Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Apr 1962, p. 10

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PERSONALS WOMENS COLUMN LEARN HAIEDRESSING lGovernment Chartered School Through training in all bran the of beauty culture DERWIN HAIRDEESSINO l0 HELP WANTED MAL HELP IMMEDIATE omva FOR PHARMACIST WE WANT MAN WHO is 11 Til BARKER EXAMINER FRIDAY APRIL 181 km BEETON Mn and Mrs Gordon Forbes of Gait spent the Easter holi day with Dr and Mrs the holiday with relatives in Barrie and Thornton Tuesday Mr and Mrs Hunter and Gloria of Burlington visitEd Mr and Mrs Roy Armstrong Sun SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS STROUD EASTER HOLIDAYERS Mn William Martin and four ily of Ilornto Mrl Wilson Wright la pat Turnnto spent the weekend and Mr and Mrs McNeil and Kathy Toronto and Mr and McKeliey dail SCHOOL GRADUATE PHARMACIST PERSONABLE Mr and in Norman Rad lent it Stevenson Memorial airs Morley Grose end Christ ML and Mn Ken and AMBITIOUS way and Janice oi lungston Hoslzlta Allistou me Barrie were Sunday sues family of Chatham spent the MAN Emma 12 ORSLEY Tl PA M953 and Mr and Mrs Ray lmell sympamy unded at Mr and Mrs Grose weekend Wm the lnmers pay rm0V mmJflfljfi Fe lEAREPItElAREDNOFFER kitchener spand Sundady gull Madam DH Mm be Mr and Mn Nam cu mg up and Mn George Lost FOUND GOOD SALARY AND FUTURE Pam Matheson and Billy Davis Mrs Welter Wilkinsonl in the sudden death of their mother more spent Sunday with the Edgar mompson also Mr and farmers mother In Mcaford ton ho was refused entry to airs Goutts Barrie were guests Lisk Canada after writing boolt Mr and Mrs Dick Corner GOOD WORKING CONDITIONS 51 b0 hi mm APPLY Lv WRITING TO BOX 78 BAHHIE EXAMINER Ihile eolor seared super nele Mr and Co stab rid Stephen Ft vi ted About 8mm Emma by ll IO on UN 00 In the real Tglephan at up Mrs Hazel Nell Gilford Mrs Thomas McKnight In 3nd Emma Toma were Mm comers unulmnud has publlllihed her 0st ml spent Sunday With Mr and South Peel Hospital on Tues weekend guests of Mr and Mrs Cecil Reynoldl during 51m am met nami BICYCLE Girll mun blue and uncrlioNics rAvs was SALES HELP AGENTS Mrs Hay Gadfellow day April 17 Mrs Kelly the weekend while out Wednesday Lingo you can become ipeciuit Train Mrs Edith Reynolds Toronto up and wuunm 1mg fiiipaiifikri to 90 0NTAHIO DISTRIBva iei rraLniiu aince ms Antonin tion rv Radar are no Booklet Act now Day eiunea itm stay it Toronto Montreal or Home study any time iton COLLEGE or CANADA of the World Leading Tents by CABANON made In France is looking for resaie agent about Chekravartl Halagapai ari former governorgeneral of India spent the weekend with her sisterinvlnw Mrs Leece Mr and Mrs Bob McLean Lcslie and Kevin of Ottawa LOST not ion pair yet low ui virtnliy oi CookNapier Sts Anyone knowlps in where abouu pieue contact PA Mose Mn Mervyn Noble has re turned to her home after spending the winter months with her family Mr and Mrs Lindsay Susan and Peter of vyandotte Mich Mr and Mrs Keith Cause Michael and Scott Mr and Mrs Jack Kidd Rev Logan Mrs log an Douglas and Jennifer of Toronto visited McDer mutt Saturday Ctiaiitler and Norman Chen V5 in this communit spent few days With their Dana and or 70mm or oine liniuy per at King st Toronto out require 215 syraleglm parents Mr and Mrs William with Mr and glitz Art Kidd fire afiwfif fififisfingofilfii and mm mm Reynold on waxran rgait81 miner Ill deal ly displayed outside and offers MCLean Mrs Jack McLean and son Turomo shed hm er ggimmyrilfozgdflfigdgs 10 HELP WANTED $111 $fi1MZ not £211 mm mm in RECENT VISITORS gm TmLrcthXFfid weekend Dean and Douglai of Hamilton Aline opportunity to step Into old mm mm 39° in Race visitor Wm Mn rs Im im 05 Christine cm and and Mrs Alvin Thump WE MAKE STREET LE HELP profitable business when nw world today alyn Bilalrs Toronto wtth Mu SHOES mo FEMA lelnn Products have been sold for inlermed lease Sam Erolel were ML and fit km and 01 Graham is Cindy Grliiith Barrie are son Nancy and Mary Harrie vein air profits Products run pp Clarence Broley of Toronto Farleigh no mg Lon spending the holidays with Mr visited Mr and Mrs Ferr TELLER ééhiiefii Siizsfiuwtiw 1533 hencifildfihagliiglng fidiifioiiiii Elm meh don with Mr and iiiei John Mm Gmse ier Slmdav GOLF SHOES For financial institution Experi fitml mafimfle and peril um to Bradlmdi and Mn and Taylor Mr and Mn chum balmy Couples club met Ap Mr and Mrs Mel Palmer GOLDS ence helpful but not essential Ba Bani Examine Wm 9m 0° 15 lemon and family Smith Falls 17 at the home Joe and Toronto spent the weekend EOE SERVICE lust like meeting people 531 MALE OR FEMALE Mr and Mrs borne Phillips Mr and Mrs Art Storey and Betty Ellinzer With 12 mm with Mrs Palmer Weston Mr and Mrs Mervin 15mm Tomato Wm Mr and bers present The evening con Mr and Mrs Hroder CWPERTON 51 ary commensurate with experi EALER SALESMAN ence All usual benefits Write SPARE PARTS Lam Tomb momma mm gyms sir nan Mr Get it Charles levons Miss Aud film fingeguxmll pulgdhbfls Iguhsefgdgoapéwiaulémsi ru tin am an era eion ec pBaghcgaExgnmer TECHNICIAN butor requires the services of ray hapes Reg MF and and family spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Geoch Ayres DEATH IN HOLLAND Mrs Kuenan received tcl Mrs Nelson hchrath John and Cindy Mr and Mn Gary Hollywood and Debbie all of Barrie Mr and Mrs Harm Thompson Paid and Bill wI Ious lunch was served Next meeting will be held at Lloyd and Isabel Sawyers May 15 The United Church was filled no imaginative enthusiastic and ambitious salesman to promote the sale of is products to radio and TV dealers the weekend Lorna Ford of Hamilton vie ited friends in town Saturday Mrs Pierson Harrie WSO $4200 DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL DEFENCE ARMY EXPERIENCED Sleno Receptionist For financial institution Must Easter Sunday Rem pm spent Saturday with Mrs egrnm lest wcck saying her Wiggins This mm on uon rs erb Moped larcnce Jackson pastor was in charge like meeting people and have CAMP BORDEN Onam with swig expandinglgmp faltllier hid died hflollagdh Goodfelhw Toronto with Mr of the service The choir sang 55 Franc worm qulck and accurate ability with an rs ray in any offering the successful can didnte ample opportunity for ad vancement plus an interesting and challenging future Basic salary and extra compcn sation scheme Please write Box 77 Barrie Examiner Confidential EMPLOYMENT WANTED DAILY ctiin liven to cautiqu my own home Monday to mdey will call Telephone PA elm LADY WOULD like employment as housekech companion Ior adult or remilnyaiid Teinphou PA asses To order spare parts to calcu late stock levels and maintain provisioning records three years experience and Mrs Wilbert Gaodfcilow Mr and Mrs Vern Abrams Tomato with Mr and Mrs Mei Brayman Mr and Mrs Percy Heal Toronto Mr and MreDek Wiestra and Mel anic Bradford with William Baker Mr and Mrs Robert Torrnvillo of Richmond Hill with Mr and Mrs Art Show William hghe and Gloria lean of Kitchener Hamid itoss Willie and Bonnie of Gormley Mr and Mrs Doug las Ross and family Miss Jac oleen Jones of Grillia with Mrs Leonard Hoss Mr and Mrs Allan Grccn Sherry and Shelly of Fergus with Mr and Mrs Norman Baker Miss Marjorie Trotter spent Easter weekend in Buffalo Mrs Ted Hulsc Toronto is spending few days with her typing shorthand not essential Write giving particulars to Box 69 Barrie Examiner CLERK TYPIST Permanent position Good geo graphical knowledge required Pleasant personality and able to meet the public Five days wcck All employee benefits with good opportunity for ad vancement Apply in writing to Box 73 Barrie Examiner WOMAN to care or invalid from it Im to pm Monday to Friday Telephone PA 61427 cAIiiriLi mill required toi Red to Vhlie Store Apply Thompsons Red it While store rm strand Telephone izlu strand nAmDRESSEIt required with On tsrio licence Apply in person to loan Garrick Hair Stylist iii pls Avenue an anthem and Mrs MacDon aldchoir leader sang plea sing solo Easter lilies were predominant and two beautiful baskets of flowers were placv ed by the altar in memory of Arnold Young by his family few summer residents at tended the service in the little country church and there were several family reunions Mrs Charles Stewart and Mrs Bill Stewart and baby Lynn left by plane from Mal ton airport Sunday evening for their home In Regina Sask Before leaving the farmers sister Mrs Stephens held family dinner for them Mr and Mrs Thornton Steph ens and family Newmnrkct were among the guests Some farmers have started Oshawa spent Easter weekend with her parents Mr and Mrs McDermott Mr and Mrs Elgin Connell and Emily Cookstown visited Mr and Mrs Elwood Nichol Sunday Mr and Mrs David Hoe and Donald Tomato spent Good Friday with the farmers mother Mrs Rae Mr and Mrs Thorn ton visited relatives in Toronto during the weekend Mr and Mrs Garnet Speck and Mr and Mrs Keith Rey nolds visited relatives In Stay ner Sunday Mr and Mrs Howard Archi bald and family visited rela tives at Schomberg Sunday Mr and Mrs Paul Hawton Ottawa spent the weekend with Mr and family Newmarket and Mr and Mrs Robert Mercer and family Millikan spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Fred Wright Mr and Mrs Stewart Fisher and family spent the weekend with his mother in Kitchener COOKSTOWN By DAUREEN ANDERSON PERSONAL NEWS Mr and Mrs Harald McKil linen and Brian visited during the weekend with Mr and Mrs Al Commack of Colborne Miss Kathleen Graham visit ed on the weekend with Mr and Mrs Ernest Switzcr Mr and Mrs John Cauth and Barbara spent the Easter Paulina Your Guide to FINE WINE JIM MARK For further particulars as to residence and qualification re quircmcnts see Posters on dis play at Post Offices and offices of the National Employment Service Application forms available where Posters are dis played and should be filed with the Civil Service Commission 25 St Clair Avenue Exist TOR ONTO Ontario NOT LATER THAN MAY 1962 Quote Competition GIT609 Chatterbox Restaurant RESPONSIBLE pcmon would look attcr Dreschool child or baby in my own home Oakley Park School district Telnpiiona PA not YOUNG MAN requires clerical work business colicge graduate junior matriculation with previous and Mrs Gordon mother Mrs John Haughton figgms Iéperatéfllés mwlllire ti Hawton nookknepinx and accounting axpcrl vcc en in etroit wi Cpl Jack Hunter Hay River 15 Wt CE Guests at the ome of Dr COOKSTOWN mm Wm 913 01 the lanais brother Dr Wai NWT visited during the week lggfmkeeaé misting bud and lilrshllnimes dur mind children smother war Me end with his parents Mr and Va lag the Easter weekend were gumsIn WM Term REQUIRES LEGAL NOTlcEs Mr and Mrs Hector Smith Mrs Torrance Hunter number with flu Mr and Mrs Holmes of theperfectchmce Wm IMMEDIATELY Raging Wallusce 51nd LytiLn fls Miss filgrlorjie 11 klnsgn Brampton Mr and Mrs Don riser un ay wi Truro visi ng er Holmes and family of oakviile tn fpplryktoMnkggrfiofllligfif Dishwashers NOTICE and Mrs Harford Fisher mother Mrs Wilkinson 0mm PRIME £3455 Waitresses own TO CREDITORS IN Tim ESTATE OF FRED WALKER GRANT All persons having claims against the Estate of the said FRED WALKER GRANT co Archer Nursing Home 346 Bay field Street in the City of Bar rie in the Countyoi Simcoe Retired Printer who died at the City of Barrie on the 8th day of April 1962 are required Mr and Mrs Allan Dawson and Billy of Ottawa visited on Good Friday with Mr and Mrs McCulsli Visitors on Friday with Mr and Mrs Norman Cooke were Mr and Mrs George iinveil and family of Oakvilie and VANCOUVER CF Roy Frank Crrlino printer was convicted in assize court Thurs day of two charges involving an estimated $750000 in counter feit money in various stages of completion He will lie sen tcnccd next Friday on charges of having possession of counter Ieit Canadian $20 bills and printing press which he knew had been used to make counter felt bills Mr and Mrs Ted Hoare and family of Brampton and Mrs Howard Maltby of Brampton Mr and Mrs James Watson returned home on Saturday from Florida where they spent several works Mr and Mrs Morgan Lern cke Bonnie and Wendy spent Stockmen TELEPHONE COOKSTOWN 4584252 0R APPLY IN PER SON TO CHATTERBOX RES TAURANT COOKSTOWN Mrs Leonard Ross and Mrs Doris Ross visited Wednesday in Kitchener with Gloriadcnn Tighe Sympathy is extended to Mrs McKee in the death of her mother Mrs Houston Moorefield Ontario Mr and Mrs Eiward Spin dloe and Mary Lou visited Sat urday with Mrs William Spin dioe Congratulations to Mr wmiznasna for day oi evening work Must have now experience Good salary Apply to Mr Hattie wail Unitod ctri Stores limited on Dunlop at Dania MALE HELP TOOL DIE MAKER CHATEAU lcCARTIER WMW PHARMACIST Woolworth Drug Dept Top salary excellent conditions with limited hours 13 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE and THE STILL WINE inee Fat to file proof or the same With saturdayi May 19 it Shim Hem FOR ALL omAsmus Featured 101 3M0 mam30 Also the undersigned Executor on or Pm sharp cmmmiqhl Edgmntog ASE BRAND NEW l962 hiring Plant Excellent condl before May ioih 1962 Alter Aluctloot Sage of farm slack in an Agra 2° fm George Davies that date the Executor will dis pemons av grain an ouse and We WW HEAD COSMETICIAN tribute the Estate having regard hold effects for MMIS PMfiy dfiOgmv fig VOIHSWflgeIIS hill partioiilare of experience APPLY TO only to the claims of which lie ROBERT STARK aim 99 115 coNsravcrioN urn BOX 67 then has notice Lot 21 Concession iz innislil Sugdfi It ONLY Barrio PA nails Pagemmflenmwmx 79 BARRIE MINER DATED at Barrie this 12th Townshir two milw straight THE PARKDALE WINES ED Banis Examiner XA day of Am 1962 east of St Pauls off Number ll JOHN ROBERT GRANT Hgiway Tem 55 BUILD FUTURE MARRIED COUPLE By his Solicitors reserve as farm is sold World wide expanding chemical FOR WILSON AND MURPHY mmficggfijm By MRS MAURWE REID Excluding Licence Gus FORMULATED LAWN RE SPEPMLISTE organization requires an HOUSE AND PROPERTY Owen Street fig Mm none was week Experienced Aggressive CARE Barrie Ontario AUCTION SALE Wednesday June Salesman and guest of Mr and Mrs You must be determined to ob AT Mai for outside work and occa Ed Jansen and family and Sandra Jackson Toronto was tain position oi responsibility sionai inside duties in TENDERS $1338 53031115é3 3222 the week with her be gig egfgvg giézggcggve Woman for hausework and TENDERS At Lot 26 Concesswn Veslua Mr and Mrs Russ Andrews and Mrs Potts Toronto were Sunday visitors with Mr late model car cooking when family in resid Excellent local institutional ter Townsliip on Highway 61108 93 sign at Dalston Village Tenders will be received by the 81 ESSA RD PA 86553 undersigned for Essa Township 10 Down Months to ritory available Earnings above hverage Salary commissioa expenses savings plan insur ance etc For interview write or phone MR FOX DIVERSEY CORPORATION CANADA LTD Recommended by lawn care aperlallsts like John Bradshaw CLAxxson ONTARIO Alum cm 13 i5 SOM SoGretins balanced formula of Nitrogen Fhosphafrus and CR il5235 NORMAN COXWORTH Secy JERRY 001mm Allotloneer Potash nlvas you greener healthier more beauil ui lawn elai ainf 10th On Experienced Appliance Salesman nmmd or ou sate Now wherever you buy your lawn uppiiee Generous company benefits we are making for an alert man pm Sharp afimow model with so vgnlinctioifgirnoozhpfl or wvrnan to run our Paint and AUCTION SALE 190 Sire adjustable some Wallpaper Dept opening sdon Saturday May hipetmdmddffigh Apply in person to in Barrie Reply giving age ex 11pm shah DST Theunderslgned puclioneer has hash clearance Available EATON CO LTD WALTER LANGER received instructions from the mmk DUNLOP ST perience and salary required to 42 mafia Street Public Trustee 145 Queen St oIL ennuiii Mechanic with duct work instsuation experience Ster dy employment and liberal hence fits Apply to Snow Heating Department simcoe District Coop name TWO EAR TENDERS required for steady employment at the Barrie Golt and Country Club Apply in writing stating qualifications and salary expected All applications for plowing right up to to operate the relredhmeiit bnotli JERRY CoyGllLlN Auctioneer AUCTIONSALE fence row Choice flsldmd as WWW on percentage or rental basis 441 nanin Examiner for seam of 196 AUCTION SALE Satllirgagi 28 98 104 Dunlap St gt TUDHOPE Clerk Saturday May lol Huntsvslle Wins RR =1 station Pair Of Games COBOURG Ont CF Huntsville and Cobuurg scored double victories in the Little NHL hockey tournament Thurs day but Milton mites had the most lopsided victory crushing Port Hope 141 290 4or5£urrow Available at xx arms cash No reserve SATrmDAY 25 91 Safe Trxp Cohan downed mm 41 SALES HELP AGENTS JERRY COUGHLIN Auctioneer 12 N00 Dsmfsharp gm Waning Mliélhe WE Ed 56 JAMES DEIliliHOFF mullism 3w x5 steel all 111 an am 59 tion Huntsville Deepest beat en gmhfi gfifffiifiggg mmmmzvxw I28 Penetang 5i PA 83091 gggygfigogfihmgg Wm HOME ECONOMICS FOOD FREEZER LTD Highway 89 or mile west Midland defeated Scarborough 51 and Parry Sound topped Wi nona 31 in other miteiiixtures In the peewee division Brant We EXPERIENCED tobacco plant Year round occupancy Use of car Excellent living conditions Good remuneration WRITE BOX 80 BARRLE EXAMINER MANAGER Box 70 Barrie Examiner TOWNSHIP OF 0R0 Applications will he received by the undersigned up to 12 oclock noon May 8th 1962 for person or persons to act as Caretaker of Bayview Memorial Park and pullers also one planter required or as acres of tobacco To start approximately May 25 Telephano Allistoii HE 57025 EXPERIENCED Hairdresser re quired at noon male or female Salary and commission Telephone mo Huntsville or write Huntsville Hairdressers P0 Box 55 Hunts ville Ontario erous to mention School Board for cords of Hardwood cut 12 inches long piles to the cord to be delivered and piled to the following schools Thornton rds ivy cords Angus cor To be delivered not later than June 1962 WILLARD COLE Chairman l3 AUCTION SALES Thornton village Auction sale of restaurant equip ment sudhnusehold furniture many other articles too num Terins cash No reserve as Mr and Mrs Longer have sold their home and are returning to Tor onto 330 pm sharp DST The undersigned auctioneer has received instructions from The Public Trustee 145 Queen St Toronto to sell by public auction all the household chat eis of RADOMIR BACHOVITCH AT42 VICTORIA ST Thornton Village crew manager for the Barrie believe in advancement please write for demlls and interview to Barrie Ont straw grain poultry and some ford dfifeatfiddlnllmgild tilé BEW KREBS WWW memo Nnyflwglmgnt mnnvi amp or en Terms ash No reser the 21 and Coliingwood edged 4104 SOUTH SERVICE ROAD farm isC soid WMGE GARAGE DUNI°P 243 Scarborough 32 BURLINGTON ONTARIO Have an opening for adislrici supervisor sales manager and Drillia and North district if you Auction sale of 50 head of reg istered and grate Holstein cows and heifers fresh full flow and springing High class all mod ern farm machinery truck grain hay poultry and house hold effects Terms cash unless otherwise arranged No reserve as tho AUCTION SALE Saturday April 28 West Toronto Out to sell phot teLs of MAITLAND WYLEY formerly of Stroud which in cludes household furniture and in thelot are many antiques Terms cash No reserve as the furniture must be disposed many COUGHLIN Auctioneer CHESTER MARSHALL 190 OWEN STREET BARRIE Auction sale of household fumi ture tools electric motors power saws garden tools 1949 Meteor Sedan Terms cash No reserve as the home is sold JERRY COUGHLIN Auctioneer AUCTION SALE and mile south of Ivy Village Auction sale of 51 head of Cross ed Siiorthorn and Hereford cat tle pigs farm machinery hay JERRY COUGHLIN Auction and Mrs James Elliott Mr and Mrs Brad Frid COCKSHUTT Pay 3point hitch mounted plow Close coupled trash clearance PARTRIDGE FARM SERVICE Uptorgrovld out 230 Fast easy moi FERTILIZER filaMWM tightthlougIithe growing season Homogenlzed for uniform resultsvDustiess odourlass granules for easy application AttANoAii HARDWARE 28 Essa Road PA 82422 HARRY Available at RON ARMSTRONG HARDWARE Buy StaGreen at BROWN CO LTD Dunlop St PA 85000 Available at

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