RENTALS RENTALS ARTS HOUSES TO RENT RENTALS OFFICES STORES RENT MODER Olflce Building downtown Bar rie has limited Lillulinl oi space availablelull alter to null Telephone PA am or PA 60865 APTS Houses To RENT The Garden Terrace Corner Queen and Duckwnrthl Modern home two bedrooms large living room tiled kitchen with dining area all best with air conditioning tull basement serviced landscaped grounds bamboo drapcs 586 month PHONE PA Emit ADJOINING PARK Beside Lake One and two bedroom apart ments complete with stove and reinserqu Use oi washer and dryer Redemrutcd annually PA $1068 DELUXE APARTMENTS Conveniently located near schools shoppln and bus and WiLIIID walking distance at downtown lOne and two bedrooms alconlcs lBumbon Drapes ISloves and ridges Cindividual thermostats Ilncinerators IFrce washing and drying Incllltlcs Valinny otilcr line appointments Children welcome Sample suite may be seen by calling PA 83l86 BRENTWOOD TERRACE Scli contained two bedroom apartment Living room kitch an full basement with laundry tubs Central location Free parking Telephone PA 89238 UNPUnNInnltD two bedroom sallv contained ground Iloor apartment All ullllties supplied Dunlop St West ma Telephone PA oasis Ems DOOM unturnlshcd sell containd heated apartment tor rent Separate entrance Adults Apply Dunlap St zast ï¬n nnnltoont apartment or rant to now Dulldlnl washer dryer and lanitnr Icrvlca auppllcn Available Immediately Telephone PA M151 tor Iurthsr lntormatlula Two lnznlloOM llunenlows or rent on Highway 400 East muu south or Barrie on nth Concession Thornton Ratkuu tclcpnona Clsrluon Duh TAyior 20150 CONVENIENT TO EDGAR All this or only $60 per month Three room uniurnishcd apart ment with bath Has private entrance garage driveway garden and lawn $60 Includes heat and hydro from Barrie Convenient to Edgar DAYS PA 6644 max BEDROOM modern home all convantcncu conveniently lo cum to Camp Borden and Dam round and la noela Cards sarasa Telephona aim in run noon unlumiaha naalad apanmcnl sci contained with heavy ulrtns laundry lactllttas Very canlraily located Taispnona PA aim TWO nnnnooll salt contained apartment or rent unlumlsatd Gara Children welcome Ill Allan aa district Telephone PA um tor turlhtr lnIormauon Tlntnl n00 Iumlaacd spa msnt class in downtown Ilaaled and hydro suppltad Talsnnona PA 511 days and PA Hm arab iuss UNPunNInlllD late room msnt completely hsatsd Located on Pan close to lorei school and mu Tclcphon PA 60510 nannc Aparini nt nd rairisrrator aupplisd Also two wantcom aplflnlenLI Laundry Iaclutlas in new rt Inant buildinl Talaphona PA um in Dalston salon mliu NOS PA 5M1 TWO manual hatad apartment in bottom floor at modern triples on at Vincent Ctmt North monthly Avallabls soon Talepnoaa PA 20 Two BEDROOM unrunliabad mo darn apartment east and Laundry Iseiutlaa stesa ralrinralrer nut and water Parkinl C10 to btu Adults Talcpnana PA aim alIGln our room small ment with stove lneludad Contra Private an rance Ilaso ahla ant Telephon PA or runner Inletmalice cLzAN tflmlafllbll upper thraa room apartment tor rant llalrlnr ator store not want and lights supplied Suit con la Runnable rant Talapnono Hui Tint IDOlI tnrntabad spar mam Central Putin laundry lacllltica Also twin room only furnished lament TIIthUnl PA loo AVAILABLE June apartmant with ov rsrrlrsralor usaasr and dryer Int no par month Telephone PA IIiil or call At in Cook atmt UNPUILNInnElI two lane Ilppar duplsx ell Basement Iaclililn At 59 lar Street 15 monthly Available ay Apvl SI Vincent Street bedroom sled rwo noon uniumlahad pa hunt with kitchrostt upars three piece hath heat and us supplied On bus route Ns Ge Electric Telephona PA um LNPURNlallED three room apart Inuit or rent halted not and cold water Stove Included Privata antranca Available ltlsy Telr Phone PA 01541 or turthcr de mm Lilt nOOlI unlulnlahcd heated rtmant completely sellcontain laundry and parking racllltl Newly decorated Oaldcy Park trlrt Avallabls now Tulopho PA Moan UNPUrllellen Apartment or rent lollcontained Conllltl or living room kitchen bedroom and bath Itanutto and ratrigcralor supplied Relate or 70 per month Telephone PA Mind or PA Mail ruannIlEn APAnTnlENT atov ralrlrarator heat and hydro in cluded separate entrance and parking apnea available Axpl llrs Drown Ccntre Street as or telephone HE N135 UPPER DUPLEX two bedrooms livlnl room and kitchen lully tiled tour chta bathroom Oll hcatad Laundry Inclllilcs Immch atc Dosseulml Talcphona PA name man 00 scltcontalncd un furnished heated apartment Newly dcoralldn Water hydro stove and raililleretor supplied Privats ont rance queens Park Talo phona PA Mani VERY CmnALgTwo bedroom apartment In new building Steve and mtrigsrutor supplied Laundry laciltlss also parking Available stay Telephone PA 82300 Two ROOM Iurnishcd apartment Heat hydro nna Wllrr lnsluncd in rent Neal and clean close to downtown Suitable or coupla Tclcphond PA nClola LARGE two bedroom lurrushsd apartment very central Also bachelor apartment lully lurnish ed and single bedroom Tclcphona PA onldd UNIURNISHED spacious one bedroom apartment or rent Priv alc entrance and bath Centrally located Heat and water supplied Telephone PA 35159 01 PA 65319 EXCEPTIONALLY lsrsa live room apartment available immediatcly In new modem building Automa tlc laundry malntcnanca ssrv stove and rclrigcrntor options Paved parking Incllltlcs For us thsr lnlolnintion tcicphoua PA Moan or PA 334 By ALICE BROOKS T0 SIZE 48 Eitclasively designed for hip elirnming flattery plus comfort Iniit Classic shirt pedal push nrs shorts slacks all are easysew in crisp cottons Printed Pattern 4794 Womens Sizes 34 as as 40 42 44 4s 48 Size shirt takes 11 yards 35inch pedal pushers 21 yards Send Tilly cents 5D cams in coins Ontario residents add cents sales tax tno stamps please for this pattern Print plainly SIZE NAME AD DRESS STYLE NUMBER Send order to ANNE ADAMS care of tBarrie Examiner Pat tern Department 60 Front St Toronto Ont SPECIAL SpringSummer Pat tern Catalogready nowl More than too sparkling stylessun sport day dance work travel All sizes Sendlas cents noun noosl modern artmcllt Three plcce path Oak floors Steam heated Stove and ralrlrcra tor Downtown Over Wright Clean anus monthly Telephone PA mustmslsrm Uppsr Duplex nit hcatcd la l1 sitting room New carpet nathronm bedroom and modern kitchen Ncwl dccornttd Private entrance Ilayllcld st 15 Telephone PA 33500 UNPUnNrnIIED Upstairs Aprt mcrit separate entrance Hcsi water rcmzcrator and parklnll feclllt Vicinity ot Welt End Plaza Avnllaplc Immediately Tcla plhonc PA eIln1 tor turther par tcua CENTRAan Located New mod em apartment now rantlnp shaped llvlns and dining area two bedrooms xorlc hot water heating Stove and refrigerator supplied also washcl nnd drycr One bed room apartment also available Immcdlate pnrscsslon Coutts $3150 telephone PA 01435 or PA PROFESSIONAL LEGAL WM HlNTON BA Barrister Soicitor and Notary Public 35 Owen St Corner Collier and Owen PA 11839 BOYS SEAGRAM 8r ROWE Barristers solicitors Notaries Public Conveyanccrs etc Branch oltlee mmvale Ont Olllco la Owen SL Barrie PA mil 11001 QC Sellilm QC Gordon Teskey CON DER 8r SUGG BAlmIsms SOLICITOILES NOTARIES PUBLIC CONDER DA SUGG BA 120131 Dunlap St Eaet PA H451 COWAN COWAN BARRISTERS ROSS COWAN 53 COLLIER ST PA 84521 LIVINGSTON MYERS Barristers Ind BDUCItors In Coulsr st Barrie Pb PA 66401 WILSON MOORBY BARRISIER Sr SOLICITOR 17 OWEN or PA wan SMITH MCLEAN Haber smith QC Arthur McLean Bruce Owen Barristers Solicitors ate OWEN ST PHONE PA SSMI Tmtll UNFURNTIITID Rooms or rant all convenience tor no plrlinl only Located near an Phon PA LAIOR 10 bodroom unlumlshed artmnnt ted complallly nib alned close to schools on bus route 10 monthly AWLY CbarIll Newton PA Adam APTS HOUSES TO RENT ROSE ltul mArE anoxza MIN ITRZIT BARRIE APARTMENTS FOR RENT Allandale bedrooms Karazc 175 available now email Isms ily welcome AllandaIE adults only East end lower apartman one bedroom family with one child 75 Eat end one bedroom aduiia only $10 available now Other apartments to dlooso Nlll CALL DAY on EVENING PA 82379 lumber of Ila BanII lrlfl Distrch Real hull Beard NEW FURNISHED APARTMENT Central Brand new Iurnlture and appliances Private Laue picturesque windows new color ed tile bathroom Excellent or adults Telephone PA mi days or evenings llNrUIlNlenln LAROlthra room apartmsnt with bath Prlv an tra ca NS par month Taiophonl IA we bedrooms at AmACTTVE thrca room turnlan od apartment sellcontainsd Can lral location suit business in or couple Available lily Tales phona PA 04101 UPPER DUPLEX Ava brl and aundeck licwa ated sellcnntllned in lacilttlas In asst and Phone PA em Two nEDllOOM unlurnisbad apartment lietad saltcontainsd child welcome Also thrcn room aDlrinwnt sullablo lor workinl coupl Heat and hydro PA com lu lord st FUllin still three room apart merit cast and Good location on bus route Hydro haat rdfldara tor and stove suppu Newly curated Paritan Iailltlea Ta phnns PA 85030 ANGUS Two badroom aplrtmsnt tor rent bath separate entranta and lands par month Call at as ltlarrlaret strut Ansus or tele phone ivy 2sz alter pm LARGE THREE Ronni Apartment to rent but and Water suppllad Also one small three room apart merit Apply see nuniop st East ï¬ï¬tflaphona PA most or PA NICE DillGIIT three room untuh llLshed duplax heated newly de coratcd stove and rclriierltor HIP Filed Availlbll immediately Rent reasonable includinll Irn Ad ults Telephone PA econ UNIultlelIED sell contained thrcc room apartment Hot water heated stovc relrlgerator nd garage availabla lo minutes walk from dawntown Taltnilonl PA om TWO nPAIlnlENTe in tripl spacious one and two bedroom lurnlslled or unlurnlshsd anil contalncd newly decorated Ex callsnt located our plan and beach Telop ona PA 871 nullToN WE rhru room um tarnished apartment to rent oil heated not wat flow and ro lrlgaratnr Private bath Apply in Cantra EL Ior lurther inrormatlon LARGE brim thrc bedroom apartnl nt Conlral location nea aonabla illust he sun to be algt nratiaicd Telephone PA 60681 or PA Mind Two nEDIl OM House tor rent in Ann lilo err convenient 370 month For appolntmant to lnsnect telephone PA 68150 altar pm ENJOY YOUR last month rant Ir 011a and two bedroom apanmrnts Ianltor service Rants lrom per month Tallphona PA 02010 tor lllrthcr Inlorrnltion HEATED UNPUIINIIIIED tell rontalnad apartment Kruund Iloor nlrco large room Nsar school Parltlill Private entrance us monthly Telephone PA 89228 THREE R00 Apartment unturn tahed upstair an piled Adults on andnla olstr ct To be con cau at on nurton Avanuo or PA 34150 AND nanno apnrtmcn unturnlsheo heated up te on trance Clean and mm Close to Wart End Telephone PA um 51 Emu PUllNInlllzn CLEAN camlortsbla our room duplex apartmcnt with prlvsts entrances Reasonable rent No children Telephone PA 011 tor lurther inlormstlon UPPEn DUPLEX tor rcht Modern our room sallccntalned wane ment Prtvnta entrance Parking Tflicphona PA nvvse or apply 41 Campbell Ave szLP CONTAINED turnlshad anirtmcnt Suitable or one or two business girls Reasonnhlc rcnt Available immediately Telephone PA 56 AVAILADLE Now nlodam but cd two badroom apartment In stroud apartment house Adults prelnrred ND Objectlarl to baby Use or swimming pool the month ly Telephone Strand 46 lllonnnN mmished or unlunltah ed three room apartmsnt on sunn nldalc nosa our hospital Four Piece bathroom tiled noon ralrlg crater stave drapes and adequate storage sundry tacllltlcs park ing private dntllflcc and lrounds Available June Telephone PA suet DIRECTORY ACCOUNTANTS HARRIS NEEDHAM WRIGHT Certllled Public Accountant Toronto and Barrie Barrie Oltlca Wilson Bldg Prcd Grant Street PHONE PA 93397 Ncedham CPA Undcrhltl CPA Resident Partner ROSE HARRISON chartered Accountants Trustee in Bankruptcy Samuel Rose BA 60 Collier St Phone PA 949 MUSIC LESSONS JESSIE BRYSON Teacher of Plano Singing Ihcory Pupils wetland for examination the Royal Conurumry of Music Toronto Au grades and AllCT Modeln methodl studio Bradlnrd 5L PA Hm THE DAVIES OF CANADA vote PIANO 1mm 217 mm at oannlt ANGUSM ROSS BA Earltend Muflc Teacher Lhmura tlon Plano Theory coachlnl in French Ll other school tubs Iccla 01 Rose at Dania PA 110 OPTOMETRY GLADSTONE CURRIE QC nnnnlsm sOLIClron Law Union al Wilson nuildlnr Prso Grant Street oarrte Ontario Telephona PAIkwly um FUNERAL HOME STECKLEY FUNERAL HOME SUPERIOR SERVICE AT MODERATE COST Convenient Terms Dream 5L narrla PA was ROBERT SMITH RO OPTOMEFRIST l1 to nzao closed Wed alternoon n1 Dunlap at estHa PA 81585 NOEL STEPHENSON RO oPloMETIusT Dunlap EL Barrie Phona PA H101 mm IN THE BARRIE EXAMINER PHONE PA All LARGE modem threa room un turnished apartment Spacious grounds and swimming pool Also two lroom tarnished anaflmcnll All cantrnl Tclephona PA noon uNPUnNInIIED hosted apart mlrll or rem aclkantained our rooms and bath ncavy wlrlnl puklnl IPace in Queens Park area Telephone PA 10 SMALL slawCONTAINED lur nlslicd lower apartment Private bathroom private entrance Would suit couple Rassonable rent Telev phone PA W1 WINTEIIIZED Home Min Point for rent uniumllbcd Three bedrooms llvllltr kitchen and nin porch All conveniences Apply at algae street or telephone PA FOUR ROOM rurnlshcd apartment Heated rclrlgerator and heavy duty stovc hardwood noon three piece hath Available April ll Apply Annetrunrd Hardware is Dunlap street East NEW AND Modern one and two bedroom lplflmenu overlookinl scenic Kemplnfllt Bay Heat wa lCl gum and janitor aerviu inclu ad utonlatiu waahinl ta cimiu PA sisal ltloDEnN one and two bedroom aplrtmenll can end Barri Bam hnb drapes Venalllll blindl Auto matlc laundry raclllttcs Parking Telephone PA 01929 or further lnlomatlon DEnwAnLE uppar duplex heated Llile bright Ilvttu room and kit open two bedroom taunt na tween Five Point Ind Wen End Showlnl Centre Available May Toldth PA 347 THREE DOOM unlnrulshcd pub msnt or rent Stove and relrig arator Use of washer and dryer CenLru chlIIm Newly decorated TnlepriO PA min or runner Womaunn THREE BOOM healed apartment private bath modern kitchen with rolrlssrstor and range newly de corated Close to schools stores churches bank has una Telav no c7586 Two Doom Iutnlahed spar ment with kitchenette and rema erator Heat and hydro IuDPllzd flat end dlnrlc on but Imill Suitable or nudnlu I111 T019 Flinn PA 3M7 up an CONTAINED unrum Llhad halted three room Ivan ment with bath in triplex Newly decanted Nlca neixnborbood Parking Close to schools bus and shoyPlnl Talophons PA 60361 RENTALS ARTICLES For SALE mam EDA Alle ll ARTS HOUSES ro RENT mua noon Aparunlnt with bath or non raupnona PA um am no Nu vLnlIl Plenum unrumhaad one bedroom so nmanL Private balcony hour and flax Bflfllw aior and drapes aunplird Central ly located ldcal or young mu riad coupia Telephone PA salsa WANTED TORENT WANTED POI two months rum isntd nitcontained two bedroom Ipartnunt house or cottage Bush neu null and will Write Box 11 lame Zxaminrr WIrlnN in to 10 mlla radius mp Borden bedroom housa or an aunt senaant and lamliy vine approximately May dulra Oc cupancy lpprollmauly May Writs nos nanin namlnar noun WANTED withln uvan muel ol Ban1U havinl auy ducal to public school Ituponslbla Oril lla Iamily wish to uni with option to buy Apply to nos 84 nanta naminsr or Iaicppons PA do Orillla ROOM 8t BOARD IDOM AND naAnD liable for lady or entlerna Telephone PA 68255 alter pm ROOM AND BOAnD Essa lload in prlv home cooking lunch for unher Intonation PA um MARY 0111le vicinity Room and board Gentleman Preferred Clea to downtown area Will an lun rhu Home priviisgu aleplsoua PA M665 ROOMS TO LET CLEAN bright bedroom or rent in modern home Parking laciil ties Eua Ilnad district Taicphcna PA nl1e0 or Iurihar dataila Nlchv tumllhcd heated baa rlttlhs room tar rent in quill home oanllunan nrelerred Ame location Talcphonn PA Moat nnIOIIT warm housekeeping room or rcnt stove and rctriacrator West end lvitn parking Iaelutlas Tclaphona PA Mini VuthlslInD Nomi tor rant Cen trnlIy located is weakly Por lur trier particulars telephone PA 85384 leNlnllzD nnmoo or rent Centrally located with arkan laclilllrs Talcphona PA M0 or Iurthcr dotslls ONE DRIOIIT clean room or rent Linens supplied On bus route llousclrsoplnll it desired Tclaphona PA colzo avenlngs tor turthcr par tlculars PERMANENT noomrr pcnsloncr or Ileldlly employed aentlcman notes reamnablo by the work or month Kitchen Drtvllcgel Teln phorrc PA am trtwccn to alternoons or to avcnlns TWO UNPUItNInIlED or htmlahld rooms with sink Private entrance Aliandnlc district Business couple prclcrrrd Abrtalncrs xti monthly Quin clean homo Teinphoflo PA ml Two sultNllilnn rooms licstcd hydto rclrlgcralor and rsnsctts supplied Downtown area Suit able tor couple Alan Iurnlshed bedroom lultublc lar lcnllcman Avallahll immediately Telephone PA 59297 after Try An Exnmlrler Want an PHONE an pull SUMMER RESORTS WHERE TO GO CAMPING our ICIECLIOD OT 1062 tcrlte 07 all on all tcnl ord cra now usrrls Government cur plus 25 humor Street West Tele phona PA com ARTICLES to SALE CARTERS For Used Furniture Bunk Beds Dining Suites Chrome Kitchen Sets etc 15 ESSA ROAD PHONE PA 89831 SPRING SPECIAL FURNACES Forced air new oil or gala $100 interest up to til1 ram buy now before further Increase Used Oil Burners for rain PHONE PA 64139 OR STRDUD 41125 PHOTO REPRINTS available at The Barrie Examlner if you would like to have re printed any news pictures taken by our staff photogra phers please call at our Busi ness Office We are sorry wa cannot accept phone orders Glossy Prints 5x $100 x10 $125 Plus tax Banlei SECONDHAND STORE Ens all used goods pitta new slightly damaged items way below original met We aim buy content lots 55 DUNLOP ST Phone PA 82427 UNPURMSEJZD our room apart merit wlih private bath nus at at door Heated Avallsbla lmmed alely $15 per month Located at swim Street Telephon PA NEWLY decor bright and at tractiva unlurnlrncd three room apartment with pnvato bath sci contained Toronto street district Closes to bus stop Telephone PA IoDVCD McCLARY Run or sale In good condition Telephone PA 66602 alter 9111 PULL nlzn Boys Bicycle or laid in excellent condition Price 18 Tainphpna PA 5151 P112011 DEW Wnnnla or ssls Call at Graves nrothzrs all nay Iicld street or telephone PA ems any time USED REFRIGERATORS All with FREE Year Warranty PRICED FROM $59 MCFADDEN Appliance 123 PENEIANG 51 80 Who Doesnt Read Small Ads YOU DO Call PA MAN Any one oi the three classiï¬ed ad taken will be glad to assist you with your copy Hum atame unltonn or sal like t1 Twnloca Talo phone PA com altar pm MOUTON dark brown Cost or 12 luu law But on ynTa phona PA on altar nucmc man or sale uud guidance londlUDrll Couldr lha summer cots Dianna PA nun CAnIJ Loamum at an month TIIIDlIona PA IvrelfIll Hanna Dunlap It as RAWLIIDDI Medicated oiltalent Hz can u1l post paid Daalns wanted John Tolland 10¢ Minis ass strut 14st Oriuia MINT alum COAT of mi also in also blua fllllrad dross In In permanent pie is drip dry cotton both as new Talapbona PA Mm noon runNACn or sale Krupp stamm llodai ll loll wtli hast up to on room Good condition Telephona PA M11 anytime mANcIa nADNnTrn Motorcycle zoo cc in load running condition Apply Earl llart ltd Ma Ia gun or uisphona PA on altar pm INGle WAnlllNa alAClIer Ienalon ladd 20 loot baby car rlagc strol llra 110x15 recondi tionad DWI Apply at to H01 sata street FARMERS MARKET DEAD STOCK Highest prices paid tor dead or crippled cattle and names Small animals remoch Ira For Inst servlce phone BARRIE PA eml colleen or ask tor ZENITH 91130 1NO CHARGE at noun dultl lul Incl NICKS DEAD STOCK RR Fonnead Ontario Licence No Yul61 Nick Medium Prop Pon noun Dun and laurel acted Apply Torn Lyons tel phone um Ivy alawzaa WANTED on contracts or nlc Plclrlca Contact Alan Eran suyncr Gradlnl elation talaphona nizw LTESTOCK no right weak old or rain waited and startd Apply How are Caldwell Beauty Day taiav phone PA um ml CDWI sub with calv loot Also one Holstein apflntlnl Ta one in Ore lor further Inletm on nADDLz nonazn loi aaIa Wcll broken and reasonably priced Tele phone PA aim to on annsr call atur pm ualnmnn Police Ken null urvlcelbla as Priced aonably tor oulcb as Elm rms all Cookstown phona 716 Poms Select shlpment or and Ponies various colors and aim Now and and Saddln Iiridlalr eomPlata soulpmsnt PA Mill or zoo Dunlop strut West FEED SEED GRAIN TIMOTHY SEED Good supply of power cleaned Climax Timothy seed at moder ate prices PHONE YOUR ORDER CRAWFORD AND SONS CALL 1910 0R0 one red an my of ma oats Telephone Mm TYPEWitlmn bousht said not cd npalrrd Student rantsl ratss Aalt about our ncnl Try than my Plan star Tipwriter Co Ilary Street PA Miss MOTOR DICYCLB Ior airls balloon lire bicycle be racial bicycle in tlp Evlnru motor and 11 Neptuna lboard ii Inn eleclrIc motor when PA ems IilILan 2l Consola TV zua tca on lclun tuba antenn new Elnler Scwina bin 15 Floor Lamp $57 Childs cycle 54 Bed 88 Blah 5L Apt Telephone PA 90735 aECoNDIIAND COAL and wood turnarc with pipes In good con tion uv Also secondhand lurnncc 00000 btu used only two months 8110 Telephone PA H011 or PA 00113 sPlllNG CLEANING SPECIAL singer vacuum cleaners and com blnatlon tloor clsanor andpollah err nig rcductlonsll save while you are drian your cleanlnl Sim er Sewlna Cenlre 13 Dunlop st Barrio PA n10n0 BOATS 8s MOTORS 10 FOOT PLVWuOn boat vill sell or trade or anything usclul Telephone PA Mus czuAll nTllIP DOAT or sale new steering and controls TeaNels Iioai Trailer nest cash otter Tele phone PA 85010 alter pm my MERCURY lo hp cuth rd with remote controls and lens to tank Apply Harold Hart pie Avcnue 0r telephoto PA 51200 aitar Pm 16 DELCRAPI in hp Outboard motor clccirlc starter hilly Pqulppcd Excellent condition For $21029 information telephona PA ALUMINUM Cartop boat Evlnrunc Motor 3100 complatc TCeNce Boat Trailer Canoe leit llbcrllas tn mt motor 555 Telephone PA 5600 16 OELCltAll Ior lully cqulppcd 55 hp Ioh lectric start motor new battery speedo meter excellent condition Reason ably priced Talcpbono PA unis noes pers PONY Poll nALE ouryeamid gaining sound For Iurthar pan ticulara telephone Lelioy BM ALnATIAN not white pollcn doll or slie Ourbred Ila 116 years male Telephone PA nlia1 or further detal GERMAN nlIEPIIEnD Puppies for sale Purebred weal Old Mill 2609334 clinic Taltphnno PA Pox Tnnt Win Puppies or nit filmred Ale to EIIIDO McLean Box Bond Read On tar10 or telephone Pmtvect 544W FRUIT Br VEGETABLES APPLE BARN McIntosh Spy Courtland and othervarletlcs Fancy Macs and Spys $250 per bushel Fresh cider and appia butter Phone PA em FLOWERS PLANTS nvElwllNe Colnpleu houu Plantinll Junlpen and Cr darn 11 Uncut Tr Im PA 89635 or PA WM ALL ma Slam mans panaial alaaioll Dutch bulb rams on in way 400 at Thornton cimrlcal Thurman or telephone IVY 10212 ARTICLES WANTED WANTED BIth bnlhlil W11 niossom Sweet Clover Clasnad ready to sow Tellyhana PA 085 WOODEN nPoOL edstaad in width wanted er to BOX IR nunnndse Ontario WANTED To our Collection Indian relics old to canes bison hark canoe In good condition aona prices paid and they will not leave slmoa County Writa on no Barrio zxanslncr Even cu PRIVATE ground or ona bed mm apartman undry scul tlss Central Water and heat In eluded 55 monthly Available May APPLY P201 Street Abmmenb WUENTHEED modern Ivarme in flint home Clo to bill 110 us no plan Private entrance and passing admins Available immediately Telephone PA $7215 or 1111110111111 CENTRAL Location Unlufllhhed modem our room apartment cums plclcly scucontalnad electric uro plaen ample cupboards stove rc Irlgerator optional 10 monthly Ideal Ier bullneu couple PA 214 Complete Industrial Heating Installation Good Condition Currently In Service lWarden King No 41 Cast Iron Sectional complete with Bin Fed Stoker 15 pound Steam caller ITrane HClslb Condensation Pinup 12pin Heaters For Further Detail Coan lac BOX 154 GALT ONTARIO rooms 6212871 outboard allluw OATS Certlflld mend uneratlon chancellor pen Dn tarlo rad and WB sweet clbvnr Apply Adams and Son MID cainl Tolephona Minutes 11 POULTRY 8r CHICKS DEKALB PULLETS Itlore and more poultrymcn are choosing DEKALB PULLETS Started rcady to lay and day old chicks Order now or early order discount For service or hclp on your poultry problems Cull Craig Hunter HUNTERS POULTRY FARMS moon PHONE 77 DOING CUSTOM Hatchlnx lor 1901 season Also tor salo strawberry plants 50c per hundred Plshar lllt Barrie Talcpllona PA e1al7 FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH Farm Supplies Service Case New Holland David Brown neatly Farm Equipment 176 BURTON AVE PA 82378 CASH TRADE TERMS MINESING MOTORS Ford Tractor and Equipment SALES AND SERVICE PHONE 103 MINESING DELAVAL SALES AND SERVICE Milkers Vacuum Pumps Wash Tanks Separators Parts or any mllker HANK BROWN RR BARRIE lHOLLY PA 80638 MANURE SPREADER or sale power takeotl Schultz spreadm ter Telephone PA 56 Ior Alr thor Inrormatlon WHEELHOME EP nmnn with 30 inch reel laum mower Power driven llcltie bars and snow plow can use 22 attachments Good con ditlon Tllephona Creamora lvul VIKING Craam Separators floor and swing time milkinv machine Service parts several used mac inae instock Closed on Sunday Open daily till p111 Alter hour plane telephone PA Hm viking Separators Sal Box 41 CHIP burst Ontario AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE LOVE WITH CERTAIN NEW CAR Buy It now with lowcost lifeinsured SCOTIA PLAN LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA BRANDNEW1962 VOLKSWAGENS ONLY $1737Excl Licence Gas PIERCE MOTORS Bl ESSA 10 Down06 Mod to Pu HAROLD JORY MOTORS TRIUMPH and STANDARD DEALERS Repairi to All Makes OML=and NAL Towing 75 BAYFIELD ST PA 54185 SEAT COVERS RAND NEW Custom made to tit lose5354 Ford Meteor Mercury etc door models Naugabyde used for boats with silver piping trim Lovely shade of green with luc tic white top Never used Sac rifice Call Mike PA 3295 liter In ondrnnv Nï¬w and GHQ Valllnl PASlofd DAVEnoun subdue1954 to spec medals rca to go that can no nouflst thhno money down Paymnnls Will not be more Ihln WNKIYJ Turf Inlermaflnnlteles Dhnua JIHI Dickensa It PA S55 AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE See VIAU For RAMBLER 1960 RAMBLER CUSTOM door Finished In Mardi Graa red Equipped with rcclinlnx seats head rest wheel discs aide mirror Immaculate condi on 1959 HUMBER HAWK Finished rl green and blue Imp tone Equipped with overdrive wheel discs white wall tires Less than 20000 miles 1958 RAMBLER SUPER 88 Finilcd in coral and white two tone Equippcd with automatic transmission radia and whch discs This car is going at low low price 1956 BUICK SPECIAL Finished In Classic black Auto lmatlc Iransmlsslon radio whltewall tires and wheel discs This car Is very clean Ihrougib out 1055 FORD Two tone green Equipped with wheel discs white walls and dual exhausts Plenty oi power 1954 PLYMOUTH Finished in robin egg blue Equipped with Illdrive transmis sion and Wheel discs Rcal good second car VIAU MOTORS LIMITED 17 COWAN STREET PA 66488 222 BLAKE ST PA 61321 coNnuL Al condition PH One owner ear Priced Ica or quick sale PA 5411 ms CHEVROLET coach with ra dlo windshield washers extra wheels with snow tires Apply at to Holsata street aarrla ms nTuDEDAKEn with Champion motor or Mechanically aood condition Telephone PA e100 Ior turthrr inletm lie 1955 CHEVROLET or is low mileage best oller will be accept ad Apply lohn Dulvenvoordcn ltlt No strouo 1962 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe Al new 1000 orlrtnal mu wnllo walla Ind washers LOW IDW 1111 695 Tellphone PA 01001 m1 PAINLANE ardtop in sun burst ynllow automatic transmis slon deep tread tirel 39000 old In miles 325 down and sell par month Telephone PA PM 1951 Penn privata nadln new tire on trout good snow tires on back com iete new exhaust aysv tom 50 mechanically body lair 1115 Telephone PA 91513 use common some nl pas scngar waloll automatic transmis alon beautllui sea men deep trosd tires This car can be bnullht tor 15 down and sure par month Telephone PA 31000 m1 CHEVROLET Deluxe our door In gleaming black and white with matching Interior Automaac Custom radlo whitewau tins and windshield washers This car can ba bought or 515 down and per month Tolsphonn PA 01053 Isu FORD ra tour door ID dsn in light blue with matchinl interior automatic transmlssion windshield washers and backup liahu Talia over payments or $1015 per month Telephona PA 51001 ldPI BILmm Travel Trallcr rully equipped with 1054 Meteor Ranch Wagon recently overhauled and in top mechanical condltion Wired and hooked up or trailer Also aIt car top Pram with oars detachab sail ruddar and keel Prclcr to sell as complcta unit PA 66258 CARS WTD TO BUY ORV HARDY MOTORS BARRIES NEWEST CAR LOT URGENTLY REQUIRES USED CARS TRADE UP 0R DOWN WE WILL LEND YOU MONEY ON YOUR PRSENT CAR 178 BRADFORD STREET PHONE PA 04211 CASE FOR your car Llans paid on we trade up or down Allan dala nlotorr Ella Road Barrio PA epnzl TRUCKS 8t TRAILERS lens PAnuo TRUCK tor sale ton pickup with excellent motor and good body and tires Telephone PA 50m MOBILE HOMES lynx TRAVEL ohm or sale 27 quy rumlshed Apply Norman Bumlsb Mineslnl Ontario PERSONALS FORTUNE TELLING Would you like your tortune told by cardsr Talaphona PA com anytlmc or amintmcnt MUSICIANS WANTED to start lo cal Koch and non band llust play sax drums electric gultnr bus piano Tcicphprla Jay at PA Robert spoon or Florence street Barrie will not be reapo 1le Mr any debts contracted in my nama without my written com lent Irorn Lilla date April 27 1952 OnEltT CHAPPEL wOMENs COLUMN APRIL SPECIALS 25 OFF PERMS $850 AND UP Quickie Shampoo and set Cream Rinse $150 malls EAUTY Tanam SHOP by land own home Phon