Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 24 Apr 1962, p. 9

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TUESDAY APRIL 10 11n ins waneaDar arms as AROUND SIMCOE COUNTY cautions By SIRS HIEAIT Hilliard Anderson 83 passed away suddenly at his home on Mill Street Creemore on Apr 16 He leaves to mourn be sides his wife the farmer Margaret Arnold one son Ir win and daughters Mrs Stan iey hchrthur Mrs Jack Stoee of Creemore irs It Mo Master of Sudbury and Hazel of Toronto Funeral services were held Thursday in the Presbyterian Church Crcemore Mr and Mrs Glen Ogilvio and daughters Sherri and Glenna returned to their home on Caroline SLreet Tuesday after spending the past two weeks in Miami Florida with Mrs Ogilves mother Mrs Jeanette Orr Dr Ralph Stubbings is able to be out and around after his unfortunate car accident last week Mrs Joan Adair attended the hairdressers convention held in Tomato last week Miss Lavina Kidd of Toronto spent few days last week with Mrs William Service and other friends in the village Doug lilctellan attended an LCEO conference in Toronto this week at the Regency Tow ers Hotel Mr and Mrs William Dent are spending Easter weekend with Mr and Mrs Based bury at North Tonawandn NY Mrs Palsy McCall of Toronto ls spending the Easter holiday with lilr and Mrs George Nixon FAMILY PARTY Mr and Mrs Marshall Mc Leod were recently honored with family party to observe tlle occasion of their 40th wed ding anniversary which fell on March 23 Members of their family were present along with brothers and sisters of the bride and groom of forty years The fairiin presented them with bouquet of red TELEVISION PROGRAMS CKVR CHANN TUEsnAY arms as IVEmers Show ven urea hunky rlowcrooi Men Raul nam silks Mercury ram stoosu Farm Market Report Nam Weather Sports Dr xudare Garry irooro Show Red Sketton Show Front Page coaurnr Explorations King or Diamond csorv Now weather Sports News 1130 carrila Chan WEDNESDAY Anal 25 1045 Test Pattern nompcr Room room and Phil Npondly Report Nam Weather Boom ram Raport Program Preylew Movie that non Girl Mlle de Paris Music Break Verdict is Yours News The Womens show rricnnly Giant slams Mugglnl nmlr Dazzle Huckleberry nouns Amazing him rarni Market Report News Weather Spam Pierre Eerttm The Law and air Jones cachclnr Father Playdaia CFTO CHANNEL $8322 882328 Ebsfllrtflnfifi aoo Scan 5238 payer esseeeewgs sesaosgeenasaass 400 800 an 540 1145 700 7311 330 93 0311 Frofessors Hideaway Man From Cochiso Spam Welth News Bachelor Pattie Route 55 Naked city Cbckmnlat showdown Vows Weather hatter Lat Foam Spam 125 The Art of tho Theatr Free and lstn ro In Channel Theatre Kidnapped News Professors macway Man From Coeblsa Sports Weather Welcome on eulo hates the alofeach roses and recliner chair Mr lith received bout onnlere and ruby clip and Mrs McLeod carnage and ruby earrings from their 12 grand children The brother and air Ier extended their good wishes with beautiful picture bard cred with mirror Euchre and lunch completed an enjoy ablo evening GILPINDODSWORTH On Saturday April it double ring ceremony took place at St Lukes Anglican Church Creemore uniting Sarah Ruth only daughter of Mr and Mrs George Dods worth and Glen Horace son of Mr and Mrs Horace Gil pin Stayner The bridal atten danta were Miss Jeanette lilo Dermid oi Colllngwood as maid of honor Mrs Kenneth Wint era of Singhampton The groomrman was Reginald OBrien of Toronto and Ken neth winters acted as usher The organist was Mrs George Klogham of Creemore The young couple left on honey moon trip to eastern Canada and eastern United States and on their return will reside in Toronto Miss Dodsworth is graduate of the Creemara Conr tinuatJon School and Coiling wood Hospital School of Nur sing CURLER AT 76 Arthur Fallowfieid was pre sented with life membership and engraved trophy at the Curlers banquet Saturday ev ening At 76 years of age he is still going strong and the gesture was to properly note the unique record of never having missed scheduled cur ling event in the past 25 sea sons Sympathy is extended to llar old Crawford in the loss of his mother who died in nur sing home at Colllngwocd on niesday Misses Karen and Katherine Corkan Barrie are spending the Easter holidays with rela tives in the village EL BARRIE 900 Perry Mason News iiraruzino Canada At war CBC TV News Tho Weatherman Today In Sports Community News 1110 Hilhwly Patrol TnunsDAY APRIL 2s 1045 Teri Pllleln 1100 homoi Room 1nd Popeye and Fair iuv Nooadl Report Nawa enthcr sport Pam Recon gonllng amni ove tmhhtorlo Women Open Home School Telecaii Verdict Your News Woniens Show Lets Look Rope Around Thu Sun Raul naxzio Dick Tracer ciirthanger Farm Alarm Report News weather Sport Pierre Berton Tho Flintstones The heat iiirtoya Nature of Things My Three Soul Defenders country Junction One step Eeyond 080W Now 1116 Tar wuthoman 858 noun pepefinaaauneerry 555 238828g8$s238$ KNOCK By MRS MCCORIIISTON TALK ON CANCER The Community Club met Wednesday evening last at Mrs Bruce Wicas Neaty four members and six visitors ans wered the roll call An Easter Thought The president extend ed hearty welcome to the members of the 4H club and their mothers Some thankyous were read and plans were made for bus trip early in June Nentydive dollars is to be forwarded to the Cancer Society Guest speaker for the evening was Mrs Harry Vllar ton Barrie who gave an infor motive talk on this disease and what is being done to help those who need treatment She showed two films and this real ly brought out the need for more and more money to this very worthy cause Mrs Vice thanked the speaker present ing her with small gilt Members of the Hi club had prepared and served the ladies delicious lunch consisting of different kinds of bread using several fruits The girls and their leaders are to be con gratulated on the artistic ar rangement of the tables even the centre pieces were made up of several kinds of fruit Louise Clark on behalf of the club thanked the 4H members for this very important part of the evening the community we hope you will be feeling better soon The last eucbra party of the season was held Monday night at the home of ills and Mrs Vie Triermtrl with six tables playing Prizes as follows lad ies high Sadia Woncb low Margaret ftlgby mens high Ernie Wench low Bruce Wire lone bands Eddie Webb trav elling prize ladies Lillian Kel coy men We fricmstra lucky draw Ruby Cochrane GUTHBIE The Young People of Guthrie Presbyterian church under dlr cotton of the minister Rev Boulch conducted the service at the church April 15 The service entitled Watch lng by the Cross was based on the Seven sayings of Jesus from the Cross with meditation of each part being taken by the following Sandra Campbell Sylvia Rattle Mary Jane Hastings Ray Sampson George Cameron Gary Camp bell ood Bruce Wiggins Prayer of invocation was given by Myrna Campbell and scripture by Morley Campbell Ann Enulch led the congrega tion in reading the prayer words of hymn 196 The Jun ior Choir also sang at this proEaster service Wonderful To those who are sick in South dealer EastWest vulnerable NORTH area vs 1972 +AKQJE3 use are our oass 8011 1055 Q4 44 The bidding South West Paar Pass Opening lead king of dia monds The ideal time to falsecard against declarer is when there is chance of fooling him without tooling partner Ordin arily the defenders dont false card because there is more chance of deceiving partner than declarer but there are neverthe less times when thc defense can safely indulge in falsecard ing Here is hand once played by Terence Reese British star He held the West cards and was defending our spades He cashed two diamonds and the shifted to low club The pur pose of the club lead was to try to break deolarers contract with dummy in case he had singleton club and thus pre vent him cashing the clubs wear use vqeia QAKJOO 4105 North East 24 Pass Faaa Today in Sports Community News 1130 irovle Silaty In Number TORONTO News Wagon Train 77 sunset Strip gilt Illayhdus was Dont The Detectives sNwri no weather Jim Coleman Getter Late Focus msnAY APRIL 15 moo Pm and law who News 035 rm and as 1200 1110 In 23 rec sy one Kfn To 100 Channel Nlno neat 155 Sec Ice cws can Prnlusorl Hideaway 600 flan Fsm Cochin dso Sports Neath News Leave it To Beaver sing Along With Mitch The Real McCoys Channel Theatre It Should Happen To You Peter Gunn Net Weather Sports latter Lats Peru newbobywitbnfriendly callwith purse of giitaanrloongiihdnttons olthnentdraoommusdty Be sure to mchicomo Wagon thefanival of every new baby in your life PA 66302 Words of Life and Fairest Lord Jesus CONTRACT BRIDGE By JAY BECKER It was good shot Declarer won the club in dummy and could do no better than play heart East took the king and returned trump South won with the ace and ruffed heart Then he cash ed high club on which he ese played the ten and the lack of diamonds on which Reese also played the ten fin stead of the six Declarer on these tricks discarded his two remaining hearts Eight tricks had been played and Souths hand consisted only of trumpsthe KQQH Dummy had four clubs and the nine of diamonds left at this point The lead was in dummy and dcclarcrs problem was to get to his hand and draw trumps South had to ruff either diamond or club and the question was which one Reese had led the six of clubs at trick three and later played the ten These plays appeared to deny doubleton since normal ly with such combination Vesi would have led the ten and later played the six Also Reese had dropped the ten of diamonds on the jack which appeared to indicate he had started with the AKIfi alone So South weighing the avid nce before him understand ably decided it was safer to exit from dummy with club This gave Reese trump trick and resulted in defeat of the contract Tomorrow safety play Dim CROSSWORD ACROSS DOWN Seasonlng Lililsrer 16335 he sGonrdtrulr Sp 185mm Pka P0P 900Mederate ZSltiera unit 50 seas geese fsrig surname garland form so Have 1113 bill 22E1m 335 nérinrope $51 12 Unresten Mans 23 Places by giuiifm Egg nah flaw or menu 153213 used EggKahuna Elis 3331 an nasal visit 29Greek an unions Mrtek island mastoid gem tpl ILE and wrung aging mutton cm VliiiVAlnifi 323w am IIIflu lanternsl 895333 and wu ii Ernbe an fifl um ia scrollma 323 El IIlfifill Wgflk lfifialll ium El one nullnull Central Ontario Awnin Spectrum BARRIE TENT and AWNING CO LTD ALUMINUM cannons CANVAS AWNINGS FREE ESTIMATES 34 BAYFIELD ST PA 66437 CARRIER MISS YOU If your carrier has not arrived by pm please phone PA 82433 And Copy Will Be Delivered To Your Homo THERE IS NO CHARGE VALLEY DRIVEvYOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS FOR THIS SERVICE TAXI MUGGS AND SKEETER GRANDMA BUZ SAWYER THORNTON By MRS CUNNINGHAM bin Smith and Mrs Spencer were in Coiling wood Friday for the funeral of their cousin Mrs Clark Mrs Dennys sons John and Mason called on their mother on Sunday CLUB Thornton Club No one dem onstrated making of an apple pie and cheese plate Nata books were finished in prepar ation for Achievement Day April 27 at Baxter Mrs Jennett has re turned from avisit with Cpl and hire McGeen at St Franks Ontario Mr and Mrs Cousins marked their soih wedding on niverssry Friends from Niagara Falls Toronto Sault Ste Marie Pet erbarough and Barrie attended the funeral oI Arthur McQuny Saturday He took an sctivo part in all activities of the community For many years he was manager of the arena village trustee and chief of the fire department The fire department were called to extinguish grass fire at highway 400 south in Cookstoun Friday afternoon LEIBOY The bake sale and tea spon sored by the United Church Women Saturday was very well patronized and the society netted profit rummage sale will be held May 23 The sacrament of the Lords Supper was observed in tha United church Sunday April 15 and Rev Frederick Jack lamreceived into membership one member by transfer Mrs Kenny formerly of Newmarket and 21 young people plans log feature at the reception at young people was the method adaptcd They marched up the west asile of the church car rylng white flowers congrega lion and dloir singing the Car onation hymn At the altar they placed this floral offering in perforated cross standing beside the communion table then were seated in pew at the front of the church Harry Stewart senior elder assisted Mr Jackson in receiving the young people The cross used for the ceremony was made by the late Frank Realty HIE BARRTE EXAMINER TUESDAY APRIL 1383 tormer elder of the Presbyter ian church and later the Unit ed church It was used by the late Rev Louis Pickering on similar occasion when 13 young people united with the church 29 years ago Those uniting Sunday were Kenneth Paisley iaa Atkinson Wayne Thompson Billy and Murray Jackson Ronnie Kelly Albeit and Milton Reid Gordon and Donald Sawyer Terry Comer Sheryal and Keith Griffiih Sheila Bell Barry and Trudine Letts Darlene Morris hiariivn Roland and Paul Corner Jackie Herrler and Verdun Reid Sympathy is extended to lira Arnold Young and her family in the terrible accident April II which took the Life of her husband at the intersection on Highway 11 at 3th line Mrs Billy Stewart and baby Lynn are spending few days with her sister in Meatord be fore returning to her home in Regina Sask Try An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA 84414 GRENFEI By MRS COLE Allan Money of Tom stl ed his grandparents nd Mrs Cole over the with end There were 15 tables tie euchre Friday night with Mr and Mrs Parr nndM and Mrs Frank Holmes charge Prize winners were lone hands Mrs Mason and Ralph Rowe high scores Nora Tracey and Bill McFadden low scores Viola Rawn and Angus Dove EASTER EUCHRE The Easter euchra was held Wednesday evening with 13 tables at play Prizes were Won by Ethel Baker Ernie lrwin travelling spot prizes by Mrs iilchinster Iiirs Cole Stan McLean and Irwin high scores Clara Clou ghley and Cleary lona hands Mrs boy and Ed Tay lor low scores Mrs liIcGirr and Philip Dobson Committee in charge were Mr and Mrs Tracey and Mr and Mrs Sutherland JIANIVl aura Passer IeAVME our am JEANNE AWMIEMY AWAKE HER well soon on T0 nir wee an LL on goo rise ms HIGH TIME THAT APOLOGlZED MW AND TRIED 10 We TREATED vou MISEMBLY OVER THE HAVENT on rowel1T5 PHEW IMAGINE us 151520 45 AELélNHGE cue 1321er TRYING TO PLAY cams 231m RECORDS STUFF CLUB GO OUT 79 BE NT ITLL BE SMASHING To MOVIE 012 Mo SOMETHING3 You HANDLE 23° NlGHT lt 435 more To OWECHY AN HES AR lb 60 TO lGHiJTtE ONLY NONEE MYSTERIDIIE NOW WE CAN TOOWN 912M652 5le 1H Mysterious on are our centers instill Gfflmfigyyii WY PAINT GRANDMA wuv DDYOU ALWAYS PLANTGUCN HUGE WATERMELON SIMPLEMR WELL ITS VERY FOR EACH MELON 111 KIDS FILL ur on GET ouro BAKINJUST so MANY COOKIES £sz IFSOMEDNE is WAILHINEiOIAKLlE hirhiiisiiéiir SMUGGL BEAMERJFWUREALW WANTTD GETRID OFTHRI ILL TAKE tr HDME AND meow rr sway FDR mammavenmmr netted

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