CHARLES Heathmnn layeoroid Canadian who told the Vancouver Sun he killed loyeurold boy Is shown after his arrest In Se aitle Wash yesterday Twice Cromie sentenced to death he was freed In December by BC Court of Appeals AP Wire photo HES IUST 44 Except For Kennedy Oldsters Lead World By JAMES HARLOW AP News Analyst WASHINGTON AP The elderly and the agedwith the exception of President Ken nedyare leading the world Kennedy at 44 is the only major world leader under 08 The rest range up to West Ger manys Chancellor AdelInner 86 When they pass from the scene the world will be in lor some rearranging that may make these days disturbed as they are look tranquil by com parison Here are some oi the other leaders and their ages and the roblems their passing can ring Premier Khrushchev 68 Prime Minister Macmillan cs President de Gaulie 71 in dias Prime Minister Nehru 72 Communist Chinas boss Mao Tse tung 68 Nationalist Chinas President Chiang KaiA shek 74 Yugoslavias Presi dent Tito almost 70 and Spains Generalissimo Franco 59 PROGRESS GIGANTIC Under Khrushchev the Soviet Union has made gigantic indus trial scientific and military progress Khrushchev scrapped the cru dities of Joseph Stalin and his barbarisms he rattles missiles but he also preaches peaceful coexistence And he has al ways stopped good bit short of precipitating war His death could mean shud dering experience inside and outside Russia particularly ii his successor wants return to Stalins tactics Church Parade Marks Week OTTAWA CP Canadas 27000 air cadets will hold spe cial church parades next Sun day to mark the opening oi Na tional Air Cadet Week The week is marked to in form parents and friends about the activities of the Air Cadet League of Canada whichhas been operating since 1941 India Announces Higher Taxes NEW DELHI Reuters Higher taxes and big increase in defence spending were an nounced Monday by lndian Fi nance Minister Morarji Desai in his 1962 budget Desai imposed series of di rect and indirect taxes on in dividuals companies and goods to bring In additional revenue of about $150000000 in the com ing ywr Desai said defence expendi tures in 1062 would be about $725000000 an increase of about 28000000 over last year It accounts for as per cent of lndias entire budget India raised the import duty on cars to 150 per cent irom 100 Desai estimated lndias total revenue for the coming year at about $2781900000 and expcnv ditures at about $2911000000 The deficit will be wiped out by the new taxes he said De Gaulle hns been one man show In France or our years The French people con fronted with political chaos and possible civil war when he took over gave him blank cheque to save them all He has so far Resentment against him is building up There is no reason to think judging from previous French history that chaos and civil war wont explode when he dis appears No successor is In sight 0i all these leaders the pass Ing oi Macmillan in Britain and Mao in China may cause the least commotion COULD REPLACE MAO Britain with its long demo cratlc tradition may not have much trouble replacing lilac millan with some one similar The iron wills and rigid dis cipiine of Mao Tsetung and the men around him developed to brilliant degree in 20 years of preparation are what made the Communist takeover oi China possible His righthand men will still be there when he goes There has never been any talk of ri valry among his possible heirs Perhaps the transition already has been arranged for Adenauer has consis tly steered West Germany into partnership with the West and away irom the Communist world His successor whoever he is may be less enchanted with the West Here lies the chance that Adenauers going may shake the Western alliance to its roots As for Chiang Kaishek he has kept alive the myth that be Is still the legitimate boss of mainland China One guess is as good as an other about Yugoslavia when Tito goes His Communlst re gime is not aligned with the So viet bloc Tito while accepting Velstern help poses as new ra Franco has been dictator for quarter oi century Spain had fierce revolution in the 1000s it could have worse one Catholics Present Service Awards NIAGARA FALLS Ont CF The Ontario Catholic Parent Teacher Association Monday night presented two distin guished service awnrds at the annual meeting The awards presented in rec ognition of service to the asso ciation in the field of education went to Mother Mary Fran cesca principal of St Patricks High School in Kingston and Patrick McManus of the Windsor separate school board Maritimes Sings Rags To Riches HALIFAX CP Frederic ton publisher Michael Wardell said Monday night federal At lantic development board could transform the Maritimes Makingplenty where poverty has reigned for three genera tions Mr Wardell referred to an announcement in Parliament last week by Prime Minister Diefenbaker that the govern ment is considering the estal lishment of federal Atlantic development board In an address to the St Georges Society of Halifax Mr Wardell said such develop ment board was the key to new $1000000000 Atlantic de velopment policy which could permanently alter the economic structure of the Maritimes Mr Wardell publishes the Fredericton Gleaner and the Atlantic Advocate monthly magazine published in Freder Icton The federal government is paying out about $170000000 year in aids unemploymcn surance grants and subsidies IMPERIAL to the Atlantic provinces but It Is doing nothing more than keeping us alive Mr Ward ell said This was the reason for urg ing establishment of federal development agency and pol icy oi massive capital invest ment for the area WOULD ADD TAXES Development oi the Atlantic provinces would mean much more to the federal finances than saving in handouts said Mr Wardell Thriving new industries would pay taxes into the federal exchequer In his announcement Mr Dieienbaker said such devel opment board would be empow ered to examine projects rec ommended by provincial gov ernments or other parties and to give assistance and recom mend appropriate plans to the federal governmen Wardeli indicated the er would come to the Mar mes in the near fu ture to announce details of his plan for Atlantic development NOW SHOWING EVE 700 and 900 Tï¬ï¬iulï¬ï¬hnï¬fl 121 or rrrlur himmus sERIIARo LEE Aldlt sins Homï¬mpmhs For Confession VANCOUVER iCi The Vancouver Sun says It paid Charles Heathmnn $500 ior his contusion oi the killing of newsboy and gave an undertak ing not to publish it or lniorm the authorities for I2 hours The newspaper state ment explaining ils actions In the Saturday publication of Heathmsns coniession of how he smothered loycareld Donlt aid Ottley In Vernon BC on Labor Day 1960 said it did not pay the man the money to flee the country Heaihrnan was ar rested Monday In Seattle Said Sun publisher Donald lieathmnn had ex tracted promise from us and we were not going to double cross him The Sun sold an undertaking to give Heathman hours be fore Inionning the authorities was the only way the coales sloa could be obtained The Sun statement said Sun editors dccldcd supported by lawyers that the confession Is social document that should be made public in publishing It The Sun slashed through legal red tape which could have kept it hidden forever The man who made the confession had already been judged not guilty of the crime by the BC Court of Appeal and most legal authorities believe he can not be tried again GIVES T0 COUBIN The Sun said the $500 was handed to lleathmons cousin Mrs Hamid Willoughby who is reported to have gone to Seattle with him The money was given Tho Sun said in the hope she would see that Heathmnn got psychiatric treatment The newspaper said that when Sun reporters left Heathmnn Friday night he said he would probably enter veterans hos pital for psychiatric treatment instead he disappeared along with Mrs Willougbby AttorneyGeneral Robert Bon ner snid Tile Sun was right in keeping Its word to Heathman have no objection to the way the confession was ob taincd and the fact that Heath mon was glvcn Izhour bzfolr the attorney general But after 12 hours and one minute that confession should have been in the hands of an thorities and It should not have been published THINKS NUT SUFFICIENT Mr Bonner said he knew police sergeant had been told of tho coniession at 730 nun Sat 01 The Killing urday but that this was not sui ilcleni warning for the authori ties The Sun says that retired Su preme Court Judge hl bian son praised the newspaper and its reporters in the handling of the confession think Simma lioit deserves gold medal for the wonderiul Job of work she did the news paper quoted Judge Manson as saying lirs Simma Hall reporter Jack Brooks city editor and Jack Vasserman columnist collaborated on the confession story The Judge who first 53n tcnced chthman to hang lor the Qtticy slaying said 11 Sun was not negligent In allowing Heathmnn to go free after he confessed To Inform authorities right away would have been stretch ing duty little too far he said The Sun said the RCMP had been told of the confession 25 hours bciore it was published AttomeyConcral Bonner was advised later in the morning He ordered Vancouver city poi licc to move lNNlSPIl NOTES Brick Throwing ls On Tap For Iuly By ILGA NEW GARBAGE AREAS went to their township ofï¬ce Petitions placed before coun over the weekend on municipal oil at the last regular meeting affairs wiui requested that garbage area be set up to include the harnv let oi Slroud and the surround inc area also the area on the lctb concession still unnamed and known as ltth West These areas have been pro vidlng their own garbage facil Itles but have requested that the extra service boprovidcd and supervised by the township and put on their taxes The matter will be tendered for collector Following this the regular service can be in nuguraicd Thcre ls still time for the additional assessment to he placed on this years tax account for those affected whether they are residents or vacant land owners LONG WEEKEND it was quite surprise or many Innlsfil residents who Calgarians Agree Make Own Rain CALGARY CDFarmers in two south central Alberto coun ties vote today on bylaws au thorizing their county councils to enter agreement with cams merclal firm ior initiation of hall suppression and rainmak Ing program With the prospects of another long dry summer In southern Alberta regionsthere was little winter moisture the weather modliicatlon program faces critical test it under taken There have been indications of strong Iupportfor the by laws among farmers in the counties of Wheatlnnd and Star innd 70 air miles northeast of here two thirds vote is needed The Farmers Union of Al berta last December adopted resolution at Its annual con vention urging the provincial government to underwrite $6750000 five year weather modification program But the government has taken no action on it The weather program was put forward by irving Kriclr Al soclates Canada Limited which now conducts trial prolcct for farmers in the Kneehlll Rocky View and Calgary districts for an average cost of 15 cents an BCIE PROFESSORS CRITICIZE The program has been criti cized mainly by the Alberta Research Council and several University of Alberta profes sors While the council support research into such projectsit is involved in one itselfit says there has been no conclusive evidence to support the Krlck progrnm oi rainmaking and hail suppression irving Krick who operates his firm from Denver Colo headquarters has doctorate In meteorology He says his method oi seeding potential rain clouds with silver iodide cry tatsusing planes and land based generatorshas proven successful in seven countries The crystals retard hall for motion and increase the water yield of clouds he says OUTBACE SPLINTERS Allan Soilwister foreground has outrun Jerome Gehrig both of Nenomanee Falls but Gehrig seems to be yelling louder as an old barn came crashing down Siding had been removed and cables at tached to pull the rest down with wrecker but it coil apsed prematurely No one was hurt AP Wirephotot Children Buy Contraceptives SCARBOROUGH Eng ReuterslAn Anglican arch bishop complained in an Easter Sunday sermon that Britifli children want to walk into stores and buy contraceptives with no questions asked as to their age or statu Dr Donald Coggan Arch bishop oI York also told spe cial service or the National Union of Teachers that other elements in the atmosphere sur rounding Brituh school children are not conducive to the build ng of strong Christian charac or He said pornography has be THE NOW SHOWING LITTERBUQ MAT runs wan prn come this stock in trade of at least one masscirculation British newspaper and that the governmentnot only has legal izcd gaming but has large stake in the business Local authorities he said al low legal betting shops to open next door to schools and mov ies and TV have become pur veyors of violence and deprav fly The archbishop taught at Wy cliiie College in the University of Toronto from 1537 to 1044 CAMPBELL LTD Furniture Moving and Storage Commercial Warehousing Agents for North Ammoan Van Lines PA 66555 Musical Holiday of Fun for EverYonoI Evil65102 FAMOUS PLAYERS IIIEMIIE EVENINGS AT 710 905 VALUABLE GIFTS MONTREAL CmThe Uni versity of Montreal has ac quired 15000 works to add to its library of 350000 volumes Gifts by three collectors in cluded manuscripts maps old engravings and re search works Hunoma the various de partments to find the attics ocked from Friday until mes day Clerk Robert Groh whose home is in London had taken advantage of the Easter holiday to make this visit The others apparently felt thatqwbnl was good for one was good for all No motion appeared on the council minutes authorizing the closing nor was any notice placed litany outofvlownship residenis called at Ihe ofï¬ce while paying visit to their property We have hccn informed that the closing was discussed with council who agreed to the ar rnngement GRASS FIRES Seven fires were fought In the township over the week end most of them grass tires which had been started and al lowed to get out of control No doubt the police will have the records and action under the bylaw will be taken BRICK TIIROWING The international secrctury of the World Brick Throwing Committee has written setting the date of the International contest of the Strouds oI the world for their brick throwing to he hcid July 21 In the ailer I100 The Stmud Oklahoma group is having brick throwing con test for women but Stroud Canada may go along with the Australians and have olllng pin contest for the Ind 95 Thiswould help to create lt tcrest for them and no dougt there are plenty of the weaker sex 17 who can still handle rolhng pin with plenty of ac curacy Brick throwing groups at four men or more may be formed anywhere We are permitted to take in an area oi 30000 popu lation so there is almost no limit to where these clubs may be formed This year it is hoped that the trials may be held In plenty of time to make sure that the best of any of the clubs get chance to make their entry meeting will be arranged soon but in the meantime the local clubs should Ibo getting their material lined up It is hoped that in Innisiii we can have this day as township hotldayi when the park will be open tolall citizens and real program arranged Practice bricks are available and now thatths snow is gone it is good time to get started trying to see if the old tossing arm is still workin Crowd Watches ll Iail Break HULL England AptEight prisoners scaled 20foot wall at Hull Jail Monday and made break for freedom watched by hundreds oi Easter holiday motorists Nearly 200 cars stopped on road near the east coast as the men dropped one by one from the wall All were rounded up within the hour alter frantic chase by prison officers through cemetery and timber yard prison spokesman said two at the men overpowered guard and used his keys to re lease six other prisoners from their cells LEGION BINGO WEDNESDAY APRIL 25 1962 745 pm JACKPOT $23900 LEGION HALL 71 COLLIER ST wow SoAv AND THU TONIGHT ONLY Gallant Hours Plus Police Dog Story Gel DMII and um lnlpror In the appearance or your home or mmmu lirlnl Building mienIs Includlnl plywood routine Insulation doors Ind window an available tor repaln or rev modelling Why not eliminate kitchen nniagery this spring and live Mom her Drum Kitchen It will cost less nun you think Fenclnr materials to bonu iffy your home project rnr every homeowner that qu also keep children in and dogs out carport um can be built by yourself will rm Iddpd beauty to your home and protection for your car at surprisingly low cost gt Paint to beautify and pro Iectyaur home In the new est mlourr Also with vial lsty or sealers and stain or fencing and riding Spring is the time to Spruce up your bathroom with new unity ior cot cured ï¬xtures Why not add tint second bathroom to avoid the congestion PLANING MILL 4s ANNE ST