lvvmumty7Mlr Fugr miler1 Our Telephones For titanium Want so tele phone PA MAN The Bitphon numbcr to call for the Boom or Editorial Dept to PA 663 99th Year No 30 Acter Ernest Borgnlne and singer Ethel Mcrman team up for photographer in New York yesterday after announcement Legation Stoning RdirSes US Ire SOFiA Bulgaria tlieuters Itlchard Johnson acting as charge dsffnires today pro tested to the Butgnrlan govern ment for the second time in loss titan 24 hours against the ston ing of the American Location in demonstration Friday Johnson made the protest to Foreigndlllnister lvan Hashev who assured him the legalion US olllcl said Johnson had already seen dep uty Foreign Minister Ljuhin Angelov Friday night few hours after the demonstration in which lcgation windows were smashed and four diplomatic oars overturned The demonstrators were pro testing against alleged Ameri can espionage against Bulgaria revealed in the trial here at fnrmer Bulgarian diplomat lu thc Untied NationsivanAA$en Georgiev who has admitted spying for the United States for seven years BURL STONES The Bulgarians pelted the building with stones and other missiles smashing many win dows and overturning four Am erlcan diplomatic cars Splinter oi glasslittcred ear pets and desks inside Stones and two bottles lay on the floor About 15 American and 70 Bulgarian staff members were in the building at the time of the demonstration The Bulgar iansrtaterrtel on bus sect by theforeign ministry American officials said no one in the build ing waslinjured The building was guarded to day by 15 policemen TALKS 0F LOVERS The sellconfessed spy whose testimony sparked the demon stratian said on the second day of histrial Friday that Ameri can intelligence spent thousands of dollars on the upkeep of his mistresses Georgiev 56 accused of spy ingforthc seven years wouldbe rotected in future the Westernallies puzzled over cum MEhMttN annrsr BORGNINE T0 wen theyll wed in July Miss hterman 55 next month has been married and divorced three times Borgninc to is one mistress from Paris to Washington three times to sat isly his caprice during the period Gcorgicr pleaded guilty to the church on the first day of the trial He also claimed the Ameri rcans spent $30000 to fly another mistress from lsrael to the BERLIN AHTltbllsand5 of West Berliners continued to Visit East Berlin today while an unprecedented protest made by the city government to the Communists The West Berliners are visit ing relatives in the Co munist zone underan arran cment worked out by the East German Communists and the West Ber lin city government Only West Berliners are allowed to cross under the agreement which began Dec 20 and will last until Jan Arnew phase was added to the agremnent Friday when the West Berlin city government protested directly to the East German regime over the Christ mas day slaying of refugee on the Berlin wall The Western allies with the backing of the West Berlin government previously have maintained that they alone in deal with the Communists over Berlin Paul Schultz iii an appren tice electrician was shot in the backas he scrambled over the said Amerlean intelligence flew NICOSIA CyprusA sh patrol was fired on today as violence flared upagainon this Mediterranean island which has been torn by fighting between Greeks and Turks for thelast nearlhe Kyrento gate in Nicosia but did not returri the fi Nolone was rrjured servicemen was oriedwovndedilnthe leg gunfire from Turkish Cyprian ï¬n the city The latest shootingcame as British Commonweo1th vSecre tary gtDunean Sandys arrlved you for urgenttaths sandysllelt Britain unexpec border wall into West Berlin only on in middle of divorce proceed ings terminating marriage to actress Katy Jurndo his se cond wife AP wirephoto May Extend Yule Visits EAST BERLIN Reuters East German Deputy Premier Alexander Abusch sold today his government is prepared to discuss visits by West Berliners to the Eastern sector after Jan when the Christmas passes plan ends in an interview published in the magazine Sonatag Aburch said When how otter andihy how many people the al crosslrltg points for visiting on its me used no ahfoplilical nu phere llS Vessel Catches Fire YOKOHAMA Japan AP fire aboard the American freighter President Madison was put out early today without in juries to passengers or crew or damage to the 7924ton ship cargo of manila hemp in the No hatch caught fire 90 minutes alteigthe freighter left Yokohama for California Fri day night the Japanese Mari time Safety Board said The freighter retunred to port and firemen battled the blaze for more thansix hours itinbulances Will Refuse Road Calls OAKVILLE Ont fCPtThe presidentof theOntario Ambu Operators Association said Friday members of the as sociation will refuse to answer calls on provincial highways starting Jan 15 unless Attorney IiGovt To Provide uAiriiit For Army OTTAWA CF The 50V emment ptnos to provide lim ited airlift capability to the 5D Wman Canadian Army so that it can make more elfecttva contribution to the North Atlan tic Alliance and the United Na ttous responsible authorities in dlflated Friday This airlift will haVe at least two purposes To improvo the supply system for the Canadian infantry Brigade In Europe and to provide some planes for UN pencekeeping operations This is expected to be the main theme of the government white paper no defence which will he issued early in 1864 probably in February Canada hasgotready had dis cussioos with the Scandinavian countries and The Netherlands on coordination of units and various tasks connected with UN peacekeeping missions manuscripts ronos Sources said Canada would Gtooked Carlieale Humen TORONTO CF rThe Bet ter Business Bureau opened its files on used car dealers Fri day and revealed cases of trick ert exorbitant interest rates and refusals to fulfil guarantees bulging file contained 122 complaints against five dealers alone each operating under variety of company names The bureau said it has complaints against many moreldealéis it said however that many dealers operate honestly and many others setUe complaints when advised of them by the bureau The bureau opened its files after Donald MacDonald leader of the Ontario New Dem ocratic Partygcalled tor an in vestigation into shady car deals The NDl leader listed in statement 16 cases taken from the tiles of the Better Business Bureau in which he alleged used ear commie had col lecied total hr 500 in de posits and then refusedtnre fund the money when lack of financing stopped the deals not be expected to provide the entire airlift for UN force as large as that in The Congo or the Middle East But it could contribute some places it Is understood that between 20 and to transport planes will he purchased in the United States on the understanding that the us places deicoce or ders in Canada of roughly equivalent value The planes are likely in helix ioclrered 01803 Hercules and later the look heed turboprop Starlifter The government has no Inten tion of creating an airborne brigade as such for either NATO or UNaervice The bri gade In Europe wittremain as ground formation though ft will get helicopters for battle field supply The Yukon the ttCAFs pres ent longrange transport is re garded as little more than passenger plane which wasnt designed to move cargo and By Better Business ureau from being completed The bureau said complaints General Fred Cass agrees to meet their representatives President Murray McBeth said the association represent ing on of the 100 ambulance firms outside Metropolitan Tor ootu has been tying to ar ranges meeting with Mr Cass since September Nine out of 10 of the acci dcot calls we answer on theK He died in hospital News to keep order between the Cypriot communities ATHENS tteuters reek Navy hasbeen plac edon fourhour alert in connection with the cr rinCyprusr reliable source we in and were reported to have decided to check on the readiness of iho Greek forces tofaee any emerged JETSFLY OVER Meanwhile military spokes man at the threepower truce headquarters said three ktsh jetflghters flew over icoala ihlsmornln follow tense with rumors or passed to over ï¬lled Turkish Cyprioti quarter and then headed north overgthe Mediterranean town it Turkey The buzzing brought renew charges by Greek Cypriots that the Turkish Air Force was showing the flag in at tempt to incite the To Cypriot community inNicosl The invasion rumors mused acting British High Commi sinner Denls Clearyrand thl thins Ambassador or from their beds They rrt totha presidential palace an emergency conference Archbishop Ni Cyan Greek Cypriot highwaysarecattswenever get paidfor Mr McBeth said hPdtrotAitackedf ddreosea in vestigating the used car tieid troops to rudimentary airfieids Exposed of retusnls to fulfil repair guar antees on used cars were more prov Another common complaint was excessive inter est chargcs The bureaus files showed Six per cent financing that turnsrout to he taper cent One case where the in terest rate was on per cent year it Customers who signed insurance papers to try out cars then found themselves comrnltted to so monthly pay ments One customer who left his own car totake another on sevenday trial basis and three days later found his car had been sold and was told he had bought the trial car bureau spokesman said the bureau would turn its books over teethe attorney generals department if an investigation was ordered Attorney General Cass who recentlyturneddownenerequestr for an investigation into used car rackets said the provincial poiiceantiracket squad is in others donot other examine iIhCompetent rnore than 50 incampetent high school teachers hold posi unlirsvin Ontario schools plement of teachers without giv ing much consideratiodtorais ing the competenc Striddingfiar Hits 12 Toronto Girls TORONTO CPLA car skid ded into group of 12 girls to suburban Scarborough Friday night evidently injuring one The group Members of Jewish youth organization were on their way to provide enter tainment at school for re tarded children to critical condition was Karen Morrison 15 Three other girls were in hospital but eight others were released after oh scrvation Driver of the car was Ronald Ryan 32 of Scarborough Alcohol Poisoning Claims 24 Lives PHILADELPHIA APtThe Philadelphia medical examiner said Friday at least persons have died here as esult of wood alcoholpoisoning in the last four days Dr Joseph Speiman the ex aminer said two or three attr ers are being treated in area hospitals Police described all the victims as derelicts Most of the victims were found dead in their beds to rooming houses or hotels in many of the rooms investigat orst discovered liquor bottles containing small amounts of pinkish liquid Dr Speiman said it was 5075 per cent methanol wood alcohol Find NoClne To Lost Ship rththtlDtAfria Spanish cruiser and two irlgaies in the Atlantic hate found no sign of the 103ittton Castillo de Moot Jurch seven days overdue on voyage from Boston Mass to La Corona The ship with crewof 37 and carrying cargo of 9000 tons of corn left Boston Dec Agents of the owners Em presa Nacional Eleano said they last heard from the freigh terDec ttwhen she radioed her wireless equi meet was not working well an gave her po sition as about 400 miles north west of the Azores itlteachers Tonouro CPtThe Ontario Secondary school Teachers Fedlt erotron was told Friday that ayor chairman of the board of regents lorence or laxity on oot boards HBSald the school boards hire incompetent teachers over the telephone or by letter with out personal info iewwhiio ilng staff he added tlgaied iss ares llof th teach ll said his board hadinvee alleged in local Weather Mlnitbmwltorrtutodoy ammoniaer 4tlta technol For fullnlaruryurrnlopuem iawyeris videlyeregardod as either ambassador to France or Commons along with External Not Mon Then Per Copylo Page OllAWA iCPt The first shuffle to the Pearson cabinet began Friday with the rcalgnn tiona from the Commons oi Jus tice Minister Lionel Chevrier and Postmaster General hub to Dents Prlrrre Minister Pearson told press conference he hopes to complete the shuffle as soon as possible In January There will be consequential changes and perhaps one or two others Byelectlons were called for Monday Feb 10 in the adjoin ing Montreal constituencies of Laurier and St Denis held un til Friday by Mr Chevrier and Mr Denis respectively Mr Pearson said both will re main in the cabinet unttt the other ministerial changes are made next month Mr Denis 56 will beshifted to the Senate and Mr Chevrler 60 is ex pected to take up diplomatic post in Parts or Imdon The prime minister said only that his senior colleague Mr Chevrler would be named to irigh attire tn the public serv ce WERE COMROVERSIAL Mr Denis and Mr Chevrler both members of the Liberal party old guar were among the most controversial ministers in thselgittmonths sincetha 26member Liberal cabinet took office The postmastergeneral drew steady opposition fire in the Commons for alleged patronage practices htr Chevrier was cri ticized for his handling of var larty prosecutions against some officers at the Seafarers Inter national Unlon oi Canada Mr Pearson said the resigna tions were being announced Fri day to ensure that the two Mont real rldings will have new rep resentatives inthe Commons as soon as possible after the 1964 session opens in midFebruary The further cabinet changes will not involve more resigna tions from the Commons he added ld like to get it all cleared up as soon as can It is expected that two new faces will be brought into the cabinet and that one or two of the present ministers willmova tonew portfolios FAVHEAU lN RUNNING Atmmigration Minister Guy Favrenu former justice dc partrnent official and Montreal liker successor to Mr Chev rier But he was first elected to Parliament last April and the prestigious justice portfolio may go to more experienced min ister There has been speculation that Mr Chevrler will be named high commissioner in tendon Both posts willbeeome vacant in January with the retirements of Pierre Bunny and George rew Mr Debts was the dean ut the Affairs Minister Martin law yer be won handily in nine elec ious criminal cases pantcw Byeiections Set for Feb ill See Complete Shuttle in Jan AZELLUS 112le Mr Chevrler entered the Commons in 1935 and themes kenzie King cabinetin lots as transport minister He planned the construction of the St Law rence Seaway and served as first president of the Seaway Authority in 195457 He returned to politics just be fore the 1957 election and acted as Liberal house leader in oppo sitionwbaurier has been Liblt eral stronghold since it was cs tabiished in the loan redistribu lion Crew Paultless 7CQTptam States ATHENS AP Greeces merchant marine industry opened preliminary inquiry today into the burning of the Greek cruise liner Lakonia TheLakonias skipper Capt Mathias Zarbts 53 was sum moned before the investigators shortly after his arrival by air from Madrid Other ofiicers and crew members also were ones tioned The inqu is closed to the public uAtter Ithe investigation the files will be sent to the min istry of Justice to decide whether the case should he re tothe ommlssionot nunn new cold wa maritime accideuts vfor further action thegrto on theaulrfro ayt theAlp