachers resigned trom the Lakefield school when their salary demands were not met The scale sought with OPSMTF backing ranged from $3300 to $8400 When negotiations bogged down over the pay scale for arda Category teachers the hoard was greylisted and the teacher federations notified their main ti orrswa ca wintcr house construction in Canada hasbean spurredto levelioi CMHC activity that may exceed the boom of the latettsoa Central Mortgage and Hous ing Corporation officials expect there willbe about 90000 houses underconstruction on Dec 31 this would cxccerl by about 000 the recordvyearlend total in 1058 Even if there is falioli is could cits um motorfactor yinboldiogi 0WD The impetushsr ma mainly now in of di contracv Jasebniidt jioii expects loans to hits Housing Boom illCOntiiliJe ruled April ride or the new vmununmiuromr MINll sons on fulltime calla The other idea bllsb anumber for all pollen the Barrie area to It calls including lira urms would be made Al KITCHEN This boll ws hava been in Wsterloo Kitdiener and have been making enquiries to how the Waterloo Towmhlp eightman polite force is hand ling talk It not curly handles policing but also alithe calls that originote on the provincial highways in their part of the ma lnnlsftl police do not at tend provincial highway scold cuts or calls Waterloo town dilp police also hava line to the Kitchener Police board Alderman Ray of Kitchener has been studying the Metro Winnipeg police system The western city has special num ber ass which reaches all ice systems altcr going through central board it also relays firs calls Here the Bell system has all ready placed costly suggestion betorn Council that could mean thousands of dollars in staff and equipment if adopted Perhaps now would be good time to revamp the whole area and bring policing and emergency calls to central zone number Russian Ross Congratulates Cyrus Eaton LONDON Reuters Soviet Premier Khnisbchev Thursdu warmly congratulated Cleve land milllonsirc Cyrus Eaton whose 80th birthday is today the Soviet news agency Tsar ro Whidii 1y cct vc poops cap run your tireless activity in the in terests of universal peacetlia message said bars not to work for the school hoard The 17 teachers nownpdei fire went ito work ot Lairetield despite the greylisting Training Program Said Inadequate Tonorm or The On tario Public School Men Teach ers Federation was told Fri day the provinces one year teacher training program is to tally inadequate Zoltan Union of Burlington chairman of the fcderatlons spe cial committee on teachenodu cation told its convention 0n tario is lagging behind five other Canadian provinces He said British Columbia Al berta Manitoba NewBruns wick and Protestant education in Quebec have higherstand Tlie 0PMIF is holding its Christmas meeting in conjunc tion with other teacher federa tions throughout the province At the Ontario Secondary School Teachershederation West German Jiancellor Ludwig Erhard left holds an Honorary citizen certificate proscrich to him by Houston Mayor Lewis Onion right on his arrival in Hous cannon llititiiltlS surrounds ton from Weit Germany In centre is Seciotary at State Dean Rusk who received Chancellor Erhard on behalf oi President Lyndon if John son Erhard fits to Austin lrtlsthrahamCo Spin this morning to start two dsy oonfsroncc with Presid ent Johnson at his LBJ ranch near Jolmon Ctty Tens AP ersiitotol mMCOEco NTY NEWS CRRIGHURST Miss lictty Caalonfinf Toronto is home for the holidays Allan Slnton of Chalk River is homo for tho holidays Mr and Mrs ThomasDunn celebrated their 48th wedding anniversary last week They lifd as their guests for dinner hr and Mrs Harry Dawson of Elm vole Mr and Mrs Walt oi Barrie Mr and Mrs Arthur Dunn and Mr and Mrs Ralph liodgsou Miss Mary Canton oi Allis ton spent Saturday with Miss Jean Carton Miss Valerie Brown of Sud bury is spending few days with her grandparents IVY Dy nits WILMER wusofv Mr and Mrs Harry jokes and family spent Christmas with Mr and Mrs Morley Baker and family Barrie Christmas visitors at th home of Mr and Mingliert Lean werle Mra and flirskgogeijlimifi gens an am aiidMrs Frcd Green iiiI Miss Marion Tait Toronto illir and Mrs Ecv Jen it are spending the Christmas lldays with Mr and Mrs Doii New man and family Montreal Mrs Arthur Coxworth spent Christmas with Mr and Mrs Bill Coxworth Owen Sound Christmas visitors with Mrs Earl ifiroris wcre Mr and Mrs Jack Htronsand inmiiy Toron to Mr and Mrs Mark Nelson and Terry and Jim aodflJno Penailtoo all iroin Buckley Mr and Mrs Jennett spent Christmas with their daughter Mrs Margaret Phatr Tomato Mary and John Davis Toron to spent Christmas with their mother Mrs Estcn Davis Mr and Mrs Pat Chorrington and Cami spent Christmas with Kitchener friends Mr and Mrs Ciltiord avia spent Christmas with Mrssnd Mrs Victor Belton Strand Mr and Mrs Ken Smith and family spent Christmas with friends in Barrie Mr and Mr John Watson conventionPl1yllisMankmul Pm Hope andMr and Mrs third vicepresident accused the bSSTF of lack of courage to help teachers groups in emer ging nations She felt the federation should spend more than the present $100tl0 year in teacher train ingusend money and equipment to aid education in ernerglngria tions and conduct teacher enr changa system with such na nus tween Dec and March if has been greater than anticipated says The 8500 comes off downpaymcnts which already had been lowered in midyear This has brought hundreds of persons into market in which normal demand had been slip ping steadily AA third inc aales taxon holldloggmatarlala to eight per cent from four Buildersbave this date iiirttiuolou NEW Yangs ave the praye Mrs Eaten Davis Howard Major Toronto spent Christmas with Mr and Mrs James McDermott Mr and Mrs Lloyd Racher spent Christmas withifriends in Aurora Miss Ella McIean Toronto spent Christmas at Mr and Mrs Elwood Jennetiii decorated for the season and candles for the Festival of the Nine Lessons and Carols on Christmasove Members of tho congregation read the lessons Roy Harper conducted Music was supplied by the junior and senior choirs accompanied by tho organist The Sunday Schools of the Anglicansnd Presbyterian churé shes held Christmas service He Comes at Christ ChurchDec 22 The children performed their partswell and those who helped arrange this service are to be congratulated for their work The service was wellfattanded Christ Church was beautifully in The Altar id Christ Church held its December meet ing at the home of Mrs George Davis After short business meeting an evening of games and dancing wasenloyed by all followed by turkey buffet on per and exchange of gifts was enjoyed by members their husbands and guests Ellwood Janneit naaicturncd home from Royal Victoria Hos pital Barrie Mr and Mrs Keith McVanell and Marion McVansll leave for Florida by motor Dec 27 All the McVoncll family were home to spend Christmas with their father Bruce McVanett Mr and Mrs Keith McVanell spent Cbrlsatrnss with Mrs llnr old Arnold and Bruce McVanell THORNTON By MR8 GEORGE HOLT Whita Gift Sundsy was observ ed by Trinity United Church Sunday Schoo December 15 Sympathyia extended to Dr Horton who received word that his only sister Mrs lvs Brown of Seliavllle had passed away very suddenly The inner al which was held last Monday was attended by Bert ifon of Peterboiongh Mrs John Brass oi Selwyn Mrs Douglas King of Don Mills and Mrs Winston Law of Barrie Interment was in the Horton famin plot The regular Messenger meet ing was held Dec 12 in Trinity United Church school room with 11 members present The won ahip service followed is Christ mas theme and Mrs Cum ming told stories of the first Christmas and the present Christmas The members decor ated conesand lhan enjoyed treat of cookies from Mrs Finkheincr and chocolate milk Congratulations to Mrs James Rainey who had her name drawn from the Brass and Glenn ballot box last Saturday and won 15pound turkey The junior and senior rooms ofThorntonrNo school held successful Girlstmas Concert last Friday night in the Orange Hall Teachers Lea Duck worth and Mrs Charles Reid and pupils are to be congratu lated especially since there has been so much illness among the children The Explorers of Trinity ed Church held their Chr stmas party in the ohurch school room last Thursday evening Every one enjoyed the games and stunts alsothe usual exchange of gifts withiLinda Rousb act ing as Santa Carols inter spersed with scripture made up to Worship part of the program Refreshments some of which wera cookies made by theme concluded the evenings fun Saturday evening few Ex plorers made some calls on el derly citizens singing for them some of the favorite carols University students Miss El eanor Jennctt and Gary Maw from Toronto and BryonErethet from Waterloo are spending the festiveseasnnwith their res pective parents Miss Myrna Spencerof Lakeshore Teachers College is home for the holidays Mr nndMrs Melvyn Harris of Iondon spent the weekend with the farmers parents Mr and Mrs Cecil Harris and iam uy it was shock to bear ofths sudden death of Rev Mac Tavtsh of Bradford last Satun day morning Mr MscTavlsb had been ministering to the United Church Bradford chords for to and half years Sym pathy is extended to the tin mediate family his congrega tion and Sirocco Presbytery to which ho was adevolod wot er Rev Wrsrr and George Holt attended the funeral on Monday and laterrnant in Aurora Cease tery Mrsnd Mrs Door visited with tho lstters or Mrs Agar and brotherllll Agar of Benton last Sunday Trinity United Church had good attendance for their Chriatv mas services oondnotad by Rev Leonard Wars Tbs piano and organ accompaniment added greatly to the carol singing for both services The ev pro gram was the Canadian is In Training Vesper service with candle lighting ceremony Tha junior choir avnnred with carol while the seniors contri buted two numbers The birth logs with lighted candles in each window and tho biueadorncd pine and basket of pninseitlas added to tho beauty of the ser vices Thornton readers who have items for publication ploasa phone Ivy muss HRWKESTONE 13 MRS HARRISON The Bible Social wishes to thank the column for their contributions The Womens Institute in hav ing accoldng class on Creative Cookery tn Hawkestone Hall Jan and 10 The Unlted Church Women ars holding their meeting Jan at Mrs tiny Grays it to tailor the form of dessert luncheon and will start at i3it pm Mr and Mrs Harry Kendall attended the funeral oi Mrs Sam More at Fenelon Fails lhm Harrison is spending few days in Toronto with Mr ands Mrs non Mrs Myers is spending few holidays in Port Credit Glad to bear Mrs Tebby is improving after her recent iii ncas Miss Orma Johnston from For err is home for the holidays Mr and Mrs Lawrence Leigh of Iroquois Falls are visiting their parents Mr and Mrs Leigh and family and friends in the village Mr and Mrs Fred Davis are spending Christmas holidays with Mr and Mrs Lorna Sut ton Tomato Mr and Mrs Vlvinn on spending Christmas with Mr and Mrs Allen Vision in Sch borough NUCLEAR SCIENCE South Africas National no séarch Institute issxpectod to momma NEW YORK lCP Qantas artists are in tbs run III for I10 award from the Solomon it Guggenheim Formation to be announced JIL to when the fourth Gug aim international award ex ltlou hero The oundatioa announced Friday that works Canadian try Guido Molnarl Jean Paul Riopetls and Torrance Syverlon Iro among as paintings selected for the award exhibition One 310000 award and five 31500 prissa wil be given by xultoimdatton to the wtoolnl The in paintings from as soon tries were gathered by Law Museums uirator Mormon To Niarry NEW YORK AP Ethel Morman ths singer and Ernest Bargains the Oscar winning actor plan to marry Miss Morrison who will be 55 on Jan It has been married and divorced three times Bor to is in the process of be divorced from his sec ondwite Mexican Iotma Katy Jurado The divorce wont be com final until neict June OIhcrai Dies ADEN Ooorga Hoodooson Britains assistant high commis sioner to Adan died hero Frl Mutant of lnlurias tailored to hand grenade explosion at Adan Air Terminal Doc in Henderson was soriously hurt when the grenade was thrown into the middle of ministerial party leaving Aden foi Iondon One person was killed at the scene and as worn injured Brit ish High Commissioner Sir Ken neth Trovlalils member of the party was not seriously in fund Surrender ilrms NAIROBI titeutersi An army of 700 Man Man mem bars marched out of the forest Friday and laid down their arms totha Kenyan govern moot it was the biggest mass sun render thus far under Prime Minister Jomo Kenyattas indo cndopco amneaty for forest ightera The Man Man were greeted by huge crowd at Meru Stad ium 115 miles from here They laid down their homemade wea pons at the feet of Peter Kola age the pan African affairs minister and Agalno land settlement minister 12 Die In Crash BANGKOK tAPl metre persons including an American pilot were killed Friday on the ThailandMalaysia border when C41 transport crashed and burned Tho strcrstt owned by Air Mansion and chartered by the not RESERVE NOW no this Rest my Oi tboYear its New Years Eve at gcius vPAVhIflN Tlciietl muons ot laclasnnl Grttl Barrio ransom accommodate 700 nuclear roJ searchpaoientistsby toot rencs Alowsy the Guggenheim US overseas mission for the Canadian Artists Compete For Guggenheim Award supply run to his bolder pa Dirtctor Sargent Shrim both trots had nine Thai pollen pu of whom are married to sisters EDIE Navy Oats Sub States Navy Frldsy missiles no in honor job Business Booms PAIM BEACH Fla tAF small business enterprise was booming Friday outside the Palm Beach mansion of Joseph Kennedy former ambassa dor to Britain fMolie Your Resenulions Now For TODAY ONLY lhe firstfiilllsngth Hooicnaong MusicalEVsr noon lililltrlllllllliélliliiiili MARElSIAND Calif AP The nuclear powered Polaris tiring submarine Woodrow Wil son upabla of remaining aub mergad for more than two months Joined the United Tbs navy said there is scarc ely point on the earths sur face beyond the reach of her is lictorWithdraws HOLLYWOOD AP Actor Spencer Tracy has withdrawn from rota in western film because of ill health Warner Brothers studio said Friday The film in Cheyenne Autumn inwbichfracywastoplaya cameo rote tie is being re placed by Edward Robinson Warner Brothers spokes man said Tracys doctor didnt as up to the Cold drinkswarn sold for five cents cup to motorists stop ping at roadside refreshment stand operated by Sydnay Law ford and Maria Shrlvcr it Thcy are children of actor Pb ier Lawtord and Peace Corps HAPPYNEWLYEAR NEW YEAR DININGROOM HOURS pm to pm and pm to pm SPECIAL CHILDRENS MENU FOR RESERVATIONS 7285518 BAYSHORE MOTOR HOTEL incensed in Accordance with LCDO Regidational PALM SPRINGS WEEKEND Color Troy Donahn Connie Stevens Starts sunoav CONTINUOUS snow auuoar snow rso of the late president John Kennedy The Hennodys uwinnis and Sbrivers are spending the Christmas holidays in Palm Beach BifoMsraiimopomOooa Miniafggm mild ADIRT MIRROR CONTINUOUS SAT FROM pm ttMDIIS Plitttiti lltlilhl Manual auosic Hlll

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