Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 24 Apr 1962, p. 11

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AUTOMOTIVE LOST 8r FOUND IO HELP WANTED ARTICLES For sAts Losxs woo st Telephone PA Iranass to human 51 mu 491 Ford hthead Lincoln not lie lnmmly Cadillac lathed motor radio Telephone PA moo pns II Ir lPflAIE stotorz otnr osru minnow Plough fit any hydrsu to cm good as new mate 031 inches wide Its at lots or lose Mon rch sire 71a ls Phone Plt am 0111an3 lIscz Bookcase Bedroom two piece modeln cheater Ile Cottee tabla two end zlinth Philips TV Coin aiion rdiorecord player lo cua toot Regent hungertor love no Westinghouse Dry All in silent condition Tele orlc IA 831 RANGE tmcnt Gas Range apartment pariment sire nstrlser ts Small Coleman on hrsl 15 hiccisry coal and wood hp with Kemsc oil humor Washing Machines and gt ucs sio and up Itohlnson Ihrdr axrr Elliott St East Te rphons II BOATS MOTORS Morons Two hp Johnson pulnosrd Moms latbottom ants in good condiilon Rcsson able Apply Lillie Lake Crdsr srk or PA sodas DOGS 8t PETS or llssTgn redime pup pl for sale smcn vcth old phsnc PA cools rnnltsclt Wire nipple for rcpislrrrd Apply to Elaine nor hand IIrItI On Ielephons Prospect suns RUIT 8s VEGETABLES roTATocs Ior sale Delivered or the farm Apply Peed Dobson elrnhonu PA won lusIIlEnIu PLANTS Vlkiriii Chief Taylor tun er 100 Strawberry Fllntl Prein er Temple HarvestKing Senator Dunlap Istymaslc ltcdcoat Spar tin Earlldnwn Cs licl $150 nor too slo nor looo Ccrtlflcd Sccd seniors Gladioll units var no sza Dcr 10011 Certlfi Sccd olniocs Kes Sshso other polaiocl for as lluron Chippe lvarha Pontiac Art lvrlght 2llc Gardens Pa bLdw oil ions all Lainam RADIO TV HIFI WANT TO MAKE BEAUTIFUL MUSICI bUl YOUR ltlll NOW WITH LowCOST LIPDINSUIIED SCOTIA PLAN LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA FLOWERS PLANTS nvnltoitans complete holiu tinntinss Junlnrrs chs and Cc DEAD STOCK ghlsl prices paid for dead or crippled came and horses Small animals removed tree For fast service phone BARRIE PA 87751 icollectl or ask for NITH 91130 NO CEARGEI 24 hours day7 days waelr NICKS DEAD STOCK lRR Foxmead Ontario Licence No 172062 NICK Montague Prop PASTURE TO RENT WILL TAKE IN 25 head at cattle in pasture from accredited herds only Tclephonc Cookstmvrl iss ms for turther lntormatioo PASTURE WTD TO RENT WANTED Pasture Farm to rent or buy Write giving details to Box narrle Dinmlner LIVESTOCK 1954 DODGE Convertible ior saie FARMERS MARKET phone leits suoud Iinrm tor black and little isce due soon also tour Stockn also quantity at my or Telephone PA Lima hinlIT hgalsrznzn shorthorn COM some due lo ireshen and some with calr as root Apply alar shsll rsrrrs Ikrltono or phone onlus IA uzcs srocxsn CATTLE bud ol choice lIsreIord Nelsen around too pounds vnllehouso tarrns an Cookxtonn Dirk Lsnrridse manner Telephon ssuul cites MARE ysrs old sd dle hone excellent brood mare lentle guaranteed sound therirr mans cortlrlcs esrs tntl may he mvsls 7tliilI YOIIKSIIIR Selected and Elk terrd tom 0pm and bred gills rmorrs prices Vbitrhouse firms coosnown nick Lsusriore Telephone Cooxstowa Cooktown POULTRY CHICKS DOING cusToli listening tor 1962 season Also tor sale Slrsuhorry plsnls 50c per hundred ll Fisher an usrric Telephone PA Mm FEED SEED GRAIN TIMOTHY SEED Goad supply of power cleaned Climax Timothy sccd at madcr ate prices PHONE YOUR ORDER CRAWFORD AND SONS CALL 1910 CEO lien cwvnn scan for sale Teln phone 7101 iincslog seen lty and Rodney Oats cleaned and ircsied Apply William Craw Iord Oro Slsilon Phone 239 Ora oAr srnAw 400 bales of oat smu Ior sale also 400 bales of Mixed Hay Apply Vllllam Van Derwlcltn nn Anten nills Tols phone at Minesing FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH Farm Supplies Service Case New Holland David Brown Ecatty Farm Equipment 176 BURTON AVE PA 82373 CASH TRADE TERMS rant liar AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE See VAU RAMBLER VIAU MOTORS LIMITED 17 GOWAN STREET PA 66488 ZZZ BLAKE ST PA 61321 SEAT COVERSBRAND NEW Custom made to ilt 19525354 Ford Meteor Mercury etc door models Naugallyde used for boats with silver piping trim Lovely shade of green with arc tic white top Never used Sac rifice Cali Mike PA 82852 after 1939 LASALLE Sedan for sale in good mechanical Condition body in fair shape Telephone PA 60390 liter 1311 Good body new tires reconditioned motor Tolephono Ailiston 111 57572 NINE PIGS ciglit weeks old for lie Telephone PA 58892 for rur her Information HOLSIEIN Steers tor sale weighing about 700 lbs is per lb Taleohooe PA M545 BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Ask About Low Rates By Month or Year Telephone PA 82414 APPLIANCE SERVICES 1951 an Am Chevrolet fourdoor sedan in sunburst yellow with matching yellow and black interior Custom radio All new tires This one owner car In immaculatc condition $50 down ssu per month Telephone PA 37083 PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING TONYS APPLIANCE AND TV SERVICE 14hour service Il DUNLOP ST PA 61142 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUSL cacaoWITH momma PROBLEM Perhaps AA Can jllelp WRITE PO BOX fool 0R PHONE PA 59706 DRIVING SCHOOL Learn to Drive the Safe Way In Dual Controllers Car COX DRIVING SCHOOL PA 60501 For rates and Information EXCAVATINGW IILL GRAVEL TOP SOIL SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED xcavating and Grading Water Delivery Crushed stone Halt yard Backhoe iorrbiie DENNIS MORAN Barrie PA ZB07 REFRIGERATION HOOD REFRIGERATION SERVICE Domestic Commercial Airconditioning 31 PRATT STREET PHONE PA 61678 RR Barrie EDWARD SMITH AND SON Painting and Paper Hanging Spray Painting Service Since 1920 PA 66953 Have Your SPRING PAINTING Done Now For Experienced Painters Contact LLOYD CONRAD Phone Ora 3723 FLOOR COVERINGS BARRIE FLOOR WALL TILE Sales 8r Service 24 Maple Ave Opp bus terminal oLinnleum and Vinyl tile osheet goods ICeiamic tile ollardwood flooring coarpets IComplete line of samples FREE ESTIMATES DAY OR EVENINGS WORmVIANSIIIP GUARANTEED FREE PARK NG PHONE PA 85552 EVENINGS PA 54952 Charles Lawson Propr LANDSCAPING IIOTomLING landscape garden lng nursery stock Free estimates Telephone Rahder PA $7185 sTAnT EARLY for your Sodding Sanding Halofilling Lawn noii ing and Fertilizing Lawn and Car drn maintenance For extlmaiel phone Arnold Door Painswink PA MOTOR CARS FOR SALE BRAND NEW 1W VOLKSWAGENS ONLY $1737 Excl Licence Gas PIERCE MOTORS 81 ESSA 1077 Dost nos to Far ms PLYMOUTH car tor sale Aut nmstlr transmission dip into tone Good some Tslrphono Cr more 91 AUSTIN good second car use tsih or om oiter lies new mutilcr and new battery in good condition Telephone PA M1119 1m Aums sedsnwtor sole to 006 EOHGIIIOH PYICEO ICIJDHIDIY tor oulrlt Ilit Telephons PA 1351 MIT our for two door sedan in excellent mech snlcsi condition good um and radio Origtnll owner PA Mm for Iurther ps issl VIETEDII two door hardtop two tone buxomIs rsdlo Whltr walls real beauty in good con ditlon tlli consider tradoin Tela nhone PA neat issr IAIRLANE llsrdiop In sun oumt yellow automatic irsnnnlr slon deep trcsd tires 39000 orig lnll miles in down and tin per rnornh Telephone IA noes Iss1 rostD private Radio new tire on Ircnt good snow tires on buts complete new exhaust lys tem Good mechanically body talr slis Telephone PA dlsld loss CllsvnoLzT niscayne two door eoseh va snd Iutonullc vhile walls and backup lishIs sizs down and intro over payments Tricphonc PA Moos 1950 map lriane in deep met allio srccn mlicnlng Interior Dctp lrcod white wall ilrcs curllln radio This car as now sits down take over plymenu Telephone IA Moos mo couNTnv Squire nlna Pne rnflol WARD Antoinette transmit slon hesutilui sea rrcen deep ircpd tires This car can he bought or us down and $1450 per month Telephone 1641 all tully equipped with lost hieteor nanoh wagon recently overhauled and In too mechanical condition wired and mom up or trailer Also car Ion Praln with ours detachable ssll rudder and heel PrcIer to sell as complete unit PA sous TRUCKS TRAI LERS 19 rural 11ch for stir it ion pickup with excellent molar and pond body and tires Telephon PA com MOBILE HOMES as root GLENDALE hiohiio Home llkn now No down psy lie over low monthly ply ll anytime Tolophono PA TE Travel Trailer CHAMPION Mobile Home 45 10 was $7200 In perfect condition You have to no this one to In preclaie it Completely tarnished including Tv vacuum cleaner dishes and bed clothing Dis dig count soa Mr Thompson loo Dun ton Darrlc in trailer it CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 82414 Condensed and classified adver tisements are smiled at the rate 01 4e per word per insertion or one and two times do per iold for three four or live lmCS and use per word for or more insertions 10 addi tional charge if not paid within I0 days THE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFIED AD VERTISEMENT Ii titic FOR 2A WORDS WITHIN 10 DAYS 0R $106 FOR 24 WORDS IF CHARGED PER SINGLE 1N oERTION Buttons on CORRECTIONS Advertisers arc reminded that all phone Insertion orders are actch ed as convenienca to you the advertiser Theretore the ciassltied Advertisan Department requires all advertisers to kindly recheck their advertisement immediately alter nrst Insertion in order that any errors or omissions may be reported hatoro son in order that some may be rectliled tor the toilowing days insertion order Vu wlsh to point out that Tho narria Examiner is responsible ior only one incorrectly printed lnsrnlon on any advertisement and than only to the extent or portion or ad that involves the misprint Errors which do not lesson the value of the advertise ment are not eligible tor correc tions by make goods Coming Events 5c per word minimum charge $150 Birth and Death Notices for up to 25 words inverts words 5c per word extra In Memoriam No tices $150 if verse used do per word extra BLIND LETTER REPLIES Intormation recardlng advertisers using Blind Letter Box Numbers for neplies is held strictly condd ontiai Replies to Letter Boxer will he held only 10 days after last day of Publication Classified adverisemenls and notices for these pages must be received by pm day pre ceding publicatinn with the ex ception oi Classified Display advertisments which must be in by 1200 noon preceding day Rates and type styles or semi display classiilods may be ob talncd through The Examiner ad vertising department PERSONALS CUSTOM TAILOIIING rcpalrs and alterations for indies and gentle men Expert workmanship Corner oi Dunlap and Fred Grant street over Jacksons Carlee shop Tele Phone PA IIIoll WOMENS COLUMN nPAuTiz sIInP coldwaves etc by Certified hairdresser in your own home Phone Eelnice at PA 35851 LonMale aim and Tea nouns in months old huh III and some looking Answers to Loo Teleph troud senior nuAGLz PUPPY null lost Wed nesdr from Little 141 Answers to the name at my Pleu uil PA Lost um nuls liedpona mind In Verpis Townspr on Weonssday April is Answsrx to tbs name or Pat Telephone PA BNlo IO HELP WANTED SALES HELP la AGENTS Establishing New Sales Division FOR BARRIE ORILLIA MID LAND COLLINGWOOD AND DISTRICT Canadas largest manufac turer of Aluminum Pro ducts offers outstanding opportunity for men who desire higher than average earnings security and de sire advancement Experience Not Necessary You Will Earn While You Learn Oitr Sales Training Program Is The Finest in the Industry WE OFFER Weekly Drawing Accounts Yearround earnings Qualified leads Top sales materiel Radio TV Newspap er advertising sup port MANAGERIAL POSITION TO EXPERIENCED PERSON For Interview Call DUMONT Aluminum Products 40 MAPLE AVE corner of Dunlap COME IN OR CALL PA 81879 FOR APPOINTMENT Outoitown enquiries call collect FEMALE HELP ltloTIIlms IItzLeen required Two cluldlen lec in References re quired Telephone PA 114859 aah nesPoNsInLE Girl ol Woman to come in to mind children while mother works Live in if desired Apply so Henry st after pm CAPABLE GInL requlrcd or tied at White Sioro ly Thompsons Red or White at RR Strand Telephone 1sz stroud IIAIRDIIESSEIL rn ulrod with On tario llcsnca App in person to Joan Gnrrlck Heir StyliIt 75 Line pin Avenue FULLY expcrlenccd senior privsto secretary required for manutao turing company Requirements shorthand at least 100 words per minute typing to words per min ute Reply in writing stating ex perlenco and salary expected to anx 57 Barrie Examiner FIRST AND second Cook tor yasr round employment at Crunswlck Hotel Parry sound Must no avail able by approximate date Juno Apply in writing giving phone number stating age experience and retercncrs from last employ ers to Box 580 Parry Sound MALE HELP OPPORTUNITY Young man interested in learn ing the furniture business This is real opportunity with an ex cellent future Apply to BOX 62 BARRIE EXAMINER ELECTRONICS PAYS WELL YOU can become specialist Train at RCC trusted name in Electron ics Training since 1528 Antonio tion TV Radar etc Free Ebokict Act now Day clusn stsrt slay 14 Toronto Montreal or Home study any time RADIO COLLEGE OF CANADA 461 King st Toronto Ont QUALIFIED MAN or wiring homes In Barrie Required immediately Telephone PA 68554 tor turther Information EXPEDIENCED Bookkeeper till 01 partttime Apply in person to remnants Hardware 51 Dunlop st coon sALesllIAN required to cover narrle Camp Earden end surroundhlg country Write Box 6o narrlo Examiner BRITISH COLUIIDsIA Peace River project Long job Top pay Con struction News sac and addressed envelopc 5110 Box 12 Medial Wash USA EARN UP To sail week or more run or part time telling Rnwlzllh Products Good opportunity for re tired man Write nawieisb Dept Dam 4001 Richelieu lIlontrul TYPIsT to train as teletype sete ter pertorator Must be this to type minimum so words per min isle Apprenticeship training per iod with good advancement possi bILiLIes Apply between and Composing Room Foreman The Darrin Examiner eurenvssost Operator reduireil immediately tor small well estab lilhedJBM installation The duo eessrul applicant should have one years operating experience with conventional IBM equipment and basic knowledge or accoununz nsply in writing to sox as carri Examiner EASTER WEEK SPECIALS Monday April 23 Saturday April 28 Children and SchoolAge Teenagers CokeTime Special Prices Prevail All Easter Week SHAMPOO AND SET $100 STYLING SHAMPOO SET $150 MISS PRETTY PERMANENT WAVE $750 COMPLETE Anoppointment is necessary at these prices Please mention this ad JOAN GARRICK HAIR STYLISTS 38 MAPLE AVE BARRIP CALL PA 84661 MALE HELP smut daisy Inn Coed Intel hererenru prcitrred Apply Box Hart Bummer MALE OR FEMALE BOOKKEEPING MACIHNE OPERATOR Experienced Burroughs Sensi matic Operatot for Accounts Receivable with knowledge of typing Permanent position with local firm Employ benefits day wcclt Apply in writing stating experi ence age and stoning salary cxpccted to BOX 51 BARRIE EXAMINER sxPliuchzIJ Illmruur guired at once it or isms II and commission Tlllvbn so iiunisrille or writ Huntsvill Iitirdrr Po Box as Hunts ville Ontario EMPLOYMENT WANTED MAN Duinls Noon on ehicitsn telm or will do gardening Tw phone PA Gina WILL CAD rot three clllidnn In my Own horns Monday throulh mda ado mill iii no pm TlIep nnl PA ms II LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In The Estate of Home Ellen Franciso Widow Deceased All persons having claims against the Estate of IIIERNE ELLEN FRANCISCO late of the City of Barrie In theCouIi ty of Slmcoe Widow deceased who died on or about the 22nd day of January 1962 are here by notified to send in to the undersigned Solicitor on or be fore the 701 day of May m2 full particulars and proof their claims duly verified Im mediately after the said date the assets of the said Estate will be distributed having re gard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have received notice Dated at Tollcnhnm Ontario this 11th day oi April 1062 Madeline Adele Murdock Administratrix By Her Solicitor GORDON MALLION QC lattenhem Ontario NUTICE TO CAR OWNERS Under Section 48 of the Mach anics Lien Act the IolIawInE cars will be auctioned on TUESDAY MAY 1962 AT 10 AM AT GRAVES BROS Ill BAYFIELD ST JERRY COUGIDJN Auctioneer Under the Highway Traffic Act Sections 43 10 and so nine teen cers will be sold under Section 48 of the MCCIIEIIICSl I953 Meteor Serial No 0173K53 116957 470764 1953 Meteor Serial No 0470H53 24581 1960 licence plates 1131376 1947 or 1948 Dodge Serial No 9854515 1960 licence plates 167120 1953 Pontiac Serial No 322112 6684 1561 licence plates 150343 1952 Ford Serial No 05701152 5372 I961 licence plates 1115052 1951 Chevrolet Serial No 1106 905469 1961 licence plates H31442 1949 Ford Serial No 047311492 7717 1960 licence plates 965521 1951 Meteor Serial No 0176H51 26716 1961 licence plates 1112147 1956 Chev panel truck Serial Nil BIZ106929 1961 licence plates 994036 1952 Pontiac Serial No 222110 4386 no plates 1950 Pontiac Serial No 0206920 744 1961 licence plates Home 1953 Buick Serial No 3433702 850 1961 licence plates 29499 1953 Plymouth Serial No 13306 125 1961 licence plates H92013 1955 Nash Serial No V8310 no plates 1955 Nash Serial No 1373394 I961 licence plates 383345 1950 Pontiac Serial No 020692 IYIM 1961 H9376 1949 Pontiac Serial No moan 1749 1960 licence plates H4065 1953 Ford Serial No 04731153 110057 1961 licence plates 213085 1954 Ford Serial No 273AH54 10346 1961 licence plates 167339 All cars will be sold for wreck ing purposes GRAVES 31105 311 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE Lien Act 1960 licence plates 13 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Saturday April 28 pm sharp for CHESTER MARSHALL 190 OWEN STREET HARRIS Auction sale of household furni ture tools electric motors power saws garden tools 1945 Meteor Sedan Terms cash No reserve as the home is sold JERRY COUGIILIN Auctioneer AUCTION SALE Wednesday April 25 pm sharp tor MISS ANNIE BOWER At old Mirihurat Village tum Icit past the school house on the 4th Concession of Vespra ALL HOUSEHOLD FURNISH INGS Including brand new TV set Terms cash No reserve as the home is sold JERRY COUGHLIN Auctioneer Try An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA Luis licence plates SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS HOLLY By MRS DOWNING Congralulatloiis to Mr and lira Frsnlt Gracey on the birth of son at Royal Vic toria Hospital Barrie also to Ilr and Mrs John McQuay nee Donne Elliotti who also had son Mr and Mrs Moore rit ctivcd phone cell from Yukon NW from their daughter Mrs Kossowau ttfyrna announcing the birth of daughter on April Congratulations to Mrs Nelson who will celebrate her doth birthday on April 74 Miss Elene Rodgers Is spend Ing the Easter holidays in the USA where she went with her uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs Orr of Stouifvllle Mr and bin Reichcld of St Lambert Quebec are spending the Easter vacation wills their daughter Mrs Brown Mr Brown and Connie MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER Mrs Irwin tncc Hea Iher ankic was guest of hair or at miscellaneous shower in Holly United church Sunday school room on Tuesday even Ing Thirtylive ladies were pre sent to enjoy an evening oi chatting and contests Mrs Fisher In her charming man ner wished Heather very happy future and asked her to accept the gifts which were carried in by Misses Pat John son Suzanne Morrow Lynda Moore Elaine Bentley Eileen and Sharon Downing Alter the gifts were admired Heather thanked thn ladies tasty lunch concluded the evening LIIILEB HILL WI Littles Hill WI will meet in Crawford School for the an nual meeting on April 24 Mot to it Pick up Clear up Clean up Roll call What have done to make my home safer and payment of fees Program is Safety under convenerahlp oi Mrs It Loughccd lunch committee Mrs Downing lIIrs Dykstro and Mrs Campbell UNITED CHURCH WOMEN Holly UCW held the April meeting In Holly Sunday school room with Mrs Brown as hostess Mrs Graham pre sided Mrs Barry Clarke con ducted the Easter devotional period Mrs Elmer Dyer con tinued with Bible study from LActs Members are to read the book at Romans in preparation for the May it meeting at Ioo Cochranes home Noet change of date owing to UCW conference at Alliston May to which it is hoped most members will go All In vitatlon was accepted for May to attend UCW joint thank offering meeting at Trin ity United church Thornton at pm Anyone having cloth ing especially mens is re quested to bring It to the Sun day school room by May for bale for overseas clothing relief Mrs George Srigley is Convener of the tea May In Sunday school room There were 18 members present and three visitors The committee served refreshments BlIXTEB By MRS MARY DENNEY There were 11 tables in play at the Euchre on Saturday night Prizes Iadles high Mrs Monks lolv Mrs Alton mens high Homes slow Murphy lone bends Kerr Mrs Mary Haugh spent the weekendwith friends in Cold water and Orillia Mann visited over the weeknd at his home Glen Orchard Mr and Mrs James Long Blind River spent law days with Mrs Denney and Irene and called on friends in Egbert Miss Glenna Walkom Reg Barrie spent few days with her parents Mr and Mrs Walkom Wilmot Clark and Miss Lila Clark of Everett spent day with their aunt Mrs Gsuley Sr Sharon Denney spent last Saturday with the Woods fam ily Camp Borden LA AND WMS MEET Regular meeting of the LA and Wills was held at the home of Mrs Beyer on Wednesday evening April 11 with 12 members and three visitors present The president opened the meeting with poem Every Hope Needs Hope and singing Hymn 74 followed with prayer The Eas ter program from Glad Tidings was followed with Mrs Gauley Sn Mrs Link and Mrs Bear 13 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE ThursdayApril 26 pm sharp for ME WILLIAM ROGERS At Lot Concession 10 Ore Township miles north of No 11 Highway in mile west on Bass Lake Road or miles north and mile west of Rugby Sale of livestock farm mach inery and household effects Terms cash Npreerve as own er is giving up farming CHARLES THORNTON Auctioneer 108 Noywssh Stu Oriilla taking part Responsive reading was taken Irom Psalm no Hymn 499 was sung Roll call was taken irnm verse in the Bible containing the word Hope Offering of LA and WMS was taken and offered in prayer by Irene Denney Sec retory and trtesurers reports were read and approved The program committee was Mrs Henderson and Irene Den ney The Easter Faith pre pared by Mrs Henderson was read by Mrs Edgar What Easter iticans was given by Irene Denney Mrs Gsulcy lr and Mrs IIIennry sang The Old Rugged Cross accompanied by Mrs Cochran on till accordion and was much ell loyed Questions prepared by IIIII Edna Edger were very well answered Plans were made to quilt on Tuesday April 24 Meeting closed with singing Hymn 535 and the Lords Prayer repeated in unison dainty lunch was served by the lunch committee lllrs Harbor and Irene Deri noy Mrs Edna Edgar thanked the lunch committee for the lovely lunch and the hostess for the use of her home BEETON By IIIRE III WRIGHT Mr and Mrs Harold Dun hum moved on Monday to their new home in Newmarkct Melville Hickling was in Bar rle April 12 attending the funeral at his aunt Mrs David Peacock Mrs Ross Watson spent the past week with relatives In Niagara Falls THE LATE MR SMITH Mr Smith passed away on Tuesday April 17 In Stevcn son Memorial Hospital Allis ton Mr and Mrs Smith have been residents of Bceton for the past 10 years They were former residents of Toronto Their many friends in town extend deepest sympathy to Mrs Smith and family The sympathy of Berton and community goes out to Mrs Baycroit and family of Alconn Beach former residents of Bcoton for several years In the sudden passing oi Mr Baycroit in Royal Victoria Hos pital Barrie on Wednesday morning IIII and Mrs Wildash spent the Easter weekend with relatives in Kirkfleld BIRTHDAY PARTY Mrs Butt entertained It girls and boys at birth day party in honor of her daughter Connie age six on Saturday April I4 Music games and contests were on joyed by all Bobby Brown won first prize for the best twister and Paul Carleton was winner of the first prize for an Irish jig buffet luncheon was served at 530 by Con nies mother and sisters HORTICULTURAL MEET Beeton Horticultural Society held regular meeting in the Library Hall on Tuesday even Illg April 17 with large number of members present Hammell presided Dur ing the business the premiums were decided on and plans were made for the annual spr ing eucllre April 25 social hour with lunch served by rs Bulman Mrs Letts and Mrs Gray rounded out the evening Reeve and Mrs Little visited relatives In London Ind Parkbiil over the weekend Mr and Mrs Dunstan visited relatives in Orangaviiln on Wednesday Miss Gwen Wrny of Tomato is spending the holidays with herinnlhcr Mrs ery Miss Vclda Hsmmell of Tor onto wss home for the week end CHURCHILL Dy MRS PROSSER Mr and Mrs Raymond Mec Donald of Toronto were visit ors at Gregg Daviss on Thur lday Mrs Jack Constable enter toiucd the Bridge Club on Tuesday evening April l7 Miss Kay Allan and Mrs bloc Con stable were the prize winners HOME AND SCHOOL Bethesda Cherry Creek Nan Iyl and Filth Llilc schools were well represented at meeting convened by the Home and School Association held at the Fifth Lino school on Man day April id The topic in discussion Enllghtcnlng on the subject of the new school brought many interesting views saunter was moderator and the panel was composed of members of the Area One school board On behalf of the association Mrs Lulld ex pressed nppreciation to the school board for coming and taking part in the meeting Mrs Lynn Marx and Illlss luno Johnston are spending the Easter vacation in liilchl gall Miss Margaret Campbell and Miss ill lllcllis are spending few days in Buffalo ON GOOD FRIDAY Good Friday services wcre held In St Petcrs Anglican church at 1030 am with Rev Mr Trent tailing Ihc ser vice The choir directed by Miss Mary Sloan sang Aug 215 Itoll the Rock Away In the United Church services were held at a00 pm with Mr Page taking the service The choir directed by Miss Margaret Campbell provided special music John Ledlle of Gllford aang Alone Brenda Allan Bonnie Constable Jenn Spence and Lynda Browning as girls quartet sang Break Bread Together After the church service fireside service was enjoyed in the Sunday School roam Sam Neil ly led in slngsnng and John Ledlle SIX Iohn Ledlle Jr and Frank Kell sang accompan ied by Miss Campbell Home for the Easter vacation are Aileen Fitzsimmons Allan Stewart and Stanley Todd of Toronto Teachers College lone Tillman of MacDonald institute Guelph and Gail Lucas of Queens University Kingston Bcst wishes go to Ruth Prol ser and Ian Atkinson who wore married in Churchill Unlistl Church Thursday evening April it EDENVIILE By BERT MAW We are sorry to report Mrs Carson is patient in Pen etang hospital All wish her speedy recovery Mr and Mrs Aubrey Giffen left on Thursday to spend Eas ter weekend in New York Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Jim Dixon on the occas ion ot their 25th wedding an niversary which they celebrat ed on Saturday April 21 NOTICE COMMENCING APRIL 17TH AND CONTINUING EACH TUESDAY AND FRIDAY THEREAFTER THROUGH THE SUMMER AND EARLY FALL MONTHS THE NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT SER VICE WILL OPERATE TEMPORARY OFFICE FOR EMPLOYMENT PURPOSESIONLY ON THE PREMISES OF THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRI CULTURE REPRESENTATIVES OFFICE AT 24 VICTORIA ST WEST ALLISTON ONT HOURS WILL BE FROM 330 am lo 430 pm PHONE Hes6401 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT NAT lONAL EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 40 OWEN ST BARRIE PARKWAY 52468 Persons seeking employment and omploycrsIn need of help residing in the Alliston ars shnuld contact the Allister Office

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