Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 30 Apr 1962, p. 5

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CAMP BORDEN The annual opening dance for Camp Bordens GoiI Club will be held Friday April 27 in Bueli Building at 800 There will be reireehmcnis Mile opportunity to become member at the club or all in terested in goll Don McLeod on the messins stall at RCASC School tor the past three years has Joined the Canadian Army He recen tly completed survival tralnlng at Barrie Armoury Audrey Canning has taken his place on the mess stall Frank Waggonlt or Barrie is also new member on this stall certificate oi appreciation was presented to Harold Bolr Inson Alliston who recently retired from RCAF station Camp Borden Mr Robinson was member of the clean lng maintenance staff Pine tree seedlings are be ing planted in many open ar eas at Camp where buildings formerly stood lliteen thous and trees were planted last year and the same number year it is expected this pro gram will continue or live years until over 70 acres are planted Wakeileld chiei gardener said those reioreatcd areas would acompllsh three purposes act as windbreaks reduce ground maintenance cost andhelp sustain water levels in Camps sandy alluvlnl soil Elmer Woods Barrie Is patient in Royal Victoria Hos pital He has been ill or sev eral months and is recovering from an operation LaMan che has also been on the sick list but has returned to work Mrs Betty Martin Barrie has commenced work at RCASC School as typlst She replaces Miss Brock oi Depot Coy who recently resigned TOTTENHllM LEGION NEWS The monthly meeting of Tot tenharn Branch 829 held April was not well attended many however came in lat er President Don Galbraith welcomed visitors and allow ing business and reports from various committees gave brief account district meet ing and parade recently held in Bolton The sports commit tee have planned an extensive program for this year Money tronl the stag April 27 will be used to support the base ball program for the little people This was sucessiui worthwhile ellort last year and with community support anoth er tine achievement may be realized Those who give time freely and impartially in this fine work with young folks de serve the wholeheartad support of all The bingo games held or charitable purposes and shuffleboard have been suc cess Winner of the 5050 Club draw tor April was Mrs Sadie Jones father and son base ball banquet for those who played ball under Legion epon sorahlpln 1961 will be held May 16 Zone commander Owen Quin Ian on regular visit and intro duced by the president spoke briefly dealing with various phases of Legion work His re marks were interesting and in structive After the meeting closed the shuttleboargl was kept busy while others played cache ANGUS By MR8 DUCKWORTB Mr and Mrs Richard Tre land nnd family Toronto spent Easter weekend with their par ents Dr and Mrs West Mr and Mrs Ernest Ham mond returned home Friday Aer so after spending the Enter in St Patersburg Flor Mr and Mrs Norman Coul lon Toronto spent Easter Sun day with Mr and Mrs Camer MireRae and Mrs Douglas Kean Ilan and tamiiy spent Easter Sunday with their parents Mr and Mrs Bert Herd Lavender Miss Marlene Robinson Tor onto is home with her parents Mr and Mrs Harvey Robin son for the Easter holidays Mr and Mrs Clifford Plex ton and Sharon visited their mother Mrs Ed Paddison New Lowell Easter Sunday Mr and Mrs Norman Klincls Toronto spent the weekend with WDuckwo grim Mr and Mn and family Toronto spent Good Friday with Mr and Mrs Fred Latimer and Mrs William Muir Toronto spent the Easter weekend with Mr and Mrs Fred Latimer and her sister Mrs Sendford Dem pater who is ill at time of Writing Mr and Mrs Sandy Demp Mrs Demps Evan Muir star and tar Barrie visited Easter Sun day with Mr and Mrs Fred Latimer and Mrs Demp ster Mr and Mrs Leslia Rose and Mr and Mrs Raymond Latimer and Arlene spent Good Friday with Mr and Mrs Edwin Breen Whitby Mr and Mrs John Calm and family Creemore visited their parents Mr and Mrs Eric Coker Monday April 23 Master Rickey Coker stayed for the holidays with his grand parents Mrs Carrie Mac Stennlng and Wayne and Darryl land on are Ipeotilng the uEaster holidays with er peren Rev and Mrs Willis Mr and Mrs Elton Morri son Avenins spent Stud with Mr and Mrs Eric Cok er and attended segvicesu ter Sunday in church John Allason Aurore spent the weekend with his parents Mr and Mrs Allason Judith and Peggy Bush Ban rle are spending the holidays with their 11 Mr Mr and Mrs Gordon Bush Mr and Mrs Gordon Bishop spent the Easter weehmd with Gordons parents Mr and Mrs Bishop Frederictlon N3 in and Mrs Duck worth Misses Barbara and Erma are spending low days in the USA Rev and Mrs Pu Field and lamlly Streetsvilie spent few days with Mr and Mrs Mrs Sam Noble and Iarnlly George Dexter and iriends Master Stephen McRae is patient in Royal Victoria Hos ltnl Barrie llla school pals ope to see him home soon Barrie called on her aunt and uncle Mr and Mrs Thomas Duehvwrth Easter Sunday Karen and David OConnor Barrie Terrace are spending the holidays with their grand Try An Examiner Want Ad mother Mrs OConnor and PHONE PA EH WASllGlI BEACH By BELEN GILLES COUNCIL NEWS Reeve Tony Beck and all councillors were present in muncii dumbers Monday April 23 pm Mr Beck re ported on recent meeting with the Ontario Municipal Board in connection with installation of sewers in the village Mr Ken nedy chairman ol the board stated the proposed method oi financing was unaceptabla to the board as with the present oommittnlent to Coilingde High School area it would work too great hardship on taxpayers suggestion was made that since the townships of Sunnldale and Flor might soon be facing the same eltus Itioa meeting at these towa shlps with the village be ar ranged in the near future with view to combined proth Councillor Dyer suggested there must be someone in position to offer advice on how to finance the project in reply hit mentioned the committee of ratepayers which had been tanned unottlcially or the purpose of delving on thus into ways and means MECCA Fast healing tor MS Wm 4am FURNITURE SHOWROOMS The House of Quality LIVING ROOM Modern KROEBLER pc Sofa and 29st seater beige KRDEBLER pa Sde leader brown 15950 SKLAR p0 Sofa and dash seater olive 95550 SKLAR pc Sole and Chair brown 33950 SELAR p0 Sofa and Chair brown po Sofa and chair Danish brown 21900 spa Sofaaod Ghee seater brown m00 SKLAR TROISTER SNYDER p0 Solo and man brown mohair LIVING ROOM Contemporary Provincial PARDOURI p0 Solo and Chair Italian brown MUELLER mso p0 Sofa ind Gleh contemporary beige 84050 KROEELEB p0 Safe and their contemporary beige 44950 BRAEMORE p0 Sofa contemporary whitelilac 83050 BRAEMORE pc Sofa and hair French Prom beige 41850 BRAEMORE pc sole and Chair contemporary brown walls p0 son and one contemporary belie p0 Sole meta lbalian burnt gold 99950 summons p0 Sofa and Chair rose beige content $9500 STERLING pa Sofia airmanloll oootempomry Lm50 man InWaIndMJoamAlomgebrown CUSTOM LIVING ROOM Colonial small NANTUCKEIR p0 305a lid swivel chair brownm 0mm 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MOTORS cs Collier st PA sun Heres where the biggest Furniture Sale Continues save up to on fine furniture or Harry lowesslorewide SALE DINING ROOM SUITES GIBBARD 19950 EmaID 27950 3me SOLD Bounnmca 18900 mm 22900 mm SOLD Human VILAS mes 25950 24950 and po suite modem Walnut p0 suite modem walnut pc slate Freud va chemy pc suite Malian Prom wet 25900 Andrew Malcolm pc Spa EnlistHutch 001 antique 14100 p0 mu mOdern chrome m50 33950 BEDROOM SUITES 20950 mm 32950 mm SOLD Andrew Maconl P0 lube Spanish Prom butternut SOLD monomer 20950 mm 42950 KAUFMAN 21950 KAUFMAN SOLD EONDERICE VILAS VIM SOLD mas VIIAl 90 mile modem walnut sseoo no suite modem walnut p0 menialn walnut us00 Do lite Colonial antique mu 20 dark Coloniahmflquo moo 1pc desk MIL pa dresser base Izulnt 10150 9450 p0 wrltusg table antique 4100 3575 MATTRESSES aaox sssmes SEAL can enmuONs MAnaaau moon snearMAllran Manon 20orr THIS SALE WILL CONTINUE UNTIL THE ABOVE lSTOF ITEMS IS SOLD FURNITURE SHOWROOMS suiteJrends vau ahenry mso no mite modem walnut p0 slate modem walnut no mite snodem walnut IDi00 M50 pa suite Colonial antique 00000 Eld00 PC mite Colonial solid walnut $1950 SALE 45950 SOLD SOLD 55900 37950 SOLD SOLD 35900 35000 9500 14950 61600 KAUFMAN SKLAR cuarom 39950 SOLD SOLD 27950 20900 oonn MED 27925 OCCASIONAL CHAIRS Modern hair Danish Mtge Chair and Ottoman brown Swivel Rocker Chan WM Swivel Rocker await man nu Bowler pm me museum Ghair and mm was 18050 12950 SOLD SOLD 4495 SOLD Swivel Hooker vinyl green sloso 3950 Recliner Chair tangerene 3950 Swivel Rocker Chaim BBAEMOBE Chair antique whitehim Italian Prov ALOhazr momma mu SOLD OCCASIONAL CHAIRS Contemporary 8r Provincial anemone Chair olive linen contemporary 17500 Swivel Chair sold eontempomy Chair whitegold contemporary 5930 BRAEMOBE weir melion contemporary SOLD 6850 8950 118 anemone cone violet contemporary u9so I2450 BRAEMORE Chair green ma Provincial SOLD 7450 SOLD 0000 MUELLER Chair gold velvet Flrend Prov uo00 8250 20900 20750 SOLD 0450 SOLD LAZBOY SNYDERS VILAS Amman us lova seat goldbrown LANG BROOKS BTIFFEL SUNSET CAMPBELL NANTUCKETTWN their Bold anemones OCCASIONAL CHAIRS Colonial Redhea Rocker natunal tap Swivel Rocker chair gold tap llt5t CORONATION Cricket Rocker chair green print FheSidechairoatlnailtflnf TERMS AVAiLABLE sorn 14900 9450 SOLD 8950 119 LAMPS Modern Provincial Colonial arr

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