Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Jan 1973, p. 7

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gig is thctt moped age QIdered heosons For Increases mm rm noqu or stunt dlntr rt mntmou wnmn iii Convict Escapes out till II oi nodiord 0nt reaped umbton musty tell my when its us put ting out the Iran up tured here Monday Police IIld Bade who hId served on days oi may redone Iorbrsek enter sad week IltIr Ion astnnimd to the Inn Irorn Irtln onrtrlephono tlp tound ti Irontlessend relormntory Ihtvcrlnr Hootch no resist in run our rmnourtltmtu he to rhr will Mot mini deed nmrrtdhhrrxhy Mantel attic worst Ior rcwsdzy spun since gures on the trust unbreIkwcrettlrIt the end oi Homo her In recanted tor Ilmoet 11 Inuence Io hr thin win rcsordod It ml the tom at Quidw Ssekiiionsectian winssir out an Whitby PchbIItrle IlorpItIl rencwtnr ItI Hottest tor corr nectlon to the Illrm pInel In the town the but here Is re Iuit oi tuorccent tires which caused mood Both Ilres whichoccurrcd Iiter drrk Dch 29 rod in were Ioundlo be most men Ind two pullout were mated In connection with the tint ilre lllllon hrd Ip pllrd three or our yerrI no to the provlndrl ministry oi pov crnrntnt cortices to hrve eon nectlon made with the mslnilru Hospital Idmlnirtrrt Flsbrr IIId the hosplt hit but no Ietlon VIII triers UlNLANG Consider Verdict mlAWA Iuri Supreme court oi Canada He told Gordon Iolrwerthcr PCshtwydtoyell III will con suit Envlronment Illnlster Jrck Davis and provinclrl mlnlsterI holore msklnx decision Itlr Iejrwccthcr return the Ll weer oodennins oI it It ln Fletch rrmlttca cu nm nintttrr decision It by Jude Iltll Inltl Ontnrlo hrd no rlrj rule on rrrr under the rovlnee dormantI Protect on Act lo Quakes In new york or arm your geological Iurvey oi earth quake potentlrl oi Vnortlmrlcrn It Justch Illnlller Otto Illn told this Common htondey he will con rldcr docirloo oi In Ontrrlo count court hrdseIdrIllnp with ctIon oi environmentrl IIwI beiore deciding whether to rctcr tho dcclrlon directly to the noise mum on Mun Herter in In In mln MW Month In lieu wII U3 woutd mumwdinu Ploads IniltY lt Yvu Ind Carmen Weyplcrdsd guilty sleme to abuse can Mctcd with Geodrvyr ucIP iron custody In December 1m They In to be sentenced Feb 19 Gconrol llontrerl notrry rervlnx tlinunteoce tor the 1969 murder oi his lintwile pluded rut to chute It or prtnqut mumsch his seem wlie pluded Silt to three else dtnr cruise III lslu dcctuIIlon to IMIlll In Itlrrrl purport Ind curse purport white color to be lllse Awarded $10M memo UPI leaner mitts Itere Insurer phone cash rm Ittxknhrn hntrlcdhto motley outrun been swarle 31900 or pain Ind Mtllcrlni iv the Ontlrb gamma Mute KI Ih hill tor rtelrtln MW Itmdin order not to resist robber Mr Kurtstlnos mooted with th miter Ind itll muesli ontbelloorolhlsrmuhme possinr licemsn Isw um dlhl robber Quebeclollutron QUEBEC CPI Quebec produces 13 per cent mom wrrtc per min then the United StIteI rry unite pr per mlde ptbtic Monday by Iernhenolt Weds In rm Quebec produced l7ll million tons oi wute aid the duty ntinistcr lor environ moot protection services lbc Iigure wbldr inchIdoI Imlnlni Indindurtrinl wute Nautilus pounds per perr pared wlth the United SIIte Irbllih predicts 2100me per on whlr laid the pwcr will hediiclrlly presented to environment minister Victor Goldeoom Jrn II WanIBill Passer OIIAWA CPI The Call dIIn Councll cl SocIII Develop ment In prbsstnl thI oversr mcnt Ind the opporltlon prrttcs to road Impoi new hour to II lutlon Itrreodir the NItIIoI Hominy Act Alex hlurrry cbelrmrn ol the counctII houslnr committee hlondey rent Irlorrrm to Prime Minister Trudcrusnd lcrderI oi the three opesltlcn mun Ishinpthst the outlay receive topprlority Robbers liahhed WINDSOR Ont OP Gt IIec the two men In custody oliovdnp built rotbcry Ind hI bspced cur chase Ind run bslle hloodryumornlnp Loanrteblo nrld Serbu er treated tor cute Irorn tiylnr lru when bullet Ihnttcred trwlndsbeld oi his cruiser durinr the chsre One oi the suspects Illn wre cut by flying lieupolice rIId Police laid to shots were during the chrse II by thIIrutpcotr Ind the by police Monies Expanded orrAWI or rm Gmcrnis uImntr totelilnl not mllllonwerI Improved by the cabinet between the tlnw LI perhaan Ml dissoer Ior Could Create THE LATE Llilm PM Support College Pl The lIJr Ily oi the his letter Parson does not moon oltn to es thllllt lulled NIIIonI only rlt dcdlcrtcd to the Iorrner prdnc rrttnitter the tnlverritlyl on plemlnl group lIIrned dry oi Medicine here thIt PentIon INKJMIL obi to poll out the pro clomt to his hail wes the In United World Doile schedulsd construction It Cant to open to In Incouvrr 0oi Mouton raid the Inn er concerned thltjiund has he studied irr the col tort or or more lnstilui on jg mason ollcr IIir Pearsons memory wou than dlrniuishpuhllc interest In the ins Dolled Worn Collt lexes luvs schools in Villa Ind college ll shape with students ued to Iran to diiterent countries min thclrlut two yurr ol hi It school cducrtloo Anothc ierc will 0min Verrnon um yeIr Hydro Meetings Mum ML mm tens oI thousde pl wine Inn Mummeth boht attic median brain in to optltltn tun pow Notary oi plat to build hues trotn Dougie Pvlnt Weber Ind Gothtotem Bob Henderson terrrcnsi It WWII Minerals Down lOIiDleN UP Value pl OntIrIoI mincrIl tprothvrtiou in by 81 million run the 1m total Loo Ber ms dropped ntrr minister retirees Inld Mooney Preliminary In the provinces history rlwwwr Iror AN dtuI pert unru Call ls vict our ice sent the door Idd Mn new win would 01 ltobcrt Houston member ol the Toronto norm who IIld be tied spoken to Hr Pcrrronr drugbter Mrs Walter llsnnIh told 115 people It the Acnderlrlry rorrlrmlty Ninth olllrcr for Ontario Ilium mystthc meeting Ire rIdlrII chance In no And will Intorm pusiblyrl rooted mlo about the tut tint Inc lines Ire rcqulrcd one to rrrre Kitchenw and Inottur to wpdy hloim Toronto lrcrn oi nnturrl ro Items compiled by StItlstlcs Clouds lllWItM value oi Irtincrelr produced In the province Inst ycsr wrs that billionJill the thlrd belt openu vwwwwyr GIVEAWAY Ir our mm or nuns run our ror FREE EVERY DAY IN JANUAIIV FILL IN IIIE DllAlv INo PURCHASE NECESSARY PANT PAD no mm mm AAAAAAAAA Irs tor their pIcIIIIunebron litigating pouchrN LINE norm Toronto potlrcrncn ItrndIt ItIeoIIoI Is cutet oi eres mum courttale who as sully shot Iburrdly hill Bottle Depot New Industry CAlAEY OP Alert New unlvrrIIldcpot robots sys tern lor wine liquor Ind Ion drtnlr contIInIrI ts daincd to NItlotts Food Ind Agriculture when he tried to stop wInItd In Toronto tor burirl hIocclIy lo INDIAN WINNER teres mcdsbosmed tor norm 1on at Intuition ROME AP The listed ItcrI ominous rimmed ms nu cur oi IndirI Gm on its $17ch winner hep thI province clern but It It Mimis ones The bnulorrturn lexlslIIIIn cotloto cited In Ind Dave seer cencrIl msnrxcr ot the tummy orcrsrein con tIlrwr collections IIyI Ind dco suitability at new source at tbsp lInI hIs Itirrcd rim bcId nun Icturerr In AustrlI Ind the United StItes theyre looklnx It the possllt billty cl rolling up plants to swim mt oil It open WIy Ltd ol Calllry Glue bends Ire used to In amgflinchtrellelczlhnI gram If and true when Me lt htr Beck rIld reprcscniIttves from Ievcrrl corrwsnles Ilrudy have visited Atbertr to IxImIne possible lInd IllrI Two rltes rutder consldrrrtlon In Fort IIIclcodIInd Itedcliii where Dominion GlIu 01 Ltd Ilreedy operIles bottle rmntr lscturlu plIIti Wed probably be IND to roll up to 11 ml ttcn oi cAleIerplIsImId yeg Io hemxitbo us In column es Mr Beck said And wed Irot hlbcr rtos price than Domi onr Istrles rd ct MUSE HE PURE hlr Bur rIId It Isnt econom Icsi Ior cootslnAWry to sell glass to Dominion at existing dowood nice beam the mrnrdIc turInrIIrm Ilso reoulrrs rup pliers to undertIte the costly tut oi removing imjurltlcs CIeIr loss collected from more thIn 1m unlverrrl depots In the prorincrnow Is bclnl dumped It lIndIlll Ittcr Ir Ihouch stucco Ilrms Ire buylnr up the colored rlrss Memwhile llr hock IIId la Put aiih urne expec to number 1w by months cud Oomumere Keil fivecent ro brta on reels bottle Hotels represent the bi pest rinsls source It wine Ind quor bottles Ind It Is here that In enterprst truck owner could possibl Incmse bls revenue ItIr cck raid hotels still an undccldrd whether to drllrer their own empties or give the Job to truckers who would pry two cents bottle in return or pockcllnrthe Ilvecrnt rebate hate AWuy pets Itrslxht lee bsscd on volrnne pnld both Focrrd Ind Kama rink urers us trust iund Depot operstorr get one cent or Irch bottle or cut they reels Im tIr their rIld possible revo nue Is not Irlnins rum consld Irina that Inestlmrted 300 ml lIon holder or crru ol Iolt drinks Ind so million bottles oi wlnonnd liquor will be rold In the province this you ilh envI urd ll BOTTOM Irllllt In It It II II by the Albert Ll uor Control srt an onelouch IIIIlnp IIIIh SlnperI lIhuious Touch SIw Sewing MIchlnIl Or move III the wry up to singers ionturopnchcd Golden Touch It Sow and choose besuttlulty crIItod cabinet ABSOLUTELV FREE during PREVIEW73 IiSINGERNOWl So simple to opcrrtelt mslrussewinp crsy Inn still does everything you could went IutomItIcnIlyI nrrlstltcn System IorrtrcIcIt revving Erotuslvn sirnrNeche With onewry noodle clump Ersy Dlrl Controls BuilHtI Buttonholor llm uncut sinus 28 Dunlop St Plume 72 More thIn 1000 persons wIt ur lures Ilope United Qurch cited the proccsslon CF Pho At Police Funerali Windsor mm ht 4Q strike splat Windsx mlnsid pat son My todu Iith and talks mean balm Rm Pu Pm oi DM rion bit nstn Trench thxxs aid in In htcnl blmday tint met rncctinx Slim mild tens or slum mod without prvmul medialx Terry Mdel who Itll It Fridayl my in t1 talks are inuon all that nnLv tun or three cum Iirrns him not been let tl tnlon oitIcIILs hm bras negotiating uith Iincoln lrrm Manth 01 um hin the igi iii gsi 33 gr Ii ii Er to gr Strike Enters 26th Day Cabinet with Singers fabulous Touch Sew Go Portable with the Fashion Mate ZlGZAG II ydu wantvoIIrIlIIty It low price you mm the FthIon MIts Irwin Mecblnu III III you need to nw economiclhyt ZIpZra Ind Straight stitching Exclusive Drop1n Front Bobbitt Exclusive OnoWay Noodle Insertion thII Noodle Positions Complete wilh Go Anywhore Irrylng case When youre looking Iorf vIIuI orirmy Irvch AND pvsuntce youre looking to SINGER SIN 87960 onrcnrrnushvstustc GER weanu lthICImI InsilBIn gnnunanxsza

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