Pet Hoiskolci Snores Twice no Lend Sharks In Win axiom rue Earl BIIINI lett mr ii 5222 if ii ill nome out to hi maintainM it 25 iii if on as it at re ii iii 335 13 gt ii 55 og in trio it 31 iii it the ti 35 53 Egrif ii Eire Bowl trophy tor uowd at rnatn borrow notch mono Ian as Don Shula were the hover arrired in Miami IIva Photo the tune Annie iiindey nitht AP nft TL Flames Steady No Top Scorers Atiahia iii Er tr in 5r in rarer EEEE it El gr 45 25 552 The Hawk hr potato the Met or end monetota at while they Ire not noted tor partlmllriy We Ityll at play the mine hare derel fd eontlatency in their Int enact they her loot only ureaonly one be In their laat eILhIand In none those deteat did they lose by more than two goale And latest mine Itatlrtlu elm hereallwedentyn toninretheehnh In emote Maliaoth tenet initridttaily ha to avenge ehiie me Indiridnal eorin neemm to formant annular enr btnt In will over huaio BSIZLIBSBo Hulgl 11118833883 Win hill $333 5525 an 2S 3555 again EBBHBEBKBEBIS aaaoooessnge sanitation gt touted by the MIL Monday how that the Flame herein been heating their opponents with er Their Idiot wet re crnn forde Bob letter with II ml and with pod tor WIHA Scoring Lie am trot mu CPI Wooster no Wm Welland re Dolphins Arrive Home retains Iidvanco nhere on It Ia to star an by opt the NI to Eoetcrn tonm molt tn the Vi AD NM wl kiwi and 35523urtsarmrt ==a=l$ 3553153385353533HBE 3E5533 8838 In linden MP IA so Ml km 0138 II 331 dene nega an Es nasszun aeQaIOHOgIOu 154 PFPP knsssszs 33353 Hoping For Upset VMWUVKR t6 50ml enamorldett womenmtlI tire or tor the Ctnndlnn chhzmhiil today and all out one are hoo tog tor attuniinl tweet 1h odd irl out in Karon North Vancouver the do who hope to rennin ottrmplun ldi ltItouldlhyeaehncklithorw yearold univereity morn loet partle rlnco chem In mm in to help he Iter tree mm M1 thallium we never particu lmriimu you Wot stolen total down tron to oer cent Int II if iNltltreother e0per cent will crane It My Mongolian $1th ie in the no torn Green Continues Ila High lumper IIy THE ASSOCIATED ram Ilte oldest pl cr In the tionai Baakothal Auoalntlon did hi thin again Monday night It 39 Johnny Green ecorod eentontilzh Iotet oi 20 in tandiny Kenna City Omahaltinz to leiloo no tory ovcr Philadelphia 1tlerlh remecorcdltpolntelnte tlrIt dx ndmtter at the third po rlod to increase the Kinlr lead to over the hitlete Tterr Nate mild timid tilt lent eco In lt mod to point and handed It eulrta in other NM action Detro Piston heat Portland in mmr mm The Piston mapped three ame lorini ttrenlt with mine ottrth period help trom Dave Bing and iioh hauler healer ecorod point and ruined rebound vlltllo ilirIK led all team with at ilto mu Blazers who lost their toll tame In their tart ll nullity were placed by Sidney nick with or palm 5i in died the dinner in mono tree skater It PM thmr no one in It can toudt Mia atazieusrn iII that area snout nld In TonnisMalch BAN mm tAll atare Gunter or San Angelo and Reunite Mr oi nerold veteran Iotiidtymnxerdlnim Ientera to win openm round tintite mm In the 025000 illitli Motor Pro mil otuhlpe Monday nitiit Min Sumter took Mt beta Irorn Julie Holman ot llatnton site troox Milne tame dintlet ion and near datert tn the mood hilt Marlin Hittite 1m Dtln ediod Leslie that at AIII After troll 15 68 Both witinere moved ouarterdinel loud Easy Living Wins gwnn tool ow Feature iiaco mtheeroeee When astedmlt the new eyelet at night to her coilt mt ooh Ii meted In the Interim In international mama last month and the tint However hill minim we aha he been worth bard Ind thereate ten potatoii Inyin town who wot hot atelnrt her 510 try the want the title badly and believe it better to To to the world then ptmihipt ohmwlon Iho world1 an in Brettth Ctoohoslovakia next month end In there that the north oharue could hurt hilrr liar tiurxenlhe world chatnotori lrltle Schaba oI AustrIIhal retired laevtny lite Maw ten and Janet Lynn ot the who State as her Wat re People never read emoll ndel or do they figure Iantln here In teetod tor dim Iner Innuincod liond no test will tltoIhtinl event Team will drill In the Fab HI with on tutorial tlophnno ottstlitringsyetoni 0063 liliilll Telrphonla communication 7288555 CALL ANVTIME hat IntothemimwI eocmd tnndtarinsthe theunieu cith muted htonday he ll be the Ilrtt taken at an Internetional ti horn in ottntrie chemica wwne timed lad Yin Were beamrocked with lanthteru place mer Gero lter on the head tor man pm on width In Wuhtnxton only tmdedwn in the WWW Itt miy mi no to novre ry ea Onion ill atit to Will WM CPI PIerreBcnoIt Mild to re and hen the tonal Int tawar Monday indicated he could reach little agreement with the rnanaxeu of World lloctry Atrocietion tranchlre on how to do It The mayor last week eliw tired potentlni tan tor tteyinx away from National hone tame and told he would tee what could be done hout har lny 0100000 pertormanee Hosted with the central Coiled Nbltlon owner oi the ow mtreeetureied to the team laid he had reached an Ineernent with Don Ittailncbelgunk hitteri on to one nor their ten problem only to have the Idea vetoed by Nick mnen ot ltao NY the ehhe main tinanctal hacker lie eaid Motich made counter proposal that would have had thetapayere oi oi law rtahalditin the term The mayor who laid he would meta public the tevorel ottorr at meetlna oi the exhi bition association today added NEW IN TOWN 15nd dont know which way to turn call the WWW till run the turn Youll be glad you did an Mayor Trying To Help To Welcome Of 5000 hannrn are to out inetoIaetmontheoty phioaetoryloundandetear Manitoba idtdnethlakwo ryye oi Imam Maroon line nod one this and wme hxt domain hil the ham to Redskins In to ho hypo really Nearly lit hm we tat Rod thin out It Izsorn when the team bin errlvod from ice internment ARM tom mile away In Virginia aim2m team at had mile known they dam went Me Who Poisey tried to warn ton way lion the Nodshim iron mastoid Iermica thallencer Ind charmion title DIN him on the not Out Nuts thtt Mimi and movieh were not action like people who wanted to keep the traaahleo am here The Nattoatlt ttrutrilnl tor the fourth and tart league play all berth three point behind Quebec lg Notdl er have manned only In the tart two me to drew more than 3000 ttn to the 05006 Civic Centre htott prevalent anion minor rutrdinl the team that the one want to mave It to hilt wantee lthouxh there were no apphcetlon tor loch witch at the ment team meeting In Quebec CI about you end have you are letting me wt raid Both lighter were In wtlrhr no pounds at 11 took the day nit roomnun arts ehctv willy tore hem altar Rice on loo raid omit Gourde Allen Frazier Foreman om Iixchango Words IA Foroman lldi dinnied entry wo hoth borer underarm col exnmtnotloorone fore their world hemwetti Pruner stripped oft hie attire and Invited Foreman to IW the hecn Elm It wig been any co hm heardthal nicotine alter Ieroeitu to euro to give It to you Geome on Monday night lormun rhouted hook at Frazier telling him to shut up tore the tlmt Foreman MI TiddlerontheRoof mo MR ox ill heavy wool cool sharply pointed horn and Is member oi the goat nsr pinuiln the event econ Ina race But the tramr eon tirfency thou among It nut nine amenoil to point at etch other GOAHENDINO BOND the team nnitending where rookie Den Douchard and Phil htyre each htve reyistered two thutoot and In the roan ot xi Consistency thaws equally in 8ss rwrrrte Eves arr Bettaln Worstey Elbert room 2=u9azatsaawn=og uuuoou8 Eee IOC Spokesman Warns Montreal 33 ligainst Holding lleierendum mam ttuuter wun Lemme Wind Damn It ternatlonal day against hol dun on whether to Olympic Simmer Garnet llatnne war commtin report that the untrue may reuse of the an lion manure I0 the the Ituotioo hold reterendttn hope they dont do tr The nancial problem Iotrrday mun tire conunlltro nod on lino or hated its me to em opposi li Martini decide to lntonnatloo directorof mm like Denver inlttee exphined did over the Winter Gamer Trmnnlly think It Montreal had thine tor Montreal to make preparation time had no are rich decision three year else with for Olympia In tho rtollationa and wee tadn Boweler hiootre Ill be dl cussed at oi the exetre not eoriouely helieve the Game at the lot In in Montreal are in any danrer reeldmtoftheln nlnlMl pic Ootnnaittee liOCl warned Montreal Mom reteren ld the WI DBNILS more atemhilmde in IntIt Swill Will the no child upon that Montreal rnay tree the Games beceun altero mitten merino The Gutter have hen awarded to Montana end they tienae Ieeerhan they Berton Monique them The denial followed It moot said by Damn the loot three yam IL nanciel dimmttiet Dainile Ioniperad hi rvnnrb hy nylon do Starts Friday Itaml th suaunam HABIIANI or PROMENADE slzo irtl2 size x9 BAYIIEID SIREN 53E535535E5Ea3ia sneezenonmetal 3azxu